The Elder Scrolls: Red Diamond {Rp}

As soon as they made it into the Marsh their world perspective changed, the sun struggled to surpass the trees and the thickness of the air. The air chocked at the light and the outfit. With every step the Marsh grew more malicious, as they drew further in they began to feel as if they were drowning in the air. The ground was sticky and moist and with every step the thin veil of fog that covered the floor was exposed, then after a delay quickly engulfed. Their now 3 hour walk felt like a day, they had barely even made it in getting diverted by plants and terrain. The sounds around them swelled with every manner of creatures. The band of Heroes would stop and rest next to their first real challenge, a deceivingly shallow looking river about 10 meters wide. They are on the shore, the smell of the murky water infesting their nose, and the small bit of sunlight peaking through the trees in beams. The air was wet and hot, it felt very close to the temperature to boil water.
Lyg sat down on the grass, closing her eyes. The dank, dark dungeons deep underground, especially Dwemer reaches, were hot, but this marsh seemed to be heating up near those points. She was used to any condition the world could throw at her, she was always mentally ready to overcome whatever strange weather or biome the world choose to throw at her.  

She dug through the dirt, feeling the moist soil underneath, feeling its cold in her hands. She got up and scooped some water from the river, smelling it and taking really small sips. It didn't taste contaminated, or at least bad enough not to drink. She sat back and watched everyone unpack, getting ready to take a rest. She smirked at them, most of them probably haven't seen a real adventure in their lives, much less trudge through unpredictable wastes. 

Lyg looked over into the marsh, she couldn't see an end in sight, only the occasional butterfly through the many streams of light that poke through the leaves, constantly appearing and disappearing in the wind. It was a beautiful sight, too bad the weather doesn't seem to agree with admiring it. 
As soon as they made it into the Marsh their world perspective changed, the sun struggled to surpass the trees and the thickness of the air. The air chocked at the light and the outfit. With every step the Marsh grew more malicious, as they drew further in they began to feel as if they were drowning in the air. The ground was sticky and moist and with every step the thin veil of fog that covered the floor was exposed, then after a delay quickly engulfed. Their now 3 hour walk felt like a day, they had barely even made it in getting diverted by plants and terrain. The sounds around them swelled with every manner of creatures. The band of Heroes would stop and rest next to their first real challenge, a deceivingly shallow looking river about 10 meters wide. They are on the shore, the smell of the murky water infesting their nose, and the small bit of sunlight peaking through the trees in beams. The air was wet and hot, it felt very close to the temperature to boil water.

Oreesu would only look around. "Seems like a fun place to be, who wants to go first?" She said. Oreesu would break off a small branch and throw it to see what happens.
Xiaji-Teel saw one of the group members reach into the river for a drink and was going to reach out to stop them until she saw it was Lyg, vampires being naturally impervious to disease. Being such a loving and caring person, Xijai-Teel barked out a warning to the group.

"Nobody drink the water unless you want to drink the waste of a thousand thousand people, all the rivers in Tamriel run through here. Not to mention the... Creatures... in the the water."
Oreesu would only look around. "Seems like a fun place to be, who wants to go first?" She said. Oreesu would break off a small branch and throw it to see what happens.

As the branch hit the water causing a ripple, the water moved and in it for a second a long scaly spine emerged from the top of the small waves. Barely a different colour than the dirty green water it was hard to see. Kelkemmeriil Larethor looked at Oreesu and chuckled while saying, "There is a reason we hath stopped here and are not attempting to cross this river." he looked to the water seeing all the life within it, "Even I doth not pretend to have courage enough to step within these waters." 
Xiaji-Teel butted in, "The obvious choice is to go over the river, or return to Gideon and take the underground Express"

She climbed up to a low tree branch and sat there, taking a bite out of an apple from one of her pouches.
As the water was disturbed, a hulking wamasu was awakened. After stalking its prey it burst out from the river. An electrical current spouted out and quickly headed towards all of the Mer in the group who were more natural at magick than the other races. This trait in the wamasu's attack was a learned one to neutralize any wizards; with no wizards, it would be much harder to fight a wamasu. It would require going in and facing their strength. Or, it would require a ranged fighter to pierce their thick hide.



Lyrillia was blasted back from the burst. Standing back up, she rushed behind a tree and started muttering esoteric spells. She was trying to pull the sand and dust from the soil of the marshes to be used to blind the wamasu. 
As the water was disturbed, a hulking wamasu was awakened. After stalking its prey it burst out from the river. An electrical current spouted out and quickly headed towards all of the Mer in the group who were more natural at magick than the other races. This trait in the wamasu's attack was a learned one to neutralize any wizards; with no wizards, it would be much harder to fight a wamasu. It would require going in and facing their strength. Or, it would require a ranged fighter to pierce their thick hide.


