The Devil's Knight

"Ever so pleasant. Just like Lillith... No matter." Lucian looked to the Blacksmith and smiled, his eye pulsing with power. "I need a sword, as she said. It's four feet long, double bladed, and tipped. Make it nine inches wide. Balance the weighy to be tip heavy and the hilt needs to be six inches long. When you're melting the metal, add this to the molten mixture." He flicked his hand as a vial filled with offset crimson liquid in it appeared. He handed it to the blacksmith and nodded.

"Also, do tell me what a... gun.. is. It seems there is new weaponry that has emerged since my last days in this realm. I wish to master it." He smiled, one of those cruel smiles as he waited for the smiths response.

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James took out his notes and wrote down all the details. "Been a while since I had someone describe to me what they wanted their sword to look like." He smirked then looked up at his customer and nodded. "It might take me a few days, this is the only place and I have a few swords to sharpen as well for some soldiers." He warned. "Two or three days. Would the wait be a problem?" He asked looking at the vial then shook his head.

"A gun? Hm. Well." He paused and looked under his counter and pulled on out. "This is a type of gun. Its not loaded but when it is it shoots out a bullet like this," the held out a kind of circular object that fit in the palm of his hand. "They come in different shapes and sizes. You load it into the gun and it'll shot it when you pull the trigger here," James pointed out, " of course you have to aim at something or someone but also depending on where you hit them you can kill them in one shot. Though guns are only sold to soldier, hunters, and some travelers who carry them."
The Knight narrowed his eyes a bit and ran a hand through his hair. "My sword must be ready by tomorrow come Noon. I understand the need for swords sharpened by soldiers but if the town is attacked, I can't do my job without it." He hummed quietly, holding his hand out for the gun.

"It looks useless. But if you say it can do all of that, it might be useful for me to learn how to use. The Mayor will cover the cost." He smiled lightly, tilting his head. "I'll take two of those. And some form of holding for them on my body." He looked at the blacksmith and nodded. "Don't bother sharpening my sword, I'll do that part. I just need it crafted." He sighed, hand still out stretched for the gun.

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"I will do my best to finish it by tomorrow then. I'll have to stay up all night but I suppose I should be able to get it done on time." James said but looked at the man with concern. "You wouldn't happen to have a letter from the mayor then would you? I'm sorry but I can't sell you these without them. I need some kind of paper saying that your a hunter, traveler, or soldier. You said the mayor will cover the cost so he must have given you some kind of paper...right?"

Mika walked back with now just an envelope and looked at the both of them. "You put in your order already? Cause we should probably go and leave James to work." She said unaware of the conversation having to do with the gun.
Lucian looked to Mika and sighed, gesturing to James. "Mika, give him the paperwork indicating the Mayor will pay for all my needa from here. And inform him I need two of those guns." He looked back to James, smiling. "You seem to know Mika. She's my assistant now. She'll handle all the paperwork needed for me to obtain the guns and for my weapon to be done by Noon tomorrow. Sorry to inconvenience you, but I have needs."

He offered a light smile, dropping his hand and awaiting Mika to settle the paperwork for him to obtain weaponry. He had no idea how to handle the gun, but he was sure he could figure out easily enough. With any hope.

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"What!" Mika stated more than shouted as she heard him call her his assistant.

"I thought you were working in delivery, Mika."

"I was...he made me quit because he didn't' want me working for anyone else." She glanced up sending a glare Lucian's way before laying the paperwork on the counter and pulling them out. She found the letter and showed it to James.

He read the paper and thought for a bit before nodding. "I see. Well then. I will have all three items prepared for you by tomorrow afternoon." He handed the paper back to Mika and she put the papers away.

James reached under his counter and took out a variety of guns. "These are different types of guns. Some scatter, some let out rounds, and some fire a single shot at a time. Pick the two you would like and I will. have them cleaned and prepared for you. I'll put your order under Devil Knight. Come by tomorrow." He said.

Mika sighed. "Now what do you...need..."
He quietly walked up to two hand guns, pointing at them and nodding. "Those two. And my sword. Those two will do. They're small and will optimize my use of them." He smiled and dipped his head and looked to James, extending his hand for a handshake. "A pleasure to do business with you... James. I'm sure we'll have a pleasant relation until the end of the war." He smiled, looking at Mika.

