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The Devil Is a Part-Timer!

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Character signup

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Real Name:



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Real Appearance:
((Sorry it took me so long! It's been a pretty hectic day! But I posted both of my character sheets! :D ))
Melerica said:
((Sorry it took me so long! It's been a pretty hectic day! But I posted both of my character sheets! :D ))
(Sorry I didn't get back to you right away but my laptop overheated and is now broken so I had to go get a friend to let me us his table so I can try to reply when I'm not at a desktop
(Okay. That's fine. Well, I figured since you're playing Satan you might start us out? Also, where do we want to start? Are they still in Ente Isla? Have they just arrived in our world? Or have they already established themselves here?)
Melerica said:
(Okay. That's fine. Well, I figured since you're playing Satan you might start us out? Also, where do we want to start? Are they still in Ente Isla? Have they just arrived in our world? Or have they already established themselves here?)
(Hmmm, maybe we could roleplay them right after they have escaped Ente Isla, I like the idea of them just getting to our world, what do you think about that idea? As for our magic and such I think we should handle it like the show did, and yes I'll make the opening post)
The eyes of Satan opened, a slight ringing in his ears.... looking up at the rising moon, his mind flashed back to what happened before all this. a life and death battle between him and the hero was in the middle of happening....slowly getting overpowered as the battle went on, he know he couldn't win a fair fight not right now, letting a grim smile, grow onto his face, his laugh could be heard it was that of a mad man!, He glared at the hero before his fingers could be heard making a sharp snapping sound. A purple portal could be seen ripping open in the world of Ente Isla. He would sign as he remembered how he got to this world, looking around trying to find any of his demons, getting up, he had a small pain in his head. Still looking up at the gleaming moon before he would laugh, he had a plan! Now crossing his arms, he walked off looking for any of his demons that had escaped with him, little known to Demon Lord Satan, he was a human.
Calder laid a few feet from where Satan had fallen. His eyes slowly cracked open. They soon widened as he sat up. His hand grasped his head, fearing he had some sort of injury. To his relief he was fine. It took him a few moments to remember the events that had brought him here. He had come through the portal with Lord Satan. Lord Satan. Where had he landed. As he quickly stumbled to his feet he looked around, spotting a figure he vaguely recognized as his master.

"Lord Satan!" Calder called out, quickly running to him. He bowed before him before looking up to him. "Have you been injured, my lord?"
Melerica said:
Calder laid a few feet from where Satan had fallen. His eyes slowly cracked open. They soon widened as he sat up. His hand grasped his head, fearing he had some sort of injury. To his relief he was fine. It took him a few moments to remember the events that had brought him here. He had come through the portal with Lord Satan. Lord Satan. Where had he landed. As he quickly stumbled to his feet he looked around, spotting a figure he vaguely recognized as his master.
"Lord Satan!" Calder called out, quickly running to him. He bowed before him before looking up to him. "Have you been injured, my lord?"
Satan looked back after hearing his name called "I'm fine." Still looking up "For one where are we." Still thinking back to what happened before, his eyes now wavered shut once again "Wherever this place is, we can take it over. We can rule this land, it seems void of life so far, I haven't seen anyone near by."

A small chuckle escaped him "Get up, if you haven't taken a look around you do so." His fists now clenching shut "That....hero..." He said under his breath, glaring about a little "How could we get beat by a hero." Still not sure how he got overpowered before he would realize he had been rambling.
Calder rose back up to his feet. He gazed out at their surroundings. "It seems we are very far from Ente Isla. Once we take over this land we can return and defeat the hero once and for all." he said, agreeing with Satan. "The hero will pay for forcing us to this strange land."

He looked back towards Satan. "My lord, we- My lord!" he exclaimed, jumping back. "What has happened to you, Lord Satan?! Your face!" He quickly began to touch his own face, feeling the slight difference in his own appearance. His hand moved to his hair, feeling it's significant different in length. "What is this place?"
Melerica said:
Calder rose back up to his feet. He gazed out at their surroundings. "It seems we are very far from Ente Isla. Once we take over this land we can return and defeat the hero once and for all." he said, agreeing with Satan. "The hero will pay for forcing us to this strange land."
He looked back towards Satan. "My lord, we- My lord!" he exclaimed, jumping back. "What has happened to you, Lord Satan?! Your face!" He quickly began to touch his own face, feeling the slight difference in his own appearance. His hand moved to his hair, feeling it's significant different in length. "What is this place?"
Satan looked at Calder in shock "What happened to you!" This started to freak him out a snap of his fingers could be heard as he was trying to use magic it seemed "I can't use my magic!" He started to walk around still shocked at what happened "How will we take over this place now...How will we get back to Ente Isla!"

