The Crew


A Ghost of RpN's Past
( Link to the actual RP, Once you're accepted, of course. )

The Crew is a group of people who are taking on some villains who basically wanna take down the world, starting with the Greek Gods. You can have any range of powers, but make it reasonable. No necromancy, even if you are a child of Hades. You can be a human, humanoid, or cat. I don't want dogs in this cus I'm a cat person.

Good guys: Pick a number between one and 100 to be Kyra's second in command.

Villains: Pick a number between 10 and 50 to be the main bad guy.

Villain plot is to bring the world to it's knees, by killing all the Gods, and then destroying the World. They are starting with the Greek Gods.

You can be from any country, but the good guys have received an email from Kyra, telling them she needs their help. bad guy can do whatever for rounding up his henchmen.

No sex scenes, the most I'll allow of that is "And we/they slipped into the bedroom for a night together"

I've got new rules because I can't stand some of the things happening. This'll be strict, but I don't care. USE CORRECT GRAMMAR AND SPELLING OR YOU ARE OUT! I AM A GRAMMAR NAZI SO YEA. You also must post at least one paragraph, per character you have. That's 5 sentences with correct grammar, spelling, etc. And yes, I will enforce them. Spelling also means no abbrivieations for words. Like cigarette will not be shortened to cig. If you can't spell it, use a synonym. Please.

Ages for good guys are between 10 and 20.

Ages for bad guys are between 15 and 50.

And only good guys can hook up with good guys, and villains with villains. Yes, you can be someone that's a backstabber. You must message me, and I'll let the leader of whatever side know you're on their side.

The Crew Leader: Kyra.

The Crew Second in Command(So Far) : Daniel. (@TheCreativeUsername)

Villain Leader(So Far) : Buck(@TheCreativeUsername)

Villain Second in Command: Christina(@Rose, I like your character too much for her not to be. xD )

Official Rules:

Ok, I get it, writer's block, but atleast 1 full line, please.


If there is a moment to where a character is knocked out, and you can like, move them anywhere.

No controlling other characters, UNLESS, you have my/owner's permission. By that, I mean, if you are a person that can control how other's think, you should have their permission.

Again, if you die, you're dead. You're not Kenny.

I am controlling Hades, that's final. He's my characters Father. First come first serve for controlling of other Gods.

And please, spell things right, for the love of the World.

Kyra's email: So, I've heard that you have some powers, I do to, I'm not normal, but keep reading, the very fate of this planet, of you, of your possible CHILDREN! Depends on what you do after reading this email. Get to London, as fast as you can. I'll meet you there, Kyra Fate, Possibly Humanity's, and the Earth's, only hope.

Full Name/Nickname:


Good guy, bad guy, or both:


Looks(Pic or description) :

Wings or such:

Weapon(s) of choice:




Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) :

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) :

Them Song(Optional) :

Full Name/Nickname: Kyra Noelle Fate

Age: 16

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good.

Powers: Powers any child of Hades would have. Plus wings for some odd reason.

Looks(Pic or description) : View attachment 7628View attachment 7629

Wings or such: 13 foot wingspan of Raven Wings

Weapon(s) of choice: Bo Staff

Backstory: A child of the Greek God Hades, she's always had a thing for cemataries and such. She fears very few things. She was born in London, England. The rest of her story she has forgotten, and the other is yet to unfold.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: Open for a relationship.

Personality: She has few fears, and is brave. She'll fight for her friends.

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : She's a hacker, a damn good one at that.

Theme Song:

Kyra is also the leader of the Crew.

Her Bo Staff: View attachment 7630
Full Name/Nickname: Daniel Parker

Age: 17

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good

Powers: Matter Manipulation (If that's allowed and shiz) Also he has a tail. :P

Looks(Pic or description) : Chestnut hair, green eyes, 6'1, 150-odd lbs, a small scar on his brow.

Wings or such:His tail is chestnut and 30 cm long.

Weapon(s) of choice: A katana.

Backstory: He was adopted at the age of 4, lucky to be as the adoption clinic he was in served gruel. The rest of the story isn't viable just yet.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: No one.

Personality: A bit sarcastic, quiet, shy, is a hard shell to crack, he is very musical

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : He can pick locks with his nails.

