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The Dark Of Winter

Tony, I'm so sorry. He was going to hurt my family... Noel blinked back tears. She wanted Tony here, with her, she wanted to see him. Hold his hand. To be in his arms as he comforted her.
I'm so sorry. Noel choked back a sob. Tony, I'm scared. Noel stopped at the sound of someone coming. It's Rage, he's coming.
Keep in contact with me Noel. Just talk to me Tony said, as he walked to the globe and turned on the Northern Lights, before moving back to Noels door.

Rage approached the cell and grinned at her
Rage moved right up to the bars, "Apparently I'm not allowed to harm you...yet." He growled

Tony wondered if the others had seen the Lights, and huffed
"Pitch said I couldn't even touch you....but that because his little son disobeyed, I could harm him instead when he gets here" Rage grinned
Rage grinned, and proceeded to tell her all the things he'd use to torture the Shadow-Winter sprite.

Tony looked about, wondering where the others were
Noel anger rose. "ENOUGH!" A gold pulse came from her body, throwing Rage into the wall. Noel's eyes were wide in shock. She never knew she could do that.
Rage hit the wall with such a force that he was knocked out.

Tony gave up with waiting, and left a note on the console of the globe, before flying off
I just used powers I didn't know I had. And I almost killed Rage. Noel began pacing in her cage. 
(Did you see my new thread or are you just waiting till you're at a computer?) 
Calm down. I'm going to connect you to the Guardians minds, and I need you to wake them...please? Tony asked

Rage's eyes slowly opened
I-I don't know if I can.... Tony isn't that dangerous? Won't they wake up from the nightmare sand on their own? Oh no. TONY!!!! Noel's voice cut off.
Only dangerous for me..... Tony responded, before realising she had quietened, NOEL! He howled, and flew toward Rages den faster.

Rage had entered Noels cage, and had pinned her to the wall
"you can't do anything kid. I can't do anything to you" He hissed, and moved back out of the cage, locking the door and sitting on a chair, awaiting the arrival of Tony
Noel's eyes went wide. "Wait! Please. I'll do anything. Just leave him be! I-I can hurt him more than you ever could if you'd leave him alone."" Noel almost whispered the last part. She knew it was true and how she'd do it... but it would hurt her and Tony beyond measure.

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