The Elder Scrolls: Red Diamond {Rp}

"I have seen rarer oddities than where crocodiles in the Isles of Summerset, yet they are a beast I would rather not encounter, but I have no qualms shoving the vermin back into their piss riddled mud." He was remembering his childhood and Summerset. "I wish to go back to my homeland when this is all over and find my peace. I would like to die where I was born end the cycle as nature would intend." The thoughts filled him with joy for the moment. They were ever closer to the boat and to their real trials.

"Interesting. I actually didn't think they existed.

And pertaining to the dying where you were born, I feel the same for me actually. I would like to go back to my home one day. Not Morrowind of course, but Skyrim. I feel I've been away from there long enough. But before I return to that place, I need to see if some of my brethren have survived. Even if it is just one other fellow Snow Elf, it would fill me with joy knowing I'm not the only one." She said, remembering her past.

"I mean I've heard stories that others have been seen outside of skyrim after the events. But no real proof has been presented. And that's what I need to really believe it." 

"Interesting. I actually didn't think they existed.

And pertaining to the dying where you were born, I feel the same for me actually. I would like to go back to my home one day. Not Morrowind of course, but Skyrim. I feel I've been away from there long enough. But before I return to that place, I need to see if some of my brethren have survived. Even if it is just one other fellow Snow Elf, it would fill me with joy knowing I'm not the only one." She said, remembering her past.

"I mean I've heard stories that others have been seen outside of skyrim after the events. But no real proof has been presented. And that's what I need to really believe it." 


"Yes, I've heard about them, and the other Falmer regaining their old selves in a way. It is interesting to say the least, a true enigma, I know I had family in Skyrim, but I have made my peace believing them to be gone. But you will get the chance, soon I believe, to find your kin and I will finally go back to my homeland." He said they were only a few minutes from the boat now it would be a relief to get out of the land of Piss and Shit.
Xa-Raku ran back to the others, shaking blood from his knuckles. His intent had of course not been to claim victory but to delay for the others to survive. That was the argonian method of war - guerilla tactics. They would leave, and in time the fires would die, and then they would return and slay a few more. Then they would flee and repeat the process again. A victory by inches, by a thousand cuts.

He took a moment to center his breathing, rolling a shoulder to free it of stiffness. He saw Lyrillia appear out of the altmer's bag and appeared visibly confused at her admission, "You are responsible for this attack?" He asked her, though he didn't seem especially angry, slowly pacing about, "How strange. Are you not here to prevent the coming of daedra? As forecast by the Blind Moth-Men?" Indeed, to him her priorities seemed highly misplaced, "When they come, it shall not be our people who suffer most from it." He shrugged his shoulders, sitting down to meditate, "It appears you have no interest in saving Tamriel after all? Very well, then I shall wait here until you have decided amongst yourselves." It wasn't a bad point - indeed, if there truly was a daedric invasion to come, now wasn't exactly the time to launch an invasion and make their jobs harder. But Xa-Raku had not come here to sort their problems out for them. He would simply wait until they had made up their mind. After all, he couldn't do his job as a guide until they had done so.

"A Daedric invasion? Nay, lizard,

Primal chaos comes like a blizzard,

An original force from the Old,

Who once resided in my stronghold.

Nevertheless, we shall have Madness,

One who hath come hither to save us.

In Time, we will also face hardship."

Lyrillia looked around to find the other Argonian who ran from the wamasu and who she figured must have taken her spear since it was very hard to conceal and nobody here had it.

"Where hath gone the dealer of parsnip?"

Lyrillia then swung around violently to look back at Kelkemeriil,

"To what trials do you lead us to?!

Your slowness will be the death of you."
"A Daedric invasion? Nay, lizard,

Primal chaos comes like a blizzard,

An original force from the Old,

Who once resided in my stronghold.

Nevertheless, we shall have Madness,

One who hath come hither to save us.

In Time, we will also face hardship."

Lyrillia looked around to find the other Argonian who ran from the wamasu and who she figured must have taken her spear since it was very hard to conceal and nobody here had it.

"Where hath gone the dealer of parsnip?"

