Always giving Free Hugs
i can tell like daaammmmn.Thanks, I got super motivated after reading yours.
First off, your writing style is amazing as usual. I get suuuuper giddy every time you post because you are amazing at it annnd you are even more amazing because all of your posts are super interesting and your character has been freakin PARALYZED. Don't even know what to do with myself now that you have more range haha.
Second, hot damn! Lucca's inner turmoil... shit boi. That is just... oh damn. All he wants to do is be remembered. And Snow does that. But he isn't himself. But the temptation to be selfish. But also the inner good guy in him. Just wow.
Snow is gunna understand but totally be a little hurt from Lucca's rejection. I mean the not now not ever. She is totally going to internalize that and feel guilty ya know about taking his free will in the first place.
Just awesome post haha