the writer
The response had been expected as a potential roadblock, given what Declan had confided to Dennor; as he listened to the barbarian warlord speak, he remained in place and unmoving as he kept his full attention to Adanach's reasonings. Dennor didn't particularly care about things such as 'traditions' and 'ways of life', given his own proclivities and nature. Yet, he would have to continue to negotiate around that as though he did, lest he not only fail at the job given to him by Declan but also likely be relieved of his head in this warcamp. Preferring to remain in the mortal world, he cleared his throat as he spoke.
"Understandable. I wouldn't want my puckered cheeks anywhere close to that hag." he remarked with regards to Baba Voyka. "And the jester? Well, I consider myself an adventurous type but from what I've heard that is a one-way ticket to getting my throat slit under the covers." He has only met, or rather seen, Yz once and a feeling of unease drowned him when he laid eyes upon that... thing. Yet, that didn't spare it from his tongue's own colourful recounts and insults of their character. "I'm probably too ugly for the drake-lord, so she'd incinerate me."
He let out a chuckle at the minor self-deprecation before continuing on. "Which is why I'm also authorized to deliver an additional proposal, given your concerns. The Viceroy would honour a pact where, in the case you do turn north, then he will help you conquer the lands of your people should they fall into the hands of said unsavoury bastards after the Northern realms fall." Dennor then presented as an additional choice. "Don't worry about disappointing his shortness if you decide to refuse. He knows when to not press certain matters. You won't hear of this again if you also turn this down."
He then raised his hands up, half-jokingly: "And don't shoot the messenger. I've got plenty of drinking and fucking to live for."
"Understandable. I wouldn't want my puckered cheeks anywhere close to that hag." he remarked with regards to Baba Voyka. "And the jester? Well, I consider myself an adventurous type but from what I've heard that is a one-way ticket to getting my throat slit under the covers." He has only met, or rather seen, Yz once and a feeling of unease drowned him when he laid eyes upon that... thing. Yet, that didn't spare it from his tongue's own colourful recounts and insults of their character. "I'm probably too ugly for the drake-lord, so she'd incinerate me."
He let out a chuckle at the minor self-deprecation before continuing on. "Which is why I'm also authorized to deliver an additional proposal, given your concerns. The Viceroy would honour a pact where, in the case you do turn north, then he will help you conquer the lands of your people should they fall into the hands of said unsavoury bastards after the Northern realms fall." Dennor then presented as an additional choice. "Don't worry about disappointing his shortness if you decide to refuse. He knows when to not press certain matters. You won't hear of this again if you also turn this down."
He then raised his hands up, half-jokingly: "And don't shoot the messenger. I've got plenty of drinking and fucking to live for."