The Divergent Trilogy

Well, glad you got ideas. An Amity transfer would definitely be interesting. As for why, I guess, if you're already cut out for Dauntless and pretty brave already anyways, maybe it'd be worth the risk. There were quite a few Divergent revealed to be in said faction anyways.

As for the whole transfer thing goes, it made me think of this quote from the third book.

"I’ve noticed that when people switch to Dauntless, it creates some of the same types. Erudite who switch to Dauntless tend to turn cruel and brutal. Candor who switch to Dauntless tend to be- come boisterous, fight-picking adrenaline junkies. And Abnegation who switch to Dauntless become . . . I don’t know, soldiers,I guess. Revolutionaries."

Considering I kinda want to put my character through hell, just to push my writing even further, I'll probably have mine be somewhat like Four, as far as his similarities to Tris in divergence go(being intentionally vague xP).

As far as the plot will go, a bit of a spoiler, but not really.. The whole thing where the book mentions Jeanine's predecessor, who did the same thing, I will likely involve again. So yeah, divergent's shall be hunted down brutally.
And tons of other horrible stuff will happen. Like the factionless will have an uprising of sorts, among other things.
May I please be one of the instructors? (because let's be honest, we're gonna need some of those)
Sure! @Nat I was actually considering making my character an instructor as well, but you can feel free to do that! ^~^
@Frost_ I do have ideas to make my Amity character interesting besides having her be Divergent and having her Transfer to Dauntless but those ideas I am not saying she has to be amity it is just where most of my ideas lie right now
Well, I was thinking two characters max. I don't expect a whole page of writing from everyone, but no one liners would be nice. More than two sentences would also be preferable.. A paragraph would be great. More better, but not 100% necessary. It shouldn't be hard to handle. Personally, I'll probably stick with one just because I'll likely play all the extras and add in the events that'll occur, so my load will be pretty full anyways.

I'm thinking I'll make it into an actual RP and see of we can't get others to join up. If not we'll go ahead as a small group. I'll change up my character depending on what the RP needs. It'd be best if things stayed pretty well balanced character wise after all.

And the whole Amity thing seems okay by me. I'll tell you if I have any problems with your character when I get the RP and skelly up and you post said character.
@Frost_ Sweet! I need to collect my ideas. and decide if I want to play a divergent Mentor you know like Tori was to Tris.
Oh, yeah, this wouldn't apply for transfers of course, but those already of the Dauntless faction before the choosing ceremony would likely know each other, and so it'd be best for those with character's born Dauntless to establish at least some sort of background with a few characters of the same.

I'll probably play a guy, just because I need to improve on my skills on writing for male characters. That and I simply feel like it in this case. I probably won't but I might have a second if nobody really signs up. Of course if we have too many guys and not enough girls I'll change that then.. Guess I should just wait and see.
Hmm I think if it's ok that if I do make a mentor/Helper to the Divergent I might make that mentor a little like Tori was @Frost_
The reason Tori was helping Tris was because her own brother was supposedly killed for being Divergent. So keep that sort of things in mind if playing a mentor sort of character.
Sure you can.

Anyways, pick a word, any word, all of you.








You can probably guess what it's for. Just know that it has to come down to a single word, which will ultimately effect my thinking in how I create the rest of the plot and tie said word into it all. So it's important.
The words are pretty similar. It would seem Resurgent has come out on top. I liked both words honestly. So, I'll get to writing stuff up. If anyone has any ideas for events, story arcs, etc, that would add some spice to the RP, feel free to start a convo with me. Wouldn't want to spoil the fun for everyone.
Well, feel free to send me a message about it. I'm gonna try not to reveal too much of the plot until close to the actual time said planned events would occur once the RP starts.
So, I got it pretty much set up, except for a few things. Still under construction, but let me know what you think so far! I'll tell you when I finally get the character skellies up.

I've got a basic plot planned out, I'll have to ask people to take part in specific story lines, but that doesn't come until later.

Guess I work fast. Haha. Oh, and I hope none of you mind getting down and dirty when it comes to fighting others and crazy stunts, because well, it's the Dauntless after all. Haha. And, after all, in the world of Divergent, another rebellion is only a stones throw away.

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