The Darkest Price

Saffron watched as both knights left. He paused for a moment even though he knew that Hanyer was right. They should be going. They had a way to go and they had to begin soon. He wondered if their father would show up to say goodbye and if he really wanted him to. Saffron loved his father but he was never the same after loosing his wife and their mother.

The young teen sighed as he looked around. He would never see his place again. He would be be living with some stranger. He refused any information about his bethrothed. He would find out who they were when the time came. Instead he made his way out of the practice aream retrieved his horse and looked around. Everyone was here. The time to go was creeping closer.

His horse, maybe sensing his uneasy, neighed and moved a little.

"Ssh Valor. We will be going soon. Calm down boy."
Hanyer looked around to see that all the royals had assembled and that it looked like everyone was ready to go. He nodded to the captain and then to Alzoar and then turned to the royals.

"Okay we are going to be heading out now. We knights will be here to protect you all the way there and some will stay until everything is settled. I would ask if the older ones would help us keep an eye out and to watch over the younger ones. We don't want to lose anyone on the way there."

He turned his horse and started down the path. He said nothing about their father. The King would not be coming to say goodbye. Hanyer felt it was rude and would hurt the children more but he did not have a say in what the King did.

The King in question watched as the horses all started to move. He could not bare to see them go. To see the looks of sorrow and disappointment and questions in their eyes as they begged, not vocally maybe, to stay with him. Henry felt tears but he did not brush them away. Then he turned to his desk. He had things to do. Important things.


Kirei yawned and stretched as she put her book down. She looked around the large, but comforting room and smiled to herself. Then she slipped through the wall. Ever since she learned how to do that Kirei did not really use doors. She looked around the hall and heard what sounded like a voice or more and headed that way.
Rosa sat patiently wondering if her father was going to give some speech of endearment. Give them some fond memory to clutch upon before shooing them away. But no, he could not even show up to wish them farewell. With a sigh she clucked softly and Velveteen set off at a lofty trot. She tried to keep an eye on her younger siblings but every time she looked at one she began to cry. Crying wasn't an option for Rosa, at this time she had to be strong despite the feeling of worry and dread she felt.

She smoothed her skirt wishing to be sitting astride her horse instead of in the blasted side saddle. Of course that wasn't proper and everything had to be perfect when they arrived. Rosa looked around until she spotted Enma's bouncing blonde hair, amazingly she was still clutching a stuffed toy while she rode. She rode over to her so that they could ride side by side, "How are you doing girlie?" she asked softly searching the young girl's blue eyes.

Bret trotted Dash up to the front of the group so that he could talk to Hayner. He often found that the Knight always had his head on straight and a good idea of how to handle situations. Bret also felt he almost owed him. WHile he was away at boarding school this knight had kept an eye on his siblings the way he should have been. It was just that after his mother's death he was in no shape to help and so they sent him to boarding school and he never came back.

"So what do you know about Ty'Scia?" he asked in a hushed tone hiding his worries behind a mask of seriousness.
Alex motioned for Natani to stop curtsying. "No need to be formal with me Natani." she nonchalantly. Alex had known her ever since she started working at the castle, so it bothered her a bit when people were so formal. Yes, formaility was good at times, but not all the time.

As Kitano spoke Alex had her hands together behind her back and clenched. She was angry that a murdering vampire was right under her nose, under her friend's nose and she had not seen it. She mentally put a hand to her forehad and sighed. Alex had been pretty busy nowadays with vampires. As if someone is leading a group of them. And it is possible that someone is, there's always a possiblity.

As he finished Alex nodded to him. "
Executions, huh? Well it's good to hear he was caught. But may I ask what was his role in the castle? Or did he just sneak in here at night to kill?" she asked as if it was just a question of curiosity, which it was, but it seemed important in Alex's mind.


Damion listened closely as his brother talked. It was weird how the advisor was the one to catch the vampire... He quirked an eyebrow at the thought.

"And also brother, how did the advisor find out about the vampire. or did he not say?" Damion asked with curisousity in his voice. He wondered if the advisor was up to something or he just got lucky and found a vampire. But the odds were very slim.


Stefan chuckled lightly, "Oh look, he's having another tantrum." he said to man next to him.

Stefan slightly shook his head at what Hisalius. 'Disrespecting my kingdom?' he mentally laughed to that. For one it sounds so unnatrual, and two the kingdom doesn't have the best reputation. The only reason he was still living here was because he was vampire and his clan is here.

