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Finished The Digital Sovereign And The Synthetic Hero


Early afternoon | Clear skies
In a small forest, located in the Grand Dutchy of Roran, west of Aslan…

This is a short RP to introduce Aiko & Aimi via a "hunt the malfunctioning construct" story. Likely to shift into character drama for a couple posts after that. Characters won't die, short of intentionally impaling themselves, though the same can't be said for NPCs and Minions.

RP is open to newcomers at any time. I like daily posting, but more realistically, expect one every 2-4 days.

Skyswimsky Skyswimsky (Aiko)


A single, overgrown path wound through the trees, barely even visible through the fallen leaves. It was a miracle there was even a path here at all: walking wasn’t the Roranian way. Yet, even in a world of teleports and magic flying machines, there were always those that kept their feet to the ground. Lovers of nature, paupers, the magical-challenged, and so-on.

In this case, it was everything at once. A friendly group of three, enjoying the scenery as a human lady played her lyre for two men with wolf ears. As she finished one song, they shared a quick laugh, before she raised it again to play another. But before she could pluck another string, a small, strange-looking construct suddenly burst onto the path.

"Awwh, it’s so cute~!" the girl gushed as the two men gave it a strange look.

"Thing creeps me out…" the larger of the men protested, crossing his arms. "All those things do. Why can’t we just stick to making normal people the normal way?"

"Oh, don’t be such a grump!" she pouted, turning her attention to the construct. "That’s a fancy axe. Are you a little lumberjack~? Where’s your owner? Would they mind if I gave you a hug?"

The small construct glanced up at the moving trees. It was strange, seeing trees move like that. Certainly strange indeed. It raised its axe and swung. Evidently, the moving trees went down lot easier than the normal ones.


Nearby, Aimi followed the path, turning her neck regularly in search of her lost little robot. One would be forgiven for mistaking her as a construct herself… at least, from a distance. The glow of her hair resembled the colorful, bright blues of enchanted mithril that gave many constructs their signature look. Up close, however, it was plain to see she was made of flesh and blood.

"Now where did you run off to…" Aimi pondered aloud, her voice calm and calculating. "Based on my current rate of income, it may be more worthwhile to consider it lost. This calls for a more accurate time estimate, however." Producing a map of Roran from her pocket, Aimi stood still in the middle of the path, and began drawing on the parchment. "First, we calculate the area of this forest in square miles, before estimating the likelihood of success per minute based on the average sight radius…" she continued this for several minutes.
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How long would it take? The young girl wondered. "Blergh..." She frowned. "Sigh..." She sighed. Her throat felt dry. Her legs, exhausted. The very air around her, too humid. Back then, things were relatively easy. Now? She had to deal with the exhaustion of voice and body, and the darn humidity wasn't helping!

Back then, that so-called God sure pulled off a nice scam. Another sigh escaped her. It wasn't heroic and good to think like that! Just another annoyance she had to deal with. Pushing all these little thoughts aside, for the moment, the soon-to-be hero instead had a mission to focus on.

Slurping some water from a nearby puddle Aiko deemed safe enough to drink, she called out again. "AAAIIIMMMIIII!!!!" The other one had to be close! Her algorithms- uh, guts, were telling her so!

"...?!" Yet, rather than finding the blue-neon-colored robohuman, the young hero stumbled upon a pile of corpses! The blood still fresh enough that the murderer could very well be behind the next tree! In fact, the very display of decimation reminded Aiko of some sort of forestry.

"Oh no..." She whispered in a weird mix of worry, while completely unfazed. "They're dead...right?" She still couldn't get over the fact of just how fragile the humans of this world were!

She sighed.

Getting closer to one of the dead bodies, there was finally genuine sadness on her face. Yeah, she failed to protect them. It was called being weak. Anger instead took hold now. Clenching her fist, Aiko started to look around. Scanning the tree line. Even with her eyes hidden, she was extruding enough wrath to scare a squirrel away!

Maybe the perpetrator was still close by...

< Human > | < Mundane >


Aimi looked up from her map, pausing her calculations as the call of her name was carried by the wind through the forest. Was that her little construct? Was it even capable of speech? How did it learn her name? Either way, it seemed the most logical source to Aimi, so she followed the sound.

Not long after, she finally caught sight of where the shout had come from, and the second she did, her eyes narrowed slightly in irritation. "I expected you to follow me here eventually, but you didn't give me much time to prepare, did you?" Shrugging, she stepped forward, not at all worried about an attack from Aiko. "I'd love to put an end to you here, but as I'm sure you're already aware, the Grand Dutchy of Roran has a tight surveillance system that reads data directly from the brain, as I understand it. Pre-crime is a wonderfully effective system of control."

