The Darkest Price


Netherworld Overlord
The union of two Kingdoms was always meant to be a pleasant occasion. It made the Kingdoms stronger and usually it ended fighting. Of course it wasn't all nice. Most of the time the people involved in it got no choice. Marriage was always the best and quickest way to cement a treaty between Kingdoms and usually the ones being wedded had no say. They had a duty to do to their Kingdom and they had to do it no matter what. Usually it worked though not always. Sometimes the marriage went badly and they could damage the peace.

King Henry was doubtful at best about this marriage union. He did not trust King Tylaer at all but he could not take back his word. He knew if his children did not show up in Ty'Scia that Tylaer would find some way to kill them. Henry, no matter what could not allow that to happen. He knew that being in Ty'Scia they were in danger anyways but it was safer knowing they were also promised to Tylaer's own children. If anything happened to the Terra royals before their weddings could occur Henry would make sure that no peace would ever exist between the two Kingdoms. But afterwards? Henry was scared of what might happen. Bret and his bride, along with Enma and her husband would be the only ones to return home. The other three would stay and live in Ty'Scia, one as Queen and the other two as important royals. He thought that one pair was going to be sent to watch over a territory of Ty'Scia.

Henry sighed deeply as he looked out his window. The sun had almost finished it climb. Soon his children would be leaving. Henry wished he could freeze time or find another way. But he could do nothing else now but pray and hope for their safety and lives.


Enma refused to get out of her bed. It was not because she was tired. No she was wide awake after having been woken by her lady-in-waiting. The reason she refused to move was because she knew they were to be leaving. Enma had no desire to do so. She wanted to remain here. She hated the thought of leaving her father or going somewhere she didn't know.

"Can someone help me," she heard her lady-in-waiting call.
Vladimir was awake, sitting at his desk in his study as he had awaited this particular day for quite some time. Living in Ty'Scia meant that sunlight was not much of an issue for him, what with all the darkness present so he could be up and about during what would normally be referred to as 'daytime'. Today marked when the royal children of Terra were to begin their journey to Ty'Scia and soon, the plan he had been working on for so many years would be finally set in motion. Being King Tylaer's royal adviser meant that a great deal of information was at Vladimir's disposal and he made great use of that perk on numerous occasions.

Vladimir rose from his seat before pushing the chair under the desk. Thoughts of what he would have to do this day went through his head. First, a public execution so he could get fresh blood to drink and next, to the palace to perform his duties as his kingship's most trusted royal adviser. He laughed to himself as he grabbed the chalice he usually drank blood from off its place on the shelf. King Tylaer had been playing into his hand the entire time by leaving Vladimir to his own devices due to the amount of trust he had gained and his years of faithful service. He could already feel the satisfaction that would come when he gets the opportunity to slay the king and his family before taking the throne for himself. Without a member of the royal bloodline to fall back on, that would leave the royal adviser in line for the position.

Vladimir exited his study, descending a staircase and making his way through two rooms before reaching the front door of his home. He pulled his key from his pocket and unlocked the door in one swift motion before opening it and leaving, ensuring that he locked it behind him. Now for the dungeons and the execution. Being an executioner was more of a hobby to him than a job due to how much he enjoyed it. He had always instructed the dungeon guards to have a barrel ready to drain the blood once the execution took place in the centre of the city.

Upon reaching the castle, he immediately headed for the dungeons. Along the way, he greeted the guards. It was part of his way of keeping up a certain image with those he was around as being loyal, trustworthy and other various positives. He walked down the hallways of the dungeon, searching for a suitable prisoner to execute. He would prefer to execute a particularly hated criminal such as a murderer as executions of that kind were well welcomed and something the people looked forward to.


Dimizar stood, staring out the window of his mage tower located in the wastelands to the south of Ty'Scia where the various groups of warriors, marauders and mages who devoted their faith to chaos lived. The tower was created of his own magic as he had used an earth spell to form the four storey tall tower from solid rock and allowed him vision of miles of surrounding land. While it was by no means as exquisite as a castle, it was quite impressive by comparison to the tents and huts which his people had a tendency to live in. He was already at work unifying them under one banner and improving their way of life with his magic.

Dimizar had contributed much to his people during his quest to unify them but had yet to rally his fellow chaos mages under the cause. He had constructed homes for them using earth magic, summoned magic wells during times of drought and on many occasions, healed those who were badly injured. He had even managed to enable farming, though to a small degree, in this land which was considered to be a wasteland. At this point, he was surprised that they had not yet decided to appoint him as their Grand Magus. Part of it was due to the position being empty for so many centuries as the last was killed by a paladin during his campaign for conquest of various neighbouring lands.

Dimizar watched as the sun rose before he turned and walked away from the window. He knew what today was and that it signalled the countdown to when he would have to open the gateway and bring forth a demon or two under his command but he still needed his fellow chaos mages for the ritual. The demons were to enter Ty'Scia and go on a rampage, killing the entire royal family in the process and in the end, be stopped by Vladimir who would be hailed as a hero in addition to becoming the new king and his children taking the places of the royal children.

Dimizat still had to work, however, despite that he did not need to sleep or eat as he had been lost his body almost two-thousand years ago. This was because he needed money in order to finance his research on the topic of bringing forth life from nothingness. With enough knowledge, he believed that he could make himself a god. He walked to his desk and put the gauntlet which served as his hand on a blue crystal orb which glowed softly and channelled his mana into it for a few seconds, at the end of which he disappeared from where he was in the mage tower and reappeared in his home in Ty'Scia. At his home, he had reappeared with his hand on a crystal orb exactly like the one in his tower and it sat on a desk in the same manner. The orbs served as the exit and entry points of a tunnel which could be activated using mana and allowed him to travel near instantaneously between the places where they were.

