The Echoes of Absence


One Thousand Club
As the need seems to exist, I created this thread as an information hub used to announce future absences. If the moderation deems unnecessary, just remove it, but I thought it was useful, as many of us play in more than one game and we need to announce stuff for all our games at the same time.

I'll start: I may not post tomorrow.
I have two Exams tomorrow, and need to study bad. So I probably won't be able to get much done otherwise until tomorrow afternoon.
As I have said somewhere, I'm going on a trip next Monday (14/7), and I am to return by the end of the month (I'll be able to get back on wheels after the 01/8, in fact). I will probably have access to the Internet in most hotels I'm gonna stay, so I think I'll post once in a while, but certainly not much. That being, Cyl and Tome, feel free to control my characters in your respective games whenever they are delaying the flow.
Just so you all know, as of now I'll be going on vacation this Friday (18th) until either the Friday or Saturday a week after (25th / 26th). This may change in the next few days, I'm not 100% sure. So, unless you hear otherwise from me, I'll be gone for that span. Tome and Haku, feel free to make use of Theran and Zhi Jun as you see fit. I trust you'll keep them somewhat safe. :P
I am moving tomorrow and I don't know when I will have internet again. I will be able to post occasionally on my phone, but I can't use dice rollers on my phone.
Uhhh... So I brought a laptop to watch movies on during the long car ride for my vacation, right? It turns out the campsite we're staying on has WiFi, so you can expect me to be around, if only just sporadically.
I'm away this weekend for my quartery get together of my old college friends, for drinking and some pnp gaming when we get bored ;) so i'll be playing exalted, starwars, earthdawn, and running my old old warhammer/DnD campaign (8 years old and counting) only just finished death in the reik... slow running games but fun just the same...

so the long and short is I doubt i'll be able to get online from midday friday (GMT) until sunday night/monday morning.
I'm away this weekend again from Friday-Monday off into the darkest reaches of Wales for mucho beer and fun
Nobble said:
I'm away this weekend again from Friday-Monday off into the darkest reaches of Wales for mucho beer and fun
Curse the invention of beer! :lol:
Caught up in my work and doing manual works home, I think I'm gonna be down til next monday. Sorry everyone.
Cant post today. My wife just gave me my birthday present a little early, and its the three thousand piece Lego Star Destroyer.



I may take pictures to share my joy.
She must really love you :)

No one gives such resplendent present without feeling pure and unconditional love 8)

Have fun with this.
I shall not be around much, and have been sorta sketchy the last few days, because I'm moving back to plymouth.

Also: Lego Star Destroyer! I was so tempted to buy the one I saw in Woolworths the other day.
So much grey!

That sonofagun is huge! It took me eleven hours of glorious work to put it together.















I didn't dare. My wife teases me enough about 'playing with my toys' that I didn't want to give her any more ammo to taunt me with. :roll: My Ipod kept me going with the good tunes while I worked.
Jeez... what a master piece !

Can't wait for the Executor (you know the one that put shadows on the star destroyer in ep6 :lol: )
I think I'm hauling my Legos out of storage tonight ... damn, it's been awhile since I played with those.

Advanced warning; I'm moving this weekend and starting classes monday, so I'm gonna be slow-posting or non-posting until I know what's what and have my computer set up.

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