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Fantasy The Continents - CS


The Sleeping One
@Milus @animegirl20 @Megilagor @TokumeiNoJorogumo @Slothtastic @TheBlackSwordsman @Buckteeth @Payphone. @Carolbrock @Masyet @Solaire_ @OzirisXP (Oh, that's me.)
For everyone who posted, and those who didn't, this is the place for character sheets ONLY. If there are any ideas I'd like to keep them on the original forum. The OOC and IC chats are going to be made after we get all characters ready and made, and we finish with polishing the edges. Every character should be a separate post. I'd like if there was one character per person, and as for NPCs I'm not sure. The CS used in the original forum is perfectly fine, and it's the one we'll be using.
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Here's the link to the forum on which we discussed the setting and everything else: 

I will be creating the OOC and IC chats later, after all the characters are done and everything's agreed on. Their URLs will be posted in the site I linked above, and I'll tag everyone participating. The World/Planet in the RP is, creativly, named The Continents, as there are four of them, each of simmiliar size, but diffrent technology, population and enviorment. This thread is for submiting Characters only,
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Arvid Allesio





5’ 11”

65 kg

Continent of birth:

1. Nature’s blessing- grants higher regeneration in forests

2. Great tracking abilities

1.Advanced polearm ship

2. Plant control

3. Air walk

1. Low poison tolerance

2. No magic resistance

3. Fear of fog

Arvid lived in a small village where everyone knew each other. When he turned 12 the village was destroyed by the plague everyone turned crazy they began to kill each other but the plague didn’t affect him and his mother. Mom explained that being a peredhil made him resistant to the plague , She quickly took him away from the village. His mother died few days after they escaped from the village. Every time fog rises he begins to see this scenes again where his village and mother died.

1. Find a new place to live in peacefully.

*Half Human Half Elf
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Eira Lenferd 


 Eira model.jpg






124 lbs


A book for identifying herbs 


A city state that resides on the desert land bridge that connects the two continents 


1. Control over ice

2. Basic medical training 

3. Desert survival skills 


1. Her ice can be melted by a strong enough fire  

2. She only has human levels of endurance and strength 


Eira grew up in the sect of Aenar, located in her city. Since she was young, she heard the stories and legends that traders told on their travels and she wanted to always wanted to travel the world and have an adventure of her own, but she could not due to her responsibilities as a priestess of Aenar.  Recently a new disease has been moving throughout the desert and cannot be cured by usual means. This lead Eira to volunteer herself to travel the world in hopes to find a cure for the disease.  


1. Travel around the world

2. Find a cure for the disease that is destroying her home

Gora Uti.










872 lbs. (395 kg.)


×1 canvas drawstring sack.

Continent of birth:



1. Strength: Ogres are naturally sizable creatures, and with great size comes great strength. Gora can lift up to around 2.5× times his body weight under optimal conditions.

2. Durability: The skin and bones of ogres are naturally thicker and tougher than that of most other races, allowing Gora to survive, but not necessarily shrug off, impacts and attacks that might have killed smaller beings.

Vision: Gora has a more effective natural night vision than humans, but not by much.


1. Expert climber: Gora can climb most solid, uneven surfaces, from cliff faces to trees and castle walls.

2. Adept wrestler: Gora is skilled in the takedown of creatures his size or larger in a grapple.

3. Capable lobber: If he can throw it, he can throw it fairly well.


1. Recovery: Ogres possess a rather slow recovery rate from wounds, and it can take an incredibly long time to fully recover from serious injury.

2. Uneducated: Gora lacks any education, and doesn't really understand large societies in general.

3.Short fused: Gora is quick to anger, often with damaging results to both him and others.


Born deep in the Wilderness to a lost community of ogres, Gora was raised to survive in a harsh, unforgiving world. He learned from a young age the value of strength and fearlessness. He was cast out to survive at around eight, as is ogre fashion, and left to make his way in the Wilderness, alone. This went on for some time, until races like the Elves, Orcs, and the Animalistic began to expand deeper into the Wilderness, encroaching upon ogre land. Ogres, including Gora, found the first colonial settlements to be prime targets for those in need of food. Many ogre raids occurred, not always violent. If no one interfered, the ogre would usually just eat whatever they wanted from the storehouses and granaries, then leave. But if someone did interfere, then the ogres strength and knowledge of the Wilderness were brought to bare. The governments of the colonists were outraged once news of the attacks reached them, and sent forth armies to eradicate the threat. A mass inquisition of ogres ensued, resulting in the deaths of most in the region. Losses were unexpectedly large on the side of the societies as well, but, after half a year, it could safely be said that ogre raids were no longer a threat.