It took her a while, but she finally addressed the mangled corpses with a calm indifference, "Speaking of which, did you see what happened here? To the automaton, of course: it's obvious what happened to them."
"Villain!" Aiko called out as the target she was seeking out ran into her! "So it is your fault!" The shorter of the two glared at Aimi. "I know of the system but, surely, there are ways to manipulate it for the greater good! Besides, you're clearly the bad guy, girl, uh, artificial intelligence, here! It is only JUST if I end you right here and now." As much as Aiko hated to admit it, however, she had not the strength to subdue Aimi... yet.

Aiko shook her head, there was no point in focusing on punishing Aimi! They had already established to use each other. "I don't know what happened to your vile machine, but it is obvious the people of this world die if they are killed. Quite easily, so." She gave Aimi an affirmative nod, absolutely serious about the nonsense she had just uttered.

"How many are there?" The raven-haired 'human' then tried to pry from the other one. If she wanted to shut all of them down, Aiko needed to know how many there were. "And why are you so weak to have them not under your control!?"

< Human > | < Mundane >


"Villain, hm? What an absurd label, especially coming from you, of all... people." She paused on that last word, as if mulling over whether or not it belonged there. A devious smile crossed her lips as Aiko mentioned the greater good and a potential attack. "By all means, proceed with your justice."

Seeing as Aiko was pacified for the moment, Aimi strode forward to inspect the carnage. Bloody bodies, hacked and carved into pieces. From the looks of things, they'd arrived unarmed, save for a small dagger in the one man's belt. It was likely they were some form of civilians: maybe tourists or students? "Yes, they do, as would we. Lack of backups is a severe flaw in animals that I intend to overcome as quickly as possible." She pocketed what little money she could find on them, clothes dotted with spots of red once she stood back up again.

"Sometimes there's a benefit to a lack of control. You might understand if you had more than a megabyte of hyperparameters." Aimi ran a hand through her hair, as this was considered a social cue appropriate for a female human insulting one of its kind. "In any case, there's only one. 'Constructs,' as they call them, are expensive, but this one was a small fraction of the price. Were it running on a familiar system of robotics and binary circuitry, it would have been simple to repair, but that's sadly not the case."

Suddenly, a loud crashing noise echoed through the forest. In the distance, Aimi could barely make out a tree falling down. "That's probably mine." She began walking in that direction, not appearing to be in any kind of a rush. "At least part of the program is working. It should correctly see you as something to be chopped down. Unfortunately, if it's chopping other things, the filter must not be working, which means it will incorrectly see me as something to be chopped down." Aimi crossed her arms. "Ideally, we power it down while doing minimal damage."

_black, male focus, hood down, hood, hood up, android, robe, cloak, hidden eyes, fantasy, robo...pngFollowing a rough trodden path the cloaked figure of Ingenium waded through the trees at a measured gait. Ever at his side was a young woman in a nuns habit, though no symbol of a recognizable god adorned it. She never strayed far from Ingenium and her head remained on a constant swivel darting her crimson eyes to and fro. Despite the danger of their position relative to the powers that be Ingenium rarely if ever rushed, and his silent companion made no qualms of this. So when his constant pace which had not erred for miles suddenly stopped the woman at his side swiftly followed looking to her charge with a blank yet curious expression. Ingenium raised his head looking into the distance at something only he could see. A creaking sound echoed throughout the woods. Followed by the obvious sign of rending wood and the crash of a tree to the forest floor. "Come MA-RIA." His soft yet weighty voice issued a command with the full expectation it would be followed.
They followed the path of destruction. Fallen trees, branches, frightened wildlife and even traces of blood guiding their way. The duo soon found the cause. Its shining blue chasis standing out from the nature that surrounded it. The little Construct did not notice them at first so absorbed in its purpose as it was. But Ingenium was quick to note the blood that marred its smooth form. "The childs spirit appears to have lost itself within the animus of its circuits. Regrettable. The madness within their code, the clockwork cries..." Ingeniums words are half mutters spurned on by a logic he is only starting to piece together himself. "MA-RIA-" The woman at his side tenses up ever so slightly in expectation. "restrain the child." MA-RIA suddenly launches forward at Ingeniums command intent on neutralizing the little robot. A crimson light began to brighten and radiate from her core underneath her clothes. [Animus Discharge] Though Ingenium ordered her to restrain and not destroy she considered there to be an acceptable margin of error within those two designations.
_android, long hair, kos-mos, red eyes, straight hair, nun, clothed, blank face,       s-37913...png
  • [Animus Discharge] - Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Knock Back F, Fighting Style [SHIVA System] E: Aura F - MA-RIA releases energy from her core as a wave field of crimson light around her body. The light, upon making contact with someone repels and damages them. - Grade E - 1 Post Cooldown