Lyrillia then swung around violently to look back at Kelkemeriil,

"To what trials do you lead us to?!

Your slowness will be the death of you."

"Now we head to the Imperial city, where the Mothmen await us.

Where Tharn and Dagon turned the throne thus.

Where Meri and Men lived and toiled

Where the plane of Mundus will be uncoiled

The Heart of Tamriel

The destroyers of Anui-el

In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries."

Kelkemmeriil recited to Lyrillia in a rather dull tone.
They had made it to the boat which had many people on it already, a crew, it was time for them to set sail and to save the world form the tyrannical threat of Oblivion. The ship bore both the colours of the Aldmeri Dominion and of the Empire and had those from both side on it. 

@Ellieroan @Lekar @High Moon @TheBlackSwordsman (For those who aren't here at the moment {if I missed any sorry and tell me})
They had made it to the boat which had many people on it already, a crew, it was time for them to set sail and to save the world form the tyrannical threat of Oblivion. The ship bore both the colours of the Aldmeri Dominion and of the Empire and had those from both side on it. 

@Ellieroan @Lekar @High Moon @TheBlackSwordsman (For those who aren't here at the moment {if I missed any sorry and tell me})

Vorngor sat down on a chair deck. Looking over to 

kelk he asked,

"So Oblivion is it? Mind if I ask what is the plan?"
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Vorngor sat down on a chair deck. Looking over to 

kelk he asked,

"So Oblivion is it? Mind if I ask what is the plan?"

"Now we head to the Imperial city, where the Mothmen await us.

Where Tharn and Dagon turned the throne thus.

Where Meri and Men lived and toiled

Where the plane of Mundus will be uncoiled

The Heart of Tamriel

The destroyers of Anui-el

In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries."

Kelkemmeriil said once more,

"That's what I was told, so I'd assume step one is make it to the moth priests." Kelkemmeriil said before a Thalmor agent came up and whispered into his ear some news and Kelkemmeriil looked to Vorngor. "So looks like the mages guild pulled some "favors" and we are still heading into the Niben River but there's an... interesting element." Kelk said then he repeated to himself, "In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries...

In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries.

Makes sense now."
"Now we head to the Imperial city, where the Mothmen await us.

Where Tharn and Dagon turned the throne thus.

Where Meri and Men lived and toiled

Where the plane of Mundus will be uncoiled

The Heart of Tamriel

The destroyers of Anui-el

In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries."

Kelkemmeriil said once more,

"That's what I was told, so I'd assume step one is make it to the moth priests." Kelkemmeriil said before a Thalmor agent came up and whispered into his ear some news and Kelkemmeriil looked to Vorngor. "So looks like the mages guild pulled some "favors" and we are still heading into the Niben River but there's an... interesting element." Kelk said then he repeated to himself, "In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries...

In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries.

Makes sense now."

"Hmm well at least we are making some good progress. How long until we reach our destination?"
"Hmm well at least we are making some good progress. How long until we reach our destination?"

"Moving on the Ocean currents and with this vessel as well as magic a few days, I would suggest getting some rest for our next destination won't afford you that privilege." Kelkemmeriil Said to him. 
By now the ship was well on its way Lilmoth, Gam-Kai had made haste to their destination in exchange for the valuable Dwemer Spear, Xiaji-Teel was resting on the fore deck of the ship polishing the blood, mud and gore off of her belongings; The crew had kindly offered her some of their dinner of which she had accepted and she finished off a bowl of Parsnip stew with a slice of bread and a flagon of Theilul.
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"Now we head to the Imperial city, where the Mothmen await us.

Where Tharn and Dagon turned the throne thus.

Where Meri and Men lived and toiled

Where the plane of Mundus will be uncoiled

The Heart of Tamriel

The destroyers of Anui-el

In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries."

Kelkemmeriil said once more,

"That's what I was told, so I'd assume step one is make it to the moth priests." Kelkemmeriil said before a Thalmor agent came up and whispered into his ear some news and Kelkemmeriil looked to Vorngor. "So looks like the mages guild pulled some "favors" and we are still heading into the Niben River but there's an... interesting element." Kelk said then he repeated to himself, "In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries...

