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Fandom The Day The World Changed { The Last of Us 1x1 with icedthemoon }

Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Commander, FEDRA Civilian | 26, 32 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Kaiden giggled and squealed as Soren whirled around and he felt himself swooped up and spun. "Yes! Kissing is gross!" He said, giggling between words as he heard Soren's voice grow erratic. Kaiden screamed and giggled as he looked at Soren. "Yes. 'Ayden!" Josh looked at Theo, hearing him giggling happily and he felt the hand clung to his shirt. He looked over at Hayden, hearing his words. "I do. He ran to me." He said softly, looking at him. "I.. I was wondering.." Josh paused as he skirted Soren and Kai and came to stand in front of Hayden. "Would you.. be okay with me staying home today?" Josh asked softly. Jacob watched as Soren played with Kaiden, swinging him around in a circle, and he heard the little one giggling and laughing as he did. Jacob smiled softly, watching the two of them together. It was certainly a sight that he enjoyed.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
FEDRA Civilian, FEDRA Commander | 26, 37 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

“Oh no. He can’t come save you now.” Soren laughed as big as he could manage for this little game that they were playing. He held tight and turned them so that Kai could not see Hayden. Besides, Soren could see that a conversation was starting, and he thought they should probably do that now instead of later if anything decided to fester. Theo squirmed a little but did not want to get down. He seemed perfectly happy to stay in Josh’s grasp. Hayden was not sure how that made him feel. On the one hand, it was like a dream. All Hayden wanted was to have a family. To have the perfect life. Josh would hold these children who laughed and played. Maybe he would even play with them at the park. Would he? At the question, Hayden wanted to tell him that he never wanted Josh to go in the first place. He wanted him to stay. To be the husband he wasn’t yet. “I think Theo would love that.” Theo, upon hearing his name, bounced and giggled some more. “Play! Play!” He pulled on Josh’s shirt.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Commander, FEDRA Civilian | 26, 32 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Kaiden squealed and giggled as he was held tight by Soren, and then he couldn't see Hayden anymore. He squirmed in Soren's grasp as he laughed. Jacob stayed beside Soren, allowing his brothers to talk while he watched Soren play with Kaiden. He loved to see this side of his partner. Josh felt Theo squirm as he looked at him, but he could sense that the little one didn't want to get down. He looked over at Hayden, seeing him come over and bit his lip. What he heard from his partner wasn't what he was expecting. Theo would love that? But that wasn't what he was asking. Josh had a moment where he wanted to clarify if that was what Hayden wanted, but.. he decided against it. But he didn't have a chance to speak as he felt Theo bounce, and giggle before hearing his words and feeling him pull on his shirt. "Okay. Then, where are we off to today?"
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
FEDRA Civilian, FEDRA Commander | 26, 37 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Hayden stayed still as he watched little boy and Josh. Theo continued to bounce as he heard Josh’s words. He was not even listening to them. He heard the voice instead. The voice was enough to feel like home. To feel safe. “Play! Play!” He kept repeated this, more and more excited as he went. He had not noticed Kai with Soren yet. Hayden glanced over at the others to see that Jacob was too entranced in Soren to be his back up. That was okay. He could handle his own fiancé. Fiancé. Still. “We were thinking about going to the park.” This set Theo off even more. His little hands gripped Josh tightly as he all but flung himself up. “The park! Go to the park! With Kai?” Soren, hearing that it was probably time for him to let Kai back down and join the other two before things got uncomfortable, spun himself and Kaiden around quickly and placed him on the ground. “Did someone say park?”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Commander, FEDRA Civilian | 26, 32 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Josh looked at Hayden as he shifted in place, hearing Theo's repeated words more and more excitedly and couldn't help the little smile cross his face. He looked at Hayden, hearing his words and before he could say anything, he felt Theo's little hands grip him tightly and felt him fling himself up. Josh looked at Theo, hearing him and then at Hayden. "Yes, the park. We can go to the park. All of us. Kai too." Josh said as he turned to Soren, seeing him spin himself around. Kaiden giggled as he was set down and ran to Hayden. "Park! Go to park!" He agreed excitedly as Jacob turned and looked at Hayden as well, silently asking if he was okay as he glanced between his brothers.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