A loud sign could be heard coming from him "Well for now I guess we'll need a place to stay, can you use your magic? I don't seem to be able to right now....maybe that hero did something to us..." His arms crossed not sure what to think, starting to feel around his face, it didn't feel the same, still feeling around his head hoping to find his horns, where they would normally be.
"I will try, My lord." Calder said. He got into a power stance, concentrating deeply. He thrust his arm forward as let out a battle cry. After a moment of nothing happening he returned to a normal standing position. "It appears I cannot use my magic either, Lord Satan." He thought for a moment. "Perhaps this is the mortal world. Normal humans do not possess the power of magic. It would only make sense that our magic might be hindered by this world."

"For the time being we must secure a shelter where we can regroup and plan out next move." he said. "There must be some way to regain our magic. Otherwise, we'll have no way of opening the portal back to Ente Isla."
Melerica said:
"I will try, My lord." Calder said. He got into a power stance, concentrating deeply. He thrust his arm forward as let out a battle cry. After a moment of nothing happening he returned to a normal standing position. "It appears I cannot use my magic either, Lord Satan." He thought for a moment. "Perhaps this is the mortal world. Normal humans do not possess the power of magic. It would only make sense that our magic might be hindered by this world."
"For the time being we must secure a shelter where we can regroup and plan out next move." he said. "There must be some way to regain our magic. Otherwise, we'll have no way of opening the portal back to Ente Isla."
Satan would think "Great, when we get back home I'm going to kill that hero for this." Letting a heavy sign escape under his breath looking at Calder "Did you see any other demons escape before you went into the portal?" His mind in two different places at once, how did they end up in this world, could they be in the mortal world...? All these things rushing in the mind of the Demon Lord. "We need to start looking I guess."

He started to walk "Could we really be without magic...If so it may be a long time before we get back home, it won't be easy taking this world over without it." He said thinking out loud, his fists balling up again. "Do you see anywhere near us?" Satan looked around he couldn't see a thing everything seemed dead around them at this time
Calder tried to think back to the battle they had just escaped. "I'm afraid I don't remember." he responded. While he remembered Satan calling for a few others to follow after he just couldn't remember seeing if any others were able to make it through the portal before it closed. "If anyone had made it through hopefully they have landed close to this area as well."

He looked across the horizon, trying to see what was around. It was a dark night with no large source of light anywhere, making it difficult to see. "I believe I see something up ahead." he said, seeing a few lights in the distance. "We should remain cautious, Lord Satan. We still no very little about this world."
Melerica said:
Calder tried to think back to the battle they had just escaped. "I'm afraid I don't remember." he responded. While he remembered Satan calling for a few others to follow after he just couldn't remember seeing if any others were able to make it through the portal before it closed. "If anyone had made it through hopefully they have landed close to this area as well."
He looked across the horizon, trying to see what was around. It was a dark night with no large source of light anywhere, making it difficult to see. "I believe I see something up ahead." he said, seeing a few lights in the distance. "We should remain cautious, Lord Satan. We still no very little about this world."
Satan nodded "But, we're not getting anything done just standing around, are we?" He crossed his arms trying to see if anything was up ahead of them, but no matter, even trying his best he couldn't seem to make anything out. "Okay I think these should be our goals right now One, fine a way to regain our magic, two find anyone else who escaped and three make this world ours, how does that sound?"

The Demon Lord asked giving a slight smile to him "Okay we'll also need to learn about this world can I count on you to do that? I'll focus on gaining control and taking this land over, as you learn, to give me the knowledge to do so." He shut his eyes for a moment liking the plan he had come up with "How does that sound?" Satan asked Calder.
"An excellent plan, Lord Satan." Calder agreed. "Once we have a base or operations set up I will begin gathering as much information as I can on our surroundings. I'll even try to see about finding any source of magic in this realm."