Remembering about the clan, Stefan walked to the center of the hideout and cleared his throat loudly to get everyone's attention.

"Alex is out to deal with some matters, so we will just split into groups again." Everyone nodded in agreement before he continued. "Same as last time, same list too." With that everyone started to disperse and get into their groups.

Stefan wasn't going to go looking for that demon to tell him of today's agenda, if he wanted to know he will come to him.

Kitano shrugged. He had not the slightest idea what had actually happened and the report Vladimir gave was the only explanation he heard. "Vladimir said that he caught her sneaking into the castle at night through one of the windows. Apparently, she was coming for one of us when the guards saw her since she entered close to the bed chambers. She took off and ran into Vladimir along the way and he subdued her before she could make an escape. It sounds strange to me but Vladimir has been serving faithfully as royal adviser for many years and he has father's trust."

Could it be that the royal adviser was up to something? The thought did not sound logical to Kitano. Why would the person his father trusted the most in the kingdom be up to something? Then again, Vladimir was mysterious and was known for particularly gruesome executions. It might not be very surprising if he was up to something now that he thought about it a bit. If Vladimir was up to something then was exactly would it be? Maybe usurping the throne?

"Now that I think about it, it sounds possible that Vladimir may be up to something underhanded. Vladimir didn't have a scratch on him which implies that either the vampire he had captured did not fight him or could not land a hit on him. What ever happened, Vladimir will be the only one who knows. The vampire is being executed as we speak so it's not like we can interrogate her with how much time it will take to get there and stop her death."


Dimizar had collected the revenue which the shop had made and found it to be pleasing. With the continued revenue from the shop, he would be able to finance his work in the field of creating life and not in the forms of elementals, golems or other such common creations. He wanted to create life which was intelligent, had free will and consisted of flesh and blood like humans did. While many of the things he needed, he could get for himself or even make, some things would have to be bought. He could not be everywhere at once as even he had limits but magic often helped him when he needed to gather reagents. He could animate his shadow or summon elementals to assist with this but controlling a large number of them would be difficult.

He made his way to the centre of the city to watch the executions. He knew that this was the time of the week when they were held and he needed to talk with Vladimir. The Terra royals would arrive in just a few days and for the plan to succeed, King Tylaer and his children would have to be dead by then. The Chaos mages still had not yet rallied to Dimizar's cause and it he could not open the gateway in the southern wastes to bring the demons through then they would have to find other means of killing the Ty'Scia royal family.


Vladimir smirked as he heard the crowd chanting the various methods of death they wanted the vampire to suffer. He had no intention of killing someone who would assist him with his plan to take over the kingdom but for the sake of maintaining his reputation, he would have to or at least fake it. He walked to her side and whispered out of the corner of his mouth as he spoke. "I have no intention of killing you, my dear but shall we put on a convincing act? I would not think to kill someone as useful as yourself. It was so unfortunate that the guards saw you before you could get to the bed chambers."

He raised one of his hands, letting the light shine off the bloody claws of his gauntlet as he took a few steps forward. He spoke loudly as he talked to the crowd to ensure that they would hear him. "There are so many requests as to how this murderer will be killed but the most popular was for me to tear her heart out of her chest. Now those who asked for such an execution, your request is about to be granted!" As the crowd cheered, he turned and walked back to the vampire.
Enma looked up from where she was looking. She was mostly thinking about all her books and stuff animals that she had to leave behind. As much as she wanted to be like her siblings and not throw a fit over it (though she wasn't sure they were all taking it calmly or well) she was angry. Angry at having to do something she didn't want to do or even half-understood. She wanted to cry and scream and to have anyone take her back to the castle and let her stay there. For once in her short life Enma wanted to be sent to her room.

But all she said was, "Okay. I miss my room already and the other kids there and daddy."

Hanyer was pulled from his thoughts as he scanned the streets and woods and turned to see Bret come up close to him. He frowned at the question though but he felt that he deversed to tell one of them something about what they were getting into and Bret was the oldest.

"It is a harsh and unforgiving land. Despite rumors it can be quite sunny there but they do have more rainy or cloudy days than we get here in Terra. Their storms are also far worse as it some angry weather spirit lives there. I don't think that is the case. They are own a fair number of territories. Terra welcomes new places into her Kingdom, but Ty'Scia does not do this often. They take territories and set people to rule over it. It's a bit hard to explain. Dark magic thrives there as so dark creatures. It is a very unwelcoming place to outsiders.

