The Eight Kingdoms

Name: Thresh StormHammer

Race: Orc

Kingdom: Morannon

Position: King


Personality: Thresh is rough around the edges. Straight forward and brash to the point of being rude sometimes. He has no patience for politics, and a love of fighting and food. It's a wonder he was able to make peace with the other races. He values strength and honor above all else. (Lok'tar Ogar) muahahaha

Bio: Thresh was born the second son of one of the many warring tribes of his land. By the standards of most other races, he had no standing as king. But in accordance to his people, any Orc strong enough can wear the mantle of King. He is wise despite his rough exterior. He knew that his people would not survive war with all of the other races. Not with all the in fighting his people did. Thresh was renowned among the orcs for his ferocity in battle, and bravery in the face of danger. He chose to challenge the former tribe chieftain, beheading him in combat. As the new chieftain he lead his tribe to other territories, challenging them one by one. Rumors of his campaign spread ahead of him. He meant to unify the orcs, and cease the in fighting. It was the only way to stop them from wiping each other out, and being wiped out by invaders. Soon chieftains were kneeling to him upon his passing. Once he achieved a tentative peace among his people, he looked to end fighting with the other lands. It was long and tiresome, but he managed to come to terms of peace (if tentative).

Sexuality: Hetero.



<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Thrall_Wei.jpg.ceb887c05593de587b4289e6eaabf7d5.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48767" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/Thrall_Wei.jpg.ceb887c05593de587b4289e6eaabf7d5.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Description: (Additional details, tattoos, scars, height, etc)

Stands at 6'6 300 lbs. He is much more agile than his size should allow. As is know of his people, he communes with the spirits of the elements for strength and power. Although he favors his hammer, he is very proficient with other weapons.

Other:He is much more agile than his size should allow. As is know of his people, he communes with the spirits of the elements for strength and power. Although he favors his hammer, he is very proficient with other weapons. He grew up with a wolf pup named Rocc. Rocc is now a fearsome ally on the battlefield, and a loyal friend off of it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/wolf.jpg.725334bc6d235e5097e9564790ce35b0.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="48768" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_04/wolf.jpg.725334bc6d235e5097e9564790ce35b0.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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andujarprime said:
Name: Thresh StormHammer
Race: Orc

Kingdom: Morannon

Position: King


Personality: Thresh is rough around the edges. Straight forward and brash to the point of being rude sometimes. He has no patience for politics, and a love of fighting and food. It's a wonder he was able to make peace with the other races. He values strength and honor above all else. (Lok'tar Ogar) muahahaha

Bio: Thresh was born the second son of one of the many warring tribes of his land. By the standards of most other races, he had no standing as king. But in accordance to his people, any Orc strong enough can wear the mantle of King. He is wise despite his rough exterior. He knew that his people would not survive war with all of the other races. Not with all the in fighting his people did. Thresh was renowned among the orcs for his ferocity in battle, and bravery in the face of danger. He chose to challenge the former tribe chieftain, beheading him in combat. As the new chieftain he lead his tribe to other territories, challenging them one by one. Rumors of his campaign spread ahead of him. He meant to unify the orcs, and cease the in fighting. It was the only way to stop them from wiping each other out, and being wiped out by invaders. Soon chieftains were kneeling to him upon his passing. Once he achieved a tentative peace among his people, he looked to end fighting with the other lands. It was long and tiresome, but he managed to come to terms of peace (if tentative).

Sexuality: Hetero.



View attachment 113196

Description: (Additional details, tattoos, scars, height, etc)

Stands at 6'6 300 lbs. He is much more agile than his size should allow. As is know of his people, he communes with the spirits of the elements for strength and power. Although he favors his hammer, he is very proficient with other weapons.

Other:He is much more agile than his size should allow. As is know of his people, he communes with the spirits of the elements for strength and power. Although he favors his hammer, he is very proficient with other weapons. He grew up with a wolf pup named Rocc. Rocc is now a fearsome ally on the battlefield, and a loyal friend off of it.

View attachment 113197
Accepted! Very nice.
Name: Ogden Twinpeaks

Race: Dwarf

Kingdom: Orocarni

Position: King (If not adviser)


Personality: Ogden is a peaceful dwarf, despite the history of a some what warmongering race. He does not actively seek out bloodshed and violence for his people, but try's to maintain a peace in the kingdom and its neighbors. However, Ogden has a strong love for him home and kinsman, and any threat against his kingdom he does not take lightly. He is a battle hardened strategist and a strong willed leader and will take up his twin peak hammers and drive his enemy's back with a force that could destroy mountains.