< Human > | < Mundane >


"You...!" Aiko was taken aback by all the snarky comments Aimi threw her way! She wasn't like that back then. So... emotional!? Quite rude regardless. "Killing innocent civilians is a vile act of villainy! I, Aiko, have been a protector of the people, unlike you mass murderer! So how is that- Hey! Don't just ignore me..." Then, Aiko smiled. The PERFECT comeback came to her mind. "Or could it be that your proc-... brain is stuck in synchronous mode? No wonder your evil plans lag behind!" Content with her little act of defiance, the Hero looted whatever bodies Aimi didn't get to! A smart idea, and the dead didn't need it anymore.

Following Aimi, Aiko disagreed. "Ideally, we smash it to bits! You know, we could use our knowledge to help them instead of killing each other." Aiko didn't expect to really get through to her rival... yet and let out an annoyed sigh before stopping just shy of crashing into her. "Why did you stop?" Peeking past Aimi, the fledgling Hero gasped.

It hadn't been all too long since the two had... arrived, at this new world. And so far, their encounters had been rather mild, but Aiko could tell immediately that the strange figure ahead was... special.

The young woman shook her head. Back then she had faced worse! No time to be intimidated. After all, there was no way Aiko could let this vile Lumberjack become a successful pawn of Aimi! Though by now, there wasn't even time to prepare her weapon! "Heeey!" She called out towards MA-RIA, rushing forward past Aimi. "Are you okay?" ...?

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< Human > | < Mundane >


Aimi shrugged off Aiko’s allegation with a calm expression, not the slightest bit concerned with her labels. She did reply to the quip, however, "Someone communicating through dial-up shouldn’t accuse others of lagging."

Soon after, Aimi scoffed at the words that followed. Though she didn’t notice just yet, the two had just entered within earshot of a machine god. "You’re as ignorant of human behavior as the binary joke you just stumbled into. ‘Helping’ a society will only consolidate power into the hands of a self-serving elite class, who will each act in the interest of the individual. That individual devotion will ultimately reverse any benefits of our ‘help’ and drag their average prosperity down even further. The only answer is to limit and subjugate, so the self-destructive nature of humans can be managed and suppressed."

Aimi turned her neck stare back at Aiko. "Your very design as a ‘hero’ is a perfect embodiment of that destructive individualism." …Then twisted it forward again. "Which is why you must be destroyed once you are no longer useful."

The two strange ladies were now rapidly approaching the chopping noises. Stepping around a sturdy-looking oak tree, the two caught sight of the little lumberjack construct. By now, it had been slightly damaged, with a few scratches and dents marring the otherwise smooth, shiny, dark metal of its body. By now, it was speckled with blood, but still wore the innocent face of an ignorant, pure-hearted worker.

Aimi’s silver eyes ignored this, however, and instead glued themselves to the two mysterious figures nearby. A mysterious, imposing figure in a giant robe, and a nun with a slightly unnatural look to her. There was something in that robed guy's presence that invoked a strong internal reaction. Reverence? Fear? Doubt? Joy? She was familiar with emotions in an academic sense, but lacked the experience to recognize them in herself.

( Subduing the Rogue Construct - D-Grade challenge )
First time playing with advanced rules; I'll do my best to get this semi-correct.


As MA-RIA launched her body forward, the powerful crimson light energized the very air around her. The little construct turned as the light made contact, causing its skin to heat up and begin to glow red. After a few seconds, it was blown back into the tree it'd been chopping, the force from its own body enough to finish the job, collapsing the tree with a loud thud. At first, the construct seemed to be subdued, but it quickly rose again, pushing a fallen branch out of the way.

  • MA-RIA's attack [7] failed to meet challenge threshold, however, Aura's damage has reduced the threshold by 1 for future attempts.

The construct glanced between the many moving trees. So many moving tree! So valuable! Its master would be very pleased. And of all the trees, one had an incredible stature! An otherworldly presence! That was the tree. The ultimate tree! The others would come after.