"Still Ty'Scia is known for it's materials. They have deep, rich mines which produce ores, coals and jewels. They also have fine craftsmen who live there. It is not all a horrible place but it is not a good place either. The royal family, the people that will marry you, are all bastards. The King hardly marries and never for long. I am sure most of them are half-breeds of something. But the King is fully human. He is an wicked man though. I fear what his true plans are."

Hanyer stopped and looked at Bret realizing he might have said too much. "I'm sorry. I am sure this is not what you want to hear."

Rosa nodded listening to the young girl's complaints. She started to answer saying she would help decorate the girls bedroom but stopped, would the child be sharing a room with her husband? Her skin crawled at the thought and quickly rephrased her next statement, "I tell you what, when we get to Ty'Scia and everything begins to settle I will help you design a study. We can fill it with books and toys and it will be your own special space," she said with a sad smile. "Its hard not to miss everyone and everything but this is like an adventure from your storybooks," Rosa added trying to seem cheerful


Bret listened his temper flaring, he worried for his family. His sisters and brothers having to endure such changes while he returned home. The blur of streets and trees was just a nuisance but in some metaphorical way represented his family. He loved this city, every street, store, and tree yet he was passing by them without a care or chance to even know what is going on in the streets or stores or in those trees. The same thing was happening with his family. He loved every single one of his siblings but he had no idea how any of them were taking it.

"I feel sick with myself. I can't even stay to help them adjust I have to just leave them there," he said guilt settling in his chest. He always seemed to be running away from the dangers and leaving his siblings to deal with it. But did he even have a choice in the matter?
Saffron sat uneasily upon his horse. He saw some young kids out, looking at them as they rode through the streets. He wanted to stop his horse, climb down and join them. But in a way their smiling looks and hushed words as they rode, the excitement of seeing all the royal children at once was enough for Saffron. The people of this Kingdom cared for the royal family and they in turn cared back.

But would that be the same in Ty'Scia? He had a feeling that would be a no. He even more wanted to turn around but he knew he had to be brave and strong. He rode up next to Alzoar.

"Sir Alzoar...." He wasn't sure what he was going to say. Maybe something to distract his mind? "What is it like being a Knight?"
"You must not let yourself get too mad," Hanyer said. He was glad to be able to talk frankly though. Some of the others...well he was sure maybe one of the older girls or Saffron, but Bret was the best one to take the news or discussions. "You are only doing as you are told. Besides I think one of your siblings will return with you. The others I am sure can handle themselves. But regardless you are not to blame. I am sure you would make a different choice if you could." He sighed. "Hard decisions come when one is ruler I bet."


Enma nodded at her sister's words. They did cheer her up. She smiled a little.

"Thank you Rosa. I...I think I can do that."
As she listened to Kitano talk, when he said they were already beginning with the executions she gritted her teeth and said in a low voice "F***!" Then turned around and ran full speed towards the town center, where executions were always held.

This wouldn't be a hard task, an easy task for another vampire since speed was a power, but for Alex she had a handdicap when it came to running. She's able to run at the same speed as another vampire, but after she stopped, Alex was completly out of breath. Of course nobody knew of this handdicap, since it's a weakness not to be known.

When she reached town Alex was able to see the villagers gathering around the center. Cheers of death methods being cried out, which disgusted her completely. She could not comprehend how people found this amusing. Not even ALex herself favored anything like this. But this wasn't the time to think such thoughts. As she pushed and shoved her way through the crowd, running along the way, people started to get out of her way, thinking that Alex was a vampire and was scared.

Finally getting through the crowd she stepped onto the platform where the girl and Vladimir was, his back was turned to her, but the girl wasn't. She could see a glimsp of hope in her eyes when she saw Alex. In a cold and stern voice Alex yelled out
"Stop right there Vladimir!"

Alex had made it right when his bloody gauntlet was about to touch the poor girl's chest, aiming right at her heart. Alex had heard some of the people yelling out "Rip out it's throat!" so she guessed that was what he was about to do. Even though she felt like she was about to drop dead from being breathless, Alex did not show it on her face.
Vladimir stopped as he had heard Alex's voice. He planned to tear out the girl and make it look like she was dead but keep her alive using his magic, maintaining her circulation for her despite that she would be lacking a heart. Then he could have brought her away for Dimizar to heal her but this was not according to his plan. In fact, he could even see his accomplice standing in the crowd. He could alter his plans, however, to ensure things stayed on track as they were supposed to but right now he would need his friend's help.

