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Fantasy The Coven OOC

I'm going to start brainstorming a post now. Probably will finish it or have an idea for what I wish to write by tomorrow afternoon. Since someone mentioned that I have a personal study. I get really picky on details, so if you hate info dumps I apologize. I however, plan to have fun with it because to me an office reflects its owner in many ways. Same with any abode that anyone works in. A personal touch so to speak. Also this gives me a chance to add more backstory details looking at items and otherwise. Nostalgia is a beautiful beautiful thing.
I'm going to start brainstorming a post now. Probably will finish it or have an idea for what I wish to write by tomorrow afternoon. Since someone mentioned that I have a personal study. I get really picky on details, so if you hate info dumps I apologize. I however, plan to have fun with it because to me an office reflects its owner in many ways. Same with any abode that anyone works in. A personal touch so to speak. Also this gives me a chance to add more backstory details looking at items and otherwise. Nostalgia is a beautiful beautiful thing.
go ahead! :> it sounds good to me! XD <3

feel free to post whenever! the rp needs to be a bit more active X)
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was waiting for a couple other posts, but ah well, decided to continue, so posty up! :) i think my posts will be smaller while we interact and have this "party" ^w^

maybe lol we'll see! :D i hope peeps can have fun at the party interacting! :>

Sad that my character's going off to do stuff and will have to miss the party... Unless she finishes early of course, and is able to catch the last bit of said party...
Sorry Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko I've been sick the past few days and haven't had the motivation to write while sick. I really do apologize.
Ahh thats okay, no worries! I was mostly talking about the characters that seemed to be able to actually interact with my character, to keep the interaction going. Dont feel pressured to post if youre sick! D: I hope you feel better soon! ^^
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Thanks for the patience, I'm feeling much better now and am currently writing my reply. Again I'll probably edit it as more time goes on, but it should be good for now. It will most likely be done within the hour. Thanks again!

Edit (An hour later) I'm finally finished posting, so it is up for everyone to read, I just have to go back and tag everyone in it.
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Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko Thanks for the patience, I'm feeling much better now and am currently writing my reply. Again I'll probably edit it as more time goes on, but it should be good for now. It will most likely be done within the hour. Thanks again!

Edit (An hour later) I'm finally finished posting, so it is up for everyone to read, I just have to go back and tag everyone in it.
hehe ya im being patient but i would love for more posts to come in so the rp can pick up! :o thanks for posting! ill read it soon :D
that was a great post! SilentRain SilentRain ill probably post soon myself, just to push the rp forward :D <3 just waiting on like maybe one or two more posts, but i might have to stop waiting, since its been awhile

i do think we need some new rpers in here, thatd be great :o
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko It would be nice to have a few more people to be honest. We only have a few that can actively post right now, and having some new blood might help. Looking through the replies again, it felt like some after not posting that much or posting too little just dropped off the face of the earth. I just hope that if some people do join, that they have at least decent sized replies. Kind of like 2-3 paragraphs at least. It really doesn't take much to write a lot. You just have to be interested and willing to get into the mind of your character and to how they live their lives. Idk. Just my opinion. We'll see what happens -shrugs-
Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko It would be nice to have a few more people to be honest. We only have a few that can actively post right now, and having some new blood might help. Looking through the replies again, it felt like some after not posting that much or posting too little just dropped off the face of the earth. I just hope that if some people do join, that they have at least decent sized replies. Kind of like 2-3 paragraphs at least. It really doesn't take much to write a lot. You just have to be interested and willing to get into the mind of your character and to how they live their lives. Idk. Just my opinion. We'll see what happens -shrugs-
i agree SilentRain D: i hope we can get some new fresh blood that are willing to post good solid posts, and add to the rp, i really hope it happens! Cuz itll add to the rp and make it so much more fun! which is all i want ^^
Zenpai Zenpai I'm fairly sure we are, just post your character in the character tab. Thalia_Neko Thalia_Neko the RP leader is pretty active. Just make sure to follow the character sheet format. If you have any questions, I or a few others might be able to answer any questions you have.

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