Dimizar removed his hand from the orb and ventured outside, ensuring that he locked the door behind him using a magic seal instead of just an ordinary key which any skilled thief could most likely pick. Despite his class as a noble, which he had bought, his work was that of running a store where one could find various spell books, alchemy reagents and enchanted items. He also offered services as a master enchanter and to a lesser extent, a blacksmith. He made his way to his shop and opened it for business as usual. This was the one day per week that he actually stepped into the shop without being requested by someone as he had to collect the money which the shop had made. In his absence, it was run by a group of stone golems which he had created in the shape of humans.


Kitano sat up in his bed as he woke up, stretching a bit. He dare not do much without the aid of a servant as he would most likely just get lost in the castle again. He called out "Hello? Could someone please assist me?" He hoped that a servant was nearby and would hear the call. Thankfully, this was so as he heard footsteps before the opening of the door and more footsteps before the closing of the door. By the softness of the footsteps, he could tell that the servant was either a female or a male who was very light on his feet.

The servant said "I am here to assist you, your royal highness." Kitano could tell by the sound of the voice that his first guess was correct and the servant was indeed a female. "Would you be so kind as to assist me in finding my way among other things?" The next half hour, Kitano had spent preparing for when he would leave his room, the servant assisting him with things such as finding his clothes among other things.
Kirei was in the library as always. She had spent many of her days here once she had decided to stop pulling pranks and mess around. She like the large place. Few people came in her, some of it having to do with her. Kirei did not welcome loud people or people who caused problems in the library. If someone distracted her or made her loose her place Kirei was quick to make them regret it. So the young witch usually had the place to herself.

Kirei was in a large armchair and was reading a book on necromancy. The subject was fascinating to the girl. It also helped keep her mind off the fact that soon their home would be invaded by Terra royals. That did not make her happy though it did not make her feel much other things as well beside discontent and annoyance. She could only guess what kind of fool her new husband would be. She was not happy to learn that as the only female Ty'Scia royal she would be sent back to Terra as it's Queen. She could only hope that her father had a plan to not let that happen. Or Kirei would have to simply form one of her own. Either way she was sure her husband would not be happy.

But first it would be Toan and his bride and then her own wedding second. She wondered who was so unlucky to get Toan as a husband. He would make the worst husband and a poor ruler in her eyes. Still Kirei was interested to see how it all might turn out. Her own Kingdom to rule if she played her cards right. It intrigued her but Kirei was not like her brothers. She would be happy to just live as she always had.


Toan pushed the vial across his work desk with a bored expression. He had been working on a serum to cure Lyuin a terrible and wonderful disease that made it's victim grow extra fingers and toes. It sounded stupid but it could be a real pain to deal with. Toan decided to try and see if he could get rid of it. It was as much worth his time as anything else. He had no more lessons as the heir to his father's throne anymore. He really didn't want the throne anyways. But if he had that clear he was sure any one of his siblings might step up and kill him for it. Toan may not want the throne or a really lively life but he did want to live.

The room was magnificent, built in an off-white, moist-looking stone smooth to touch. and though it was not so large in its size per se, its height was startling to behold, built within a narrow, hollow tower, no ceiling except for where the tower itself tapered into a sharpened needle point high above. There was a large arched door in one wall its surface alive with serpents, the walls themselves a delicate gaze of murals that defied understanding and between dark pillars, tall narrow windows cast light across the onyx-viened marble floor, a large metallic disc set into its center upon which a large heavy bed sat unoccupied, sheets pristinely made.

This cold room was his, his domain, the only part of the kingdom that was his and he escaped here whenever possible his servants banned from entering without express permission, and Felrer stood naked beside one of the windows leaning against the wall, the stream of light casting a play of shadows across his youthful features and body defining muscle as he looked out at the skies above with a relaxed expression.

He stood there for a long time immobile and unmoving, blinking at an unnaturally slow rate, before lowering eyes to the main gates below. It would not be long now before they children of Terra passed through them.

From a young age he had been promised one of the children of King Henry of Terra, in what they had been told would be a union of their kingdoms but which Felrer believed would be no more than a shakey alliance. He knew his father, there was more here than he was letting on, more than simple union, there had to be. Otherwise it did not make sense to marry off his children. Children who bore his legacy and were a reflection of his power, and although he would follow it through without complaint, his life an extension of his fathers', he could not help but question the motives behind it.

Finally pushing away from the window he moved further into the room, his gait slow and light footed, unrushed and mute as he dressed, his upper body garbed in a loose open robe and feet bare, they were always bare. He had barely finished getting ready when a young women with crimson hair opened the door dressed in servant attire and his expression emptied.

"Your highness food has been prepared in the main dining hall" she announced softly lest she interrupt, newly assigned to the royal in question and yet to learn his tendencies and Felrer shrugged his shoulders, robe falling to the floor before turning and stepping over it, eyes unblinking as he moved closer.

"Is that all?" He purred and the young women dared glimpse up and meet him.

"Y.. Yes your highness" she stammered looking down and he caught her jaw lifting her face to meet him head on with a smile.

"Felrer." He said encouragingly and the women smiled despite herself tasting the name on her tongue.

"Felrer..." He drew her close against him then, eyes closing and as they opened they were hard. Empty, the smile dissappearing to be replaced by a blank, unfeeling expression as serrated bone pierced her body, curling outward from his ribs to pierce her lungs. He held her like that listening to he surged breathing before dropping her body.

"I hate interruption" he said in a voice of molten darkness and then returning to pick up his robes he pulled it on as he stepped over her suffocating form, indicating for the guards outside his rooc to clean the mess with wordless command as he made his way along the hall.
Saffron was out in the sables saddling his horse. He knew he should leave it to one of the stableboys to do, but he was nervous this morning and he had to do something. Saffron felt that if he just sat there or did nothing he might go crazy. He would be leaving his home soon. He would be married soon. He had no idea to who either! Apparently they would find out their fiance once they arrived. The thought of marrying someone he did not know made him feel even worse. Saffron was tempted to throw up.