He withdrew his hand from the girl's chest and crossed his arms behind his back as he turned to Alex. He looked her up and down before he spoke. "Greetings miss. May I inquire as to why you disrupt the executions? The crowd you see before you will be wanting this murderer executed and if she is not, there may be a riot." He spoke in a smooth yet formal tone. His language was fluent and without undue pauses or any blemishes whatsoever. While he spoke to Alex, he motioned to the girl he was about to execute using two of his fingers which were currently behind his back. To anyone that actually spotted this, it would appear as noting more than fidgeting but to someone like Dimizar, it was a signal.


Dimizar observed as this girl ran onto the stage, halting the executions. He could tell from her speed that she was a vampire but not of the same class as his friend, Vladimir. For one of those vampires who drink animal blood and kill those vampires who make prey of humans to be here, something sure;y had to be amiss and furthermore, for her to object to the execution of a vampire known for being a murderer? This would certainly look strange.

His thoughts were, however, interrupted when he noticed his friend's signal. He following the motions with his eyes, tracing the target to the vampire who was about to be executed. He knew that if things went awry, he would have to do something for his friend. Knowing of Vladimir's objectives and opinions, he knew that his friend would never willingly kill another vampire unless they had somehow done something to offend the purebloods such as Vladimir himself. As such, he theorized that his friend planned to fake the death of this girl or at least bring her back later on. Chances were that this girl knew something or was involved in Vladimir's plan and having her knowledge at the fingertips of the likes of that clan of traitorous vampires would be a disaster.
Damion smirked as Alex went full speed towards the village. He turned to his brother, "Now you've done it. If she doesn't get there on time she'll be upset." he said sarcasticly to his brother. But he really did hope she made it on time, Vladimir seemed very.... suspsious over what happened. Damion himself wanted to find out before the royals from Terra came.


Alex raised an eyebrow to what Vladimir had said.
"You think I care what these sadists do if they don't get their amusement for the day?" she said in adule tone, or more of a neutral voice. Turning her stare from him to the girl she spoke again. "The execution is delayed for now. Step away from the girl." she said in a sternish voice. Alex hoped this guy wouldn't do anything stupid, she was too tired at the time to deal with an idiot. But she suspected that the villiage would get angry over how they wouldn't see an execution, frankly Alex did not care one bit. That was their problem, not her's.
Vladimir frowned slightly. "I will allow you to have your way this time but remember that my authority is second only to the king himself. Unless the king grants permission to someone to give me orders, I only receive them from him." He stepped away from the girl and walked to the edge of the platform. He addressed the crowd as he spoke, keeping his voice loud enough for the crowd to hear yet still formal. "The executions this day are delayed! If you have any issues then bring them to the one responsible for the delays!" He smiled lightly before walking off to the right side of the stage and a few feet away from the girl. Now the crowd should become particularly unruly now that the executions they came to see are going to be disrupted.

The people in the crowd began to boo Alex and shake their fists angrily in the air. Just as had been expected, they were not going to stand for the disruptions. Some began throwing stones and others threw insults. Many people in the crowd had a very diverse vocabulary when it came to profanities apparently. A few began to throw leftover rotten produce which they had brought with them to torment those held in stockades before the executions. Surprisingly, a handful of people drew knives and tried climbing up onto the stage in attempts to kill the murderer themselves.


Dimizar chuckled as he watched the unruly crowd. It was sheer chaos and that was something he always loved to see. There was obviously a riot going on and apparently, this girl had never seen what happens when the executions are disrupted without there being replacements for the executions to continue. Still, this was a perfect opportunity to deal with Vladimir's hired killer without being seen. Dimizar may have been the only rune wraith in the crowd, possibly even the only one in the crowd to possess the ability to wield magic but with all the confusion and chaos, it was an excellent time to strike.

