Your Host Tonight
Behold, I was shapen in iniquity; and in sin did my mother conceive me.
-Psalm 51:5
Prohibition era New Orleans and the surrounding land can be quite the dangerous place. From thugs in alley streets to corrupt officials, rambling maniacs to puritanical lawmen, heroes of the lower class to cult leaders, it is a place of opportunity and treachery. The Big Easy is home to a myriad of prominent figures and equally notorious factions.
Who are you?
- The Underground
Bootleggers, crime lords, thieves and thugs. Most criminals belong to some fashion of syndicate, and the Underground refers to each and every one of these sorts of factions, as well as those certain individuals who so willingly cooperate with such groups. It's not hard to find a hive of the lawless within the various speakeasies that line the streets, and it's not uncommon for rigged horseraces at the Fair Grounds Race Course. Perhaps you're a fresh face from the Atlanta city. Perhaps you're someone down on their luck with a talent for violence. Perhaps you've lived and breathed New Orleans your entire life, and, ambitious as you are, have vied for control of the city. There's certainly no shortage of opportunity for any such figures.
- The Long Arm of the Law
From Prohibition agents, to uncorrupt policemen, to private investigators with a strong sense of justice, New Orleans is certainly not the easiest place to remain an honest person. But it's not impossible. To remain on the straight and narrow path is certainly a feat in such a setting, and can be the most satisfying thing, or the most tiring thing of all. Rewarding as it can be, if the lure of power doesn't tempt you to be swayed, the likelihood of being shot in your sleep certainly might. It's a path only for the brave, stupidly naive, or insufferably self-righteous. There is one more thing to beware, however. Being on the side of the law doesn't necessarily make a someone a good person.
- The Unknown
Crime and Law have, for long time, been at odds, often between themselves. But every once in a while, a new factor emerges, and the result can be quite surreal. Long has various spiritual practices such as voodoo been associated with New Orleans, often disparigingly conflated with fantastical dark magicks, but recently have truly omnious mystics have entered the scene. From shadowy villains utilizing dark perversions of the aesthetics of local religions, to heroes of the lowest classes using strange and newfound powers to make their people's lives better, these sorts of people dot all across the scale of good and evil. How dangerous can they be? How much good can they achieve?
- Witch Hunters
Secrecy. Shadows. Ugly persistence and hatred. This mysterious sect of federal lawmen would make anyone wonder what in the history of the United States inspired the creation of these puritanical zealots as an official body under the government, especially as any sane person would believe witch hunters to be some archaic niche of medieval tendencies, certainly not something acceptable in modern society where anyone with half a brain could tell you witches weren't real. Or are they?
- The Tarot
Perhaps on equal footing with the Witch Hunters in terms of secrecy and working in the shadows, the small number of individuals that make up the little known group calling themselves the Tarot have become infamous among the Underworld powerhouses of New Orleans, offering their services for a price. They always deliver, and are known for moving heavens and earth with ease for those who seek power, but their price, which always seems like a very favourable deal for those who seek the Tarot, often begets stories that make them the most feared individuals in New Orleans.
The Tarot is not a group just anyone can join. Please message me, especially as I only want particularly reliable RPers for the Tarot. Those who wish to join must work with me and others who would like to make Tarot Characters in order to ensure suitability, so I highly recommend having Discord at the ready. Especially since Tarot character sheets will be a little different.
There are no set character sheets beyond the following basic information that will be required. Please use real or realistic images to go with appearance. Other than that, let your creativity loose. Feel free to add whatever to the skeleton sheet, if you'd like. Accepted characters will eventually be messaged with a link to the Discord server.
Date of Birth: [Current Date ICly is October 1st, 1928]
Occupation: [Include any criminal prevelence here]
Practices: [magical schtick here; Think of it as where your magical schtick comes from. Runes? Sure. Blood rituals? Sure. Scrying? That, too. If you're going for something along of lines of 'some minor demon gave me cool power', come up with a form of ritualism (the aforemention blood ritual works) and just mention your bond with said demon.]
Gifts: [also magical schtick; don't get too silly with it, I'm certainly not going to accept anything OP. It's worth mentioning that magic here isn't anything like something out of D&D or Harry Potter or whatever. It's not too flashy. Think American Horror Story: Coven, or maybe if like stunts in real life claiming to be magical were actually magical. Or like something from an A24 film.]
Character: [personality; at least one paragraph]
Background: [backstory; A couple of paragraphs at least. And not those ones that are like three sentences, either. Don't skimp out on detailing for this part, nor the 'character' aspect of the sheet. The more detailed, the more likely you'll be accepted.]
Misc: [You can put stuff like likes, dislikes, hobbies, theme music, etc., here]
Date of Birth: [Current Date ICly is October 1st, 1928]
Occupation: [Include any criminal prevelence here]
Practices: [magical schtick here; Think of it as where your magical schtick comes from. Runes? Sure. Blood rituals? Sure. Scrying? That, too. If you're going for something along of lines of 'some minor demon gave me cool power', come up with a form of ritualism (the aforemention blood ritual works) and just mention your bond with said demon.]
Gifts: [also magical schtick; don't get too silly with it, I'm certainly not going to accept anything OP. It's worth mentioning that magic here isn't anything like something out of D&D or Harry Potter or whatever. It's not too flashy. Think American Horror Story: Coven, or maybe if like stunts in real life claiming to be magical were actually magical. Or like something from an A24 film.]
Character: [personality; at least one paragraph]
Background: [backstory; A couple of paragraphs at least. And not those ones that are like three sentences, either. Don't skimp out on detailing for this part, nor the 'character' aspect of the sheet. The more detailed, the more likely you'll be accepted.]
Misc: [You can put stuff like likes, dislikes, hobbies, theme music, etc., here]
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