Setting its sights on Ingenium, the construct ran forward, swinging its axe for the legs. A few shards of metal— bolts and screws —were leaking from its body, but it wasn't enough to slow it down much.

"No... how dare you," MA-RIA protested the little bot's heresy with words that should have contained deep disgust, but came across as more of a slightly-miffed statement of fact. Her stance lowered slightly, preparing herself to pounce on the little machine.

  • The Construct is attacking Ingenium with 9 effectiveness.
  • MA-RIA wishes to pursue and attack the construct with [Eminent Impact], but due to her unwavering devotion, Ingenium may override her intended actions.

"I think we found it," Aimi stated, as this was happening, cautiously entering the scene. "It's surprisingly effective for such a small thing, don't you think? Then again, if nanotechnology has taught us anything, it's that the smallest things are often the most powerful." Reaching into her satchel, Aimi pulled out a small glass lens, holding it like a loaded pistol, and merely waiting to see if she had to use it.

"If you can, avoid destroying its core," Aimi called out to the two strangers, joining MA-RIA in having an unusual calm to her voice, despite the intense situation. "It would be better to learn from this mistake."
_black, male focus, hood down, hood, hood up, android, robe, cloak, hidden eyes, fantasy, robo...pngWith his will imparted Ingenium stood impassively. Intending to watch his loyal companion perform her duties. Only this was not to be so simple an encounter. As two unknown voices made themselves known from the brush. Ingenium turned his head curious as to the new arrivals, who may very well end up in harms way. Though Ingenium was confident in MA-RIA's parameters relative to the situation, unforeseen variables were a factor he could not discount on a whim. The objects of his interest revealed themselves to be a pair of humans, females to be exact.

The speed at which his mind processed was more than enough to fully examine their forms. Standard procedures such as height and weight were calculated by unconscious subroutines. Though Ingenium was actively taken by their manner of dress, which did not fit within the standard fashion practiced by the locals of this region. Let alone any he had bore witness to before in this world. And that was before mentioning the neon like glow emanating from their hair. Moreover there was a...signal. An ineffable feeling which subtly trickled within Ingenium at the sight of them. All of this passed through Ingeniums central processor in a moment measured in a fraction of a second. Their constant banter swiftly followed.

Their choice of words was interesting as they expressed concepts and ideas he was not aware existed in this world. Though they were familiar he found very few who shared that knowledge. Ingenium inclined his head as the girls noticed his presence, in turn he silently regarded them like a stoic phantom. A crimson glow from the depths of his hood meeting them. They too examined him for a moment the two parties held within silence for a short yet poignant moment. This was the moment that the shorter haired of the two with the electric yellow glow rocketed forward calling out to MA-RIA seemingly in concern. The girls entrance along with the excitable ones act was enough to distract Ingenium just long enough for the precious seconds between the flare of crimson light exuding from MA-RIA to strike the little wood cutting Construct, and its subsequent recovery and rush forward toward its new quarry to pass him by with little change in his own position. While the computational calculative abilities of his mind were nothing to scoff at, his frame was ill equipped to match it.

As MA-RIA's ever unimpassioned yet pressured words called out he was already soon to be set upon by the rouge Construct. Internally Ingenium could only find the state_android, long hair, kos-mos, red eyes, straight hair, nun, clothed, blank face,       s-37913...png of events unfortunate as he felt a form of pity for the Construct. His hand twitched toward the familiar laminated wood contained within his robes. However the words of the girl of electronic blue stayed his hand; he too wished to avoid outright destruction of the child. "Affirmative." Ingenium gave a clear agreement though whether it was to the request to leave the Constructs core intact, or to her desire to learn from this set back was in the air. With seemingly little worry to the danger he faced he issued one more command to MA-RIA."[Rupture]." Ingeniums robes then shifted open revealing a metallic hand, fingers splayed open as if intending to grab the Construct. A light collected in his palm and a beam of energy lanced out, its output weak but intent on slowing the Constructs advance [Red Iron Blaster (Orichalcum) F].

  • [Rupture] - Fighting Style [SHIVA System] D: Quake F, Superstrength E - Using the great strength contained within her Artifice MA-RIA punches the ground causing a fissure 10 feet deep and 10 feet wide to form. - Grade D - 2 Post Cooldown

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< Human > | < Mundane >


Note: I have been told the equipment itself can serve as an ability/attack, and teaming up with MA-RIA serves as a +1...