"Next, we'll be getting clothing for myself. And if you wish, you as well." He opened his mouth suddenly, yawning. "My apologies.. still waking up it seems." He exhaled roughly.

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James nodded and shook his hand. "Same to you. Now I'm off to work."

"I'm fine with my clothes. Your the only one who needs clothes." Mika said as she started walking a head. She ignored his yawn along with the apology. "What type or kind of clothes do you want? I doubt any type of clothes would be good for you huh?" She didn't bother to look back at him but did stop when she was at the market. Stores lined the roads inside building, selling all kind of things. Food, toys, clothes, and trinkets."
"I don't know the style of the Era, but I'll look around and find something I suppose." He smirked and entered the store, walking around and looking through the clothes and sniffing the air. After a moment, he laughed.

Finally, he pulled out a jacket of sorts. Black, sleeveless. It had two straps across the chest and white fur on the shoulders and the hood. "I like it..." He nodded and grabbed a few more shirts. Red, yellow. All sorts of them. After a moment, he moved on to pants. He pulled out several pairs of jeans. Dark, faded. Finally, he stopped, looking back at Mika. "I've made my decision. These will do."

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"You really like dark stuff don't you?" Mika sighed then walked toward the counter. "This way so we can send the bill to the mayor." She said pulling out the paper again and handing it to the cashier.

The cashier looked at it and called her manager who then called the mayor before finally agreeing and taking the clothes.

"The bill will be sent to the mayor. These are yours. Thank you for shopping with us and we are sorry for the delay. Everything must be double checked." The manager said. "Have a good day and we hope to see you again." He said as the cashier handed Lucian and Mika the bags.
Lucian nodded before grabbing the bags and looking at Mika, his eye shimmering for a moment. "Very well, Lilli.. erh. Mika. Where do we go for food?" He raised his eyebrows as he looked at her, holding his own bags of clothing and smirking. "I'm famished and ready to eat. Of course it doesn't satisfy my real hunger, but it sates my need for food."

He took a quiet step back, waiting for Mika to lead the way, his eye wandering about the store as he made note of everyones movements. Perhaps, studying their behaviors as well. One could never be too cautious, after all.

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Mika started to walk out of the store. She walked down farther in the market and looked around, seeing as restaurants and other food stores appeared. "I don't know what your in the mood to eat but there are things like ribs, pizza, burgers, and whatever else they serve."

Mika did wonder what he meant about real hunger. It bothered her all the way until she had to ask him, actually looking back at him now. "What do you mean by 'real hunger'? Don't you eat normal food? You make it sound like you don' you don't then what do you eat?"

(Sorry if my posts are taking a while. I'm cleaning at the same time ^^')
Lucian looked at her, massively confused. "What's a pizza? .. or burger? And aren't ribs part of the skeleton? He cringed a bit and shuddered. "Real hunger..? Real hunger is.. souls. I consume the souls of those who I kill. It's why I'm the strongest. And why I get stronger." He shrugged, looking around.

"Obviously I have no clue as to what you eat now. So you choose what we're eating. Because I honestly have no idea what's good and what's not. I ate you know. Cooked rabbits or... hog. Stuff like that." He shrugged.

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"Thats creepy..." She mumbled.

"Pizza would be easy to show and so would a burger. Ribs are usually from pig not from people. Thats just gross an wrong." She said then sighed and looked around before seeing a buffet place. "Hm, the food here is not always the best but you can try something of everything and get to see it. Though I'm not sure if we should go in with shopping bags. It might not be a good idea since I might have to show you what is what. Unless you want to try it blindly." Mika pointed out, now waiting on him for a decision.
"Okay. Let's go find an inn to stay in and I'll change. Then we can come back free of bags. Sound good?" He tilted his head a bit, inquisitively. His hair shifted to show off more of his eye patch, it had a strange design on it, glyphs of sorts. He offered a slight smile as he bowed.

"Well then?" He smiled, waiting for her decision.