Bio: Ogden was handed the kingdom when his father passed during the last Dragon/Dwarven conflict. Ogdens father fought relentlessly against the dragons forces and caused the deaths of many of the dwarven kin. Ogden could not stand the loss of his kinsmen anymore, so called for a truce and the signing of a treaty between the Dragon kind and the Dwarven race. Many believed that such a young dwarf would be unsuited for the seat of the king, but with the signing of the treaty and peace brought to the land, Ogden won the respect of his kingdom.

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ogden stands at 4' 5". Dressed in his plate armor most of the time, he doesnt usually carry his Twin Peak hammers but will during diplomatic and war times.

(I'm not super thrilled with this picture because the hammers i envisioned are different, but it provides a general idea)


(these are a better representation of the Twin Peaks)

Other: Ogden takes great pride in the culture of the smithing dwarves. He himself is a very accomplished smith and will only wear armor he hand crafted himself. His hammers The Twin Peaks however were forged many generations ago by one of the first Dwarven Kings. It is said that when The Twin Peaks crumble, the Dwarves will be in there darkest hour.
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zCrookedz said:
Name: Ogden Twinpeaks
Race: Dwarf

Kingdom: Orocarni

Position: King (If not adviser)


Personality: Ogden is a peaceful dwarf, despite the history of a some what warmongering race. He does not actively seek out bloodshed and violence for his people, but try's to maintain a peace in the kingdom and its neighbors. However, Ogden has a strong love for him home and kinsman, and any threat against his kingdom he does not take lightly. He is a battle hardened strategist and a strong willed leader and will take up his twin peak hammers and drive his enemy's back with a force that could destroy mountains.

Bio: Ogden was handed the kingdom when his father passed during the last Dragon/Dwarven conflict. Ogdens father fought relentlessly against the dragons forces and caused the deaths of many of the dwarven kin. Ogden could not stand the loss of his kinsmen anymore, so called for a truce and the signing of a treaty between the Dragon kind and the Dwarven race. Many believed that such a young dwarf would be unsuited for the seat of the king, but with the signing of the treaty and peace brought to the land, Ogden won the respect of his kingdom.

Sexuality: Straight

Gender: Male

Appearance: Ogden stands at 4' 5". Dressed in his plate armor most of the time, he doesnt usually carry his Twin Peak hammers but will during diplomatic and war times.

(I'm not super thrilled with this picture because the hammers i envisioned are different, but it provides a general idea)


(these are a better representation of the Twin Peaks)

Other: Ogden takes great pride in the culture of the smithing dwarves. He himself is a very accomplished smith and will only wear armor he hand crafted himself. His hammers The Twin Peaks however were forged many generations ago by one of the first Dwarven Kings. It is said that when The Twin Peaks crumble, the Dwarves will be in there darkest hour.
Accepted! You are King!


[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Name: Alistair
Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: Heir 2

Age: 20

Personality: Despite being a Prince, Alistair is extremely rebellious, never listening to his family or the advisor, much preferring to dash across the city rooftops and steal things of importance purely for fun. the Royal Guard often catch him trying to break into his own palace. He also has great swordsmanship skills, though prefers to talk rather than fight, unless angry that is. He is generally humourous, and is a charmer at heart, usually telling made up tales in the taverns, along with sweet talking all the attractive girls, though he always does this under the guise of a commoner, never revealing that he is in fact a Prince. These feats support the fact that he is sly and fearless.

Bio: As the second born son of the King, Alistair was always cared for and lived a good life, though such a life ultimately bored Alistair, and at a young age of 15, he began to sneak out from the Royal palace, usually committing theft and break ins, purely for fun. He was rarely caught by the guards, instead only being caught trying to break into his own palace. As time progressed, he began to spend more and more time out in the city, preferring it to that of the castle, though his climbing ability and charm were greatly increased-as common girls were harder to persuade-his social grace seemed to slip drastically, making him a total embarrassment at any sort of meeting.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance: If wearing armor, it is always light to improve speed and agility, and reduce tiring.


Description: No tattoos or scars, roughly 5'11 in height.

Other: Alistair is an extremely good climber, able to climb buildings from the sides with moderate to no effort.

((I'll definitely join but I'm not 100% on this character yet, I'll wait for a King/Queen and Heir 1 to show up for a while, and if they don't I'll switch to King myself!))

So, King, Queen, and Heir 1 did not show up. Do you want to be king...? Or want me to make neutral characters for them?
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Name: Alistair
Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: Heir 2

Age: 20

Personality: Despite being a Prince, Alistair is extremely rebellious, never listening to his family or the advisor, much preferring to dash across the city rooftops and steal things of importance purely for fun. the Royal Guard often catch him trying to break into his own palace. He also has great swordsmanship skills, though prefers to talk rather than fight, unless angry that is. He is generally humourous, and is a charmer at heart, usually telling made up tales in the taverns, along with sweet talking all the attractive girls, though he always does this under the guise of a commoner, never revealing that he is in fact a Prince. These feats support the fact that he is sly and fearless.

