The Devil's Knight

"Hey!" Mika turned around with her eyes covered. "At least wait until I leave!" She said peeking through her fingers to make sure she walked out of the bathroom and not run into anything, like the doorway. "Geez you really need to catch up on the time." She muttered walking out and heading to the living room.

Mika sighed as she felt safe being away from Lucian. Why did I have to get dragged into this. Why couldn't just pick someone else, just because I remind him of that even a good enough reason?

"What are you planning on doing after your done changing?"
"Food!" He shouted from the bathroom. His jeans had gone on with ease, seeming to be the perfect size. He smirked a bit, looking in the mirror before touching his eyepatch, the glimmer in his eye fading as he scowled. "I'll have you back soon.." he muttered to himself, before throwing on the black vest jacket. He pulled the two straps tight to his chest, before exiting the bathroom, looking at Mika and raising his arms. "What do you think?" He smirked, still wearing the sandals, as he turned in a circle, showing off.

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"Looks good but you really need to get some kind of shoes, if you ask me. Sandals don't normally work with what you have on but other than that you look good, fairly normally too. See you didn't need my help for clothes." Mika said getting up from the seat. "You said you wanted food right? Lets go back to that restaurant before it gets too full." She said walking to the elevator, picking up the envelope at the same time. "Oh right. This thing is an elevator. You didn't ask but I think you already noticed that it can take you up to the top floor without having to take all those stairs. Saves you time and energy." She explained, pressing the button to go down.
"Oh. It fascinated me. But I didn't think much of it. As for my sandals.. well. I don't know what else to wear. These are comfortable." He shrugged as he followed her, his stomach rumbling loudy as he stretched out. "I do hope we don't run into trouble before my weapons are done. It will get messy ripping people apart." He grumbled quietly at the thought, before looking at her, smirking. "But nothing I can't handle."

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Mika looked at him a bit nervously. "Is there any possibility of quitting this job? Cause your not exactly making it any better with those thoughts." She stepped into the elevator and waited on Lucian. "If you want we can stop at a shoe store and you can try stuff out sound hungry. Oh and there isn't a high chance of us running into trouble. Not a lot of people like to be near the edge of war, even the bad ones sometimes. Though I'm not going to lie there are a few here but its nothing too bad."
"You can quit when the war is over. Won't take long, I promise." He laughed quietly as they went through the floors quickly. His hands folded behind him as he hummed to himself. "What kind of combat experience do you have, hm?" He abruptly turned to look at her, tilting his head questioningly. "And are you sure this isn't just a little tussle between your countries that's going to blow over? Bringing me back means you want someone obliterated. Not just defeated."

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Maia looked at him blankly and shook her head. "I have no combat experience. I've only seen things done in defense. So I don't know anything about that." She said then shrugged. "Honestly, I don't know. Not much is shared. And if anything its probably a lie but its not like we have any proof. Apparently one side declared war on the other and now the other counties stay clear. All I know is that there was a rumor you were here and the one side was bound to find you and end the war."
"Well then..." Lucian huffed, continuing along behind Mika as he closed his eyes. After a short moment he growled. "Either way.. The war needs to begin soon. Preferably within a week. War fuels me." He quit talking for a moment, looking at Mika as he slowly nodded, smirking. "I can teach you to fight. It's in your blood." He spoke softly, as if he was afraid of whom heard him.

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"And now I feel like I should have left town a long time ago." She muttered, mostly to herself. Mika looked back at him confused. "In my blood? What do you mean by that?" She asked. "How can fighting be in my blood? Especially if I have no interest in fighting? Maybe defending myself but not fighting. Now refusing to move until she got an answer from him.
He smirked, looking at her. "You look like one of my former Knights. Her name was Lillian. Ergo, you have to be of some sort od descendant of her. Thus, fighting is in your blood." He shrugged, placing his hands on his hips, looking at her with his eye narrowed. "Do you not feel any thrill at all when fighting? Or... defending yourself if that's what you wish to call it. Do you not hear the call to arms in your sleep?" His smile faded as he stared at her. "No. Perhaps not now. But you will one day."

