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Realistic or Modern The Deputies - CS

Kaoru Honami

# Deputy 1

# FC: Hamabe Minami

♡coded by uxie♡

Ethnicity: East Asian / Japanese
Age: 22

Kaoru might just have a pretty face, but her personality can spice her overall profile. She can be bubbly and enthusiastic, but she can keep secrets like a rock hidden underneath water. Kaoru does have some kind of temperament, and is quite poetic in her work. She has some lash outs, or some dark tare
Backstory/History: Being thrown out, shipped away from her very country, Kaoru was young and raised into Amberstone ever since her parents sold her out for a ton of yen. But after becoming of a certain age, she was allowed to acquire firearms and be able to take a job submission some sheriff was sending out. A deputy role. Before this, she was just a normal 'civilian', possibly working commoner jobs-gotten probably from just her looks.
Relations: Admired Sheriff Cooley eversince young, but didn't really get any chances to speak with him. Mother and Father unknown.
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Name: Leslie Allen Hodge
Appearance: A black man with a slim and toned build. His head is square and wide, with an old scar on his right cheek. He is often seen wearing his Texano style hat and leather half-chaps.
Age: 24
Ethnicity: Black American
Personality: Quiet and calculating. He often prefers solitude but is willing to work with people as long as their goals look like his goals. He is deeply desensitized to violence, to the point horrific scenes that would turn the stomach of others fail to unsettle him. He has a deep-seated distrust of authority.
History: Born into slavery, Leslie was a slave on a plantation with his mother and two of his siblings, Moses and Jacob. After the Civil War, Leslie cast his lot with some of the free black cattle drivers of the deep south, where he found success. Leslie fled to Amberstone after a run in with a crooked mayor led to him shooting the mayor dead in the street. He hoped Amberstone could be his place to resettle and plant roots. When Sheriff Cooley posted his notice for a deputy for hire, Leslie took the job, believing it was his best shot at lying low and maybe having a life that settles down.
Relationships (WIP): Leslie does not fully trust authority figures, making his relationship with Sheriff Cooley sometimes distant.

(Subject to changes when necessary)
Name: Lazarus Love
Age: 21
Ethinicity: White
Personality: Brave, maybe a bit reckless, still has notions of chivalry and "Southern Honor" even after the war. Generally a nice guy but has a bit of a temper.
History: Joined up with the Confederacy when he was 13 and got made a drummer boy. Stayed the whole duration even when the supply situation got really bad. By then about 3 years later he was issued a rifle and put in the line of battle but he was old enough to know that was pretty much it for the war. Now he's just trying to make the most of the situation and maybe get a bit of excitement back in his life. By the time he was old enough to fight the war was done.
Relations: He's got a girlfriend.
Name: Arthur Cooley


Ethnicity: White

Age: 39

Personality: Though Sheriff Arthur is a very notable man, features of his personality are less noteworthy. He is none too loud nor too quiet. Too angry nor too passive. An orator in his finest moments and reminiscent of a backwater cowpoke in the next. Though calculating and brooding at times, he often appears to be genial and selfless. He is known for his love of Amberstone, mostly because he professes it every chance he gets to whoever's willing to listen - having not fought in the war or joined any of the militias formed in the area, serving the town full-time throughout, his only discernable loyalties are to the town, it's laws, and himself. He's also widely regarded for his talents as a shootist - during his career, he has killed four men and bested many more in dozens of gunbattles over the course of his two decades long career. Because of this, only the bravest or most ignorant of criminals would openly challege his rule of law - some do so only with the motive to prove their superior prowess to the reputed gunfighter. Only once has Sheriff Arthur lost a shooting contest, during which he was almost slain - that was fifteen years ago.

History: WIP

Relations: WIP
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