In the Niben our First Challenge lies

In the land of laughter and cries.

Makes sense now."

Lyrillia laughed at the Altmer,

"The Guild of Mages is long gone, Sir,

Split into two rivals in a blur"
Lyrillia laughed at the Altmer,

"The Guild of Mages is long gone, Sir,

Split into two rivals in a blur"

"I forget sometimes, the idiocy of man and their quick action and lack of thought." Kelkemmeriil chuckled a bit thinking about it. "But none the less a Mage who belongs to a guild. He has been able to work out a deal of sorts for us."
Xiaji-Teel finished her meal and moved into the cabin of the ship, she slid the empty bowl that contained the parsnip stew onto a table and thanked the crew for the meal before walking off to her room.
Dar'Azuni tapped her claws on the table she sat at. The female Khajiit just wanted to be off this boat. She hated boats because she always ended up getting sick and she had yet to meet a potion-maker that could relieve the sickness. With a sigh, Dar'Azuni took another bite of her soup and thought about land being under feet rather than a boat.
As the boat sailed along, time began to rip apart and skipped a few beats. Hours had passed and the boat was now in the Topal Bay nearing the Isle of Topal which was conquered by the Dominion and made into a naval base to defend the Bay from pirates. 

Unknown to the inhabitants of the ship they had been noticed by a group of Maormeri Sea Striders, gargantuan underwater serpents with scales of silver moonlight. There were two of the elusive creatures in total, both with Maormeri serpent archers clinging to their backs and controlling them through song. On the portside of the ship, a serpent suddenly burst from the water and flew through one of the sails before crashing back into the Bay on the starboard side.
As the boat sailed along, time began to rip apart and skipped a few beats. Hours had passed and the boat was now in the Topal Bay nearing the Isle of Topal which was conquered by the Dominion and made into a naval base to defend the Bay from pirates. 

Unknown to the inhabitants of the ship they had been noticed by a group of Maormeri Sea Striders, gargantuan underwater serpents with scales of silver moonlight. There were two of the elusive creatures in total, both with Maormeri serpent archers clinging to their backs and controlling them through song. On the portside of the ship, a serpent suddenly burst from the water and flew through one of the sails before crashing back into the Bay on the starboard side.

Kelkemmeriil was was sitting in his study on the ship deep in meditation connecting to the power's of Aetherius he was hovering and was almost completely unaware of the situation they were in right now. In nothing but his skin a blue glow began to surround him as he was finally able to talk to his ancestors, he had established a full connection with Aetherius. As soon as he was about to make inquiries he sensed the creatures moving towards the ship, he dropped on the ground and made his way to the wardrobe and got out his Thalmor Robes before walking out unto deck.
As the boat sailed along, time began to rip apart and skipped a few beats. Hours had passed and the boat was now in the Topal Bay nearing the Isle of Topal which was conquered by the Dominion and made into a naval base to defend the Bay from pirates. 

Unknown to the inhabitants of the ship they had been noticed by a group of Maormeri Sea Striders, gargantuan underwater serpents with scales of silver moonlight. There were two of the elusive creatures in total, both with Maormeri serpent archers clinging to their backs and controlling them through song. On the portside of the ship, a serpent suddenly burst from the water and flew through one of the sails before crashing back into the Bay on the starboard side.

Xa-Raku twisted his neck to one side, crackling away a slight tension in his shoulder. He folded his arms, watching the Maormer's pet slice through the sail. He spared a glance for Kel, the argonian not looking even remotely surprised by the Thalmor robes he was now sporting, before returning his attention to the water and assuming a readied stance. "A most impressive display." He commented, never having seen Maormer before, only having heard of them by word of mouth, "Good fortune to have such rare creatures perform for us."
Xa-Raku twisted his neck to one side, crackling away a slight tension in his shoulder. He folded his arms, watching the Maormer's pet slice through the sail. He spared a glance for Kel, the argonian not looking even remotely surprised by the Thalmor robes he was now sporting, before returning his attention to the water and assuming a readied stance. "A most impressive display." He commented, never having seen Maormer before, only having heard of them by word of mouth, "Good fortune to have such rare creatures perform for us."