He finished saddling the horse he would ride but was tempted to go do the same to some of the other horses. But Saffron was pushed out of the stables at that point so he had to find something else to do. He thought maybe train a little and he went out into the practice yard until he was summoned to leave.
Damion was already wide awake before the sun rose. Not because he woke up from nervous, but because he had not slept all night since today was the day that the Terra kingdom's royals would come to Sy'cia for the arrange marriage. He scoff loudly to himself as he leaned on the railing of the balcony, watching the sun rise as he did. The idea of arrange marriage baffled him, angered him even. It was stupid and pointless. Making young childern and adults marry complete and opposite from the strangers to make peace between the two kingdoms was utterly stupid. If they wanted peace so badly, make a treaty, not a marriage. But he would do anything father asked of him, even if it made no sense and was completely illogical. He thought of the girl he was marrying, he had not asked of the name, nor of how old she was. He would know when he saw her. Thinking of her turned to Alex and what she had said to him when he announced his arranged marriage.

"Poor girl, she has to marry

Of course Alex was only joking, as she did often. They had been friends for a long time now, she had saved him life, saved him from that incident....

Quickly he turned his thoughts away from the topic and went back to looking at the sky. The sun was slowly making it's way up into the sky.

'Any moment she will burst through the door and yell-' but before he could finish the thought a young woman who looked about seventeen burst through the door. A smile as wide as the canyon on her face.

"Good morning Master Damion!" She yelled loudly and cheerfully that it could wake the dead. A set of clothing hung off her arms.

Yes, she did that every morning, and yes he hated it every morning. But he did not speak or complain of the loud and annoying greeting. Simply shrugging it off he walked back into the room and off the balcony.

"Morning Lilli, just set the clothing there. And I won't be having any breakfeast today." he said nonchalantly before turning back to the balcony, leaning on the rail.

But before he did he saw the small frown on Lilli's face as she set the cloths down. Smoothing out her dress she spoke softly.

"Are you sure Master Damion. Is it because of the...." her voice trailed to stop. He knew what she meant and why she didn't finish her sentence.

Everyone in the castle, including his father, knew of his hatered towards arrange marriages, even before the announcement. So none of them mentioned it, not even Lilli.

"No," he said shaking his head, still facing the view. "Just not hungry, you may go now."

He said nothing else, and neither did she. Quickly Lilli lefted the room, quietly shuting the door. When Damion heard the click of the door, he let out a sigh he had been holding in.


Her katana perfectly decapitated the vicious vampire's head. The blood slattered in all direction. A few drops landing on her black jacket. She sighed before whipping her katana to the side, cleaning it off of blood. Throwing her weapon in the air it disappeared. Her dark magic was perfect for storing her weapons, it was a great convenience.

"Seems like there's more and more everyday." she mummbled quietly to herself.

Everyday Alex would wake up early and partol the area that surrounded the clan's hideout. And everyday there would be a gulible vampire trying to kill her. They failed everytime. It was beginning to annoy her that she had to clean her jacket everyday to rid the blood from the deseased vampires.

Glancing down to the headless vampire she shook her head slightly. Killing humans for food, for blood was wrong in her opinon. Then again not everyone has the same opinion that she has, so there was always rebels against her cause, her clan.

Turning her gaze from the vampire to the depressing castle. It, of course, contained her royal friend, the one to be wed off soon. She guessed that he was sighing and looking out into the kingdom from his blacony. She felt bad for him, knowing he hated arranged marriages in the first place and that he had no choice. Alex had the urge and desire to see her friend and make sure he was alright. But wasn't sure the servents or guards would let her in, probably thinking she was breaking him out of the castle or something. But it wasn't like the king wouldn't let her see her friend, she was a great asset to him and the kingdom.

Ripping her gaze from the castle Alex started to make her way back to the hideout. Thinking about her friend on the way there.

When she got to the hideout the first she saw was Stefan leaning over a fire(or stove? depending on time era) making food, human food to be exact. Vampires were able to eat and taste human food, but would get nothing out of it, only blood would fill them. It didn't have to be human blood, it could be animal blood. But the only blood her clan fed was blood from human criminals or animals. That was their motto or slogan. That was their prupose in the clan, that and stop vampires who killed innocent humans for blood.

When Stefan raised his head to see her, she nodded to him.

she said nonchalantly before looking around the camp, then back to Stefan.

"Wonder where
Hisalius is. Usually he comes in the morning to bug me." she said sarcasticly to Stefan.

Yes, of course she was kidding. Alex had known his ever since she had created her clan. They were good friends, but she was cautious of him whenever they fought. He seemed to be out of control, it might be because he's a demon.


Stefan, as usual, woke up early to make food, human food. Some members in the camp loved this, since most of them still loved the food. While others hated it since they saw no reason to stay connected to human culture. That always made Alex suspious of them, since the clan was made to protect humans and not to hate them. But she'd brush it off, having more important things to do. When he woke up he didn't find Alex in the camp. She would usually wake up early in the morning to patrol the area, and usually she would find a vampire trying to kill them.

Stefan slowly lifted his head to the sound the craking leaves, indicting it was Alex.

"Mornin'" he said smiling lightly at her.

He noted the small drops of blood on her jacket. When she asked about Hisalius he simply shrugged. Hisalius was alright in Stefan's book, as long as he wasn't murdering innocents. He didn't understand why Alex and him were good friends. They were so different. She was a vampire tryng to protect humans, and he was a demon killing them, even thought he said he stopped a long time ago, Stefan did not trust him. But that's where the differences ended. They about had the same personality.

