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Realistic or Modern The Detectives

Thick white clouds covered the skies of cities. It looked almost on the verge of turning into rain. The streets, normally bustling, only had a few people walking around outside. On the edge of the street, a black car is parked, and two people sit inside. Waiting... watching, they were on a hunt for the clue to lead them to their target. Detective Alex sat in the driver seat, his brown eyes glued to a household two buildings away from their car. He remained still and focus. Finally, someone exits the building, a pudgy black-haired man in a tight suit.

"There's our lead" Alex clearly spoke out like to his partner in the passenger seat, "Let's see if we can persuade him to give us some information on our main target." With that said, the man exited the car and began to approach.
Daniel sighed and nodded, he was about to ask for a smoke with Alex outside but know was now the time. He headed out the car and also approached the man. Daniel was wearing usual detective attire; a tight white shirt, a dull black tie and black trousers, to go along with black smart shoes. In addition he had sunglasses. He wasn't really that intimidating at first glance, at 5'11 and 185 lbs he seemed like a normal sized dude. But his years as a detective had hardened him. He spoke like a 55 year old despite the fact he was 30.

He was the first to get to the man. "Excuse me, you're Nicholas Alexander?" Daniel asked taking off the sunglasses. The man nodded. "Greetings, I'm Daniel Darnold, I work for the LAPD. This is my partner: Alex.."
"Garter," he finished has he walked up behind Daniel, hand in his the pocket of his tan trenchcoat. The slightly shorter than his partner at 5'9, he had a strong-looking body build regardless. In his white button-up shirt and black slacks, the man stood in a relaxed appearing stance. His eyes watched for any sudden movement or dangers. Eventually, pulls out a picture of a man. "Mr. Alexander, what can you tell us about this person?" He got straight to the point as he showed the profile picture to Nicholas.
As Nicholas scanned the photo, Daniel could briefly see a shocked expression on his face. As if he had seen a ghost. But he tried to hide it away as quickly as he could. But it was too late. Daniel had already caught it. "So you know him?" Daniel had a deep voice, similar to the famous 'Morgan Freeman' deep voice except it sounded more serious and younger. The man shook his head quickly which made Daniel furious. But he didn't lose it, as detectives you were trained to keep your anger in at all costs. "Don't bullshit me, there's two of us and one of you. And considering the circumstances I think it's clear we need to know who that man is, you agree?" Dan raised a single eyebrow. Nicholas finally sighed, hung his head and nodded. "I'll tell you who he is in private, not here. They could be watching.." He had a surprisingly raspy voice. "Fine," Daniel said. "Get in the backseat of the car," Nicholas again went white but knew he didn't have a choice against two detectives. He groaned in defeat and walked to the car. Daniel looked at Alex. "You think he'll tell the truth or bullshit us?"
"He'll probably tell us the truth, but he'll definitely not tell us everything." The man confidently replied to Daniel as he let out a sigh. "Hopefully, we can get him to spit it out." It seemed like everyone they talked to about his case refused to properly cooperate. Understandable, since it involved a powerful and dangerous criminal. Alex's face turned serious as thought about it, and his fist clenched tightly.

They reach their vehicle. With some mild rattling, the detective fished out the keys. Unlocking the doors, he kept a close eye on their lead in case he decided to escape on them. As the man opened the door and struggled to fit his full girth in the backseat, Alex slid into the driver's seat. With a single turn, the engine revved up, and Alex checked his mirrors before driving off. He took many different populated roads and constantly checked his mirrors for any sign of them being followed.

Eventually, the detective arrived at a small pub a little off the beaten path. The sign hanging in the small window indicated that it was still closing hours, but the owner was an acquaintance and had given Alex a key. Opening the car's door, Alex scanned the area for anything or anyone suspicious before walking to the pub and unlocking the door.

"We should be undisturbed here," He motioned them over as he continued to check his surroundings.
Daniel was the last to enter and shut the door behind him tightly. There was a lock inside already which he used to lock the door manually. He waiting for the others to sit down before joining them. There was a weird silence before Daniel started speaking: "Alright, private area, now tell us what the hell you know." Nicholas sighed. It didn't seem like an annoyed sigh but rather a tired sigh, like he wanted to forget about this whole deal. But he couldn't, he knew they couldn't. "What do you wanna know about him?" Nicholas ask. "Everything you bloody got."

"Fine, you must already know but that person in the picture is Juan Rodriguez. He appears like a normal guy at first until it you realise he's the biggest drug dealer in south america, more specifically Colombia. He's not the most intimidating guy, about 5'10, 150 at best. But he's good, real good. At everything, drug dealing, shooting, hell he can even throw a punch if you need him to. Right now I don't know where the hell he is but I assume you know why you're asking about him..." Dan nodded. "He was responsible for the shooting in the Empire State building, right?" Nicholas slowly nodded. "I don't truly know why, all he said was that there was people that were gonna be there that he 'had to take care off', next thing you know he's killed over 200 people, not a single survivor."