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"I'm not sure if that actually makes sense or not. I mean, couldn't it just be a coincidence that I look her? Plenty of people look the same. You could probably go out and find someone that looks kind of like me and they won't be related to me at all." She said. "I don't think that something you should base your idea on. And besides I don't fight, I don't even know how. I think it'll be interesting to learn, I'll admit that." Mika sighed and started walking. "I don't know what you mean by 'the call to arms'."
"The call to arms.. ah, nevermind. Perhaps you're right. Maybe you aren't Lilliths' descendant." He scoffed a bit, going back to being callous as he stared ahead, glaring. "Where is this... place of food? I'm getting impatiently hungry and it's irritating me beyond belief." He mumbled quietly, looking back to Mika as his eye shimmered again. "Let us hurry. I'm irritated now."

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"Your not the only one irritated." Mika mumbled. "Were going its just down the street anyway." She said walking ahead of him a bit faster now mainly because she didn't want to have to deal with him as much once they were at the place.

After a few minutes she walked around and stopped in front of the buffet place again. "Come on." She mumbled walking into the place. There was no line at the moment since it wasn't late yet. She headed to the front and showed the paper. "If you have to call the mayor then do it because he's annoying me..."

The women nodded and read it over calling her manager, who then called the mayor and approved it putting the two cups on a tray. Another led them to a table and let them sit down. Putting multiple plates in the middle.

Mika looked at Lucian and pointed to where the serving area is at. "This is an all you can eat buffet. Its probably the best place to try all kinds of food. Just remember that its not all the same compared to other places. Take a plate and serve yourself. Thats how it works here. Everything has a label telling you what it is."
"... Very well." He growled lightly at the thought of serving himself, but took one of the plates anyways. With a slow stride he approached the stands, collecting different foods and placing them on his plate. He hesitated on some choices, taking a moment to smell the food before deciding whether or not to put it on his plate.

After ten minutes of this he came back with a large stack of food on his plate. He quietly sat down and stared at the food before starting to eat. He didn't use a knife or fork or spoon. He improvised and ate... and ate.

He didn't say a single word while eating. He merely consumed the entirety of the massive plate in a short span of time before grunting, looking at the now clean plate before putting his fist to his mouth and burping quietly. "Good god.." was all he said, staring at the plate in awe.

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Mika stayed at the table and waited for him to come back. Oddly it didn't surprise him that he had a mountain of food but she did look away as he ate. There had been a few people staring a him in awe, some in disgust, as he ate.

"What do you think? Did you like it? If your still hungry you can get more...but please use a utensil this time. Its bad manners to not use them unless its a certain type of food." Mika said only looking back him when he was done. She reached over the table and handed him a napkin. "Here, clean your hands and mouth with this."
He quietly took the napkin and cleaned his face and hands off, smiling wide. "That was delicious! Far beyond the food of my time! But... what are utensils? And I'll pass on another plate. That first was probably more than enough." He grinned, leaning on the table and staring at Mika quietly. "So. Tell me about yourself." He stated quietly, a calm aura falling over him.

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"You can wait a bit before going again. I'm surprised. Did you have any sweets on the plate of yours?" Mika asked almost laughing a little, almost.

"Okay. First, utensils are forks, knives, and spoons. Some times its more than theses but this is the basic. The fork is used to pick food off the plate or to help you cut food. The knife cuts food, usually meats or long pasta. And a spoon can be used for soups, some deserts, or stirring drinks." Mika paused then started to think to herself for a moment before shrugging.

"I don't know. I work as a delivery girl for the people who took care of me. Don't remember my parents. And I'm stuck with you cause your too stubborn to pick someone else who is less stubborn. Thats kind of the basic right? What else do you want to know?"
"Hm. Well, the basics will have to do. Feel free to enlighten me more about yourself as we go." He shrugged and leaned back in his seat, rubbing his stomach. "No. I didn't have any sweets. I had pizza and meats and... Oh it was just amazing." He smirked and looked at her quietly, his eye focusing on hers. "Any questions about me? I'm mostly an open book. Mostly."