Lyrillia was blasted back from the burst. Standing back up, she rushed behind a tree and started muttering esoteric spells. She was trying to pull the sand and dust from the soil of the marshes to be used to blind the wamasu. 

Xiaji-Teel cautiously got to a higher branch and continued eating her Apple while looking down at the fighting below, with her one free hand she cast a Demoralize spell at the Wamasu below.
Lyrillia kept spouting nonsense and a bit of dust came up. Positioning herself, she guided the dust to hit the wamasu in the eyes and blind it so people could get a blow in.
Xijai-Teel is already up in a tree in the safest place you can be when a Wamasu is attacking, she feels a little more concerned for her safety than usual but otherwise she feels fine and continues eating her Apple.
Lyrillia kept spouting nonsense and a bit of dust came up. Positioning herself, she guided the dust to hit the wamasu in the eyes and blind it so people could get a blow in.

The sand flew into the Wamasu's eyes staggering it causing it to struggle it's tail whipped around barely slapping Vorngar knocking him slightly off balance and barely missing Lyg. As the Wamasu struggled with the sand in it's eyes it let out large Roar exposing it's mouth. Kelkemmeriil tried to fling a fireball at the beast it's scales protected it from the blast.
Swirling out from behind the tree, Lyrillia put both of her hands on her Dwemer spear. Putting on her chitin helmet, she charged the wamasu. Dwemer metal was heavily enchanted and changed by reality bending Dwemer instruments to make it strong and sturdy. Running towards the wamasu, she prepared to dodge immediately after she stuck her spear in its mouth.
Swirling out from behind the tree, Lyrillia put both of her hands on her Dwemer spear. Putting on her chitin helmet, she charged the wamasu. Dwemer metal was heavily enchanted and changed by reality bending Dwemer instruments to make it strong and sturdy. Running towards the wamasu, she prepared to dodge immediately after she stuck her spear in its mouth.

Lyrillia's spear slid right through the great big beast's mouth into it's skull, as she did this she attempted to dodge away. The spear slowed her down getting caught on her clothes. The Wasamu's great claw came down upon her head pushing her down and back, she was dazed but her helmet saved her from the worst of the attack. The Lizard's body hit the ground with a large thud, it was dead.
Lyg jumped back, drawing her blade. "Don't get too close, one bite and you'll be fried to a crisp!" It was nice and dark, no sunlight in her way, Lyg could go all out if she wished. She pulled out a fire storm scroll and read its passages, sparks of ember filling the air around her, heating up the air. The words on the paper glowing and the scroll slowly burning away. She gripped her sword firmly and raced up behind the beast, slashing away at its hide before jumping back, realising the little damage she's dealing. The fire storm spell around her had charred it a little bit, but she had done minimal damage. She caught her mistake before she made it. "Don't use metal weaponry if you can help it, this thing is rumored to have electricity in its blood!"
Lyrillia got back up and tried pulling her spear out; she failed. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed a gemstone and went to hand it to Kelkemeriil. Before she could do so, she fell to the ground. It appeared as if she fell through Nirn because as she hit the ground her body started to disappear.
Lyg jumped back, drawing her blade. "Don't get too close, one bite and you'll be fried to a crisp!" It was nice and dark, no sunlight in her way, Lyg could go all out if she wished. She pulled out a fire storm scroll and read its passages, sparks of ember filling the air around her, heating up the air. The words on the paper glowing and the scroll slowly burning away. She gripped her sword firmly and raced up behind the beast, slashing away at its hide before jumping back, realising the little damage she's dealing. The fire storm spell around her had charred it a little bit, but she had done minimal damage. She caught her mistake before she made it. "Don't use metal weaponry if you can help it, this thing is rumored to have electricity in its blood!"

((for further reference all damage is delt through a dice system, so don't post what it does either I or Gade will do that part))

Lyrillia got back up and tried pulling her spear out; she failed. Reaching into her pocket, she grabbed a gemstone and went to hand it to Kelkemeriil. Before she could do so, she fell to the ground. It appeared as if she fell through Nirn because as she hit the ground her body started to disappear.

