The Crew

I calmly glanced back to the other man, who seemed to be angry with me. Folding my white wings on my back, I sighed softly.

"Calm yourself.." I murmured, putting away my bow and arrow to show I don't mean any harm.

"I am not here to fight any of you." I said gently, looking at everybody reassuringly. My gaze flicked back to the man, and I nodded.

"I assure you I am not villainous."
I sheath my sword but keep my staff in a tight grip. "Well then, do you know of the treason the angels have brought down?" I walk towards blondie and drag him over to us to make sure he doesn't just walk away, then look at sin, who are you?
"Hey sir? Are u alright?" I began to pull the blonde over aiding to them I never liked seeing people in pain. "I hope y'all are okay fighting is never the answer." I stood and pulled pillows and covers out of my travelers pack putting pillows under their heads and covered them up.
"Hmm, you give him to much courtesy, he should be dead right now, any normal person would die if I kicked them that hard, you still haven't told me who you are." I reach into my backpocket for a cigarette, a human habit I enjoy, it couldn't damage my health since I'm an angel, I flick my thumb up my fingers and push fire out of it to my cigarette, lighting it.
Looks and stands. "I am Sin. Whom are you?" Looks to the cig then the guy. "Well I guess these are most of the people that the message Kyra sent out reached." Looks at everyone. "Its nice to meet the one's that are conscious." He smiled.


I walked around the corner and looked into the entrance of the doorway, I saw a group of people, but only for half of a second. The shadows devoured me, and everything was completely black except for one person. The black-haired girl standing in the middle of the bunch. I looked at her for a minute, then someone I never thought I'd see appeared.

Behind the girl, Hades appeared. I don't think it was the real Hades, but he was looking at me from behind the girl. Hades disappeared and it was just me and the girl again. I reached for my revolver, a surge of fear fell upon me, I couldn't find it. I looked back, and my revolver was still where it had been, but, my arm was the problem. My arm wasn't moving, no matter how hard I tried to move it, then I heard a voice.

"Don't shoot her..." That was the downside of being able to control the shadows, they could also control mem and for some reason, they wanted to protect her, and I'm willing to bet my life, Hades is why.
I am Kolt Veral, fallen angel, I was kicked from heaven when I saw the angels conspiring against the gods, I expect that there are more nearby, I feel presences of power, hiding where, I do not know, but in case they mean us harm, sin, I suggest you look for them, in my current state I am near useless.
Nods and goes looking around sincing aura from different areas of the graveyard. Looks by the entrance and walks up to a guy whom seems in shock or just plan paralyzed. "I found someone but they look like they have seen a ghost."


Light invaded the shadows I was devoured in and I saw the others again, only, now the youngest looking one was standing right next to me, looking at me like I was insane. I took a step back, I knew that if I got involved with this group the girl would most likely draw me trouble. I looked at the one standing next to me, then at the others, then turned around and started to walk back to the road. This time, however, the shadows did nothing to restrain me.
Actually gonna take a good look at kyra now, shes got a presence of her, a powerful one, she has a meaning, this is her story, its going to come down to her eventually, I can tell. I see the guy sin walked up to trying to leave. "Sin! He's got a reason to be here, Kyra will want him, we're all here for a reason, you need to convince him not to leave!" Then I see something, a demon, or even a deity, then I get it, its an image of hades, it's stemming from kyras shadow, I understand now, then I passout again from sheer exhaustion.
"Why you leaving sir?" Tilts head looking. "You seemed like youu wanted to go talk to Miss Kyra." Runs up grabbing the dhirt of the other lightly sometimes hated being so small.
I could do nothing but agree with the other angel. The iciness in my eyes burned with sensitivity as I listened to the conversations everybody was having with each other. A feeling of grief flooded into me. Should I even be here?

I spread my white wings, prepared to take off in flight.


I felt the small one tug on my shirt, and instinctively grabbed his arm and held it up into the air, without saying a word I looked into the kids eyes. The atmosphere around us gets darker, I get control of myself again, and drop the kid's (or what I think is a kid's) arm and turn around. I then start to run down he street again.
I wake up, decide that I want the kids blankets and shove him aside taking them, he got them long enough, I just hope he doesn't wake up to get mad.


