The Crew

(Dunno if it posted) I walk towards the boy but begin to sense other beings around, a strong feeling that a powerful person was near, I tell the boy "We may not have time to quarrel, theres more people around." I look up and a around and see the angel, my blood runs cold as I raise my sword to her.
"Everyone, CALM DOWN! And what in the name of Hades do you mean by, "Picked one up?" I yelled out, and then swung my bo staff, disarming Kolt," She may very well be on our side, so don't do anything stupid."

I looked at the kid with the knife in his foot, and realized he'd stabbed himself there. What a bloody idiot.

I walked to the angel, and looked at her. I am an angel, not to be, well, yea, I admit, I've been called beautiful, but not that type of angel. I'm basically an Angel of Darkness.

"Hi, I'm Kyra, and you are? And no, I don't mean any harm, that guy over there said something about an angel being bad, and I think he assumes you're one as well," I said, my accent highlighting certain tones of words.
Kyra disarmed me to my outrage, then started speaking with the angel?! Doesn't she realize the danger she's in?! The angels are conspiring against us! "Kyra back away she might hurt you" I say as I focus my will into conjuring a little fire at the ends of my fingertips.
I looked back at Kolt, and sighed.

"She doesn't seem hostile, ok? And who's the leader here? I know what I'm doing," I said, I still had my bo staff, and besides, I can slip into the shadows at any time. It's not like if the angel was bad, that she'd be able to get me. I mean, really? My father is the lord of death. He doesn't want his children to join him within sixteen years.
Fine, but if she makes the slightest move shell discover a shuriken in her, so there is no way this is all coincedince, us powerful beings here, so why don't we share why were here, I got an email from Kyra
"Hostile as ever eh big guy? Well I also got an e-mail from this Kyra chick too, might as well go and she is she qualifies." This guy sure has some trust problems but I guess I don't have good ones either. Something about this Kyra chick felt... familiar, I couldn't help but clench my seal that was cearing in pain, but I decided it was the best course of action not to scream in pain this time. My eyes, they began to glow a tempting shade of dark purple I could sense it, this only happened when! NO! I must keep this under control, but I'm wondering why my seal is breaking, is there a presence here that is too overwhelming for me to control myself?
I woke up from a heavy slumber, I looked to my right, and grabbed my water bottle and took a quick drink, then got out of bed. I tried to walk to my dresser in my somewhat sleepy state. I opened the drawer and got out my black hoodie. I put it on and proceeded to look out my window. I noticed it wasn't rainy and dreary as it usually is, it was almost... Happy. I guess i'll put a stop to that. I did my daily eye exercises, I looked around clockwise, then counter clockwise. Then I decided that I needed to work on my Transformation-from-memory skills, so I opened my window and visualized a white dove, I imagined it's size, and shape, and suddenly... Poof! I'd never went Dove before, so it was an interesting experience.
Suddenly the boy is doing something, my eyes widen as I sense his dark power rising, I launch myself at him yelling to kyra and the angel to run as I hold him down
"What is happening, I'm having these... visions!" My mind went blank, dark like me. I saw the figure in the woods again but this time it was in a cave.It was full of darkness, a feeling of demonic power stained the air. A man who I couldn't identify was preforming some sort of ritual on me. I heard him muttering demonic words or hate and pain but I made one sentence said clear and full of importance "the curse of Tartarus fills this boy with the same darkness that is held in that realm" Tartarus, I remember the term in some Greek class I think. Oh yeah it's clear now, Tartarus, the darkest and most painful section of the underworld. This one spelled one thing in my mind, was one of these people associated with the underworld? I woke up out of that state of free-floating in my mind and opened my eyes to the harsh reality once more, they were but fixed on the girl known as Kyra, yes, it was her.

" Release me, I wish to speak to Kyra, and if you won't allow I'll make sure the clone that your holding tells you that I'm behind you with a knife to your neck."



"I think I am almost there this Kyra girl seems to really understand." He held his cell phone in hand reading over the message then switched over to the GPS. He read the map knowing he was close to London and soon would meet this Kyra. Maybe she could help him control his powers his curse. He looked around tugging his travel's pack on his shoulder keeping it fron falling. His dark green hair fell in his face as his beautiful neon green eyes glimmered in the light. He was wearing a simple jacket with sweatpants to keep warm. What would be awaiting him in London?
I think fast and draw about three fourths of my energy into my feet, I raise them behind me to flip him over and in front of me, I realse the energy as I seel the sharp sting of my throat being cut, I could put up a hield to protect us or heal myself, I didn't have enough power for both, then an idea gets me, I throw up the energy shield, then with the tiny bit of power left I summon fire to my fingertips and swipe it across my throat, burning the cut closed, I pass out from the pain, I hope the others survive inside the shield, the last words I say to them before passing out is stay inside the shield
I could barley stand up after he threw me, felt like I broke everything that I owed "Hmp, I wouldn't have done anything. You Kyra what connection to the underworld do you have" I began to explain what I knew about my seal and the curse that had been put on me. I could only think about that man, he really was something else. My darkness began to retreat to the seal and my eyes returned. I fell to my knees"Hey sky.... take care of the big guy while I take a nap." I fainted before Kyra could respond.
After I passed out I had a dream, about the other angel, that maybe she wasn't that bad, then I had to relive my memories of what the angels did to me, what they're doing, that resolidified my opinion


Saying as somehow, things went to fast for me, NEVER HAPPENS! I had to stand idly by as these two tried to kill eachother. I mean really, do ALL men try that? Do they have egos that are so big they have to collide? I shook my head, and walked over to the unconscious idiots, and walked back to the angel.