Stefan guessed that Hisalius was somewhere around the camp, waiting for Alex to ask that question so he could jump out and scare her or something, who knows with him.
Vladimir walked along the corridor, looking into the cells as he went along and a smile on his face. He couldn't wait to begin the executions. That was when one particular prisoner caught his eye. This one was a bandit leader who had killed many a merchant and traveler but was now behind bars. He was perfect for this week's executions. He pointed to the man in the cell and called out to the guards "This one will be executed this day! Pick the second to be executed and bring the two of them to the centre of the city where the executions are normally done!" Now that the soon to be dead were decided, all he had to do was have them brought to the city centre and executed so he could have his blood.

Vladimir turned and walked briskly back to the entrance, leaving the dungeons once he reached the door. He proceeded towards the city centre. He could already taste the blood which would flow from the wounds he would inflict but while he could make the deaths particularly gruesome, he preferred to leave the method of execution for the second criminal up to the crowd. Since this was the time of week when executions were done he expected that there would indeed be a crowd.

In a matter of minutes, he arrived at the stage where the executions were done, four guards walking in not long after with the prisoners in their custody and shackled. He stepped onto the stage and the prisoners were brought up onto it, the crowd cheering in anticipation. The prisoners were chained to posts and Vladimir walked up to the first one. "It is time for justice!" He used the index finger of his gauntlet and carved an X onto the man's chest over his heart. He whispered to the man "Prepare to die." He pulled back his hand before plunging it into the man's chest and tearing his still beating heart from his chest. He held out the chalice he had brought with him and caught some of the blood from the torrent which spurted out from the wound, the chalice filling rather quickly.


Kitano sat on the edge of his bed, contemplating the marriage to be. He would be married off to some unfortunate girl whom he did not know and this girl did not know him either. He thought it would be unpleasant for him but he believed the girl would be on the recieving end of the worst part as she would end up with a blind man for a husband on top of being forced into marrying a complete and total stranger. His thoughts were interrupted when he heard a knock at the door to his chambers. He turned his head to face the door or more specifically, the direction which the knocking sound came from. "Hello? Who is it?"

It was the same servant who had assisted him earlier and she replied "Good morning your Highness, I have come to inform you that breakfast is ready and to assist you in finding your way there as usual." Kitano smiled at her and said "Thank you, Natani." He rose from his seat and walked towards her. His ability to see her aura and a small area around himself by spreading his own aura came in handy. Natani took Kitano by the hand and led him out of the room, closing the door behind them before leading him to the dining hall. Most people would find it embarrassing to be led around like Kitano had to be at times but he was used to it and accepted it.
Hisalius was walking back to the Den as he had just finished a few bounties and was wearing his cloak that covered his face and the entire thing was soaked in blood even his mouth because since he was on bounties he was able to enjoy the taste of human flesh with out the regret of killing innocence.He walked into his home which was the camp because he had no where else where he was liked because well you being a demon that is trying to change doesn't really help anyone think differently of you so they just think it some kind of trick.He hasn't taken the life of an innocent for personal reasons in almost fifteen thousand years he has done it by mistake and has hated himself for it so he has only promised himself to become better and try harder.He looked and seen Alex and his ears went up in and adorable way before he went over to her and hugged her tightly before he nuzzled his head into her back and said happily."Alex~"He smirked and then laid his chin on her shoulder."It is nice to see you again I missed you."He smiled cutely before he let got of her and turned his attention over to Stefan and said in his normal deep voice."It is good to see you too Stefan."He smiled at him and then ran his hand through the others hair fixing it before he seen the expression he had while looking at him he knew Stefan really didn't like him because of his past but I guess it was because he never really told him about it.He sighed and then said."I know you do not like me very much Stefan but I really hope you don't think too low of me because of what I did in the past really I regret it all I just had no choice but now this demon wants to change."He smiled looking at the male before he patted his head and ruffled his hair.

He sat down next to Stefan before he looked back to Alex and said."I am glad to see you again and I bet you were talking about how I annoy you right well I think it would get annoying too knowing someone for as long as you have known me.And you can speak for me when I say I have changed right I know longer kill I am apart of this clan in every way I have been here since the beginning and I will be here until the end I stand by your side no mater what Alex."He said softly before he looked over at Stefan and then pointed over to Alex."I owe her my life she saved me from becoming what I was supposed to be she saved me from slaughtering like I was designed for.I owe her everything that is why she is my greatest friend and my truest ally I don't know how I could ever repay her but I try my hardest to do as she tells me and help the Clan when ever needed."He smiled faintly remembering for a moment.
Angeline was walking down the hallway. Her last moments in home. Today, she was leaving to go to another land...a foreign land...and from what she heard, she wasn't one of the ones coming back. She would stay there...with her new husband.

A husband. Not even one of her choosing! She chose not to ask his name. She chose not to ask anything about him. She chose to keep quiet, smile, and nod when the news was given to her, even though her stomach felt as though it would erupt.

The girl was on edge. Trembling slightly and doing her best to hide it. She wasn't sure how she would react when she arrived. When she saw him for the first time. Was it possible she could love him? No, probably not. He would probably never love her. It was best not to be so hopeful in this matter. This was not a fairytale dream. It was a nightmare. One of those ones where you don't wake up in time to avoid the pain.

It was hard to be happy now. So very hard to be happy. What if he's mean? she thought to herself. What if he beats me? Father wouldn't let me marry someone abusive would he? No! He wouldn't. He would never...then again...

The girl's thoughts were interrupted by a call for help coming from her younger sister's room. It sounded like she wasn't the only one distraught. Enma...she had it the worst off. She was too young for marriage! 12 years old...a baby.

Angeline rushed into the bedroom, seeing the young girl unmoving in her bed. Clearly awake, but refusing to go anywhere. She didn't really blame her. After all, Angeline didn't want to go either. But, they had to duty to uphold. Slowly, she walked to her sister's side and sat down next to her.