Dimizar readied one of his spells, channelling his mana to take the form of the icicle spear spell. He put out his hand, aiming for the chest of the girl Vladimir had been about to execute earlier. Once it was ready, a spear-shaped chunk of ice was shot from the palm of his hand. It went right for the girl's chest and impaled her, piercing through her heart and coming out through her back. Now that the deed was done, he had to make himself scarce. He used a simple invisibility spell to render himself invisible to conventional sight before he walked off, the crowd beginning to calm after seeing the girl's death.
(Then let the time-skip be!)

Hanyer had saw the castle for at least an hour already, but nothing could compare to actually seeing seeing it. It was huge, bigger than the one in Terra and so much more imtiminating. It was as if the King who had it built, wanted everyone to remember who lived there and who had all the power. Hanyer didn't like it at all, but it was far too late to change his mind and flee with everyone. Even if it did cross his mind a couple times before.

He looked at the royals, trying to judge their reactions. Enma was looking around her in awe, but he could see the fear that the young girl was fearing. It made Hanyer enraged to see someone so young exposed to this. But he could do nothing. They got closer and closer to the castle until they were approached by servants. The servants said to dismount and wait inside. They had blank looks and spoke in an even tone which creeped Hanyer out. He helped Enma dismount off her horse and nodded to Alzoar.

"Well we better get you guys inside then." They entered the castle and came to a large room. Hanyer expected they were to wait here until someone came to get them. After ten minutes a girl walked into the room.

Kirei looked at the Terrians. They all looked so pale and frightened that it brought a smile to her lips. She did not know which would be her husband. Would take her away from her home to his own bright land. But she did not care.

"Welcome Terrian royals. I, Kirei, youngest and only daughter of King Tylaer, welcome you into our home. I do hope you had a good ride here?"
Saffron had spent most of his time on edge. The closer they got to the castle, the more on edge Saffron felt. He gripped his sword handle on and off as they rode, almost as if he was waiting for them to be attacked. He could see he was not the only one who was edgy though. It made him feel comforted in a way. As if he wasn't the only one who was nervous and unsure of what may happen.

Once they got there and dismounted, Saffron looked around. He followed the others inside. The waiting was hard for the boy. Maybe it was a trap or something? But when the girl appeared to greet them, Saffron relaxed. A little.

She was pretty looking, but he didn't feel like he should judge her based on her looks. After all she was a child of the King.
Kitano entered the room not much longer after his sole sister had, being led along as usual by Natani. He had been told that the Terra royals had arrived and were waiting in one of the larger rooms. Naturally, he wanted to meet them. Maybe after they met him, they might come to the realization that not everyone in Ty'Scia was evil as most believed. There were nice people living in the kingdom despite the darkness which covered parts of it. He knew for certain that he, Alex, Damion and Natani would probably be pleasant to them but as for his older brother, Felrer, he was sure that there would be a certain level of fear regarding him. After all, he has killed many a new servant in the past.

After entering the room, Kitano smiled lightly. He could make out the forms of those from Terra using their auras as he could with anything living and what said living beings were in contact with such as a plant and a small patch of soil around it. He could sense anything within a metre of him but only being able to see a metre at a time was troubling for him when it came to finding his way. "Welcome to Ty'Scia and more specifically, the royal castle. I am Prince Kitano, one of the two second youngest of my father's children. Welcome to our abode. I hope the trip was not too harsh on you all." He spoke in a warm, friendly and inviting tone.

Kitano had been told that he would be going to Terra with his bride after the marriage. It concerned him that he might not be able to bring Natani with him but he did not show it. Natani was a close friend and he did not want to leave her behind, partly being that she was used to helping him around and it would take time for a new servant to get acquainted with him and his condition.


Vladimir seemed to materialize from out of the shadows in the room after Kitano and his sister had introduced themselves. He walked with his arms folded behind his back and a bit of a grin on his face, his fangs showing. "Welcome to the royal castle. I am Vladimir, the royal advisor and I have been sent to inform everyone that King Tylaer should be here shortly and hopefully, so should the rest of the royal children of Ty'Scia." Or at least if his assassin did not get to the king first. Vladimir secretly had a particularly potent and deadly poison placed in the king's meals but in such small amounts as to make it appear that he had contracted some illness. While the dosage was so small as not to cause a rapid end to the king, it should severely weaken him to allow the vampire who he had resurrected to after the executions to finish him off.
Kirei was annoyed by the presence of others but she could do nothing to make them leave. So far she was more intrigued by the Terrians than by her sibling and Vladmir who had come as well.