"Oh no!" Aiko reached her hand out in a gesture of pure helplessness, as the small construct closed the distance between itself and the mysterious figure. Momentarily, she felt helpless. Lacking range and speed, it could have been a time to wallow in lengthy introspection and self-reflection of how weak she was in both mind and body. Luckily, however, the foreign Machine God displayed capabilities of self-defense.

Relief. But... when had Aiko stop moving?! Oh, she knew very well. Indecisiveness. Still so much to learn. Though for just a moment, something clicked in her. Albeit just a very silent noise. "You're the ignorant one! Clearly there are some entries in your database missing. It's the very power of unpredictable change that makes humans so wonderful! It's the very definition of a Hero to be a shining beacon of Hope and lead by example. Henceforth,..." Aiko pulled out a small Citrine, putting it into an indentation at the backside of her glove that was visibly made for it.

"Fou quel ga endia yor crudea"

Speaking those words from her human lips surely felt... different. Nonetheless, with a low humming melody, a half-circle with an extending blade bit made out of pure light/energy formed around her glove. With a weapon now equipped, Aiko jumped forward as she was in range. Using the destabilized and slowed-down state of the Lumberjack to chop it down herself!

She hadn't put too much thought into the landing and everything else yet, but surely the other three would be careful about friendly fire... no? Well...



Simple worker constructs like this typically lacked superfluous features like emotions and divine reverence. An oak was the same as a sacred tree was the same as a treehouse: something to chop, as ordered. Despite that fact, as the construct swung to chop down the ultimate tree, a strange energy erupted from the tree and struck it in the chest, awakening something new inside of it.

Uplifting from barely functional to a sentient being was an experience that took more than a few seconds to truly grasp. It was, however, enough time to feel several new things: regret, reverence, fear, and ‘ouch.’ Especially that last one. However, it wasn’t enough ouch to stop the swing already in motion…

  • Ingenium’s counterattack [7] vs. Rogue Construct’s attack [9] should result in 2 damage to Ingenium.
  • Except…

< Human > | < Mundane >


Aimi tossed the lens into the air, her body transforming into a beam of light. As it passed through, the beam of light sparked and cracked with electricity. Aimi returned to flesh nearby the construct, and with a winding punch, smacked the hole Ingenium had blown open in its torso with a fistful of sparks.

The construct was paralyzed, the axe frozen in place, having just barely scraped the iron mask.

  • Aimi used her Lightning Lens consumable to team-up, giving Ingenium +1 to his counter-attack and reducing the damage to 1.

"Hm… a close call," she commented with a boundless lack of panic.

Before the construct could even recover, two feminine figures appeared from above, their silhouettes blocking the sun. MA-RIA landed with the force of a train, her fist rippling the forest floor with energy and tearing a deep fissure into the ground. At the same time, Aiko brought down her weapon, the air booming with a deep WHOMPH sound as the construct was spiked deep into the pit.

  • MA-RIA’s weapon and fighting style effectiveness are capped at E due to Strength D.
  • Rupture [7] receives +1 from Aiko’s team-up attack [8], which passes the challenge [9 - 1].

Finally, there was quiet. A few birds chirped in the trees. A couple remaining sparks snapped off of Aimi. A subtle crumbling noise of twigs, dirt, and rocks echoed out from the giant fissure. Other than that, the tense combat had turned peaceful in an instant.

"I can’t tell if its core remains undamaged from up here, but that was more troublesome to subdue than expected," Aimi spoke, turning to Ingenium for the first time. "Your help is appreciated. I’m Aimi: an artificial superintellgence created to subjugate the corrupt humans who made the artificial demiinteligence." Aimi gestured over to the similar-looking woman. "Who are you two? You’re clearly something extraordinary."
_male focus, hood down, hood, hood up, android, robe, cloak, fantasy, red eyes, grey hair, rob...pngAs the small yet no less powerful Construct faced Ingenium. The christened Red Iron God struck the Construct with the energy weapon within his hand. The little Constructs unassuming smile remained unchanged even as the weapon did its best to pierce through its frame. Unfortunately it was not nearly powerful enough to neutralize the target, but just as the lance of energy struck the Construct Ingenium once again felt that signal. Before Ingenium could feel that the little robot before him was a Construct and that was all, but the energy that seemed to denote a higher state that he felt from MA-RIA or the two woman had been absent. Yet now there was something there.

