The Dark Society - Mafia (Actual RP)


Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Call us comrades or brothers

Or enemies or gangs

We are the opposite of light

We are the Mafia...


We RP peacefully, no godmodding, please


Today is rather rainy.

Koujaku wears his usual red kimono as he wanders down the street, his hair ties up as a little ponytail that gently lies against his back. The winds are cool tonight, with the moon shining bright. It takes him a little by surprise to see that the town is actually quieter than usual, but he doesn't care either way. Peacefulness is calmness to him, and he enjoy it quite much.

He walks to a door and opens it, entering the bar. Despite the quietness outside the bar is still noisy and lively, fill with laughter and the tinkling of glasses. As Koujaku walks inside, people greet him happily, with some of them's cheeks slightly red from the beer. He greets back, never forget to flirt some women as well. "How ya doing, Koujaku?" The barkeeper speaks up, and Koujaku smiles at him, going to his direction and settles down in a seat. "Fine and bored as usual." He replies. "My dear old brothers are not fun to be with recently." Talking about his friends and comrades from the Red Thorn, he shrugs with a grin.


A small scream fails to echoes through the night as a dagger goes through the man's heart. Clear then lets the man falls to the ground in the tiny dark alleyway, going through his pockets for any sign of information that can be given to his boss. Seeing none, he groans. Well at least he kills an enemy.

He stares down at the dagger and frowns when the blood gets onto him. Clicking his tongue he cleans the dagger with a handkerchief and leans against the wall. Sighing, he wonders when will the police who is standing right out of the alleyway chatting with some other people will leave. Is he going to be stuck all night here with a smelly corpse? He doesn't want to make a big chaos by running right into the police.

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Restain laughed, hearing the music throb through her veins and make her come alive. Yes, yes, yes! She grabbed the mic, using it as a pole and dancing around it. She looked out to the people in the audience. They were all here for her. "I meant it when I said, I wanna get well, I wanna get well!" She sang at the top of her lungs, watching as the crowd moved together, jumping up and down. "Are the rest of you so content? Stay where you are but it hurts like hell!" She looked back at the guitarist, who's hands were expertly flying over the neck of his guitar. We've got this.

Kevin tapped his finger atop his desk, eyeing the window that overlooked the square. How exactly will I go about this..? He pondered which pawn to play next, which route he would send his assassins to the Red Thorn. But that would be too easy..
"Don" frederick was in his two story house. In his nice library, sitting in an arm chair with a fifth of scotch and stephen kings "the mist" reading and enjoying the novel by the master author. He's half way done when he pulls out his cell phone and calls the family members."everyone this is the "don" come to the house, we have to go over the "family business."
"Oh ho ho, it's that girl with her wonderful band playing again." Koujaku chuckles, peeking out the bar window to where some lights are fixing on, and where the stage is, as she continues singing. Of course he knows that that girl is from the White Rose. Her name is Re---....Ah, he forgot. Who cares anyway.

"Stupid Restain off enjoying herself when I'm like this," Clear grunts as he hears music and Restain's singing voice going on.
Aiden Frankcona was leaning against the wall one of his legs crooked and rested on the wall. He had a toothpick between his lips as he watched the bar from afar. He knew that both of the families mingled in there but, he wasn't a fool to walk into a hornet's nest like that. He huffed when his pocket vibrated and he pulled it out. He read the text and grinned "Finally some fun." he said and pocketed his phone before heading home. He walked into his father's study and looked at the man sitting in the chair "You rang sir?"
Ariana was down under the streets. That was like her spot to be. She did participate in an underground fight and she won, but now she was just watching the others. It's not like she had anything better to do. All her brother/comrades were out on their own. In all honesty she was bored. She sat down and watched the matches glancing at her phone every here and there.

When all the matches were finished for the night, she sighed and began to walk out of the underground tunnels. She was wear her trench coat because she knew it would ran. She began to walk casually down the pretty calm and quiet road until she passed the bar. She glanced through the window and saw who was singing. She knew who that girl was, Restain from the White Rose. Ariana sighed and continued to walk down the streets. She finally decided to go get some food, so she was going to head to a fast food restaurant.
Sam~Samantha was back at the hospital yet again to check up on her arm. It's been at least two weeks since the 'accident' happened with her and Damon. "Well, Sam, it seems like you're having difficulty healing." "What?" Here eyes widened, how will she assassinate people with a broken arm? The girl sighed. "You'll need to wear the cast for another month at least. I recommend you stay home until then." "But my jo-" "Sam." The doctor glared, holding up a finger as if to quiet the girl. "Stay home, if you have to work, use your left hand.." "Ugh, fine.." She muttered and grabbed her meds before leaving the doctors office, on the way back to the Red Thorn headquarters, on the way she runs into nobody other than Damon.