He quietly extended a hand to the table, drumming his fingers slowly as he looked about the restaurant, noticing people looking at him weird as he scowled. His eye narrowing dangerously as he slowly balled his hand into a fist. "Don't these people realize it's rude to stare..? Maybe I should enlighten them."

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"I guess." Mika shrugged as well. She didn't know what she was supposed to share with him. He was still a complete stranger to her and as much for knowing about him, no questions came to mind though she was sure they would.

Well, now there was one but she would answer his questions first.

Mika was unable to control a smile that came to her face as she leaned back in her chair. "Well, maybe if you didn't eat like an animal people wouldn't have stared at you. Don't take your frustration on them because you don't know how to act in this time. Now as for a question for you. What was your time? I heard you mention that things are different from your time, mainly on the food. So what was it...before you were sealed...and how about...why you were seal while we're at it."
His eye moved back to Mika, narrowing a bit as he smiled slowly. "My time was the last major war between Kingdoms. Two sides. It was myself and a band of warriors known as 'The Devils Knights'. I can't honestly tell you what time it was, only that it was.. a long time ago. Ancient. As to why I was sealed.." He laughed, slow and quiet at first, before escalating until he stopped, a crazed look in his eye.

He slowly leaned forward, tapping the table. "My band of warriors were not sealed. They were allowed to live their lives. Love humans. Marry. Have children.. but I.." he stopped, grinning. "I didn't want that. I wanted war." He paused again, sitting up staright and clearing his throat.

"At the time we had what was called The High Council. They're probably still around in some form or another. Just in case... You know. This happened and I was awoken." He cleared his throat again, sighing. "They tried to kill me. Even sent former Knights for me. But they couldn't... So they trapped me using Lillith. When I let my entire guard down she apologized with tears in her eyes as she pushed the dagger through my chest and the Magic took hold. Placing me in neither life nor death." He stopped again, staring at the table as his hand shook. "It's a cold place. Filled with entities too powerful to exist her and too evil to pass into death. It's a river in a black and white realm. Void of heat and sound." He stopoed, looking at Mika, despair in his eye. "I will never return."

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Lucian's laugh scared her though not as much as the crazy look he had. She glanced away though most of his talk until she heard him stop. Mika looked up at him, shocked by his expression. "Wow actually don't want to go back there. Must have been really bad then. can't keep warring. I mean how do you plan to be here if you just going to try and war against others?" She asked. "You know you can't do that right?"

"And look, I'm sorry about your Knight but if you think about it...did you really think they could live their lives if there was a chance that you would war against their homes? Or that you would put their lives in danger?" Mika asked him. "Besides, if you keep wanting to war they'll just have you sealed away again. Isn't easier to just try and live like a normal person?"
Lucian sighed, his demeanor returning to a calm state as he thought over what she said. His fingers continued to drum on the table as he shrugged. "It's hard to do anything but fight. It's all I've trained to do. Evrrything I've been taught. I don't feel anything but an insatiable desire to kill." He stopped, mumbling quietly.

After a long pause, he stood. "Let's return to the room. I'm done eating and the stares are bothering me." He looked down at her, an almost sad look coming over him. "Not all my Knights betrayed me. Just most. It's okay though. They were tools for war." He shrugged, his callous nature returning.

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Mika sighed and glanced off to the side. "Whatever you say." She said getting up and starting to lead him out. "I can leave these papers with you right?" She asked as she started out of the buffet place and headed outside and starting to the in again. She was planning on leaving him there and just head home. He wouldn't need her to sleep or anything so she should be fine to leave.

Well, I'm not going to ask him any questions for a while...or at least try not too. Its pretty depressing...not that its not supposed to be but its still depressing.
"If you wish to return home, very well. But when the war begins, I can not promise you the same." He held his hand out for the paperwork, his eye completely lacking emotion now as he looked at her, his body steady and calm. The opposite of what he had been only moments before as a low rumble came from his chest. A sigh of sorts.

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Mika looked at him confused but took a step back, handing him the envelope with the papers. "Don't lose it and also," she paused watching him cautiously now. "What do you mean about not promising me the same? Why wouldn't I be able to go home after the war finally starts?"

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