The Divergent Trilogy

I'll write my character profiles tomorrow, but i've already reserved teh right to be on of the instructors ;)

(yes, it is currently 1.50 am and I am procastinating again! <.<)
Wow, this blew up fast! >-< I'm just letting you know @Frost_ that I'd love to partake in this group rp ^^ I finished Allegiant not too long ago (and also watched the Divergent movie on Friday) which makes me want to join this even more. Oh, and I'd probably make my character be a female initiate... whether she be dauntless born or not.
Alrighty. Well, you're definitely welcome to join up @SliverOfHope !

I saw the movie too. It was different than what I expected, but a good different. I loved it.

Glad to have another someone who's read everything on board as well. Should make things easier. I'll probably have the RP all ready for people to sign up to done, in, well, a short while actually. So you won't have to wait long.
It is done! Took me a bit because I had to change the skellies depending on the type of character. It's not intimidating as it looks, I promise. xD

Feel free to sign up now everyone.
How common are Amity to Dauntless transfers? I noticed that wasn't mentioned in the earlier quote, so I wasn't sure if maybe this is unheard of.
//raises hand// um I am very much interested in this. I love the series and have been searching for a rp for it forever
I doubt Amity transfers are nonexistent, but they're probably quite rare. Just like Abnegation transfers would be as well, but not to that extent. Amity' values and ways of life strongly contradict that of the Dauntless. And so, if a transfer of such were to happen, said person would likely have had a very interesting upbringing that led them to choose Dauntless or be Divergent possibly, somehow managing to have an aptitude for both of the very opposite factions.

@YukiUchiha Feel free to join! There's a link to the RP, which I just finished, above. You don't have to get a character up right away or anything. I probably won't start it for a few days, at least until we have a decent amount of people.

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