"I would not think it performance, they hath taken out our sail, our mobility. Yet I am not sure if this be an attack or a display of strength we shall find out soon enough though." Kelkemmeriil said keeping a close eye on the creatures to ascertain what their next move would be.
Xiaji-Teel awoke, it was early morning and the ship was already docked at Lilmoth, the crew were busy hauling cargo on and off of the docks; The city was relatively peaceful, a cool breeze blew through the streets and the sun was only barely breaking through the thick layer of cloud above.

Xijai-Teel grabbed her belongings and disembarked Gam-Kai's ship.
Xiaji-Teel awoke, it was early morning and the ship was already docked at Lilmoth, the crew were busy hauling cargo on and off of the docks; The city was relatively peaceful, a cool breeze blew through the streets and the sun was only barely breaking through the thick layer of cloud above.

Xijai-Teel grabbed her belongings and disembarked Gam-Kai's ship.

The city before here was barely waking up with only a few people visible in the streets. The streets and buildings of the town were poorly maintained and covered in vines and other plant life, all the stone was cracking there was a stench about the air. With every step people would take the roads they walked on would become loose. On the coast there were ruined buildings with small plumes of smoke coming out of them as if there were a fire within them. There was a tavern in front of her it looked as if it were closed yet she saw a man come out of it, as the man did so he headed into an ally next to it. Only a few moments would pass before the man would come back out shivering as if the man were in Skyrim.
One of the serpents came up to the surface with a pale elf on its back. He wore sleek robes and seemed very dry for somebody who had just came out of the ocean. With a quick scan of the ship he assumed two things: it was an Aldmeri ship, and the Thalmor person was the leader of it. The Maormer motioned for the crew to not attack and he opened his mouth. Out came two long black snakes who coiled around his arms and who spoke through the sea while the Maormer quickly murmured his song. 

"Why dost thou trespass in these waters?

in the kingdom of our great High Fane?"
One of the serpents came up to the surface with a pale elf on its back. He wore sleek robes and seemed very dry for somebody who had just came out of the ocean. With a quick scan of the ship he assumed two things: it was an Aldmeri ship, and the Thalmor person was the leader of it. The Maormer motioned for the crew to not attack and he opened his mouth. Out came two long black snakes who coiled around his arms and who spoke through the sea while the Maormer quickly murmured his song. 

"Why dost thou trespass in these waters?

in the kingdom of our great High Fane?"

"We Doth have very important business to attend to...

That is why we hath come through,

These water which art thine

Will be gone with out mine...

Me and mine art on a journey

This be a matter not of 'n Attorney 

We seek no qualm or Quarrel 

We shall leave your land of Choral...

We seek to stop Unfriendly Forces.

Oblivion: That be what our Course is

I mean not be an ass 

But I do beseech that you pass." 

Kelkemmeriil said in a poetic rhythm to the mer who had the audacity to face and stop him.
The Maormer laughed and his body went limp before tumbling into the waters. The two smaller snakes followed him and the serpent went below the ship. With a sudden force, it slammed its head into the hull and tried to break it open with its sharp horns. The ship rocked back and forth due to the impact and the crew began to panic.

Lyrillia tried to remain calm among the chaos so she sat down and closed her eyes. Singing to the sand she attempted to ready a spell, but she found herself in a duel with the roaring vocals of Orgnum and the ocean.
"Idiots really..." Kelkemmeriil let out a little snicker and then proceeded to move his hands in a mesmerizing rhythm and he began to hover slightly before coming down and ass he did so all water 5 feet from the boat froze up to the boat. Knowing it was only a temporary fix he attempted to make contact with those who were instructing them on the mission. He began to meditate to establish contact, as he did this the ice began to slowly melt.
Xijai-Teel headed to the outskirts of the ancient city, the An-Xileel didn't have any permanent headquarters but at present they were located at the bottom of one of the many deep rivers in the tributaries of Southern Black Marsh; It wasn't a long journey and she would most likely be watched the whole way by An-Xileel agents in the trees or disguised as regular citizens.

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