"Enma, it's time to get need to get ready," she said gently. "Come on now, don't be so stubborn."


CLANG! Alzoar knocked the head off another one of the practice dummies with one, swift upper cut to the head. The poor thing never saw it coming. Not that it ever saw ANY of his attacks coming. It wasn't alive.

He breathed heavily, sweat dripping from his hair into his eyes. Alzoar pulled himself into a straightened position, sliding his sword back into the sheath at his side. Today was going to be a busy day for the guard. He crossed the yard and dried himself off before slipping back into his shirt. He would have to change into his armor soon. But, not now. Now he needed to cool down from the work out.

He wondered how the King's children were feeling. On both sides. They were probably dying with anticipation...not the good kind...the nervous kind that ties your stomach in knots and makes you want to hurl rainbows. Poor kids. Some of them were just too young to get married. Actually, most of them were. And in this amount of time? Arranged and unlikely to be loved...ever. Unless they found someone to cheat with, but that was risky business in royalty.

Alzoar sighed and laid out in the grass. It was best not to think about it. Maybe they wouldn't think about it. Maybe he wouldn't think about it. He wasn't even one of them and he felt himself falling to pieces for them. Poor kids.
Enma saw her sister come into the room and she knew it would be harder with her. Her maids, no problem. Enma could be stubborn (or bratty) enough to get them to drop subjects or do as she asked but her siblings were different stories completely.

Enma wasn't going to make it easy though. She shook her head. "No. I'm staying. You guys can't make me leave. I don't want to go and leave father all alone. I'll miss him too much and all my friends and the gardens and...." Enma looked down. "I heard it's awful there. I don't want to go someone awful."


Hanyer walked into the practice area. He was all set to go and escort the princes and princesses to Ty'Scia. It would be a couple days journey through mostly Terra land but half of the last day would be spent in Ty'Scia land. It was half-relieving and half-unnerving knowing the dark Kingdom's capital was close to the edge of their border. It seemed odd though. In a time of war it would be easy to access. Of course Hanyer had never been there so maybe it wouldn't be so easy.

He saw Saffron coming in and Alzoar already there. He smiled sadly at Saffron.

"Are you ready boy?"
Damion finally pushed off the railling and went to his laid out clothing. After a couple minutes of preparing for today he swung the huge doors to the hallway and stepped out. All around was servents running around and preparing for the day also. He mentally sighed as his thoughts turned back back to the arrange marriage. When he was told of the news he knew he hated the idea before even thinking about it, but he knew he would be nice and put on a smile. The girl also has to go through this stupid thing, so it wasn't her fault. Then another thought popped into his head.

"Wonder if Alex...." he mummbled to himself as he made his way to the dinning room, maybe there would be someone in there to talk to.

A small part of him hoped that Alex would visit him before the Terra royals came. Damion saw Kitano and yelled for him. Maybe talking would distract him from thinking about the marriage, which would make him angry if he thought about it.


Alex stood still when
Hisalius hugged her tightly.

"I missed you too Hisalius." she said in a strained voice. She knew he did that because it annoyed her.

Then she turned her head to the side and mummbled sarcasticly to herself.
"Even though we saw each other yesterday..."

Hisalius started to ramble on about how he changed to Stefan and that he shouldn't think lowly of him she lighly shook her head. Stefan held grudges and thought no one could even change, so he wasn't going to change his opinion just because he said so.

It kinda startled when
Hisalius randomly pointed a finger at her and said that it was her that helped pull him out of hell.

A small sad smile appeared on her face when he mentioned it.
"You alway mention that Hisalius..." she said softly as her voice trailled off.

Turning her head to the castle she sighed lightly. She decided to go visit Damion and stay for the Terra royals' arrivial.

Alex turned back to the two.
"I've got to do something. I trust you guys won't do anything stupid while I'm gone?" she said moving towards the entrance of the forest.


Stefan eyed
Hisalius the entire time, especially when he hugged Alex so tightly like she was his property. He swatted his hand away when he went to ruffle his hair, he hated when Hisalius tired to do that.

Then when he started to explain that he changed and it was all in the past, Stefan smiply scoffed and stood up.
"Whatever" Then walked over to a tree, and leaned on it He didn't trust his word or him at all, because he was a demon after all.

When Alex said she had to do something he smilled lightly.
"You should be saying that to your demon friend..." he said sarcasticly and in a low voice.
He looked at her and then said."Aw do you really have to leave me with him you know he hate me."He sighed looking at her his ears going down against his head before he finally said looking at Stefan."My my don't we have a sarcastic one here what do you want a prize for pointing out that a demon might be the one that will do bad really now I have probably done more good than you will ever do my evil past just over shadows it."He sighed before he lifted his ears as he got up moving to another seat before he said."Hm so Stefan what do you want to do now just because you ate me doesn't me we can't do stuff together right."He grinned looking at him before adding."Because there is so much to do we could play games and hold hands and skip,you know we always used to do that in the underworld."He smirked laughing lightly looking at the other waiting for his reply.Hisalius wasn't really the grudge type of person he liked to have fun when he wasn't doing anything important.
(Just wondering but is anyone by any chance going to have their character watch the executions? The next to die will be a murderer who happens to be a vampire.)

Kitano heard Damion yell for him and stopped in his tracks. He spoke softly as he talked to Natani. "Excuse me please, Natani. I must speak with my brother. I hope you do not mind the wait. I know you must have a lot of work to do today." Some might wonder why Kitano spoke to the servants so when considering that he was royalty. He often spoke to them more in the manner that would be expected if someone was talking to friends as opposed to servants. Natani nodded in understanding, a slight smile on her face before she replied "It is no problem I assure you, your highness. I will wait for you as long as you need."