Damon~"Watch it, kid!" He muttered as he pushed the girl away, not noticing the bright blue eyes of Samantha. "Oh.. Sam. I-I'm so sor-" "Forget it.." The girl pushed past him and continued walking, leaving Damon alone. "Damnit.." Damon sighed and walked away from Sam, he was planning on returning the next day. Now he wasn't sure, Sam hated him now. That wasn't much of a surprise, he pushed her out of a window, why wouldn't she hate him? Damon shook his head, turning around and following the girl home.
As Raven was walking down the street a noise coming from the bar caught his ear as he looked threw the window his saw a girl singing, she had a wonderful voice. But soon after looking at her he realized it was a girl from the White Roses he smirked and walked off. He then put his hood up after felling drops of rain hit his nose as he walked off into a ally.
The conversation she followed for quite some minutes was roughtly disturbed by a buzzing feeling, coming from her skirt. Damn... Elena groaned silently - she couldn't get noticed by the two members of the White Rose at this hour, because it would be too suspicious if they saw a girl at midnight in such a dark alley. It would blew her cover instantly. She tried to back off a little, and grabbed her mobile phone a bit aggressively. A message.

Elena also got the message from her adoptive father, asking her to gather at some family meeting. Nice time, dad! But although the girl frowned, she knew she had to obey. The men were still talking, but the subject this time wasn't about drugs business, but women. Satisfied she knew enough, the blond girl sneeked out of the alley, without making a sound.

She walked immediately towards the big villa of the Red Thorns. No one of the city dared going near here, because they knew the villa was heavily guarded all day and night. The atmosphere for Elana, however, was relaxed and welcome. She felt like home there, because since a year it really became her new home. She was rescued by the son of the boss, Aiden, from a certain death. Aiden.... she hadn't spoke to him since last week, because they had to work much. 'It feels good to be home!' she said with a clear voice, entering the mansion after being screened by the guards. Yes, she was happy their was a family meeting; she could see her beloved brother again.
Angelo walked through the streets of the town and enjoyed the pleasant breeze. Things at White Rose were getting hectic. Under any other circumstance, he would have stayed and tried to help with the family, but his father had told him to take a break and go outside. It wasn't until he reluctantly left, that he realized how stressed he had been lately. White Rose and Red Thorn were still fighting and he had to handle a lot of the work that came with the feud. To make his farher's life less stressful, he volunteered to take on some of his work load. He did all the work his father did, so he was basically a second boss, although he didn't consider himself one. He let out a deep breath and continued his walk

Angelo sat on a nearby bench and decided to rest his eyes for awhile. Doing this would normally be dangerous for a mafia member, but Angelo was a special case. Although he was the boss' adopted son, which would normally open him up for assassination, nobody outside of White Rose knew about him. His existence was a well kept secret, so he could do anything without repercussions. To anyone, besides White Rose, he was an ordinary civilian.

Angelo leaned his head against the back of the bench. He was relaxing for the first time in years and it was quite nice. He opened his eyes when he caught the sound of music. He grew a faint smile on his face when he recognized it. It was Restain's music. He and Restain were in good terms with each other and spoke when they weren't busy. Angelo was on good terms with everybody in the family, but he really never got a chance to speak with them. He was always so busy trying to help the family, he never had the time. An idea popped into his head after thinking about the subject. 'Maybe I'll go speak to her.'
Restain hopped off the stage, a buzz from her concert. She spun in a circle then pranced down the backstage hallway. She stopped for a moment, hearing the crowd call for an encore, which brought a wicked smile to her face. "Awh, I love you guys too~" She giggled, walking to her dressing room. She slipped inside, ruffling her hair and pulling out her cell. No new texts.


