The Eight Kingdoms


Rowling is amazing
I can get a little carried away though~

And both are amazing, but I thought adding a school of wizards might be a little too many positions to fill xD
I understand you, both Tolkien and Rowling are amazing, and a random school of wizards might also have been out of place. ^^
NO please add wizards! like atleast a wizard council or we could make our own RP
SweetCat2319 said:
@Archangel Galdrael @Mendaian @andujarprime Alright guys. Archangel, he's accepted, even the age. And lets put your lack of observation a go, huh? I wanna have a little fun, while this is not strictly Tolkien based...Arda is the Elvish word for middle earth, Orocarni is a dwarf kingdom, and Morannon is an orc hold! Yay! I have a weird obsession with Tolkien! And dragon shifters...Anne Rice's vampires...werewolfs...and...SHAKESPEARE!!!!! It's all in here! Thank you very much! *Dramatic Bow* (This is the product of me not sleeping for over thirty hours...I came up with this rp on an insomniac urge...please don't judge too harshly! But the world is mostly Tolkien related and I got the name from a mini TV series called The 10th Kingdom.)
Ah, of course you love Tolkien! We both do! Though I must press, what exactly makes the kingdom of men comparable to the other races? I still believe we should hold unique magic, unless you can tell me why humans are just as formidable as the others? *Curtly courtesies* No disrespect, My Lady.
Name: Kara

Race: Orc

Kingdom: Morannon

Position: Heir 1


Personality: Kara is the shy, closed silent type. She is however very strong willed, as most orc women. She always feels that she has something to prove.

Bio: Kara is still very young for her position. She was recognized as the head shaman. Responsible for communing with the spirits at the change of seasons, at holidays and celebrations in the kings hold. She grew up listening to everyone in the hold tell her how great her parents were during the war and after. She does everything she can to live up to her clans' expectations. She trained with her parents in the fighting pits that most orcs use for fun and to fix confrontations. However she wanted more than just a physical advantage over her opponents. She followed in her father's steps and began communing with the spirits for more power. She trained with her father, then he brought her to the former high shaman. He saw potential in her and took her into his tutelage. Under his wing she flourished to take his place at an early age. Now she stands at the pinnacle of spiritual acceptance for the orcs. She feels she still has much to prove because she is so young, and because she is a woman. Many of the other male orcs who were vying for her position eye it jealously, and await for the day that she may possibly take the throne after her parents.

Sexuality: will marry for her position if she becomes queen. Otherwise her communion with the spirits is all she is interested in.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kara.jpg.1ed9a6a14924db4e311cd101e81d4cb5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49220" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/kara.jpg.1ed9a6a14924db4e311cd101e81d4cb5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

: 6'3 and 210 lbs of sleek muscle, she has tattoos on her back to represent the spirits of her tribes. Not just the four elements, but the spirits of her ancestors.

Other: She blesses the weapons she uses and that her parents use. Her connection with the spirits makes the runes and weapons from her blessings much more powerful. She has her shaman staff that she started out with. She still uses it for ceremony, but normally she has her axe at her side. Her axe is made primarily from the bones of her ancestors.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/AxeofBoneshattering.png.f9a8bcd90390116161b3a21905114550.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="49233" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/AxeofBoneshattering.png.f9a8bcd90390116161b3a21905114550.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Ah, of course you love Tolkien! We both do! Though I must press, what exactly makes the kingdom of men comparable to the other races? I still believe we should hold unique magic, unless you can tell me why humans are just as formidable as the others? *Curtly courtesies* No disrespect, My Lady.

Humans have a sense of kinsmenship and a love of freedom that goes above any other race. Dwarves are controlled by their forges. Dragons by gold. Elves by staying protected. Vampires by their blood lust. Wolves by their wolves. But men can always choose their path. They have a deep sense of loyalty. I think humans are closer and more pure then other races. But I Accepted the age, My Lord. You have No point to prove.


andujarprime said:
Name: Kara
Race: Orc

Kingdom: Morannon

Position: Heir 1


Personality: Kara is the shy, closed silent type. She is however very strong willed, as most orc women. She always feels that she has something to prove.

Bio: Kara is still very young for her position. She was recognized as the head shaman. Responsible for communing with the spirits at the change of seasons, at holidays and celebrations in the kings hold. She grew up listening to everyone in the hold tell her how great her parents were during the war and after. She does everything she can to live up to her clans' expectations. She trained with her parents in the fighting pits that most orcs use for fun and to fix confrontations. However she wanted more than just a physical advantage over her opponents. She followed in her father's steps and began communing with the spirits for more power. She trained with her father, then he brought her to the former high shaman. He saw potential in her and took her into his tutelage. Under his wing she flourished to take his place at an early age. Now she stands at the pinnacle of spiritual acceptance for the orcs. She feels she still has much to prove because she is so young, and because she is a woman. Many of the other male orcs who were vying for her position eye it jealously, and await for the day that she may possibly take the throne after her parents.

Sexuality: will marry for her position if she becomes queen. Otherwise her communion with the spirits is all she is interested in.



View attachment 113898

: 6'3 and 210 lbs of sleek muscle, she has tattoos on her back to represent the spirits of her tribes. Not just the four elements, but the spirits of her ancestors.