Kitano smiled lightly to Natani before turning to Damion and walking over to him, being assisted in finding his way by Natani to ensure that he would not walk into a wall or anything along the way. The two stopped about a foot away from Damion. "Good morning, Damion. You wanted to talk? Is it by any chance about the arranged marriage which will be taking place in just a few days?" Kitano spoke with bit of cheerfulness and happiness in his voice despite the situation. Sure he was blind, had to be led around like a dog everywhere he went and was soon to be married against his will to a complete stranger but he tried to stay positive. Natani remained silent and stood at Kitano's side while the two spoke, waiting on him as she would have to lead him to the dining hall later on.
Damion instally frowned at what Kitano said. He pinched the bridge of his voice. "Good morning to you too brother, Matani. And no, that's the last I want to talk about." he said in a dull voice, with his eye close.

Opening then he released the bridge of his nose and looked at his brother.
"I to ask if you've seen Alexandra by any chance? You know, since there is an execution of a vampire." He slimply shrugged to his brother.

Damion found it weird how he sounded so happy about the arrange marriage. You'd tink he'd be mad about it, he seemed to have a real interest in his servent, then again Damion over thinks alot of things. Pushing the thought out of his head he waited for his brother's response.


Alex waved bye to them without turning around. "
Don't kill one another while I'm gone." she yelled while walking into the forest.

While she walked Alex remembered that there was a ton of executions today, including a vampire, no one from her clan of course, a human killing one, one that did not care of humans, hated them even. She'd probabaly stop to see it, if she had time. Alex had to get back to the clan before Stefan and
Hisalius killed one another.

Just then the castle came into view she sighed deeply. Seeing the castle, or any castle to be exact, made horrible memories. Pushing them away quickly she walked up to one of the guards.

She placed a hand on her hip
"Do I even have to say my name?" she asked in a bored tone. By now they would remember her face.


(Stefan didn't poitn a finger at him and he wasn't sitting next to him, he moved to lean against a tree.)

Stefan simply rolled his eyes at the demon. God, did he hate him so. Looking to the sky he realized it was morning time. Knowing the clan, they'd be waking up any moment now. And they would thrpw question at him like 'Where's Alex? Or what happened to Hisalius ?' Not that he did not mind it, as long as it didn't include him. He turned his head towards Hisalius and narrowed his eyes. But stopped quickly, he had to be an adult, he wasn't a kid anymore, he had no right to be immature anymore.

Softening his eyes, Stefan crossed his arms.
"So why you covered in human blood, out killing them again I see?" He honestly did not try to be sarcastic about it, but it naturally came to him when it was Hisalius he was talking to.
"I apologize for that. Forget that I mentioned the marriage." Kitano chuckled a bit, finding a bit of amusement in his brother's choice of words. He pointed to the blindfold he always wore to remind his brother that he was blind. He placed his arm back at his side before he spoke. "No, I have not. I don't really see much of anything beyond my aura detection range and am otherwise completely blind, remember? Adding to that would be the fact that I never leave my own bedroom without someone to help me find my way around."
Damion laughed a bit. "Yes brother, I realize your blind, sorry for my poor choice in words. But I meant, have you talked to Alexandra or heard any news of her coming." No matter how long his brother had been blind, he'd always forget his words. He mentally slapped his forehead at his foolishness and forgetfulness.

He pointed to his head even though his brother could not see.
"You know how forgetful I'm ever since that head injury a couple years ago." Another set of poor choice in words. When he said this, it brought back a memory, when he first meet Alex. But not wanting to make him more sad then he already was of the marriage, he pushed it away and looked to his brother.
Kitano smiled. "A bit of humour always helps actually. It helps keep life bearable for me what with that I have to be led around everywhere I go, almost never leave my bedroom and so many more things but I digress. I haven't talked to her in over a month actually, I think. It isn't often that I find people to talk to outside of Natani and our family. Speaking of which, I believe a servant has been killed for intruding on our brother, Felrer. An aura disappeared suddenly in the general area of his chambers but I did not pay it much mind at the time."

He noticed something and turned his head slightly. He took a step in the direction that he had turned his head to. It was an aura that he was detecting but only faintly due to the distance. He reached out for a wall and Natani guided him to it so he would be able to find his way. He felt along the way to ensure that he was not walking off ledges or anything. As he got closer, the aura he was sensing became clearer to him and he now noticed it distinctly as that of Alexandra. He smiled and turned back to his brother. "I am sorry about suddenly walking off but I believe I have found our friend, Alexandra. She is at the castle gates or thereabout, I believe."
[sorry about that I really didn't see the part where he moved but the finger pointing was a figure of speech but I fixed it for you alright :3 ]

--- Merged Double Post ---

Hisalius looked at Stefan and then said to Alex."I think the only one who will attempt to kill anyone is you little helper over here but maybe I can get him to like me."He smirked before he watched the others reaction."Yeah I have how did you know the blood on my coat or the blood dripping from my mouth."He grinned laughing lightly before he finally said."I was doing some bounties and decided to have a bite to eat no one innocent though just those I killed for my jobs."He looked at the other and then added."Come on lets go get you something to eat back at the den alright I believe I brought back some human blood yesterday so it is still fresh."He smiled looking at Stefan."I know you guys love human blood more than anything and there is no guilt in this it is from my bounties once again so you are free to drink it."He smiled and started to walk off motioning for him to follow."Lets go get some breakfast shall we."He smirked.
Alex walked through the (where ever we are at) and spotted Damion right away. She walked up to them and nodded her head to the three.

"Good morning Damion, Kitano, Natani. I haven't seen you two in awhile." she said smiling lightly.

Both Kitano and Natani were nice. Most people would think since they are Sy'cia royals that they would be evil and would randomly kill people. It kind of made Alex mad when people thought that way. Just because the kingdom they lived in was gloomy and was 'evil' didn't mean the residents were, at least not all of them were.