Then Toan stepped into the room. His bride would be the Queen after the old King died. Whether she would stay that way for much longer was not certain. He looked at the Terrians and sighed deeply. He did not want to be here, nor did he want to marry anyone. He had his own plans in mind. But he had a duty as the heir for now. Yet Taon knew that eventually it would not matter. He had thought of a plan back in his room. All he needed was to know what his father had planned.

"I am Toan," he said finally. "The oldest and the heir to the Ty'Scia throne. I welcome you to our home. Please do not worry. We treat our guests well."
Rosa was reluctant to leave Velveteen in the hands of a random groom but she really hadn't a choice. As they took her grey mare away it felt as if her only connection to Terra was leaving her alone. She now had to be strong and face what was to come next. She tried to take Emma's hand unsure if the young girl would accept it or not.

All the princess knew of her match was his name and that she was to be the Queen of Ty'Scia when the King died. Rosa straightened her maroon and gold dress as they entered the huge stone castle. How different this place was. In Terra everything was so much brighter, the colors were warm in cozy despite the stone walls. Here everything was dark and dank, very serious and royal. There wasn't a personal touch to it at all.
Alex gritted her teeth and had a deep frown on her face as she made her way back to the castle. She was unbelievably angry that the girl was still killed, even if she made it on time. Alex knew for sure it wasn't one of the sadistic villagers, but someone that was associated with Vladimir. He was too quick to let the girl go and back away from an execution, he knew that someone else was going to kill her in his place, someone who was at the town center. And they were using a form of magic, she sensed it seconds before the poor girl's death.

But she had no time to think anymore about such subjects since it was only a few minutes till the Terra royals were at the castle. And Damion would be pissed if she wasn't there with him.

The only lucky thing that happened to Alex today was that she made it to the castle just seconds before they greeted the Terra royals. Walking over next to Damion, who was standing in front of the Terra Royals. She whispered out the side of her mouth "
Sorry I'm late." she said sarcastfully. As they approached the royals Alex looked over them all she bowed to them, and raised her head before speaking. "Pleased to make you acquaitence. i'm Alex, Ty'Sica's-" she paused for a moment then smirked. "I guess you can say Ty'Sica's vampire hunter. I trust you had a safe journey?" Alex said holding her hands behind her back, as she always did when she talked in her formal way.

Alex wondered if Damion was pissed, or nervous about the meeting.


Damion paced around in circles when he heard the royals would be there soon and Alex was no where in sight. He didn't want to talk to them by himself, even though his siblings were going to be there.

When he was called down to get ready to meet them, Damion cursed lightly under his breath as Alex still wasn't back.

As he waited for the royals, he had his arms crossed and a frown planted on his face, then relaxed a bit when he say Alex walking over to him. When she made the sarcastic comment he was about to turn to her and say something back, but the royals were now in front of him, even though he was the one walking to them.

Forcing a smile he spoke softly,
"My name is Damion, It's nice to finally meet you all. I hope the journey here wasn't too bad." he said, a smile still on his face, but it relaxed a bit as he saw how nice the one Terra royal was. He half expected them to be snotty or something, since they would think they are high and mighty. But this one didn't. Damion actually started to look forward to meeting hid.... then the word crawled back into his mind 'betroved' forced one at that. But now wasn't the time to get angry over something that couldn't be stopped.


When the clan made it's way back to camp after a long day of no being able to find any human killers, Stefan sighed deeply.

Then his thoughts turned to Alex, who was still away. But he guessed she was with Damion today since the royals were supposed to come today. He was sympathetic towards Damion, having knowing he hates arrange marriages.

Stefan glanced around the camp, noticing that the demon was no where in sight. Titling his head to the side, Stefan wondered what nonsese that demon was up to. Nothing good he guessed.
It was almost too much having so many people in such a small place. Hanyer stood almost in front of the group as if he thought the Ty'Scians might attack them at any moment. Hanyer still did not think that was out of the question just yet. He only wished he could stay longer with the group. He looked back at them, Enma taking Rosa's hand and gripping it rather tightly. The poor child must be so overwhelmed by it all.

Kirei, ignoring all the other people who arrived, studied the group further and nodded. She turned to her siblings. "We should most this party to the throne room. I am sure father is there. Then our guests can go to their rooms."

Then it would be dinner where all the matches would be formally revealed and considered officially engaged. Then her's, Toan's and two of the Terrians would begin wedding plans.

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