The Devil's Knight

"Because. We leave when the war begins. You won't come home until the end. So just prepare for that, doll." Lucian smiled a bit before turning and walking away. "If I'm not awake when you get to my room, wake me up!" He shouted it practically as he left the, his gait slow and steady.

Galaxy S4
Mika glared at him as he walked away. "Don't call me doll!" She shouted then turned and started to talk away. Unlike Lucian, Mika left quickly. The faster she got away from him the better, she just wanted to go home anyway. She couldn't help but hope that he got lost on his way to the inn. At least he wouldn't be able to find her since he didn't know where she lived. "This war is so stupid..." She muttered.
The rest of Lucians journey was a blur. Before he realized it, he was in the penthouse. He stretched slowly, walking to one of the rooms in the upstairs area. He merely stripped his clothes and laid on the bed, rolling up in the blanket as he sighed, staring at the ceiling.. smiling. "Let the games begin... I'll have my revenge." He muttered, closing his eyes and slowly letting himself slip into sleep.

Galaxy S4
Mika opened her door to her home, inside was a small pup waiting for her. She smiled and picked it up. "You make my day better at least." She smiled holding the pup close to her. "You wouldn't believe the day I had. I mean, it wasn't like a normal day." She said to it. She walked into the kitchen and placed it on the counter. "You must be hungry. Lets get you something to eat since you were such a good boy today." Mika took out some ham, cutting it into piece and feeding the pup as she talk about her day. It was nice to talk to someone even if that someone couldn't reply back.

After feeding the pup she headed for a shower and then went to sleep, picking up the pup and putting him on the bed with her to sleep. "Night." She muttered to the pup, petting his head and slowly falling to sleep.

Mika woke up in the morning to the pup licking her face. Laughing, she pushed his head down and sat up. "Okay. I'm awake. Ill take you out right now." She said getting out of bed and stretching. She covered her mouth from a yawn and headed to the the door in the back, which was a nice clean and cleared out back yard and then the woods right there. "All right, there you go now go do your business and come back." She let the pup outside and closed the door, heading to the bathroom to brush her teeth and get changed for another day. She had almost thought that the Devil Knight showing up was just a dream and that it had actually been the day before but her clock stated otherwise.

After she finished she walked to the back and let the pup inside, just in time since she also saw another animal back there, and it didn't look too friendly. "I guess I'm not letting you out alone anymore." Mika said, locking the door and walking to the kitchen. She cut up some meat for the pup and made herself some breakfast before finally heading out to get Lucian.

"To think, mornings always used to be nice to me." She sighed then rubbed the pup's head and headed out to the inn.
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Lucian laid in bed, covered by the sheets as he stared at the ceiling, yawning loudly as he rubbed his eyes. "Mm.. weapons today. Meaning training.. Going to be a fun day." He stayed stretched out, yawning again. "How exciting.." He slowly climbed out of bed, throwing on a new pair of jeans, a T shirt that was a little too tight, and a belt around his waist, but not through the loops. He casually grabbed his swords sheath as well, looping it around the belt as the whole thing held itself up. "Good.. I look good." He laughed at himself in the mirror before walking down the stairs, throwing himself on the couch and waiting for Mika.

Galaxy S4
Mika stared up at the inn, sighing she walked inside and waved to the front desk agent. "Going to see the guy in the penthouse, I brought him by yesterday." She stated walking into the elevator without letting the person respond.

The elevator felt like an eternity even though it was only a few floors.

Once on the top floor she walked in and looked around, noticing Lucian on the couch. "Having a good time there?" She asked crossing her arms. "Your not even doing anything are you?" She asked walking over to the side of the couch to look at him.
"No. Not really. Just waiting for you, dear." He smirked and stood up, looking down at her as he did so. "Well. What time is it? The Smith will be done by Noon. And I'll have to figure out some way of carrying the guns about without having to hold them. Do they have sheaths? Id assume they do.." He shrugged and leaned back on the arm of the couch, smiling.

Galaxy S4
"He'll give you something to hold them in." Mika said then looked outside. "Well I woke up as if I was going to my normal job its maybe about nine-ish." She shrugged. "You might want to find something to do for the next three hours or they are going to be a very long three hours. Anything in mind to waste that much time?"
"Well. Yes. We'll kill time with training your.. self defense. You're going to be useless to me if I have to protect you all the time." He smirked and walked about the room, pushing furniture around easily before standing in a wide area, looking at her. "There. Unarmed combat training time. Tell me what you know and we'll go from there." He smiled as he stood there, arms by his side, watching. He was already in his own little combat mood, reading her movements

Galaxy S4
Mika stood there confused. He's not ser-and he pushed the furniture. He's serious.

She shrugged as she looked over at him. "Not really much. I know if you elbow someone in the gut it will knock some wind out of them. Stepping on their foot hard enough might get them off balanced enough to throw them off balance. Maybe two or three ways to through some one off balance. But that's usually just when people grab you from behind."

"Anyway," she started again scrunching her eyebrows a bit together, "what would you need me for if your going to be fighting? You pretty much stated that you can almost do it on your own. So how could I be useful if your out there and I'm not?"
(I am so, SO sorry. Life has been beyond chaotic for the past month and I just haven't had time to post. Oh my gosh, I'm sorry ://)

Galaxy S4
(Its okay. I understand. I just started with these new classes and I'm gone for most of the day. But I completely understand. I just didn't want the RP to get put in inactive. ^^')

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