As they continued to walk an old pick up truck coming down the road slowly pulled up beside them. "What are you boys doing out this late?" A man in the truck asked. "If you guys need are heading into town I can give you two a ride in the back."

Calder immediately leapt in front Satan, trying to protect him from the strange machine that had just pulled up. "Stay back or you shall suffer the wrath of Lord Satan! Continue on your way or I will be forced to bring upon your demise!"

The man just stared at th strangely, not understanding their language. "We don't get many foreigners in this area." he said, letting out a sigh. He pointed to them and then ahead of them to the town before pointing to the bed of his truck. "Do you boys understand?"
Melerica said:
"An excellent plan, Lord Satan." Calder agreed. "Once we have a base or operations set up I will begin gathering as much information as I can on our surroundings. I'll even try to see about finding any source of magic in this realm."
As they continued to walk an old pick up truck coming down the road slowly pulled up beside them. "What are you boys doing out this late?" A man in the truck asked. "If you guys need are heading into town I can give you two a ride in the back."

Calder immediately leapt in front Satan, trying to protect him from the strange machine that had just pulled up. "Stay back or you shall suffer the wrath of Lord Satan! Continue on your way or I will be forced to bring upon your demise!"

The man just stared at th strangely, not understanding their language. "We don't get many foreigners in this area." he said, letting out a sigh. He pointed to them and then ahead of them to the town before pointing to the bed of his truck. "Do you boys understand?"
Lord Satan slowly stepped in front of Calder, what was this machine he had never seen anything like this before he would blink for a second. Just looking at the pointing. His eyes would shoot over to Calder. Satan pondered what this strange machine was his arms crossing.

Looking back to the old pick up truck he couldn't help but look at it, "What is this thing..." His eyes peering back over to Calder, now looking back to the bottom of the old truck, it seemed to have when Satan looked at it he couldn't find anything he knew of, he found something that was black at the bottom of it, but nothing more really.

It also seemed to have something else in the middle, it was still nothing he knew of, he would shake his head as his arms crossed for a second taking a look around to look off where the man pointed. He would just give a blank stare at the man, not really getting anything said by him.

"Calder, be ready this man could try something at anytime." The Demon Lord said not knowing much about this world or what people even lived in it.
The man listened as the two of them spoke to each other. "A couple of foreigners, huh?" he asked, giving a sigh. "Do you boys want a ride into town?" He tried motioning again, hoping they might understand this time.

Calded watched the man's movements carefully. "I believe he wants us to go with him." he said. "He seems to want to take us in the direction we are going. Perhaps we can use him to reach our destination sooner."

It would be a perfectly devilish plan. They agree to go with the man to wherever he wanted to take them. But just when he thought he had them they could leap out of the machine, escaping from his trap.
Melerica said:
The man listened as the two of them spoke to each other. "A couple of foreigners, huh?" he asked, giving a sigh. "Do you boys want a ride into town?" He tried motioning again, hoping they might understand this time.
Calded watched the man's movements carefully. "I believe he wants us to go with him." he said. "He seems to want to take us in the direction we are going. Perhaps we can use him to reach our destination sooner."

It would be a perfectly devilish plan. They agree to go with the man to wherever he wanted to take them. But just when he thought he had them they could leap out of the machine, escaping from his trap.
Satan now stood looking over to Calder, Satan couldn't help but pounder about what the man spoke, they couldn't seem to understand each other. Satan had hopped out, he didn't know what that machine was, he didn't care to find out. Satan didn't know much about this world or its inhabitants.

"Calder we should start walking." After he said he would take a step little did Satan know as he was taking that step, a rock was below his right foot. When Satan was stepping down his right foot landed on the rock, Satan lost his balance he started to fall back first.

As Satan fell the Demon Lord screamed "NOOOOOOOOOOO!" The back of Satan hit the ground knocking the breath out of him, Satan stood panting after the breath got knocked out of him, as he was trying to stand he had almost fallen again, little known to him he had sprained his ankle, letting out small grunts of pain as he tried to walk.

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