The Deeds of the Turbatus Preparatory School [Inactive]

((If it's OK, I'm gonna passively rp my other char that's already here.()
Maeda would be organizing books in the school library, while singing in the same style as Sirens sing, only quieter. Tonight, he was not hungry, so he did not feel like searching out sleeping mortals. And with his nonexistent friends, he had nowhere else to be.

Farra Rei, age 17. Famous for her high IQ, hot temper, and ability to change appearance at will.

"Hey, got a problem?"

A tall, slim girl with bright blue curls and sparkling green eyes scowled at a whimpering 1st year.

"No-no ma'am, I don't! I swear, I wasn't saying ANYTHING about you! Anything bad, that is--"

The girl slammed her hand against the purple lockers that stood behind the boy, creating a loud noise.

"Really? I heard that you were saying I was a witch. Ring any bells?"

The boy paled; he did indeed say these things a week previous, he just never assumed that she'd hear about it. But everyone knows that Farra Rei knows everything. From tests to the latest gossip, she knew about everyone and everything, including who they crushed on, what their elective was, and what their conversations were about. And say something bad about her? You'd be sore for the next two terms.

"I see; still not fessing up? Let's just see how Vanessa would like that. She's your GIRLFRIEND, right? It wouldn't be very good if she heard that you kissed another, right?"

The kid squinted his eyes a little, confused by her implication.

"I haven't kissed any other--"

Farra placed her lips, painted in a dark blood red, on his. The boy turned positively white.

"Now you have."

She grinned. Leaning in, she wiped a tear off the kid's face.

"And you know what? I am a witch."

Anton Dervay didn't show up to his next two classes. He was found blathering about blood and sharp fingers...while he himself was covered in the very stuff. It oozed from every cut on his body, and there happened to be quite a few.

Meanwhile, Farra Rei was off on the other side of the school, silently driving her victims insane.

The librarian would run into the library and tell Maeda "I need your help with something, right now." He would follow the librarian to the nurse's office, where Anton would already have been moved and put under, to ease the pain. Mr. L, which the librarian will now be called, hisses in Maeda's ear "Look, I promised to not tell anyone so long as I got a couple favors. This is one of them. I can get you half an hour alone with him, but nothing more, so be quick. And if you... You start getting murderous, we can sedate you, so don't worry."

Maeda would crack his neck as the nurse and Mr L left, then say "Time for work." He would transform into the awkward form of a baku and start eating the boy's current nightmare. He would stop at Farra's face and revert to human form. "Looks like we might have a sweet, poisonous berry among all these weeds."
(Sorry I came in late O-O) Reyai heard some conversation in the nurse's office, as she peeked around the corner of the hall and saw Mr. L walking away. It must have something to do with Maeda. I'll check it out... I guess. She slipped over to the door and saw him in Baku form eating the child's dreams... known as nightmares. "Oh. Hey Baku Maeda." She patted his back and said, "Feeling murderous yet?" *chuckle*
"Not yet... this stuff is jank, though. Some chick pretty much murdered his mind..." He would switch back ti human form again and shake his head, causing hi pink hair to get even messier.
"Haha. Yeah. Farra does that. We're like, mortal enemies though." She shrugged. "Don't know why. Anyway, what's the meal about? Murder?" She imagined the nightmare must be pretty dangerous, so on the inside she was nervous to hear what it was about.
"Farra seemed to have made this kid hate himself" Maeda said. "Pretty much was forced to betray his mate, ended up afraid and suicidal. He'll probably need a therapist."
As soon as Reyai heard the news, she was positive this was Farra's work. She was about to tell Mr. L when she heard footsteps coming and a strand of blue hair peek out from behind the corner. "Farra, is that you?" She wasn't exactly if it was actually her, but she actually doubted herself for once in her life.
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Maeda would crack his knuckles, the tattoos on his arms warping a little as his lithe musculature flexes.
Maeda would round the corner, find nothing, and then go back to Mr. L. After recieving a pat on the back, he would head back to his cot in the library and fall asleep.

