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"Had we taken Bolia, we would have been tasked with the great effort of enslaving and relocating the local population, in order to ensure that they wouldn't rise up against us. Perhaps we would have offered a great number of laborers to our neighbors in the Empire in exchange for peace and trade," he mused, his smirk fading in favor of a more neutral, contemplative expression. "Given our... reversed roles, I believe the wise thing to do would be to accept your overture. We'll allow these refugees to cross the border, but in an orderly fashion, administered by my forces. I will also ensure a favorable status for Saarus in trade, and I will expect the same for Civicerian merchants in your ports."
Now seeming relaxed and confident, the General added, "One last thing- I would not be concerned with the preparedness of my legions. What opportunities we lost in Bolia, we may rediscover them on our eastern borders. One doesn't learn language to read a single book, nor study the blade to prepare for a single foe. We are, as always, prepared for all frontiers," he said, his tone resembling that of a man far beyond his years.
Estro looks on with a thoughtful expression again as the man relays his thoughts on the matter. He felt a certain degree of dark delight as they accepted he influx of refugees, but then again he knew they would like be looking at those coming in. It would be hard to infiltrate like that but the influx of them would suit the needs of the Dominion with this expression of acceptance on his trade offers. The Man of the Mountain or his stand-in was as shrewd as had been expected, which was fine. A clever man might pull apart his schemes or draw them out, but that just made the game more fun. He missed having someone like Briggun to match wits with, to battle and challenge. That battle had become quite direct and open. This one would be a wonderful dance in the shadows until it was time for the knives to come out, for the throats to be slit in another glorious culling of his foes.
"It is most gracious of you to accept my proposals, General. This will certainly simplify a number of matters I had obvious concerns about. Your aid in increasing trade flow between our lands is most appreciated. I will reciprocate quite happily and send word to Briggun himself to ensure a more fruitful status is afforded Civicerian merchants. We want them to feel welcome if they are to be provided much needed goods." Estro spread his gloved hands with an acknowledgement of the trade adjustments both sides would make.
"I understand your need to control the refugee situation. I'm sure you'll find wonderful use for them. Doubly so as it sounds like you already have formulated a few new adjustments to the Dominion's positions. I'm so happy to know we could make something mutually beneficial come of this. I'm sure you will make use of your wit and sword just as well as you claim, a pity for those who will find the points of both in the days to come." Estro rubs his chin with a gloved hand as he ponders the situation, feeling quite pleased with developments. The goods would actually be useful but also feed into the image he is trying to weave. Sergius might realize a deeper plan is at work, but let him do so since it sounds like his army has plans for the unfortunate Duchy of Midana.
"Do let me know if I can facilitate anything else for this arrangement, General. Otherwise, I bid you a good day." Estro rose and bowed politely, both for simple etiquette and a slight display of respect to a man that was proving to be a lovely challenge. The quiet game would continue, and he looked forward to how deeply he could dig his claws into Bolia while Civiceria seemingly prepared for its expansion elsewhere. He departs with haste to make his dispatches, ready to weave the needed protective spells around them.
A dispatch is sent by bound imp to Briggun himself:
My Lord,
I am pleased to inform you that matters are proceeding accordingly in regards to the Civicerian Dominion. Please enact favored trade status with Civiceria. You will find they will be granting the same to Saarus merchants at this time. Reciprocation will facilitate the greater works needed that you have commanded of me. I believe we can make use of this influx of goods as well for the various other campaigns in action, if only to further give credence to my discussion with their General Sergius in Bolia.
Please do not be surprised if matters in Kaula become complicated in coming months. Let us hope Rocher can continue to prove useful for greater matters in play. My efforts will continue in either case and our grasp in this region will only continue to grow stronger.
Do give my respect to the Empress.
Your servant,
Estro Dorozan
A second dispatch is sent to Veno also by bound imp courier:
Dear Veno,
I hope your efforts further West are proceeding as well as I hear whispers about. Please be aware that I anticipate increased Civicerian interest in our affairs beyond what already is likely in motion due to the open conflicts in the South so far and along the regions boarding their colony of Bolia. I know you probably already were taking these matters into consideration, but I am never not one to do my duty and still bring attention to it after the influx of information brought before me from your agents and my own cultists.
The Man of the Mountain is clever and dangerous. So I intend to be sure we take him seriously despite his seeming openness to my current diplomatic overtures. The board is set and the pieces are finally revealing themselves. I hope you enjoy the game I am set to play. I look forward to your own games in motion. Let the shadows dance with intrigue and blood flow where it needs to.
With regards,