Kevin inhaled a breath of his cigar, the toxic fumes circulating in his lungs for a moment just before he exhaled, a puff of smoke extending into the air. He wasn't too sure what he should do for the moment, he already had let everyone have today and tomorrow off, to reward them for all their hard work. So for now, he sat all alone in his office, smoking and contemplating the world just outside these walls.
(She is a real party girl, haha^^ Such a shame Elana had to go to the family meeting, so she couldn't meet Restain)
(Meh. xD )

Clear can be patient no more. He groans, walking out from the only opening of the alley while taking out his phone. "Restrain," he texts, "If a big chaos happened here help me deal with it." With that, he looks down while slowly and casually walking behind from one of the police officers.

Koujaku smirks as the girl from White Rose hops off the stage, indicating an end to his performance. His eyes scan down to somewhere else as he sees Aiden up there, answering his phone. Raising an eyebrow, he wonders what the boss is up to this time, and yawns. Koujaku slowly walks out of the bar to where Aiden is."Aiden~~~" He greets with a lazy smile.
Angelo walked into the bar and immediately took notice of the Red Thorn members. He ignored them an took a seat on a nearby stool. They didn't appear to be a threat at the current moment and they didn't know who he was. However, if they tried anything, he would not hesitate to stop them. That was a part of the mafia lifestyle. Always having to watch your back and your front, while looking after everyone else. It wasn't easy, but this was the path that both families chose to walk. He ordered a water and adjusted his position. He would wait here and make sure nothing happened. He was very overprotective when it came to his family.
As Raven walks threw the long dark alley he scrapes his katana on the ground leaving a trail of sparks. Then as he gets out of the alley he picks up his sword and puts it back into its sheath and walks into a fast food restaurant . As he gets into line he cuts everyone and right as the person in front of the line was about to take there food he grabs it and runs out.
(Whoops didn't even realize this was created)

It was just a regular day for Olivia. She was sitting on the couch, watching some movie she wasn't really paying attention to and sipping on some red wine. Her father hated it when she drank but she did it anyway. Hey, he was the one who just left bottles out in the open. Besides, it wasn't like he'd be home soon and what he didn't know wouldn't hurt him.

Brianne was studying in her room, her face buried in a chemistry textbook. Her friends had called and offered to take her out but she said she'd rather be home. She wasn't the type of girl to really let loose. She was 17 years old, never had a boyfriend, never been to a party and never touched alcohol or drugs. She was far too busy with school and earning good grades to ever really go out.
Restain frowned, reading the message and closing the phone. "Yeah right, It's my day off. That means party time." She grinned to herself, turning her phone off and prepping herself to go out and enjoy herself.
( My second character )As Kazuna walked into the bar she saw everyone laughing and talking she sat down and ordered some water with lemon. Then she just looked around and stared at everyone she thought to herself. "That's a red thorn that's a white rose"She then turned and looked outside.
At this point, Olivia was more than a little tipsy. She got up from the couch, stumbled around to turn on the pristine top-of-the-line sound system and blasted it. "The City Is At War" by Cobra Starship blared as the drunk girl began to sing and dance around.

Brianne was still studying when she got another phone call from a friend. They begged her to come out, just this once. She sighed and agreed. She began to get ready, put on a little makeup then got dressed. She let her hair fall in gorgeous waves and went to tell her mom where she'd be and because she was so trusting, she allowed it. With that, the girl was out the door.
Seifer sat up on the sofa, to check his cell phone. Nothing yet? He let himself fall back. It was a boring day. There was nothing to do. Maybe he should go check on the White Rose guys.
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The drunken mess that was Olivia was snapped back into reality when she bumped into a shelf and a picture frame fell. She was startled by the shattering glass and she went to pick up the frame. It was a photo of her mother.. She still remembered the night her mother was gunned down by those awful people of the Red Thorn. She fell to her knees and began to sob, she missed her more than anything and all the poor girl wanted was a mother in life but that was ripped away from her at the age of 5.

Brianne was in the car with a friend and they were on their way to some bar. She was iffy about it at first and it took a lot of convincing but she caved. She swore up and down that she wouldn't drink though and she intended not to. Besides, someone needs to drive them home later, right? Her friend knew the owner of the bar and that was the only reason the underage girls were allowed in.
frederick sent out a mass text to the members of the red thorn."get to the villa now, we have something very important to go over. no excuses." he sent as he lit a cigar. "ah good, my son is here, we will meet in the office, we have much to discuss." he said as he turned to his son.

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