Theme Song(Optional) : YYZ. (Just look it up on the youtubes) [MENTION=3382]TheFallOfitAll[/MENTION]

(For the number I dunno.... 53?)
Full Name/Nickname: Christina White

Age: 16

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Bad

Powers: Mind reading and suggestion

Looks(Pic or description) :

View attachment 7638

Wings or such: N/A

Weapon(s) of choice: Duel blades

Backstory: Christina was without a home or family, and suddenly just showed up in a small town where things were rough and sterile. Being a diamond in dust, they believed her to be an angel with her beauty, wonderful stories and kind nature. Though Christina was far from an angel. She is a demon with powers to manipulate the though of others, and make them believe her stories. She is not a wicked person herself, just more of a prankster without the feeling of sorrow for another person. Charming the leader of the establishment, the family without an heir adopted her as their own yet died mysteriously a few days later. Nobody questioned why, because they were under her spell. Eventually, she got tired of the boring old town and left, taking the poor peoples' riches with her.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: N/A

Personality: Doesn't care for others, fun and reckless, ambitious, adventurous.

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Flexibility and agility

Them Song(Optional) : This little girl ~ Cady Groves

Full Name/Nickname: Melanie Harr

Age: 15

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good

Powers: Ice, freezing things with her touch

Looks(Pic or description) :

View attachment 7636

Wings or such: N/A

Weapon(s) of choice: Razor sharp ice forming over her fingers like claws

Backstory: Melanie was a normal mortal until one night with her ex-boyfriend, they had gone snowboarding down a long mountain. Melanie was scared and wouldn't move, so her boyfriend gave her a slight nudge in the direction of the slope. Being surprised of the sudden force, her weight fell forward and she tumbled down the mountain, breaking several of her limbs including her neck, and finally falling into a lake freezing over. SHe was already dead, and her boyfriend quickly fled the scene. Months later, when the lake thawed out, she climbed out of the lake unscathed. She lightly touched a branch above her head while thinking about how she was alive, and it quickly froze over. Afraid of being a freak of science and shunned by her family, she didn't bother going home. Melanie ran away.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: N/A

Personality: Fiery temper, Stubborn, clumsy and bored

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Mending, drawing and building.

Them Song(Optional) : Just the way I am ~ Skye Sweetnam

Full Name/Nickname: Alice Everglade

Age: 16

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Both

Powers: Shapeshifting into a member of the cat family (No matter which it is, it's pure black fur and with green eyes)

Looks(Pic or description) : View attachment 7637

Wings or such: None unless she's a griffin or something o-o

Weapon(s) of choice: Her fangs and claws (in shapeshifted form)

Backstory: Alice is a witch's daughter and has been used as a test subject her whole life. One day when the witch was trying to mess with her pet cat, it had jumped on Alice while the witch had casted the spell and fused the feline DNA into her's. While the witch had angerly stormed off to find the cat, ALice took this time to run out of the house and wander around the village. She had wandered too far into the mountains, and saw three pairs of eyes staring at her in the darkness. In a panic, she fell backward and transformed into a small black cat, then sat up, transformed back to a girl and then into a panther. the eyes backed away from her quickly as she tried to comprehend what was happening. Instead of going back to the witch, she left the mountain.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: None

Personality: Elegant, Sly, Crafty and preceptive.

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Fearlessness not combined with recklessness. (Can do things like scale high building in ways that she knows she will not get harmed or die. "Nine lives" in a way.)

Them Song(Optional) : Cannibal ~ Ke$ha

Uhm number.... 2 o-o for Melanie since she's the only good one.
@Rose Accepted all three, and, the number, well, you weren't as close as Daniel, so for now, it's still Daniel being the second in command. And what is your number for the villain to be in command, unless you don't want your villains to be in command, that is. I also like how Christina has powers fit for a villain.
Full Name/Nickname: Sin

Age: 18 but looks the age of an 11yr. old.

Good guy, bad guy, or both: He is both his power drives him insane sometimes kind of like a dual personality.

Powers: He has the abilties/curse of the seven sins.

Looks(Pic or description) :

View attachment 7640

Wings or such: None

Weapon(s) of choice: His body is his weapon for the powers can shape shift his body.

Backstory: Sin is a child of Cronos & Rhea, He was cursed with the powers of the seven sins everything he touched was destroyed. He is going to London for answers and salvation for he feels he may find it there, He isn't the most talkative person. He prefers to observe. Let his new story begin.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: None, Hoping for one.

Personality: He is course, not much of a talker, he can be nice at most times but when he snaps back away.

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : He doesn't really have one.

Them Song(Optional): The bird and the worm.