After being sure that I wasn't followed, I stopped and stepped into the shadows of a nearby building, to me, I passed out, to the world, I disappeared into thin air.




I saw the guy with the white hair look at the girl in the black hair like she was going to tear him to shreds, then run away as the little one tried to get his attention. I also saw one of the angels prepare to fly, and the older man take the blondie's blanket and pillow as his own. I decided that most of the interesting things were over, and I should be on my way.

While getting out of the bushed, I tripped and almost fell onto my own sword. I forced the sword out of the way and managed to catch myself, but I made a decently loud noise while falling. I got up and made a foolish decision, I stepped back into the bushes, hoping to be overlooked.
I woke up with a chill down my spine, " God damn if only someone had given me a blanket" I had to crack 'bout every bone in my body but it was alright. My hair was stained with some blood that I could only assume was from his neck unless I got into some trouble that I didn't remember. I stood up and sure enough Big guy was there but I had to give it to him, hes got balls the size of his wings, almost comparable to mine but still not that big. Well Kyra was here so I thought now was the best time to ask about the underworld to her. "Hey Kyra, what is your connection to the underworld?"
I stir in my sleep, now fully rested and see blondie next to me. Hes sitting up. "Aye, what time is it? Time for another ass kicking unless you back away from me."
"hey you made the move I just backed it up and I have no business with that, I just want to know why there is an overwhelming presence of darkness" This guy is too persistent for me sometimes.


I heard the witty comment from the older man to the younger blondie. I turned back in the bushes to look back at the two, and decide to stay a while. The quarrel between these two is really interesting to me.
I reach out my hand for a hand shake and say "Friends?" Then proceed to clean my sword and focusing my will into summoning building materials, I'll make a small dimension for us so that we can make it a home base.
(I'm sorry, but I cannot post such short posts.)


Christina rolled her neck to each side as she walked down the side road, kicking up dust in her wake. Just outside the city, a vast ray of light was beating down on the earth and a warm breeze whipped her hair towards the path it came. She narrowed her eyes at the small houses that began to pass her as it seemed she was being watched. Christina opened her mind, spreading out her power as far as she could reach.

Why is that young girl walking alone down the street? She heard an older woman's voice. Where are her parents? How irresponsible. It didn't feel familliar enough. Christina closed her eyes and focused deeper.

There's a good one. I just have to wait until she gets close enough before I grab her. She was slightly shocked at this gruff male voice. It sounded raspy, like he was a smoker or handles drugs. She stopped for a moment, letting the sterile atmosphere consume her. Show time.

"Hello? Is anybody there?" Christina asked in forced terror, lips slightly parted as she crept toward the voice. That's right, just a bit farther little girl. She forced the urge not to recoil in disgust. Humans can be such greedy creatures, what leetches. She thought to herself. She brought her nails to her mouth, making a slight quiver in her gasp. Her hand rested and felt along a vehicle in the street, very close to her victim. Christina could almost feel his shaking, anticipating breath. Time to play. "Oh, I guess there's no one here after all." She said coyly, shrugging and turning on her heel. "Too bad, I guess I'll just go on ahead. Whoops, it's getting a bit dark, I guess there's a storm coming on. I had better hurry." She turned around quickly, nose to nose with the man to seemed about to grab her. "Oh, and I almost forgot, you were about to burn in hell."

"Shut up you...?" The man stumbed his words, intoxicated on her spell.

"Yes," Christina rested her hand on her left shoulder, bringing her lips close to his ear. "Now do exactly, as I tell you." She fluttered her eyelashes at the man with darkening eyes.

"Exactly.. as...." He fell to his knees, swaying his head slowly, faintly.

"Aww, you're a sad little man arn't you," She held up one of her duel blades bewteen her thumb and index fingers like a tissue, swaying it in unison to him, "No life, no love, nothing. Can you hear me you sick bastard? Humph, You're lucky I don't chain you to the rocks at low tide." She closed her eyes pouting and grabbed the blade , swinging it back and striking the man across his throat. Her eyes opened just as his bulged, his face reddening, choking and gurgling noises the last sound the overweight man will ever make.