FEDRA Civilian, FEDRA Commander | 26, 37 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Theo tugged at any part of Josh that his little hands could grab. “Park! Park! Park!” As soon as Kai ran over to Hayden, Theo was even wigglier. All of that energy in the three year old was positively brimming over the edge. “KAI!” Hayden bent down as Kai ran to him and scooped him up so that he was on level with Theo, who was more than extremely excited that his best friend was right there. He leaned forward, trying to reach for Kai. Hayden saw the look from Jacob but avoided looking too long. He didn’t know what to tell him. This was happening either way, clearly, so there was no use in figuring out if he was okay with it or not. Instead, he started walking down the hall. “Then, I think we better start going to the park before these two explode from excitement.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Commander, FEDRA Civilian | 26, 32 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Josh held tight to Theo, feeling him tug at any part of him he could. He felt the three year old get wigglier as Kai ran over, and Josh almost lost his grip on him twice. He managed to keep him though as Kai giggled. “THEO!” He cried as he was scooped up into Hayden’s arms and he smiled so big as he reached for his best friend. Jacob noticed that Hayden avoided looking at him too long and watched as he started to walk down the hall. Jacob took Soren’s hand and squeezed it. Josh followed Hayden. “I agree.” He said with a small smile, looking at the three year old in his arms. Jacob tugged on Soren’s hand. “Romantic play date in the park with our officers. What a wonderful idea.” He said with a smile, though he didn’t trust people not to stare or make comments about the two men, dressed for patrol, hanging with them and the little ones.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
FEDRA Civilian, FEDRA Commander | 26, 37 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Theo wanted to be let down so badly, and yet it seemed that he was utterly trapped. However, they were not moving in the same direction which appeared to be away. To the park? Park with Kai?! “STAIRS!” He erupted in a loud and almost violent fit of giggles as they approached the door to the stairs. If someone were valiant, they would have gotten the door for the men with babies in their arms. Hayden looked over his shoulder, prepared to ask one of the other two to open it and instead sighed. Soren, who could hardly look at anything that was not Jacob, used that captured hand to pull Jacob close and turn them. No more walking. “This gets to be a romantic playdate?” He ran a hand across Jacob’s cheek, fingers entertaining with hair, and then was kissing him just like before. Like they were the only two people in the world. Hayden from afar slowed with a smile. “STAIRS AND PARK!” Theo was not aware of the romantic moment. He had places to go. He all but flung himself towards the door.
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Commander, FEDRA Civilian | 26, 32 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Josh chuckled at Theo’s excitement. Hearing that violent burst of giggles from the little one. Kai was giggling and squirming just as much as Theo. “Park! Theo!” He cried out as he didn’t much care about anything else that was happening. Josh looked back and shook his head, adjusting his grip on Theo enough to open the stairwell door just as the little one flung himself towards it and made Josh almost lose his footing. “After you two.” He said with a smile on his face as he looked at Hayden. Jacob stopped walking as he felt the hand from his partner pull him close and turn him. He felt the hand brush against his cheek fingers in his hair and then he kissed him back the same way as before.
Hayden Gaines and Soren Truelson
FEDRA Civilian, FEDRA Commander | 26, 37 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Hayden may have found the gesture sweet, but Theo though this whole ‘after you’ nonsense was just that. He wanted to go! Go go go! He bounced in Josh’s arms, thrashing like he was having convulsions even though he wasn’t at all, and was more than excited whenever Josh followed too. Hayden smiled at Josh as he moved down the stairwell. “You guys are really excited, huh?” Theo responded to this by screeching. If anyone thought they were sleeping in, that was definitely not happening anymore. He looked back at Josh. He really came back. Chose to be the little ones. With Hayden. He couldn’t help be really smile at him. It was little but it was real. “Careful. He’s squirmy.” Soren knew they probably should catch up. They needed to make sure everything was good with the other two. They should be there for when the little ones inevitably needed more hands. He knew this, and yet, he really wanted to go back into that room and stay there the rest of the day. He finally pulled away, biting his lower lip as he grinned. “We should… we should go.”
Joshua and Jacob Smith
FEDRA Commander, FEDRA Civilian | 26, 32 | Current location ;; Seattle Quarantine Zone

Josh felt Theo bounce in his arms as he opened the door, and then felt him thrash as well. "Okay, okay buddy." He said as he smiled at Hayden as he followed him down the stairwell. Josh winced a little at the screech from Theo and looked at the little one, bouncing him on his hip a little. Kaiden squealed and giggled as he squirmed a little in Hayden's arms too. "Park! Park!" He cried as he looked over at Theo. "Theo! Park!" Kai giggled. "Thank you love. I can see that. A squirmy little wiggle worm isn't he?" Josh said as he held onto Theo as they made it to the third floor landing. Jacob looked at Soren as he pulled away, smiling at his husband. "We should, they're already headed though, we could just.. slip away into our room. I'm sure they'll be okay, they have the kids to keep them busy.." Jacob said, his hands gripping Soren's shirt as he backed up a little.

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