The Crew

Full Name/Nickname: Stephanno Piero


Good guy, bad guy, or both: Good guy

Powers: Alchemy (FMA)

Looks(Pic or description) : Short brown hair, wears a black duster, white. Wears a black leather pair of glives with transmutation circles on them. Carrys around a pack of chalk. Wears a nice pair of sneakers, and some black jeans.

Wings or such: His right arm is metal up to his shoulder

Weapon(s) of choice: And a short sword, and 2 pistols.

Backstory: At the age of 9 he watched his father get taken by the military, at the age of 15 he became obsessed with alchemy, he trained everyday with his brother. When he was 16 he was told that his Dad died from Typhus. He knew that the men who took his dad would be coming for him, the only one he ever relied on for protection. Tried to bring back his father with his brother, What happens nxt is similar to FMA, so that expalins that. At the age of 19 he decided that he was going to leave home, for good. To look for the men that took his father, off to London.

Crush/Partner/Spouse: Non

Personality: He is really calm, but not afraid of anyone. He is really nice to others but he doesn't take shit from other people.

Race(As in creature, not color of skin,) : Human

Normal skills(Example is engineering.) : Has extremely accurate aiming with his pistols, and is really good with his blade. Also can draw a transmutation circle under 5 seconds.

Them Song(Optional) : Let it burn - Red

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