Bio: As the second born son of the King, Alistair was always cared for and lived a good life, though such a life ultimately bored Alistair, and at a young age of 15, he began to sneak out from the Royal palace, usually committing theft and break ins, purely for fun. He was rarely caught by the guards, instead only being caught trying to break into his own palace. As time progressed, he began to spend more and more time out in the city, preferring it to that of the castle, though his climbing ability and charm were greatly increased-as common girls were harder to persuade-his social grace seemed to slip drastically, making him a total embarrassment at any sort of meeting.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male

Appearance: If wearing armor, it is always light to improve speed and agility, and reduce tiring.


Description: No tattoos or scars, roughly 5'11 in height.

Other: Alistair is an extremely good climber, able to climb buildings from the sides with moderate to no effort.

((I'll definitely join but I'm not 100% on this character yet, I'll wait for a King/Queen and Heir 1 to show up for a while, and if they don't I'll switch to King myself!))

Love that it's Richard Rahl! !!! xD
[QUOTE="Nenma Takashi]Name:Shin Fukawa




Personality:Shin is brave and hotheaded often needing others to calm him down he cares for his people and is not afraid to fight for them he has much pride as the king and will allow no one to hurt his people.

Bio:Shin was just a simple prince until a rebellion and his father was killed the rebel were eliminated but with his father dead Shin took over in the beginning many advisors tried to turn him into a puppet king but Shin pulled through with his will to not let his father down. All problems he has faced he has faced them head on refusing to back down or fail. He has made his kingdom strong his people strong and himself strong.



Appearance:View attachment 113124View attachment 113125

Description: Scars on didifferent spots on his face.

One thing I didn't notice earlier, your son (Aiden, Fluffandstuff) is older then you, might want to add a 5 at the end of your age
Name: Glandur

Race: Elf

Kingdom: Arda

Position: King

Age: 4, 361

Personality: Glandur is very wise and kind. He listens to his people's voices and does his best to serve them.

Bio: Glandur was not born as heir to the throne. He had been a normal warrior when the King, who was without heir, let the people decide on their next King. Glandur was chosen. He has created peace with all the other Kingdoms, even the Orcs of Morannon.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male



Description: 6'4" with scars all over his torso and back.

Other: Is very good with magic and has a special black staff.
LunarShines said:
Name: Glandur
Race: Elf

Kingdom: Arda

Position: King

Age: 4, 361

Personality: Glandur is very wise and kind. He listens to his people's voices and does his best to serve them.

Bio: Glandur was not born as heir to the throne. He had been a normal warrior when the King, who was without heir, let the people decide on their next King. Glandur was chosen. He has created peace with all the other Kingdoms, even the Orcs of Morannon.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male



Description: 6'4" with scars all over his torso and back.

Other: Is very good with magic and has a special black staff.
Accepted, of course. I'll change NC later.
Name: King Calenhad

Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: King

Age: 152

Personality: Calenhad is an incredibly fierce individual, he does not like war, or violence, yet if he is ever defied then his wrath will reach no end, only his advisor and ambassador can calm his rage when unleashed. Other than that he is incredibly lenient of his second sons actions, his first son, however, is his clear favourite, groomed to be king next. Calenhad is also extremely wise, he spends most days reading, only attending the most important duties of king.

Bio:King Calenhad inherited the throne from his father before him, and single-handedly changed the whole system, which he deemed inefficient. Which, was in fact true. His father groomed him to be king from a young age, yet when he did become king, he surpassed far more than his father ever could have hoped. Despite his looks, Calenhad seemed to have stopped aging years ago, and still managed to have a son in his 100s, such things have brought about rumours of Calenhad being immortal.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male



Description: 6'1, Blind in one eye.

Other: Calenhad is magical, and rumoured to be immortal.
[QUOTE="Archangel Galdrael]Name: King Calenhad
Race: Human

Kingdom: Camelot

Position: King

Age: 152

Personality: Calenhad is an incredibly fierce individual, he does not like war, or violence, yet if he is ever defied then his wrath will reach no end, only his advisor and ambassador can calm his rage when unleashed. Other than that he is incredibly lenient of his second sons actions, his first son, however, is his clear favourite, groomed to be king next. Calenhad is also extremely wise, he spends most days reading, only attending the most important duties of king.