She felt kind of sad for Kitano and his vision, even though she shouldn't. It is disrespctful to pity someone who is blind, they are used to it and hate special treatmeant, at least most did. Alex did think of ways to fix his vision though, but never suggested them, believing he wouldn't care for them anyways, since he is used to it, but you never know.

"I heard there is an execution of a vampire today, who was it?" she asked curiously. Alex wanted to know who slipped from her fingers.


Damion nodded to his brother.
"Yes, life without laughter is boring, I agree."

When he stepped away Damion raised an eyebrow, but when Kitano said he sensed Alex he looked in all direction. Then spotted her soming towards them.

"Morning to you too Alex." he said nonchalantly. Then listened to her question, turning to hsi brother for the answer. Damion was curious too, and how they caught him.


Stefan frowned heavly at what
Hisalius said. "And how do you know they are innocent. Rich people put bounties on innocent people all the time because they accidently bumped into them or something."

He shaked his head at him. Stefan knew Alex hated bounties for that specific reason, you had no idea who you were killing. Only a face and a name, that was it.

Then what he had said about breakfeast made his frown deepen.
"Do not tempt us of your dirty blood, he hunt our own. And besides we ate yesterday demon." he said walking over one of the clan members.

"I swear one day Alex will come to her senses and kill that demon." he said mummbling to the guy after he nudged him.

The man nodded back to him,
"Never will happen, friends for like seventeen thousand years, maybe more. And she was the one to save him from being a blood thirsty demon." he said in a low voice.

Stefan shook his head to the man,
"Still is one in my opinion. I mean look, didn't even have enough respect cleaning himself off before coming." He scoffed before turning to the castle, wondering when Alex was going to be back.
Rosalind awoke early, not by choice or even because of nerves not her maidservants woke her. They wanted to get a head start preparing her for the day's travels. All of her jewels had been packed days before, much to her distaste, her clothing and jewels were the least of worries and needs. No Rosalind was worried about her books, her embroidery, her bow and arrows and more than anything her horse Velveteen. She knew she was to ride the mare their but was it fair to the horse to change things so drastically. She hadn't even an idea of the conditions in Ty'Scia.

In actuality all Rosalind knew was that she was marrying man by the name of Toan and she was to live their to make sure the treaty remained fair. She would have most of her siblings with her but she was still leaving everything she had ever known behind. The princess had never been allowed a vacation from the kingdom and now she was leaving for good. Rosalind had known this day would come but now that it was upon her she wanted everything to stop, why couldn't she just stay?

As her maidservants pulled at her hair and tightened her corset the girl began to take a look at wait she was to wear to meet her future husband. She was forced into rich creamy stockings and black leather boots that laced to her knees. The gold clasps and fine leather cord crisscrossed her calf constricting her leg in the boot. Atop that was layer upon layer of cream petticoats until a single layer of ebony silk was pulled over her head until it rested on her waist fluffed by the petticoats. On top of that was a burgundy over skirt split straight down the middle to reveal the silk below. The borders of the fabric were embroidered with fine golden thread that shone in the light.

Next came the corset. Rosalind was instructed to hold onto the bedpost as they painstakingly began to lace he up. The bones of the corset tug into her side but she just grit her teeth knowing any fighting was futile. This had been ordered and she might always lessen. The corset crushed her waist while pushing her bosom to dizzying heights. A burgundy bodice was laced up in the back with black ribbon and the gold embroidery adorned the front.

Rosalind's hair was than braided, curled and pinned until the servants were satisfied.

She hadn't even a moment to say good morning to her parents let alone venture the halls of her home one last time. Her room was an empty casket, all of her items packed away in trunks and set into carriages. She was hustled down the hallway and into the courtyard where her mare Velveteen awaited. The horse was in her finest tack. A beautiful black side saddle with golden adornments, the bridle was just as beautiful and the mare's long mane was braided with burgundy and black ribbon to match her owner. Rosalind let a small smile escape her lips as she mounted the mare, at least she would have something of home to take with her. Yet still she worried.

(A lot of this is description her dress looks like this basicallyView attachment 3622: and her hair looks like this: )

Bret had not slept the day before his travels. He was to leave for Ty'Scia, pick up his future wife and return. In many ways he felt cheated, guilty, frustrated but all way he knew it was for the greater good but at what cost. He didn't think it fair that his siblings and the royalty of Ty'Scia had to bend for the common good. It was such a great commintment being demanded of them and they had no choice.

Bret's life had been take from him without a single chance to protect it. He wanted it back knew the possibility had never existed. He had longed to confront his father but never had the nerve. He was sure that the King felt guilty but that wasn't enough, he wanted the king to take action. To protect his children but he knew that it was too late.

The Prince also knew that he may be killing the dream's of his future wife. She may have aspired for greater things beyond marriage and now they were gone. He hated that and once again wanted to change that, but couldn't. The pact was out of his control yet he was left with the emotion and feelings that drove him insane.
Natani curtsied as Alex greeted the three of them. "Good morning, miss Alexandra." She spoke softly and politely, her voice being just loud enough to be heard well but not loud enough to carry. She was a bit of a shy one and it took Kitano a bit of time to get her to come out of her shell. Then again, Kitano had nothing but time on his hands for the most part and he would often accompany Natani when she was running errands or various other tasks just to talk to her. Every now and then, he would help her with some of her work despite her protests against it. She enjoyed the help he offered but it might not look good to some people for Kitano to help her with her work.