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Mika watched him though she was more distracted by the design on his eye patch, watching it now before looking over at his other eye and nodding. "Yeah. That sounds good. Lets do that. How picky are you about the inns? What kind do you prefer?" She asked as she started to walk down a side street.
"Very picky. I need the highest room in the inn. It has to be nice. Luxurious really." He looked towards her, his eye narrowed as he quietly moved his hair over his eyepatch again, smiling. "Sound good? Good. I'm sure you know of such a place. You're familiar with the area, after all." He laughed quietly, shrugging.

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Mika sighed. "Its going to be really expensive too. Remember we're a small town, you called us a village but we might not have something that amazing." She walked over until she found the inns and looked around at them. "Hm...that one is the most expensive." She said pointing to an eight story tall building. "Do you want to check it out?"
"Yes, of course. Lead the way!" He gestured out to the street, laughing quietly. He showed no signs of being the super soldier he was famed to be. Only signs of being an ass and demanding. But he stayed gesturing, smiling.

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Mika sighed and walked ahead into the inn. She walked up to the counter and was grated by the front desk agent.

"Hello Mika. I didn't call for a delivery today." He said a bit confused.

"I know. I don't work there anymore." She said in a bit of a sad tone.

"What? I couldn't imagine them firing you."

"They didn't. He made me make me work for him." She sighed.

The man frowned. "I see. Well what can I do then?"

"He wants the highest room, basically most expensive one with the best of everything." Mika pointed out.

The man looked at him then at Mika. "How will this be paid."

"The mayor gave us a letter to hand to send him all the bills. Also, would it be okay to show the room in case Mr. Pick Devil Knight here doesn't like it?" She asked pointing at Lucian using her thumb.

"Of course, if you follow me." He said taking a key and calling someone else to the desk. He walked up to two steal doors and pressed a button letting them in first. The front desk agent rode it to the very top where the elevator opened to its own room that looked more like a house. It had furniture, extras like television, kitchen, rooms. In the back there was even a pool."

Mika looked around shocked. "This is like a house..."

"Well it is called a penthouse."

"Yeah but...its not something your would really expect." She said looking around.

"What do you think sir? Feel free to look around."
"It's perfect." He stated this shortly after being asked to examine the room, not even bothering to do so. He simply walked on, looking back at Mika and the attendant. "I'll be staying here until my land is found. Thank you for your generosity." He nodded and threw the bags onto the nearest counter, looking around with a very confused expression. "Mika. We have much to discuss after the servant has left. Very much to discuss."

After that, he began tonwander around. Picking and pulling at things and gasping as he turned lights on and off. "What kind of magic is this.." he muttered. After a moment longer, he found a bathroom and simply stood in the middle of it, staring at the toilet with extreme confusion.

"Much has changed indeed..."

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"Servant?" Mika asked confused then looked over at the front desk agent.

"I will bill the mayor then."

"Okay Mike see you later." Mika said watching him leave.

"Lucian? He's gone. What did you want to discuss? Or do you want to wait until after you eat?" She asked looked around for him. She was still surprised by the room.
Lucian backed out of the bathroom and looked at Mika, rolling his eyes quietly. "What is with everything in this room? I don't understand any of it." He looked back at the bathroom and grabbed his head. "I am so far beyond lost. So.." He looked back at her, confused. ".. Help?"

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Mika walked to the bathroom and glared at him for rolling his eyes at her. She looked around and put her hand on the sink. "This is where you wash your hands. This is called a sink." She pointed out a small towel. "You dry your hands with one of those but you can use them to wash you self. They are called hand towels. The bigger towels you use to dry yourself, their just called towels." She walked over to the toilet and but her hand on the water tank. "This is a toilet its were their business when they have to relieve themselves. Then you just press that little switch and it goes down the drain." She walked over to the shower and bathtub. "You can bathe yourself in either of these. Difference is that the bathtub fills up with water and the shower doesn't." She pointed to each. "This room is called the bathroom."

"What else?"
Lucian frowned before snapping, his bags suddenly appearing on the sink as he looked at Mika, shaking his head. "Later. For now, I'll get changed." He didn't even wait for her to leave, he merely shoved his robes back. Letting the robe fall away as he shuffled through the bags. He had shorts on, but his back wad revealed now, showing the clearly burnt crescent moon on his left shoulder blade as he pulled out the jeans and sleevelesa black jacket, humming.

Galaxy S4

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