(Um 43 lol)
fifty for Christina I guess. Too bad about Melanie. :/ Umm, Alice is kinda neutral so no # for her.
@IxIBunxBunIxI if he wasn't, well, the way he is, he'd be second in command. his was closer than Daniel's, but there needs to be someone who can, control themselves. But otherwise, he is accepted.
Full Name/Nickname: Kolt Veral

Age: 19

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good Guy

Powers: Fire Control, he can do whatever he pleases with fire without having to use wizardry. Dimension Travel, he can open portals between worlds to travel, though it takes about 5 minutes and a lot of energy out of him to open one. Wizardry, he can do magic.

Looks(Pic or description) : 6'2 Dark brown hair and a large black duster, he wears jeans, always, and generally a dark T-Shirt.

Wings or such: Can summon wings if needed, they are 10 feet to each side and are white stained with blood and dirt.

Weapon(s) of choice: A shortsword on his back that is covered in runes, a belt of six shurikens, and a large oak staff also covered in runes.

Backstory: He was abandoned by his father to be picked up by Azureth the angel who took care of him and raised him, he slowly became an angel as he grew up and served as one, he found out about the truth that he was serving the person who was plotting the downfall of all the gods and was banished to earth where he regained his strength in order to fight against evil. He traveled the earth mastering his powers and as he was going to fight Azureth and the angels he got an E-mail, from Kyra.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: None, shocking despite his shocking looks.

Personality: Generally angry and will incinerate you if you cross one of his many dark memories, such as how he never knew his parents or how he was never really an angel.

Race: Fallen Angel

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Wicked aim and good with a blade, and he can call upon a few other fallen angels if absolutely needed.

Them Song(Optional) : Bullet, the hollywood undead.

Pet: A ferret named Timothy.

"Every mother gave birth to a child, except mine, she gave birth to a legend."
[MENTION=3440]KoltVeral[/MENTION] Accepted, "despite his shocking looks." xD But still, the dimension travel should be rare.
Full Name/Nickname: Deteria (De-tear-E-a) Nickname: Deti (De-T)

Age: 17

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Neutral (Undecided)

Powers: Shadow Manipulation, Shadow Travel

Looks(Pic or description) : View attachment 7641

Wings or such: He has wings that tear through his skin and then fold back under his skin and his skin heals, he has complete control over when they come out.

Weapon(s) of choice: Revolver, his legs, his thoughts, anything within arms reach

Backstory: He lived alone his entire life, he never grew close to anyone, and never really liked anyone either. He got in a fight with a less than noble man and was shot and

killed. Hades made a deal with Deteria, and allowed him not to be sent to the depths of the Underworld as long as Deteria worked under him. Deteria then tricked Hades and escaped the Underworld and continued to live his life, with new, more capable, powers.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: Isn't interested in a relationship.

Personality: He keeps to himself most of the time, but he’s not afraid to fight for what he thinks is right.

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : Greek Demon (Don’t know what it’d be considered)

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Loyalty, if he believes something is right it is nearly impossible to change his mind, and he can develop skills quickly

Theme song: Nightcore- Not Ready to Die (A7X): I will post link as soon as it will let me, on youtube it is the one with the picture that says "emo punk" on it
View attachment 7655

(Sorry i
f the pic is too small)

Full Name/Nickname: Nickoties Chanter / Niko

Age: 15

Good guy, bad guy, or both: both

Powers: Quick draw(able to pull out multiple knives and throw them at once), shadow neck slash, contained power crack(goes into a furious rage of dark energy burst increasing his power but making his mind more unstable each time), tricksters joy (letting out his demonic joy he becomes random in attacks, increasing all of his movements)

Wings or such:none

Weapon(s) of choice: sharp knife, preferably kunai, fist fighting

Backstory: Adventurous at a young age, Niko was wondering in the woods were he saw a dark presence in the darkness. The next thing he woke up he remembered nothing of the encounter but saw that he had a necklace with a strange symbol and arm tattoo's that looked similar. He went to explore the world and did what he pleased. While walking through a nearby town he was stopped by bandits but not ordinary ones at that, these people were being controlled by the dark spells of corruption. Though always fighting for himself he could not defeat them. In his time of death his tattoo's and necklace began to glow and a dark purple cloud formed around his body. His moves were better then had ever imagined and took the bandits with ease but with a price, without realizing he had unlocked the dark powers that the formation in the forest had sealed inside him. He began to live a life of seclusion to present the harm of others. His adventures personality began getting in the way and he started off again. He still does not what that being was and is looking for him ever sense he released that dark energy from that body.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: He is more on the pervert side but never has a girlfriend