Kelkemmeriil went to her fading body and crouched down beside her looking upon what was going on. He let out a hushed, "interesting" as he watched to see every little detail of what was happening.
Lyrillia awoke from within Red Mountain. She was completely naked and looked up to see her assistant who also happened to be one of her lovers. Melyne, upon seeing her master awake, went over to her and stood her up. The two walked to a spring of hot water where Lyrillia laid down. 
Larethor looked upon the stone he had been given right before she left. What a curious item he thought, and he began to study it's properties.
Xa-Raku rolled up his sleeves. No one was seriously injured, so his healing efforts were unneeded. He spoke to them, "There is no path in Black Marsh which is not split by a river. You must be prepared to become damp if you come to this place - and to deal with that which the water hides." He then turned and slid into the river without hesitation, placidly but swiftly swimming across, "In time you will be thankful for a Wamasu encounter, for they are brash and honest compared to some creatures that lurk here."
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Oreesu just looked up. "Why don't we just use the trees for crossing rivers? It'd agitate the wildlife but it is much simpler than jumping into the water." 
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Xijai-Teel came down from her tree and approached the Wamasu, "A shame you killed it, the Wamasu are rare to see nowadays."

She devoured the remains of her Apple and drew out a small knife from her belt, she started by plucking out the eyes and teeth of the corpse and then proceeded to carve away at the hide of the creature, "I say we return to Gideon, the Wamasu hide will fetch a good price and we can take the Underground Express where we need to go."

Xiaji-Teel grabbed the Dwemer spear and pulled it out of the beast's head before packing it away along with the eyes, teeth and spines of the animal in an empty sack and draped a large section of the bloody hide over her shoulder, soaked in blood she spoke to the group, "It wouldn't be wise to continue, especially now that the Dark Elf has disappeared; grab what you can before the flesh flies come."
Xa-Raku rolled up his sleeves. No one was seriously injured, so his healing efforts were unneeded. He spoke to them, "There is no path in Black Marsh which is not split by a river. You must be prepared to become damp if you come to this place - and to deal with that which the water hides." He then turned and slid into the river without hesitation, placidly but swiftly swimming across, "In time you will be thankful for a Wamasu encounter, for they are brash and honest compared to some creatures that lurk here."

As soon as Xa-Raku stepped into the water a slaughterfish Bit his achilles tendon and latched it's self unto him. Blood made it's way to the surface of the water before Kelkemmeriil let out a slight chuckle, "Water is the last thing I'd want to step into in the Black Marsh."

Xijai-Teel came down from her tree and approached the Wamasu, "A shame you killed it, the Wamasu are rare to see nowadays."

She devoured the remains of her Apple and drew out a small knife from her belt, she started by plucking out the eyes and teeth of the corpse and then proceeded to carve away at the hide of the creature, "I say we return to Gideon, the Wamasu hide will fetch a good price and we can take the Underground Express where we need to go."

Xiaji-Teel grabbed the Dwemer spear and pulled it out of the beast's head before packing it away along with the eyes, teeth and spines of the animal in an empty sack and draped a large section of the bloody hide over her shoulder, soaked in blood she spoke to the group, "It wouldn't be wise to continue, especially now that the Dark Elf has disappeared; grab what you can before the flesh flies come."

Kelkemmeriil Larethor looked to the idiot in the trees and spoke, "What a wonderful suggestion, we head into the tunnels which most likely most of us will die. I'd, personally, take my chances above ground than in those disgusting tunnels. Then again it isn't up to me, this is a group effort so I'd say it is up to the group on where we are to be lead." He sighs, thinking the rest of the group will go with the Argonian's plan, he doesn't care knowing he has an immunity to most of the horrors that they will find down there but he knows that for all of them to make it out alive would be nothing short of a miracle and for everyone to come out unscathed would be impossible.
As soon as Xa-Raku stepped into the water a slaughterfish Bit his achilles tendon and latched it's self unto him. Blood made it's way to the surface of the water before Kelkemmeriil let out a slight chuckle, "Water is the last thing I'd want to step into in the Black Marsh."

Xa-Raku's hand slid into the water, hooking a thumb underneath the fish's jaw and jamming a claw into its throat. He was more at home in the water than on the land, and his fighting style worked just as well in either environment. Back on land, his hands glowed, sealing the small wound with restoration magic. "Then you should not have come here." He replied to the elf, "There are no truly dry places here."
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Xa-Raku's hand slid into the water, hooking a thumb underneath the fish's jaw and jamming a claw into its throat. He was more at home in the water than on the land, and his fighting style worked just as well in either environment. Back on land, his hands glowed, sealing the small wound with restoration magic. "Then you should not have come here." He replied to the elf, "There are no truly dry places here."

"It wasn't my choice if it were I'd have a race across the beaches of Alinor, or blah blah blah... the point is it is the most difficult place to survive so it'll weed out the weaklings." he smiled a little "Now your opinion on riding the roots?"

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