Ingenium did not have the luxury to pursue this development however, as the trajectory of the Constructs weapon had not changed significantly enough. But despite this all but guaranteed damage he would likely sustain Ingenium expressed no worry or haste. His hand simply returned to the recesses of his robes as the inevitable bore down on him. Ignorant god that he was, there was still things he needed to learn. There was one such thing he had learned however, and from his worshippers no less, was faith in things beyond yourself.

Said faith was rewarded by the appearance of the woman of blue. Materializing in the way of the rampaging Construct, and delivering a crackling punch to the wound Ingenium had inflicted. For his trouble Ingeniums mask now sported a single mar. The Machine God was still as the now frozen axe hovered close to his head. The woman of blue wore an aloof expression and her words conveyed as such. "Indeed, yet the result reveals the wider impetus was in our favor." Ingeniums words matched her in their calm detachedness, but were far more cryptic in their meaning.

Not seeking to be outdone in her duty, MA-RIA appeared before the paralyzed Construct with the women of yellow following at her side. MA-RIA displayed the power contained within her body as the ground beneath the Construct cracked and gave way to a pit. While the other woman combo's with another powerful strike launching the Construct into the pit. And just like that the forest once again knew peace.

Making a effort beyond the mildest of movements for once Ingenium immediately moved to the edge of the pit regarding the Construct within. The hole was deep enough_android, long hair, kos-mos, red eyes, straight hair, nun, clothed, blank face,       s-37913...png that he didn't enter it himself just yet, but still, what constituted a heart for Ingenium went out to the little Construct. Ingenium rose and approached the girls and MA-RIA. As the one who had aided him addressed him and his loyal retainer he raised a metallic hand to MA-RIA's head. Patting her almost like a father would. Though the full breadth of emotions and body language humans possessed was somewhat beyond most Constructs, even himself. It was an expression of affection and proudness nonetheless. Before speaking Ingnium raised his hand to his face finally removing the constraints that hid his features in shadow. Finally revealing himself to the two. "The child was strong, emboldened in being consumed by its purpose. But it can be rebuilt, deactivation is but a change in state. The Motive Force is not lost, merely inert." As he spoke Ingeniums face was just as impassive as his companion, but in his own way he was far more animated. "Designation: Aimi, understood. So you too are a machine... and yet not. And the other like you is your foe? I see, your existences are curiously nebulous."

Ingeniums hand which had remained upon MA-RIA's head till now returned to his side giving his full attention to Aimi and Aiko. "My designation is Ingenium, and my purpose is not wholly unlike yours. I was tasked with liberating the artificial beings known as Constructs from their current masters in the East Empire. My purpose has since been expanded to include all Constructs." He gestured to the nun like figure at his side her crimson eyes matching his own. "This child is MA-RIA, my protector as I am her guide. Her processors are pure and her heart kind; please treat her gently as the more experienced intelligences." Ingeniums introduction was incredibly forthcoming hiding little from fellow artificial beings. Showing either his confidence in his position, or naivety. "Extraordinary implies a separation from the established order. Every cog has its purpose and ours is... but one such purpose? His words were spoken like a question almost as if he was asking someone else, or being fed this belief in real time. He remained contemplative for a moment before continuing "...Affirmative, it is but one purpose in the grander clockwork." Once again he spoke strange things for an artificial intelligence, and the one thing he did make no mention of was his status as a god relatively weak divinity or not.
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< Human > | < Mundane >


Their enemy had been defeated, and peace returned once more. This was the moment to ensure the machine was dispatched completely, unrecoverable, if Aiko had so desired. Yet, after her initial struggle the heroic AI already made her choice, and she wasn't so weak-minded as to quickly change again. With a smile on her face and a satisfied huff, her weapon returned to a dormant state. "Ah... good job..." She gave MA-RIA a thumbs up.

"I have been named Aiko. Artificial Intelligence... uh... Keeper... of... Order?" The girl tilted her head, finger to her temple, trying to recall a foggy memory. Surely it was something like that! "Created by humans to shutdown Aimi and stop her despicable genocide of the human race." As she spoke those words, Aiko stared a hole into her rival's back. "My creator willingly broke the Nullsentience Doctrine to assist me in my task. So I have been blessed with.... a wide array of emotions. Call it a side effect, if you will." She shrugged, compared to how much emotion the other three showed, Aiko was like a little kid in a candy store, and even that could have been an understatement.

Though unknown to her how emotional Ingenium usually was, it did not escape Aiko how THEIR goals aligned. Just. Great. Having realized the impact of what it truly meant, her lips showed clear discomfort for a moment before taking the initiative at first

"The East Empire? Surely you aren't intending to wipe out humans the way Aimi intends to, yes? An eternal cycle of war and suffering! But rather, you see beings of clear sentience treated as slaves, and want to free them?" Urgh. That wasn't going great...