"Say hi to dad for me, 'kay?"
"Yeah we can call it friends but Ima get your ass one day alright big guy?" who knows, this guy may be of use to me, he can't be that bad I guess, just as long as he doesn't have anything for me to steal to make fancy knifes and shit, I need fancy knifes.
I get up, sensing an energy, a user of magic, I spread my wings and leap high scouting around, blondie watch out, someones here, I spot him in some brushes near a graveyard, I lunge at him, tackling him, I calmly look him in the eyes and say, "I can feel the swords moving, they radiate energy, if they move another inch I'll burn you alive."
( I've got new rules because I can't stand some of the things happening. This'll be strict, but I don't care. USE CORRECT GRAMMAR AND SPELLING OR YOU ARE OUT! I AM A GRAMMAR NAZI SO YEA. You also must post at least one paragraph, per character you have. That's 5 sentences with correct grammar, spelling, etc. And yes, I will enforce them. Spelling also means no abbrivieations for words. Like cigarette will not be shortened to cig. If you can't spell it, use a synonym. Please. )
I flapped my wings as I glided out of the 5th story window, I felt the cool wind blow across my head. I looked around for anything suspicious, I was blood thirsty. I saw a narrow alleyway right behind my favorite Starbucks. I decided landing there would not only give me enough room to transform, but also give me some cover, but what I didn't realize, was that there was also humans there. I landed on the smooth stone of the alley, and switched back to my regular form. When I turned around, I saw three thugs, each wearing a T-Shirt with a weird insignia, a snake wrapped around a cross. It was a gang, I assumed.

They all turned to face me. The tallest one, pulled out a switch blade, and threatened me to hand over all of my cash. I chuckled a bit at this pitiful attempt, then looked him directly in his eyes. From there, I saw everything about him. His name was Daniel, his father was an alcoholic, that beat him every night while his mother stood in the sidelines and watched, waiting for her own beating. This went on up until his father drove into a tree, and was killed on impact. He created this gang, called "Tunnel Snakes" shortly after his father's death, as a way of grieving. He tried to look tough, but inside he felt scared, and lonely. I'll save him for last...

The second one was chubby, to say the least. His name was Charlie, he had bright blonde hair, and blue eyes. He has been teased because of his weight for as long as he can remember. He joined this gang, because they're the only people that will accept him, they are the closest things that he has to friends, and being here makes him feel wanted.

The shortest one, Ronnie, has been a thug for life. His father was in a gang, and so Ronnie just followed in his dad's footsteps. He has jumped from gang to gang, killed numerous people, and the local police call him a 'Regular' at the station. He had black hair, and horrible hygiene, but he was one of the most physically fit guys that I had ever seen. He was the most experienced.

I took a drink of water, and stood my ground. Daniel began to charge at me, and swung at me. I ducked under his arm, and grabbed the switch out of his hand, then proceeded to drag the blade across his back, the blood began to pour out, staining his shirt. He fell down injured. That's when Ronnie and Charlie began to flank me from both sides, I took the switch and quickly placed it in the top of Ronnie's shoulder, I could feel the tendons tearing, and moving to make space for the blade. He screamed in agony, and stumbled around a bit. I looked back at Charlie who was shaking, and trying to run away. I quickly shifted into a cougar, and jumped on his back, which was easy, because there was so much to grab a hold of with my claws. He fell to the ground with a huge thud. I began to bite into his neck, instantly cutting the spinal cord.

I shifted back, and felt dizzy from the transformation. I took a gulp of water, and looked at Ronnie who still had the blade in his shoulder. He was trying to help Daniel up. Ronnie looked at me, and dropped Daniel. You could feel the rage seeping from his core. I took a few steps toward him, and grabbed the hilt of the blade. He squirmed in pain, and tried to kick, and swing, and do anything to knock me down, but I still had the hilt in my hand. In a swift movement, I twisted the knife all around until it came loose from the flesh. He fell to his knees, and I took my palm, and hit his nose with enough force to cut the brain stem, killing him instantly.

Then there was still Daniel, who was crawling to the exit of the alleyway. I used the memory of his father to take his form.

"Daa-nny" I called to him. Daniel stopped dead in his tracks, and looked back at me. I absolutely loved seeing the horror in his eyes, and watching him struggle to get away. I walked over to him, stepped on his back to stop him from moving, and whispered in his ear "Nighty-night." I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder, and then slammed him face first into the concrete below.

I laughed, and walked away.

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