Personality: He is naturally very up and going with a sense of "everybody loves me" but ever sense the dark energy's escaped he prefers a life of seclusion but sometimes lets his natural feelings out

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : human

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Adventuring, meditating, knife crafting

Them Song(Optional) : Young-HollyWood Undead
weirdbraxto said:
full name/nickname: Nickoties chanter / niko
age: 15

good guy, bad guy, or both: Both

powers: Quick draw(able to pull out multiple knives and throw them at once), shadow neck slash, contained power crack(goes into a furious rage of dark energy burst increasing his power but making his mind more unstable each time), tricksters joy (letting out his demonic joy increasing all of his movements)

wings or such:none

weapon(s) of choice: Sharp knife, preferably kunai, fist fighting

backstory: Adventurous at a young niko was wondering in the woods were he saw a dark presence in the darkness. The next thing he woke up he remembered nothing of the encounter but saw that he had a necklace with a strange symbol and arm tattoo's that looked similar. He went to explore the world and did what he pleased. While walking through a nearby town he was stopped by bandits but not ordinary ones at that, these people were being controlled by the dark spells of corruption. Though always fighting for himself he could not defeat them. In his time of death his tattoo's and necklace began to glow and a dark purple cloud formed around his body. His moves were better then had ever imagined and took the bandits with ease but with a price, without realizing he had unlocked the dark powers that the formation in the forest had sealed inside him. He began to live a life of seclusion to present the harm of others. His adventures personality began getting in the way and he started off again. He still does not what that being was and is looking for him ever sense he released that dark energy from that body.

crush/partner/spouse: He is more on the pervert side but never has a girlfriend

personality: He is naturally very up and going with a sense of "everybody loves me" but ever sense the dark energy's escaped he prefers a life of seclusion but sometimes lets his natural feelings out

race(as in creature, not color of skin,) : Human

normal skills(example is engineering.) : Adventuring, meditating, knife crafting

them song(optional) : Paradise lost-hollywood undead
now we have two of these guys, you ****** up, this is your fault, your fault!!! Could've been pali but nooooo gotta be some whacko thief guy
Full Name/Nickname: Buck Kaye

Age: 17

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Bad to the bone.

Powers: Her power is camouflage. He can blend into any surface, kind of like a Chameleon. Let's call his power Chameleon Essence!

Looks(Pic or description) : Sorry, I had to use Ayame for something that was his complete opposite!

Wings or such: He has eyes that project stuff.

Weapon(s) of choice: A range, but his preffered one is a good old fashioned slightly rusty cleaver.

Backstory: No one knows exactly, not even Buck himself.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: No one

Personality: Slightly hostile, sarcastic, quiet,

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : Unknown. He's something though...

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : He engineers/programs... things.

Them Song(Optional) : NONE!
Full Name/Nickname: Natalie Marie Linwood.

Age: 19 years old.

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good.

Powers: She has superhuman stamina and agility(Meaning: She can climb up walls, and jump at extreme heights.). She also has mind control.


View attachment 7649

Wings or such: She was long, white wings.

Weapon(s) of choice: She carries an elegant white bow and arrow.

Back-story: Unknown.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: None at the moment.

Personality: Natalie is very elegant and graceful. She is also quite intelligent for her age and always figures out what to do. Since she is an angel, she is very fragile. Her skin can break from the slightest touch of a blade of a sword. Because of her fragility, she prefers not to fight, and stays away from it. If she were to ever fight, she would fight from a distance.

Race : Angel.

Normal skills: She has none at the moment.

Them Song :

(Sorry the picture is so big xD )


♥Lost_In_Paradise♥ Accepted. Most .

[MENTION=3381]StealthNinja115[/MENTION] you are accepted, and your character can remain neutral, but Kyra will NOT trust him. Ever.

[MENTION=3442]weirdbraxto[/MENTION] I think your person would be more of a villain.

[MENTION=2669]TheCreativeUsername[/MENTION] The only thing, is that one of Roses characters could always take control of yours, but, that's the fun of the villains! They are unpredictable. I'll post the actual thing rather soon, and more people can join.