Other: She blesses the weapons she uses and that her parents use. Her connection with the spirits makes the runes and weapons from her blessings much more powerful. She has her shaman staff that she started out with. She still uses it for ceremony, but normally she has her axe at her side. Her axe is made primarily from the bones of her ancestors.

View attachment 113914

Varus BlackWood.

Race: Hybrid (Human-Elf).

Kingdom: Camelot.

Position: King.

Age: 121.

Personality: Varus is very arrogant, but caring when it comes to the people they love. As a prince Varus is fair when it comes to the benevolent and kind people of Camelot. Varus is an excellent lover, and a womanizer.

Bio: Varus's mother was an exile elf that fell in love with a human prince giving birth to a new heir. Varus now seeks to reach the throne of Camelot and Arda, since he is an elf and a human so he has the right to be The King of Elves and Humans. Varus is the best archer trained by the best, he is expert at long ranged attacks. Varus is able to enchant his arrows adding an extra deadly effect with every shot. ( his one of a kind magical bow:

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight).

Gender: Male.


Description: Varus has a tribal tattoo covering his chest, he was born with it and it grew as he grew. No one knows why .

Other: Varus is good in bed and an excellent Archer.
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steevenajj said:
Name: Varus BlackWood.

Race: Hybrid (Human-Elf).

Kingdom: Camelot.

Position: King.

Age: 21.

Personality: Varus is very arrogant, but caring when it comes to the people they love. As a king Varus is fair when it comes to the benevolent and kind people of Camelot. Varus is an excellent lover, and a womanizer.

Bio: Varus's mother was an exile elf that fell in love with a human prince giving birth to a new heir. After the death of his father he has took the throne. Varus now seeks to reach the throne of Arda, since he is an elf he has the right to be The King of Elves. Varus is the best archer trained by the best, he is expert at long ranged attacks. Varus is able to enchant his arrows adding an extra deadly effect with every shot. ( his one of a kind magical bow:

Sexuality: Heterosexual (Straight).

Gender: Male.


Description: Varus has a tribal tattoo covering his chest, he was born with it and it grew as he grew. No one knows why .

Other: Varus is good in bed and an excellent Archer.
I'm King of Camelot... O.o
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]I'm King of Camelot... O.o

But it doesnt say that :/ in the positions


[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]I'm King of Camelot... O.o

Ur a prince :D . :/
steevenajj said:
But it doesnt say that :/ in the positions
It probably hasn't been updated... But since my CS was accepted (and I started posting as King) I assume I have that position. I play BOTH King and Second heir.

(If you want you can be the first heir... You'd be the favourite heir of the two, the child who is groomed for kingship... My King application is on the fourth page I believe).
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]It probably hasn't been updated... But since my CS was accepted (and I started posting as King) I assume I have that position. I play BOTH King and Second heir.
(If you want you can be the first heir... You'd be the favourite heir of the two, the child who is groomed for kingship... My King application is on the fourth page I believe).

But i have been working on my bio for hours :'( well i dont know From where i should start changing. Ok well ill just be the prince then. But not ur son, read the bio when i chsnge it

Changed my bio @Archangel Galdrael
steevenajj said:
But i have been working on my bio for hours :'( well i dont know From where i should start changing. Ok well ill just be the prince then. But not ur son, read the bio when i chsnge it
Changed my bio @Archangel Galdrael
A human prince would imply Calenhad, also, if he isn't Calenhad's son then what claim would he have to the human throne? And why would he be heir at all? Not understanding the bio so far...
Well he was the son of the king before you and your like technically step brothers but our charscters dont know because we come from the same father but different mothers. Ok? Good enough? @Archangel Galdrael
As an elf/human you might want to up the age by a hundred years... Then everything would be fine, since Calenhad is 100+ in age.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]As an elf/human you might want to up the age by a hundred years... Then everything would be fine, since Calenhad is 100+ in age.

Age fixed! Iam 121 xD
His position can't be labeled as King or Prince, give him a job. As he is only the son of a human King, he has No claim to the Elf throne. The reason the list isn't updated is because I've been busy and still need to talk to Archangel.

[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Calenhad simply returned the smile to Thresh, not entirely appreciating the lack of a nod for confirmation, the small gesture irritating the man a slight bit. Though he kept his friendly composure, and raised his ale to the men present. Drinking along happily-ish.

Alistair gave the woman a daring smile, almost as if silently asking how good she really was, though it was all irrelevant, soon the music began to flow in the right rhythm, and gracefully, he began his movements, dancing with great elegance, slowly but steadily increasing the pace. Grinning mischievously all whilst it was happening.

@Sweetcat @Archangel Galdrael

steevenajj said:
( guys i changed his bio, iam gonna be an exiled prince of camelot, so @Archangel Galdrael ur kingdom has no prince unless u have kids is it ok i did that @SweetCat2319
Do NOT post stuff like that in the IC unless absolutely necessary, or a short comment. This belongs in character sign up. It's up to @Archangel Galdrael if you can be the banished first heir, or if he wants me to make an NC first heir. But I said you could be royalty, you just couldn't be in that position, you had to have a normal job.

On the run, Varus is sure that king Calenhad might send troops after him, and so he kept himself ready at all times. Varus is seeking a way to breach Camelot, not being caught by guards or anyone else. He sat down between the tall grass sensing every move of nature: the chirping birds, the howling gale and the aroma of moist soil after a rainy day.

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