"Well, that was, new. How's about we just say this, I know you're an Angel, and yes, I'm a daughter of Hades, let's agree to disagree, and be on the same side until we know who's who, and also ditch those two bozos," I said to the angel, who'd seemingly not spoken a word so far. And I REALLY REALLY Did not wanna be around those two people. And I'd rather be around an Angel, anyways. I find them to be rather interesting.
I rouse from my sleep to see kyra talking to the angel, I'm aching all over but call out to ask if she's okay, I don't think I can fight the angel in this state but I guess I can run, may have to fly away with Kyra, I don't think shed like that, I suppose ill hjear them out
Walks up seeing two guys on the ground tilting head. "Um are y'all alright?" I kneel down to see if they are alive but jumps seeing one stir. "What happened here I felt immense waves of energy coming from this area was it both of y'all?" He looked helping the guy sit up and looked him over.
"Leave those two alone, they tried to kill eachother. I don't like men with too much of an ego, and I'm Kyra, you most likely recieved a letter from me, or, you're just a random kid with powers." I said, and smiled at him. He looked really young.
He looked at her. "Hello Miss. Kyra I am Sin I got your message and traveled to London from Peru." He gently set down the other and walked over to Kyra and the Angel. "I sent a small message explaining my abilities. But its a real honor to meet the daughter of Hades." He bowed smiling.


As I make my way through London, I see, no, the shadows tell me, there's someone inside of the bushes on my right side, peering in on the graveyard on the other side of the bushes. I couldn't make out what he was watching, because the shadows didn't quite make it that far, but this black-haired kid was definitely interested in something, and I wasn't content with just walking by and not finding out. I hear a scream, and a few loud noises of what sounded like two obnoxious, child-like men sparring with each other. As the fighting went quiet, I saw, with my own eyes, without help of the shadows, the glint of some metal making it's way through the bushes. Beyond the fact I was already curious about the events, this metal thing got my attention even more. Well, I thought to myself, I'm not going to find out anything by just standing here. With that, I started to make my way around to the entrance of this graveyard, but something told me, I was going to run into someone I reallly, really, didn't want to meet.




I saw a girl in the graveyard, just sitting on a gravestone. I'm no stalker, but a man can get curious, and I watched her for a few minutes, I guess I hadn't noticed but another man, a bigger man, that looked oddly like Indiana Jones, was in the graveyard too. Not only that, but some kid with bright blonde hair was there too, two males were talking, and t looked like one of them had a knife in their foot. Okay, I got something wrong, they weren't talking, they were fighting. I stepped into the bushes as quietly as ever and watched as the bigger man flipped the smaller one completely over, then throw up some energy field. The man touched his throat with his fingers, which looked as if to be on fire, and then passed out. The smaller kid stumbled to his feet, looked at the woman, and said
"Hmp, I wouldn't have done anything. You Kyra what connection to the underworld do you have?," then looked up at the sky and said "Hey sky.... take care of the big guy while I take a nap," before fainting. I watched my sword as I made it make it's way through the bushes because I saw the older man's eyes barely open, then shut again, I thought to myself: ~Why is he acting like he's still asleep? I hope I don't have to do anything irrational... Then, I heard footsteps behind me, but not coming for me, they were going towards the gate of the graveyard.
I see yet another person talking with kyra, god, she just throws herself around doesn't she, I walk over and see he looks just like a boy but I sense some higher purpose from him, I go to gather my sword and shurikens, then asked kyra where the boy went as I looked around to where he'd been left.

My icy blue eyes glanced from the three faces that stood in front of me. I took a step forward, and than flicked my gaze to the girl named Kyra.

"I don't mean to be a bother," I said in a voice that sounded pure and delicate. My white wings on my back spread widely and I lowered my bow and arrow.

"But is everyone here on the same side?" I asked softly, looking around at everybody and trying to sense there powers.


I saw the older man get back up and walk around, picking up a sword and a few shurikens. He said something to Kyra and then walked back to the younger boy. I kept my sword angled at him at all times, if anyone out of the people I've seen right now would do something out of hand, a reasonable guess from me told me that this man would be the one to do something out of hand, so I was cautious about him. As for the others, that were consious, seemed to be sane, so I wasn't so worried about them. The footsteps going around towards the graveyard continued, and then it seemed that towards the entrance of the graveyard, the atmosphere casted a dark shadow.
"Well miss tall and white, that's my question, did you know that the angels are conspiring against the gods, and that I should burn those pretty wings of yours to the nub?" I summon fire, and my vision fogs, I release my will before I pass out again, I'm in deep trouble if they start a fight with me, I'll have to bluff my way through this, and hope the angel is either fallen or ran away.


Looks at the guy whom passed out again. "He seems to struggle with control." He crouched down looking at the guy poking his chest then looked to the angel. "And he seems not to like you at all." He touched the guy's shoulder feeling a nausiating wave of anger and dark emotions flooding from this guy.
I think I may be going insane from stress, going to have to do tai chi, fuckin people making things so hard, the way I see it, we could be done and on our way to do whatever the **** we need to get done if we could just get along, you think I'm bad look at blondie. - Kolts deal.

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