Full Name/Nickname: Aiden Greave

Age: 17

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good

Powers: Capable of extreme speeds, lightning manipulation, telekinesis (Only on his swords and he has to be able to see them, whether that be natural eyesight, camera, whatever)

Looks(Pic or description) : View attachment 7659

Wings or such: None, but he can jump decently high due to extreme speeds

Weapon(s) of choice: His 3 swords he keeps within eyesight at all times (His swords can become anything metallic, but if he uses them as explosives, he cannot get the special type of metal the swords are made out of back to make another, also, he prefers them as swords)

Backstory: He lives his life in seclusion, he also cannot remember anything about his past before the age of 14, he likes fighting but he doesn’t like killing. The reason he lives his life in seclusion is because the only two people he’s ever made a relationship with have been murdered in front of his eyes, at different times, and he believes anyone that he builds a relationship with is cursed and will suffer in a painful death.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: Doesn’t want a relationship with anyone, is afraid they’ll be killed.

Personality: Can be hot-headed or understanding, very split personality depending on what’s been happening around him.

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : Human

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : engineering (DID NOT COPY FROM EXAMPLE)

Theme Song(Optional) : One (Metallica): Will post link when it will let me.
Full Name/Nickname: Aetherius

Age: 25

Good guy, bad guy, or both: Bad

Powers: Shape Shifting

Looks(Pic or description) : View attachment 7667

Wings or such: None

Weapon(s) of choice: His eyes, are his primary weapons. He analyzes and observes his victim, then he takes their form, and kills the original. Then carries out whatever task needs to be done. Anything ranging from theft of items, or assassination. Although Aetherius is a monstrosity, he never lies, but you wouldn't know if he did.

His eyes, are the most powerful part of Aetherius, because with just one glance, his eyes break down every single thing that has ever happened in that persons life, and because humans forget things, he knows more about you, than you know yourself.

Backstory: Aetherius is a strange being, a very strange one indeed.

When he was an infant, he was found in a forest, near the coast of an ocean. A woman found him in a crib, hand woven out of sticks. She took him in, and took care of him, that was, until she realized what he was. When he was about seven, she observed him watching the other children very closely, and then imitating their actions. She thought nothing of it, but then, he changed. He turned into an exact copy of that child in every way, shape, and form. That's when the woman abandoned Aetherius, and was never heard of again. That abandonment was the seed of his evil, soon enough that seed sprouted, and Aetherius became something truly horrible. But he was not a demon, but he was also not human. He was a Shape Shifter.

The best, and possibly the only, defense against Aetherius. Is to avoid his eyes, for they are his greatest weapons. But, this is an excruciating task, because all it takes, is one glance.

Personality: Cruel, merciless, and Honest.

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : ShapeShifter

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) :Anything ranging from theft of items, or assassination.

Them Song(Optional) :
@Thewolf321 He seems a bit over powered, but he's a bad guy, so, yea, well. Accepted. Just you must have permission to kill someone, and I already have an idea you could do... hehe. xD
Oh! xD I forgot one of his flaws. He always carries a bottle of water with him, he has to drink it often to stay healthy :D
Makes sense, and I thought it had said he was both, but then I realized what it said. Derp. ShapeShifters are cool, but in one glance they know everything? Scary man, that's scary. [MENTION=2137]Thewolf321[/MENTION]
Indeed man, and you just never know these days... He could be your accountant, or maybe the guy that serves you your hamburgers on Tuesday. He could be anyone he wants...

Powers: Able to use mind powers, including mind-reading, teleporting, and moving things with her mind. (No mind-control, by the way :D )

Looks: View attachment 7677

Unique Perks: Has small wings, able to make her flutter for about 3 hours maximum.

Weapon: Staff, that helps her store her mind energy, or move her powers into her the staff to be shot out of the staff.

Backstory: Viva was always the best in her school. She always was a perfectionist, and hated to lose. But when she actually murdered to perfect something, she got punished. But with this, she decided to make an offer. She asked to have powers to help out against bad people. Now she wants to help so that she doesn't get into the Underworld.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: Single, but is open-mined.

Personality: Viva puts 110% into everything she does, and is extremely passionate about everything. She has a very strong will which can almost be considered stubbornness. She can also be somewhat airheaded, which can be annoying if everyone is trying to be serious. However, she also has very real expectations of the world that's around her, and knows that it's a dog-eat-dog world. She isn't afraid of much, besides the zombies, obviously. Deep down she cares about other people, but it's hidden under layers of fending for herself and mistrust of other people.

Race: Psychic Faerie

Normal Skills: She has pretty good memory, and has good hand-eye coordination. She sucks with hand-to-hand combat, even with her powers. She can't get her powers in use when shes getting punched in the face.

Them Song: Its Time
[MENTION=3368]EmilsonCabasan[/MENTION] Accepted. She's unique, which makes her accepted. Unique people are cool.

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