Farra giggled as yet another victim fell to the floor, shivering in terror.

"I assume you won't do it again,"

she said, waving her hand dismissively. Her victims generally consisted of insecure males; occasionally she took down a jock, those big hulking brutes with the god complexes.

"Yes--yes, Farra..."

The small, blond boy shivered again. She had taken the form of his worst fear; which everyone knew, since he made a point to complain about it constantly in Mythology class...

The Chimera. Her features had morphed quickly and smoothly, though the change was very drastic.

Farra's paws padded across the cold tile floor as she approached the quivering teen.

"Have I made my point?"

Tears streamed down the tiny teen's face, and he stuttered,

"No! I mean, yes!"

The chimera smiled (if that's what you called it), and she reverted back to her usual form.

"We don't need to discuss this with anyone, now do we?"

The cruel girl leaned in, her sharp, beautiful features twisting with pleasure.

"We don't..I won't tell anyone!"

Farra smiled, her index finger turning into a sharp point.

"Let's just make sure, shall we?"

"Hm, that was fast."

Marcell Rodion, age 18. Currently dating Farra Rei.

"Yeah, didn't take much to break him."

Farra blew a curl out of her face. Her face was bloody.

"What's this?"

The boy traced the blood streaks, concern obvious on his face. Farra giggled.

"His blood."

(Oh my already started? I'll get on in then)

Chris walked in to the school. He glamoured his eyes to look human, green ones. Well, hope he isn't shunned here for being:

1. Way too sexy. screw his race and his genes for doing that. You'd think being attractive would help, but at his level of looks, people avoided you in fear they were in the presence of a god.

2. Being shy. Its not he didn't like people. It was just overwhelming for him to form bonds with other races. Male Sidhe were rare and rarely interacted with other races.

He went into a classroom and sat down. The teacher gave him the typical introduction for a newcomer, though Chris couldn't tell if the man was jealous of his looks or not from his cold tone.

There were many whispers of jealous males, some attracted males, many sighs of "oh my god he's beautiful" and the sort from females, as well as some disgusted ones who had a sheer hatred for the male gender.

"Ummm...hello. I hope you take care of me." He bowed gently. His quiet voice which (he was born with) layered with a golden lining of seduction added to his charm. He quietly sat down and the lesson proceeded, though far too many females were distracted looking at him.

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Maeda would come into class tentatively balancing a stack of books on his finger. He would set them in the teachers arms, before doing his signature goodbye: raising his right fist to cover his eye and the opening it, to show a much larger, more insane eye-tatoo on his palm. The hand would stay up until he left the classroom.
Reyai found Maeda walking out of the classroom. She had left the nurse's office before he could come and tell her if it had been Farra. "So?" She asked. "Was it Farra or no?" She leaned on the wall outside the door and waited for an answer.
Charles walked into the library and sat down, quietly he paged through an old history book and commented to himself on the various happening that were inside. "Pfft that's not how he did it." or "Well he -was- a complete asshole" seemed to flow from his mouth as he poured over each page.


Alex was pulled to attention as an exceedingly handsome boy was introduced. "Hmm that's not something you see every day." floated through his mind as he flipped through his text-book, quickly memorizing it's contents. His mechanical arm's hand flexed, making a fist and then letting go. Over and over this continued until he raised his hand. "Teach can I go to the bathroom real quick?" with the teachers nod he stood and made his way to the hallway, making sure to keep his face straight.
Lillian, shifting her blue flannel shirt and swiping a stray hair from behind her ear walks into the classroom abnormally late and takes her seat by the window avoiding everyone's eyes. I really hope I'm not here to late.. I only arrived in this town from Maine an hour ago.
Alex noticed a girl he didn't recognize as he walked into the hallway. "Must be late or something... at least she's cute" he let his face contort a bit as he entered the bathroom and into one of the stalls. Whilst inside he began the ritual of resetting his arm. It amplified the pain to an uncontrollable level that rendered him catatonic, however, it did nullify the pain after around 15 minutes.... now if only it could last longer than an hour each time.

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