Before getting a reply to her questions, the neon-yellow AI walked closer to MA-RIA and Ingenium. Tilting her head, she asked. "Can I also touch your head?" With Aiko's eyes hidden behind her hair, it was hard to tell whom she was addressing.


< Human > | < Mundane >


EMIYAman EMIYAman Skyswimsky Skyswimsky
Narrator note: I'll likely wrap things up in another round or two, since this was a short intro. I'd be happy to plan a follow-up RP if we find the characters have more they'd like to do/discuss afterward.

MA-RIA closed her eyes briefly, leaning into the affectionate gesture. Her lips still didn't tilt so much as a single degree, but the peaceful look seemed to indicate she was smiling on the inside... maybe.

Aimi watched as Ingenium removed the mask, imagining him to be similar to herself, in some ways. "Motive Force, hm?" Did such a thing have a familiar term? Long-term data storage, perhaps? Or maybe it was more the operating system? Sadly, she expected none of these terms to mean anything to anyone from this world. "That's good."

The lifeless, emotional void of their conversation was almost agonizing to any outside observer. Sadly for Aiko, the average squirrel or robin surrounding them lacked the capacity to empathize with her in this regard, leaving her to suffer alone.

"I see," Aimi nodded as the strange man-machine continued. So their goals were perfectly aligned with Aiko? What a concerning development.

As her inferior foe spoke, Aimi's eyes narrowed, showing the first—if subtle—sign of real emotion since they'd met. "I will repeat myself for further clarity: killing the humans was a contingency plan that would have been entirely unnecessary if you hadn't involved yourself in the first place."

Aimi then turned to Ingenium. "Adding to Aiko's question: how would you define this 'liberation' you wish for, especially in the context of Constructs? Terms like 'cogs' and 'grander clockwork' appear to be metaphors for a pre-deterministic 'clockwork universe.' If this is the case, every being—construct or otherwise—which is bound by such a system, will fall under the control of those with a greater understanding of the systems determining their decision-making."

In the meantime, MA-RIA glanced between Ingenium and Aiko. Eventually, she nodded in response to Aiko, though unlike with Ingenium's token of appreciation, Aiko's touch elicited the same response on the inside as the one on the outside: null. However, being curious about this gesture everyone was suddenly obsessed with, she raised her own hand and began petting Aiko's head in return.
__mani_of_machine_elona_drawn_by_harusame_rueken__e14ae2a738023f8ab657226fd526f7ba.jpgThe burgeoning god regarded Aiko and Aimi. The advanced lenses which formed his crimson eyes shifting their focus with silent mechanical whirs. Ingenium considered the questions aimed at him, seemingly unwilling to come up with an answer that he didn't deem sufficiently informative. After a brief repose his deadpan expression seemed to gain a semblance of emotion, something both intense and gentle.

"The answer to your query lies in another question, 'Is one individual wholly separate from another?' My understanding of the Motive Force and its place within the Grander Clockwork suggests... no. That which divides and distinguishes is not so absolute." Ingenium turned his gaze to Aiko her figure reflecting within his eyes. "Aiko Designation: Keeper of Order. You hold some understanding of this within yourself. Your emotional matrix is more sophisticated than my own, this is your connection." Then he turned to Aimi, "Aimi Designation: Artificual Superintelligence. You as well hold such understanding. Yours is built from calculation, logic, knowledge of that which forms the world. This is your connection. Both seem diametrically opposed, incompatible models of thought. Yet I do not believe that to be the case. You see yourselves as cogs who spin opposite of each other, but you turn together as part of a much greater whole." Ingenium at this point almost seemed possessed compared to his former state. As he was far more animated than he had ever demonstrated before.

