The DWMA's Other Students

Hmm, not sure. But my weapon doesn't really fit with her mister. And also mine is a combination shot gun gauntlet.
True, the gold doesn't mix, but she could always make your character wear black spandex >:3. That would change the color of the gauntlet, right, Onyx? :D ?
NO! Not even close. My carrie, my decision. Though if you give her some alcohol, that might to the trick.
Is it too late for me to join?

-Name: Matthew Sweeney Jacrezz

-Nickname: Goes by Sweeney, and has been called Sweetie before (though that kid got a broken nose...)

-Age: 16

-Gender: Male

-Race: Weapon (Kinda like Black Star's weapon Tsubaki where he can change shape, though mostly his forms are silver/white blade weapons)



Human form(both ears pierced twice)


Weapon form


Weapon form 2


Weapon form 3 (last one)

-Personality: He tends to distant himself around others and comes off as cold, not really trusting anyone. Is fiercely protective of the people that gain his trust and the people he considers friends. With people he likes and trusts he's more open and acts somewhat childish, always joking and trying to get others to play games with him. Will jump to anyone's defense if they're being picked on or bullied, and this usually ends with a fight and a trip to the ER for anyone involved.

-History: Sweeney grew up on the streets, living in one of the poorest areas as a child. He found out he was a weapon at about 10, and one of the kids he grew up with was his meister for a while. They robbed a bunch of people, but Sweeney keeps his conscience clean by thinking about how the money went to food for other kids. When he was 14 his meister vanished, and he ended up wandering around for a while until he found the academy.

-Meister(if weapon): None yet

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