The DWMA's Other Students


Mind Over Metal, Metal Over Flesh




Race: (Human, Weapon, oh, and because I'm awesome; Neko's are an option: of course, they'd also be a meister or weapon)




Weapon(s): (If Meister)

Meister(if weapon):

Please Note: 1 Character per person (if you kill off a character, feel free to make a new one again if you'd like)
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Name: Leondhart Grace

Nickname: Leo

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Race: Meister



Personality: Leo offers a bright facade to everyone he meets, cheerful, cocky and a little perverted, it's just how he acts around others... That's simply his shell, something to keep himself sane... Something to protect himself from who he really is...

Inside he's broken, his soul shattered and torn to pieces, a fragment of a human, trash... Unacceptable, weak...

Background: Leo is the definition of loner, from an orphan, to a runaway, to thief, to a fighter, to a student... The Solo Meister. His path in life has never been linear, he's never lived in one place or with one lifestyle for more than two years, and he's always been alone, the solitude broke him eventually, his own humanity simply dispelled, disintegrated and vanished in the wind after those years, his two personas formed... The standard, cocky teenage boy; then the inward, dark and violent personality that arises when he must use it; tossing all fear and doubt away... As well as all caution, as of now, this is the only way he can use a weapon effectively...

He moves off to the DWMA looking for a new lease in life.

Weapon: N/A
Name: Yang Xiao Long

Nickname: Yang

Age: 17

Gender: Female

Race: Weapon





Her eyes turn red wen she is mad.


Yang is a fiery girl who does anything she wants. She is cocky and confident, but she has a secret sweet side. She is mostly pretty cool, and she loves making puns. her weapon is gauntlets that fire bullets.





Yang grew up with her adopted sister, Ruby. She had a bunch of childhood friends, and is still close to them to this day. She hopes that some day they will come to DWMA with her.

Meister: None yet
Name: Julie Keiser

Nickname: None

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Race: Human


Personality: Keeps to herself mostly, but once you get to know her she can be one of the most loyal people you'll ever meet.

History: Julie lost both her parents at a very young age, leaving only her older brother, Takuo to watch over her. When Takuo, who was a meister, disappeared along with his weapon Julie vowed to become as strong as she could so she could find out what happened.

Weapon(s): N/A
Name: Kahn Sutoka

Nickname: N/A (for now)

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Race: Neko Weapon (Shotgun with an axe head for a stock)



Personality: Kahn is an easily excited, slightly psychopathic neko with a small amount of perviness mixed in.

History: Kahn has no memory of his mother, nor his father. His oldest memory is of him waking up in a forest. It was there he learned to survive, as well as developed his addiction to fish (It was one of his only sources of food at the time). When he grew older, he started going into towns, doing small jobs to get small amounts of money. He was fine with his lifestyle, thought it was fun. When he was 12, he found out that he aws a weapon. After a few years, he decided to find a way to go to DWMA. His story continues here.

Meister: ?
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