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Fantasy The Dragon's Island


The Kitten
THIS IS A RETRY! Hope people are interested again.

  • It was too long ago to remember what happened back then, as stories are always being passed down from long ago. But sadly, everyone has their own version and everyone has their own belief.
    Though, I believe it is quite terrible how people don't understand the greatness and yet horror, to live long before a story was the truth.

    Every year, teenagers got the chance to go into the Dragon's Wood when all the dragon eggs were hatching. They would go dragon hunting, trying to fiind one so they could keep one as a pet and companion, and go to Dragon Academy.

    During those times, dragons were everything. Though it was so rare for kids to actually find a dragon young enough and get away from the mother. Only a few kids a year are usually lucky enough to find a new, life long friend.

    The rest are left to try again next year until they turn nineteen and become too old to participate.

    Then, with those lucky kids who actually claimed a new hatchling as their own, were shipped away to Dragon Academy to continue their education and yet learn about their dragons and all the basics from taking care of it, to training it.

    And guess what... you were one of the lucky kids this year.

This is me, I am a baby dragon who has just started to attend dragon academy.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/sketch-4.jpg.44754f297d4d1e3aa9c91f1133364858.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="55664" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_06/sketch-4.jpg.44754f297d4d1e3aa9c91f1133364858.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>g


I am looking to master the arts of water.

Dragon Type: Water

Personality: Shy, Timid, & Smart. I am a tough, fast, and a really excited dragon who gets really worked up all the time.



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