Kitano turned to Alex, using his ability to see auras to guide him. He was thankful for having something to help him along. It could be worse after all as he could have been born without his abilities. He smiled lightly at her. "Good morning, Alex. The vampire being executed was caught by Vladimir, the royal adviser, with the help of the guards. From what I heard, the royal adviser actually went with two guards and hunted the murderer down. I'm think the way he has criminals hunted down might match the energy with which your clan hunts down the vampires that try to use humans for food. The ways in which he does the executions makes me feel sick based on what I've heard. I've heard they are quite gruesome."
Angeline frowned a little and reached out to pull her little sister into a tight hug.

"Father would never send you to someone horrible," she said softly, petting her sister's hair comfortingly. "You know that. Father loves us." It was true though. There were a lot of rumors of how awful it was there. If they were true, then the rest of their lives truly would be horrible. What would they do then? Marriage was sacred between lovers. However an arranged marriage was a life sentence...unless they managed to fall in love with their partners like Father often promised. However, even he didn't seem to believe his own words.

"Maybe you'll love them," she said softly. "It is possible that you'll love them. And even if you don't...well...maybe you'll be fine even so. Just don't think the worst of them before even meeting them. That's not fair." Angeline ruffled the younger girl's hair playfully and smiled. "They could be quite charming, after all."

Do you really believe that? Angeline thought to herself. What if they're just as horrible as we've imagined? What then? We'll be stuck with them until we die.

But, if that is the case...then we'll just have to learn to be strong...we don't have to take it if they ARE horrible. We'll fight back.

Angeline raised one of her hands and summoned over to her one of her sister's fine dresses with a light, chill wind: the one meant to be worn for this day.

"Now, get up and get ready to go," she told her sister, lying the dress on her bed neatly. "We don't have all morning if we're to get there in time. Don't make me call Father in here. He'll be furious."


Alzoar sat up and looked at Hanyer and Saffron quietly. This would be Alzoar's first big task as knight. He wondered how much experience these guys had under their belts.

"Ready," he said, jumping onto his feet. "I just have to fetch my armor." The young knight walked back up to the castle, going down to the armory to fetch the armor of his King's sigil. He'd come from the Dark Kingdom to make sure things went smoothly with a small group of other knights, however he hadn't worn his armor since he arrived. He wondered if the other knights knew he was from Ty'Scia, for he noticed the Terra Knights tended to talk badly of the Ty'Scia Knights with him and even invite him to sit with them at meals and train with them whereas the other Ty'Scia Knights were ignored.

He finished with his armor: dark black armor with the king's seal on the front. It was going to be a pain walking in this. Literally, the armor would get really hot and scald him. He sighed and began walking back to the training field, curious to see the reactions of the Terra knights.
Hisalius looked at him and then said."Are you seriously disrespecting your kingdom they were bounties from the castle it self the people I killed were murderers and rapists do you really want to go down this road with me.I am getting tired of your mouth Stefan straighten up I am trying to help you and all you want to do is fight me what is your problem.I know I am a demon but why do you have to be narrow minded about it do you really think I had an option for what I am,I hate myself for what I am and all you do is sit here and dwell on my past.But maybe it is because of other reasons I will leave it at that good day Stefan."He sighed and then walked away he was really beginning to piss him off but he could understand why he treated him as such.He had been kicked around before almost killed a few times he really didn't need this now not here not in his clan that is supposed to be like family or at least trust worthy.He sighed and removed his cloak and started to clean himself off washing off the blood.
Hanyer watched Alzoar go and then turned his attention to Saffron. If Saffron had been born outside the royal family he could have done well as a knight. That was very clear. Still it was important that Saffron was able to protect himself. He knew that Ty'Scia hosted threats that Terra did not have. He had not gone there but he knew enough and knew those who had. He was happy to be going with them all even if he would be leaving when the few returned.

But Hanyer did not say anything. He looked at Saffron and sighed.

"You better get going. No time for practice or anything else. We must leave soon."

Then Hanyer left the area to prepare himself, mentally and physically. Their journey would not be pleasant either with everyone anxious and nervous. He had to be calm and aware incase anyone attacked them on the way. Maybe that was the plan. Draw all of the King's heirs away and kill them on some road. Hanyer shook his head at the thought of it. No matter what he would protect them.

He saw that Rosalind was with her horse and ready to go. He bowed and blush a little pink. All of the princesses were beautiful and lovely, even young Enma who promised to be a beauty just like her mother but Hanyer enjoyed the presence of Rosalind and Angeline more than others.

"Your Highness."


Enma thought about it. She had read stories about princesses and princes falling in love. It was possible that she could come to love whoever the man she was promised to was. It was also an odd idea for the young girl, marriage. She had not yet bleed but already she was being placed into s situation for girls more older than her.


Enma got out of her bed and nodded. Her maids helped her dress and get ready. Enma kept looking at Angeline as she was dressed as if her presence was reassuring to the young girl. Once ready she nodded again.

"We should get going."
Angeline smiled at her sister and reached out to take her hand. That would be reassuring. Of course the handmaid seemed rather baffled (and annoyed) that Angeline had managed to coax her sister into going so easily. Then again, Angeline always had a way with children, not just her sister. In desperate times, maids would beg her to babysit their children. While if they were caught making such a request from a Princess they would probably be punished, Angeline was always happy to do it. Children were wonderful.

She walked with Enma out to the yard, where slowly everyone who would be accompanying them was going. There were so many knights walking around, guardians for the journey back. Some there for protection...and others to make sure they didn't run away. Angeline shuddered a bit. "Do you want to ride with me, or would you rather ride yourself, Enma?" she asked, looking down at her sister. Using her power over wind, she could give a boost to her horse to propel him forward, outriding any man here. It could be fun, if they were allowed to do so without accusation of trying to run away.

Alzoar returned to the yard, looking around at the knights and royalty that had gathered so far. The princesses were all so beautiful and the princes equally as handsome. Royalty always had a way of being super attractive. He wondered why that was. It hardly seemed fair. Maybe there were uglier members of the family that were killed at birth. That seemed a little morbid though.

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