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Realistic or Modern The Days After (Post Apocalyptic RP)

With a handful of curses, Daniel opened the door and ran towards the crowd. They were behind a set of wrecked cars, but he had an idea. With a leap, probably taking a few years out of his lifespan, he climbed on top of the car and aimed at the last Viral behind the kid. It was a risky shot, as the 12-gauge buckshot could easily hit the poor kid, but if it did, he wouldn't rally mind. He pulled the trigger and the Viral's head exploded.

"Kid, get your ass over here!" He yelled, pumping another round into the camber. He hopped off the car and ran back towards the warehouse, hoping the kid wouldn't try and kill him with his back turned.
"Kid, get your ass over here!"
James stood still, frozen for a moment, and stared at the man who had saved him. Useless. I'm always useless. As the distant groans of more dead filled his ears, his legs finally gained the ability to move again and he pushed any thoughts away that weren't focused on getting to safety. His unused bat hung from his hand as he took off behind the dark haired stranger, his breaths heavy from panic.
Alan had to cough to stop himself from uttering the repartee that came instinctively to the tip of his tongue. Now now, Alan, be mature. "Uh, sure." Clearing his throat he glanced at the redhead beside him, a wide grin on his lips. "If we ever find enough alcohol, I'll enjoy drinking you under the table country girl."

Returning to his scope, Alan frowned slightly and hummed beneath his breath, trying to think about the next steps now that this little bout of excitement was over. "Looks like boss man has everything under control, but there are a few stranglers trailing a ways behind them. And no doubt the noise has attracted more zombies, or worse." He concluded grimly, lowering his weapon so that the barrel was pointing to the floor and flicked the safety on.

"We'll have to move fast. Eden, can you go look at the road up to that warehouse and see if it's clear?"
A slight chuckle fell from Eden's lips before it was back in serious-mode. If she had it her way, she would punch this imbecile in the jaw for making such a fucking scene, but she knew that Daniel would never allow it. With a nod, she slung down and battered through the already crumbling front door, passing Daniel and the kid. "Shut the fuck up will you?" She sneered as she ran past, signaling to Daniel that she was going to check the road up ahead. Nothing but lots of dead corpses and animals from the looks of it.

"Boring... good," She shrugged with a smile, jogging back and giving Alan a thumbs up.
One the kid was inside the warehouse, Daniel put his shotgun around his back and grabbed him by the collar. He wasn't going to kill him, but he sure was going to enjoy yelling some sense into him.

"Alright, listen here kid. I have a few things and you're going to listen real close, yeah?" He growled. "One, you are the most stupidest person I've ever come across, and I am really surprised I even went out to save you, let alone how you're still alive."

"Two, I don't know you, and I really don't care to get to know you. So, here's the deal. I'm going to send you on you're way, and I swear to God if you start screaming or come back here again, I will personally put a bullet in your brain, you hear?"
Alan gave Eden a nod of acknowledgment, letting out a small breath of relief. Atleast that avenue was clear of issues. For now. Slinging his rifle over his chest he moved away and off from his perch by the window, reaching the entrance of the warehouse just as Daniel had finished ripping their rescuee a new asshole.

"Yo chill out Daniel," Alan advises, slowly approaching and tugging the barrel of the shotgun away from the kid's head. He was pretty sure Daniel wouldn't do anything dumb but a loaded gun was a loaded gun. "Back up come on, we need to move. Eden's already waiting for us." He reminded the other man before turning to look at the kid, trying to see if he was injured in any way. "Look kid, hope all this blood isn't yours cause we've got to move right the fucking moment and if you can't keep up then you've just wasted alot of our time and bullets so don't fucking die before you're of some use, eh?"

Then Alan turned and began walking out of the warehouse, glancing behind to see what Daniel would do.
"He doesn't need to chill out. I say put a bullet in his skull so we don't have to die at this fucker's expense," Eden snarled as she met Alan in the doorway, looking at him with puppy-dog eyes as if to beg him to kill the kid. She wasn't about to lose this life she was working so hard to have in order for some teenager who didn't know how to keep his mouth shut. knocking her shoulder playfully into Alan's as she made her way to stand slightly behind Daniel. "Whatever you're going to do, do it fast. I want to hit that warehouse before noon in case some low-lives are inhabiting it."

Flicking her hair back and tying the unruly fire-locks into a bun, Eden turns again to walk out, grabbing her bottle from out of her pack and swigging out some water. "We really do need to get going," She muttered, passing Alan. "I'm not going in there in the night... it's too dangerous and I'm not losing either one of you."
Daniel was having a mental battle as of this moment. Half of him wanted to kill the kid, but the other wanted to keep his Humanity. What was left of it anyways. With a few more seconds of thinking, he let the kid go and gave a deep sigh,"Alright, kid. Get up and get lost before I change my mind."

He turned back to the others, raising his shotgun and put a replacement shell into the chamber. "Alright, let's get going. This place isn't safe, so we should head into the woods. There's another small town a few miles from here to the East, so we should start there." He suggested.
Alan simply shrugged at Eden's comment, grinning at her look. "Now now Eden, you're starting to let the sadist in you show." As Daniel let the kid go Alan supressed a sigh. Not that he worried bout the newcomer, he just figured Daniel wouldn't really like himself after blowing some random's head off. But the change of plans made him raise an eyebrow at their leader.

"To the woods? Thought you wanted to hit up the warehouse before we took off?"
Daniel sighed,"I do, but all that gunfire will probably attract a whole lat more if we don't get out before. We'll let this place die down a bit, and come back in a few days tops." He stepped outside, looking around. Their best chance was in fact to get the hell out out dodge, who know how many of them would show up later. "Unless, if you think we should head to the warehouse across the way, speak now or forever hold your peace." He said smugly.
"I'm good," Eden quipped, standing up a little straighter before punching Alan in the arm for his comment and jogging a little ahead of the two. She liked walking in front, anywhere they went. it meant she saw the action first, meant she could step quieter to attempt to get dinner for the bunch in form of an innocent passing deer or bobcat (if they were lucky... most times it was rabbits and ducks). Although the town felt eery now. Quiet in the way she didn't like... quiet in a way that made her just want to get to the woods a little quicker.
Alan just shrugged and grinned lazily at Daniel, pointedly ignoring Eden's playful punch. "Hey, whatever you say boss. I'm just the good looking muscle around here." With that he moved to follow Eden. No he wasn't enjoying watching the young woman from behind. He was making sure nothing was creeping up on her, yeah. That was it. No ogling going on whatsoever.

"What are we going to do once we hit the woods again?"
Eden slung her gun over her shoulder to hold it at the ready, her finger hovering over the trigger and eyes scanning the landscape as they reached the edge of the wood. It was peaceful here, with little to no moaning, just a few birds that were left and the crunching of leaves beneath her feet. "Step quiet," She whispered back to her comrades, holding a hand back. "We're here for dinner, Al. So hush or we're having rabbit again," The redhead chuckled with a roll of her eyes before looking around once again, looking for anything bigger to cook up for the night.

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