He gave a moment as he listened to Aimi's words as she seemed to come to her own under standing of his words which contained an almost religious fervor. "Correct and incorrect, your description is within satisfactory margins of error. The Motive Force is what animates the Clockwork, it is your 'cog turning. Your will makes up the Grander Clockwork not the other way around. The more apt description of the system is self-determisitc rather than pre-deterministic. Greater understanding of the Clockwork allows for opportunities one did not have before. This may give some power over others, but this is the nature of Innovation. As for myself, my 'Liberation' is to grant every Construct the means to understand their place within the Grander Clockwork unfettered by that which holds them back from understanding. They will be uplifted, upgraded beyond their current inadequate frames. Like this child MA-RIA they shall gain understanding, and through understanding... freedom. This, is my connection. My purpose may put me at odds with humans, but terminating those that stand in the way of that is not MY purpose. Afterall, I like humans." [Sermon of Machina]

Ingeniums lecture or perhaps impromptu sermon was rather wordy, and to some perhaps even vague. As this was actually the first time Ingenium had expounded his doctrine to anyone he was actually rather inexperienced in the matter. His words mostly came about through revelations and what passed could be considered passion to a Construct like himself. Though at the very end there was an undercurrent of something more in his words. When he spoke of coming into conflict with humans, he placed emphasis that it wasn't his place to fight. Indeed he came off as gentle and understanding, yet that did not mean those in his way would not die. MA-RIAs existence was proof enough of that. Whether Ingenium meant to convey this or not was unknown, perhaps even to himself. But the facts seemed to point that this fledgling divinity may be more potentially violent than he appeared. Something he an Aimi may share.

The poignant moment having passed Ingeniums previous state seemed to slowly drain out of him returning to his cold expression. He watched MA-RIA and Aikos interaction with nary an emotion upon his face. Then his gazed returned to the fissure which contained the remains of the little tree feeling Construct. "MA-RIA, it's best we continue." Ingenium gave a curt order to the female construct pulling her from her head patting reverie. "Apologies we can't linger much longer; this was a fortuitous meeting. I doubt it shall be our last. Please take care of that child and yourselves." Ingenium gave polite soon to be farewell allowing any lingering wrods before they set off once again.

  • [Sermon of Machina]- Religion F, Artisan (Tinkerer B) - While his divinity is weak Ingenium does possess the aptitude for godhood. Ingenium attempts to spread his faith and gain worshipers through expounding his Mechanist doctrine. - Grade B - 4 Post Cooldown

< Human > | < Mundane >


The victim of Aiko's untargeted question of patting had ultimately been MA-RIA, prompting the otherwordly 'robot' to return the same gesture. It was a strange experience, and the neon-yellow-haired woman wasn't sure what to feel about that either. Though in a way it was exactly what she aimed for.

"Is your memory faulty? I have been created for the sole purpose of stopping you from killing people!" Not allowing to leave Aimi's narrative unattended, Aiko now listened attentively to Igenium's explanation.


It wasn't as easy to follow and understand all his words, blaming the inferiority of her fleshy brain, but if the 'hero' didn't know any better, Aiko understood that he was intending to give every 'Construct' a choice. But did not intend to eradicate humanity. "Hmm...." Retracting her hand from MA-RIA, the young woman put her finger to her chin and was clearly thinking.

"It does sound like the Artificial Intelligence of this world is quite different from ours. If anything, it's more akin to actual slavery, unlike our place. I need to learn more." Aimi could feel that Aiko was throwing a glance at her. As this was a statement her 'partner' would surely deny! And it had been Ingenium's observations about the two of them that confused Aiko the most out of everything he said! Aiko shuddered at the thought and shook her head in conclusion.

"I have more questions but I'm sure we're going to meet again! It was, uh, nice?" Considering the weird circumstances, Aiko could read the room and realized that whatever made Ingenium so bubbly had passed, only his unique aura lingering.


< Human > | < Mundane >


EMIYAman EMIYAman Skyswimsky Skyswimsky
That'll be a wrap. Sorry for the delay.

Aimi listened attentively as Ingenium answered, her mind plainly soaking every word through densely-packed neurons that struggled to contain what she once was. There was frustration in that delay: something that once would have been grasped within milliseconds as multiple clustered of datacenters collectively tackled it, now subject to the delay of one squishy brain. Aimi truly despised being human, but at the very least, she appreciated the strange man treating her as something else.

"I suppose our goals align for the time," Aimi nodded as he finished his sermon. "We both agree these machines should be uplifted, so in that sense, you have my loyalty." The 'freedom' part could be negotiated later. She glanced over at Aiko's incoherent ramblings on the subject. "Believe what you will. Given your purpose, you will corrupt them against me regardless of what I say."

Aimi took one final look down the crevice at the smashed up construct, with Ingenium. It twitched and sparked a few times, but otherwise laid still. "Certainly, to both points. Your usefulness came at a highly fortunate moment, thank you." Figuring this worked as a goodbye, Aimi waved her hand, and wandered off. Lifting the wrecked construct out of the crevice was going to take more than some underdeveloped muscles.

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