Bio:King Calenhad inherited the throne from his father before him, and single-handedly changed the whole system, which he deemed inefficient. Which, was in fact true. His father groomed him to be king from a young age, yet when he did become king, he surpassed far more than his father ever could have hoped. Despite his looks, Calenhad seemed to have stopped aging years ago, and still managed to have a son in his 100s, such things have brought about rumours of Calenhad being immortal.

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Gender: Male



Description: 6'1, Blind in one eye.

Other: Calenhad is magical, and rumoured to be immortal.

Umm idk how that's gonna work. Not to be an ass but human are human. Gonna need something to explain how a human king is living and fighting at 152. I can see that age from the other races, but humans? Idk. Should check with cat on that one
andujarprime said:
Umm idk how that's gonna work. Not to be an ass but human are human. Gonna need something to explain how a human king is living and fighting at 152. I can see that age from the other races, but humans? Idk. Should check with cat on that one
I'll wait for cat's word, 100+ is nothing compared to the elves up in their thousands.
Elves are known for those ages. So are dragons and vamps. But the whole immortality thing? That's pushing a bit far. Then again, it's cat's decision and her rp. I'm still not sure how the whole magic thing is even going to work in this
andujarprime said:
Elves are known for those ages. So are dragons and vamps. But the whole immortality thing? That's pushing a bit far. Then again, it's cat's decision and her rp. I'm still not sure how the whole magic thing is even going to work in this
Isn't that a tad bit unbalanced? A race of immortal elves vs a race of mortal men. Humans appear heavily handicapped compared to the other races. Orcs are huge, fearless beast of pure strength and pain tolerance. Vampires are blood sucking immortal beings with enhanced strength and speed. Dragons are... Well, DRAGONS! And they're immortal. Whilst elves despite being a lesser evil appear to have everything humans do, only they're immortal as well. Idk... It seems fair that humans get some sort of magic to even the playing field.
zCrookedz said:
He now, lets not forget about us Dwarves.
Ahh! Dwarves! The men who possess the best armor, the best inventions, the strongest forts and grandest halls! Also, better than men. xD
-.- i just didn't want them to be forgotten. Not my fault we're awesome. But in all honesty, Men have numbers the rest of the races don't have. Massive Armies and strategy skills that are hard to match. Sure the age is kinda dull, but humans have so much diversity it kinda makes up for it.

i mean lets face it, dwarves make terrible archers. And elves arnt known for their warriors, but men can be either and ballin if they are played right.

OF COURSE, if we are somewhere near the Tolken version of the races, men like Aragorn ( the Dunedain) lived to be near 250 years old. so its not unheard of.
zCrookedz said:
-.- i just didn't want them to be forgotten. Not my fault we're awesome. But in all honesty, Men have numbers the rest of the races don't have. Massive Armies and strategy skills that are hard to match. Sure the age is kinda dull, but humans have so much diversity it kinda makes up for it.
i mean lets face it, dwarves make terrible archers. And elves arnt known for their warriors, but men can be either and ballin if they are played right.
I can agree with an edge in diversity, but the human armies aren't a considerable amount more than the other races. Also, don't dwarves have insane ranged inventions? And don't elves have good warriors? Besides, this isn't a Tolkien world, the very nature of the races is proof of that. Hell if this was Tolkien world I'd have picked elves, those overpowered pointy-eared ninja-flipping [Censored].
lol true this is not Tolken, it was merely an observation in your favor to say that its not unheard of for Fantasy humans to live longer than normal ones.
I'm fine with humans, I love playing them, it's just that they seem underpowered compared to the other races. I'd personally like magic to even what I believe is an unbalanced playing field. I'll still play humans regardless if I get it, maybe I'll receive some direct traits as to why humans are not underpowered. But as of this moment they certainly seem it.
@Archangel Galdrael @Mendaian @andujarprime Alright guys. Archangel, he's accepted, even the age. And lets put your lack of observation a go, huh? I wanna have a little fun, while this is not strictly Tolkien based...Arda is the Elvish word for middle earth, Orocarni is a dwarf kingdom, and Morannon is an orc hold! Yay! I have a weird obsession with Tolkien! And dragon shifters...Anne Rice's vampires...werewolfs...and...SHAKESPEARE!!!!! It's all in here! Thank you very much! *Dramatic Bow* (This is the product of me not sleeping for over thirty hours...I came up with this rp on an insomniac urge...please don't judge too harshly! But the world is mostly Tolkien related and I got the name from a mini TV series called The 10th Kingdom.)
*cough* and eragon *cough*
Nope...not Eragon, just dragons! As in the Dragonology books. And well...maybe not xD Tolkien is awesome (:3)

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