"Well how do you know him?.." Nicholas leaned in close to Nicholas. He wanted to intimidate him, ensuring he got the full truth no matter what. This was serious, they had to bring this 'Juan' guy down. "i served him for a bit, I use to deal to one of his workers until I fell short of money. Then he comes, threatens to rape my sister and I have no choice but to work with him.. I quit a week after the shooting. At that point I had 'served' time." Daniel leaned back and went into thinking mode. He wasn't lying.. I can tell when they lie but his eyes.. No sign of it.. No nervous sweat or trying to scan the room constantly.. "But why did you tell me us this?.." Daniel asked curiously. Nicholas shrugged. It seemed as if he didn't care whatsoever. "I mean, you probably know this already, so yeah.." Daniel thought for a second then asked another question. "Now the real question, where the hell was he the last time you saw him?" "I don't know. He never actually did the shootings, he just got his men too. From what I hear he's always in Colombia in some unknown location only his very dearest friends and family know about." Daniel finally looked at Alex in case he wanted to ask anything further.
Alex leaned against the bar with his arms crossed. He merely listened as Daniel got the facts out of Nicholas. When the shooting at the Empire State building was mentioned, the man's face turned grave, and his body became rigid. Nicholas appeared to be telling the truth, even Alex trained eyes and senses didn't detect the usual tells of lying or hiding the truth. Daniel's eyes turned to him to see if he had anything else to inquire that himself. Striding over to beside their pick up, the detective slammed his hand on the surface and leaned over to fiercely glared right into Nicholas's eyes. The chubby man was taken back by the hostility of his actions.

"Is that really all you know?" Alex assertively demanded an answer, the intensity in his eyes grew stronger. Slightly panicked, the suspected nodded his head. Alex's glared lingered, and the tense atmosphere in the silent room increase more. Suddenly, he straightened himself up, and the environment lightened up with it. "So, Mr. Alexander, would like us to drop you off somewhere?" He offered him a ride.
"No, I'll walk.. My damn body needs it and I'm not too far from home.." Nicholas got up to leave. Daniel went to the door and unlocked it, letting Nicholas leave. Once he left he slammed it shut and locked it. Before locking the door he checked outside. Nope, no unwanted guests around. Daniel sighed in relief before going back to the table where Alex was sitting. He could tell he was still putting up his intimidating act but it didn't seem to faze Daniel. "Calm down man we got what we bloody needed." He took out a notepad and pen and wrote down everything Nicholas said, to the exact detail. Daniel was blessed with an incredible memory. He was blessed with alot of things in all fairness. Before the LAPD he was a rising MMA star, able to get a scholarship to college to wrestle. After college he went pro in MMA and did well, going undefeated. Until he got to the UFC where he lost his first ever fight. Unfortunately that fight destroyed him. He had been beaten so badly he had to stay in the hospital for a few weeks. He had another fight lined up but he retired, too beaten down to fight again.

After writing everything down he called his boss, Detective Arthur. He was a bit of a legend at the LAPD, known for busting the biggest drug scandal in history only a few years ago. He may have been 58 but he looked in his 30s. "Yo Arthur," Dan said as he heard the line being answered. "So we interrogated the guy, got all we know. Basically the same stuff we know already except the fact there's a possibility he's in Colombia.. And it probably wasn't him that actually shot the guns but rather one of his workers." There was a groan from the other line. It was clear Arthur wanted more. "Alright whatever, you sure got EVERYTHING from him? These people are master liars. They're trained for this." "Trust me, I saw no sign of lying. Even if we tortured him. But again, that's illegal.. And wrong. He's pretty innocent considering he didn't even know this was happening." "Fine. Look we've interrogated everyone we know so our only option now is to start the chase, got it?" "I mean.. Ugh fine." Daniel was about to argue but he didn't want a mouthful from Arthur. Plus, he knew a way to start. He hung up the phone and looked at Alex. "So, I got a plan, unless yours sounds better?.."
Even with Daniel's words, his feelings were still strung high. Alex took a few deep breaths, but his stern expression didn't change. He knew he needed to calm himself, or he would end up being reassigned. His parents were murdered when Alex was a child, leaving him and his brother to the mercy of his relatives. Being a detective and preventing more children from being separated from their parents had always been his life's goal... something he failed so close to home. Juan Rodriguez had killed his kid brother and wife, leaving his young nieces without parents... just like him in youth. Bringing in that criminal with his own abilities is the only way to apologize to his deceased brother for failing to protect him and his family. As well as quell the fury raging within him.

Alex watched Daniel as he made his call, and from his replies, he could tell their superior Arthur, wasn't happy. There was the looked on Daniel's face as groaned in agreement to him. Alex could figure out what was said. His partner looked at him tell him he had a plan, and if he had one himself. Shaking his head at his suggestion... this case was too personal to him. He was itching to find and take down Juan, so Alex would only produce a reckless plan. The last thing he wanted was for someone else close to him to be taken out.

"Let's go with your plan," Alex replied with an acceptance of his Daniel's choice. As long it wasn't talking to more people, this interrogation method really wasn't getting them anywhere. Any other form of action would be would alright for him.
Daniel took out some gun and started chewing it, strawberry flavour. He was going to get peppermint but decided a change would be better, even though it wasn't. He always enjoyed peppermint, the slight spiciness in the flavour always tingled his senses. He sighed at Alex's response. Both of them were supremely smart when it came to detective work, so he knew either his or Alex's plan would probably be just as effective, the problem was if it wasn't enough. Arthur, for as much of a legend he was, was a huge ass. He was known for the most amount of quitting in the LAPD. He had even gotten a few people fired. Mostly deserved. Mostly. He hated getting a mouthful and didn't want it to be his fault when they got to the end of it and it turned out no results, but he had no choice.

"Alright plan's simple, Columbia would be a hard place to start so there's no point rushing there. Plus chances is that he might of moved, especially considering how high profile this case is... So remember those twins we interrogated? They had a laptop we confiscated. Let's get it back to base and it should have something for us to start with. Sound good?" He looked at Alex. He knew how important this case was to him. Daniel was the first to join, just before Alex so he knew a bit about Alex whereas he didn't know much of Alex knew about Daniel.

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