The DWMA's Other Students

Name: Cherry Chime Chernova


Age: 15


Race: Weapon


-anime-girls-15984665-420-599.jpg' alt='laugh.png' alt='xD'>-anime-girls-15984665-420-599.jpg'>


Personality:Very crazy, nuff said. Also she's very attached to those she makes bonds with

History:She's nuttier than a fruit cake, her story varies and only those that she trusts know her true story. But the closest anyone ever discovered is that she is rich and lonely. she was often avoided because of her eccentricity and he was the first to not run and she liked that.

Weapon(s): (If Meister)

Meister(if weapon):
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1. Stating history as 'Unknown' is not valid, keeping it unknown to others is fine, but it should still exist on your CS

2. 1 max character per person
Name: Valon Kyro

Nickname: Valon

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Meister

Appearance: Chocolate brown hair and golden eyes

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05a32124_worksyes.jpg.a67dc27135f00e172f4cd718c690575e.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="29569" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_09/57a8c05a32124_worksyes.jpg.a67dc27135f00e172f4cd718c690575e.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: He's very arrogant and cold but deep down he's quite kind and caring, basically he's a tsundere xD But he will go to any lengths to protect his weapon.

History: Valon had a little sister that was murdered by a kishin along with the rest of his family, but he wasn't home at the time which is why he is alive and blaming himself for what happened, believing that if he had been there they would all be okay.

Weapon(s): none yet

Meister: -none

((If it's not too late to join that is xD ))



  • works yes.jpg
    works yes.jpg
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All I can say is...

1. Miniscule backstory

2. Miniscule Personality

... I swear that people are putting less effort into the CS' as time goes on...
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Sorry >-< I can fix it? But can I point out that most of these other people didn't put much into their backgrounds or personalities xP 
Personality: Valon wears a cold arrogant shell around people he first meets, his first impression usually makes other people stay away from him, which he doesn't really mind since he likes to be alone, but what really bothers him is that no one even tries to crack his outer shell to see what's inside. If someone took the time to know him, he'd open up and show his true colors, he's really a kind and caring guy that would throw his body in front of any danger for anyone he cared for, he's very protective needless to say.

History: Valon grew up happily with his mother, father and little sister Rena, whom he treasured very much. Rena was his life, he took care of her, played with her, she was his pride and joy. Five years ago he disobeyed the only rule his parents had given him and went to hang out with his friends instead of going straight home, unaware of the danger his family was in. It was dusk when he wandered home, a little treat for Rena held in his hands as he made his way home. He stopped outside his house with uneasiness stirring in his gut, something didn't feel right to him as he pushed the suspiciously unlocked door open, the smell of blood making him retch before racing around the house in search of his family. He found them all in Rena's room, their mangled bodies tangled together, it wasn't hard to guess that his parents attempted to shield their daughter. Since that day, Valon has always blamed himself for their deaths, believing that if he'd been there he could have saved them.

((Is that better? :3))
Took out the part where me and leo were partners in my post :3. The roleplay was more freeform than I imagined
I still said just the one character...

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Okay then, jump from space in a little metal pod, if you survive, I'll accept you as an ODST 
*Hops into an Elite's armor* But I'm better anyways!
Just say you're headed up the massive flight of stairs, or you're already in the room everyone's just got into

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