Gora survived. He fled from the soldiers, fighting when he needed to. Eventually he made it to an as yet uninhabited coastal region, and there he waited out the rest of the war. When he set out again, he could not find another ogre, not even one from another community. When he realized the damage that had been done to his race, he sank into a despair. But it didn't take, and was replaced by a dull anger. His will to live had not faltered, and he moved constantly, living off land and unwary traveler. After years of scraping by he came upon a band of entertainers, and was talked into joining them by their manager. He stayed with them, traveling across the cities of the Wilderness as a "captured" ogre. Eventually, their act became profitable enough that the manager wanted to move it to Civilization. Finding he had nothing left in the Wilderness, Gora agreed. However, when they arrived, the manager tried to get Gora to improve his performance. He wanted Gora to have a tamer, and act as if he was a beast barely held at bay for fear of the whip. Gora, enraged, refused. The manager threatened him if he didn't agree to the changes, and Gora promptly crushed him. He ran off into Civilization, unsure of where he could go in life.


1. Somehow achieve vengeance on the nations of the Wilderness.

2. Reform ogre society.

3. Find happiness as one of the last ogres (if that's true).
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Name: Sesler'ther (Last names aren't included in his race)

Race: Trini-Mortal

But what is a Trini? I shall explain.

The Trini, or Ancients by most, are a humanoid race based on the belief that intelligence is dominant. They hold rational and logical outcomes over emotions, and see themselves as one large unit rather than a tribe of families. Trini youth age rapidly from birth, as their brain needs more room to expand. By the end of their twelfth  year, they will appear to be teenagers or young adults. From there, their cell death is extremely slow, allowing them to live much longer than a normal human, hence the term Ancients. Most Trini are very tall and gangly, as their limbs are extremely long.

The brain is a much more complex set of nerves that produce residual energy and can be capable of amazing memory. After the twelfth year, the brain begins to stop growing outward, and form the nerve networking that allows for faster and deeper thinking. The nerves never stop growing, and the brain will eventually grow down the spine, giving the hundred-old Ancients an iconic lump behind the skull and down the back.

Full-Blood Trini are nearly devoid of basic human emotion, driven only by the need to document all that is possible. They are a lowly populated race, for their breeding program is made only to create those ideal for their line of work. The Trini are universal scholars, their advanced and deep memory acting as encyclopedias for the wayward explorer. They seek to extract themselves from mortal diplomacy, acting in secrecy and trickery.

Age: 74

Marital Status: Single

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Skills: As many of the Trini are, Sesler is a trained swordsman. An expert mathematician and combat tactician, he is proficient in hand-to-hand combat.

Features/Abilities: The dominant Trini genes in Sesler give him an advanced memory and extreme height. The most defining attribute, however, is the gifted intelligence. This makes him prone to quick problem solving and scarce forgetfulness.

Sesler will more often than not discuss topics telepathically. fullblooded Trini are capable of peering through someone's memories, while Sesler can only do so once a victim has been thoroughly subdued. Telekinetic tendencies are commonplace for him, able to manipulate objects in a localized area. However, any object capable of sentience and resistance will create a buffer in which Sesler cannot move it.

Equipment: As Trini are found to use swords more than not, Sesler has created and honed his own Dovian blade. Paper-thin and sharpened to a nearly atomic degree, it is meant for no more than his elongated hands. The handle is widened in this regard, providing a hand-guard to protect his wrist and knuckles.

Physical Description: Standing at a skinny 6'7", Sesler has a pale complexion and sharp facial features. With no excess fat on his body, Sesler is composed of a good deal of toned muscle and sinew. His eyes lack irises and are deeply set into the sockets. He has a thick and black head of hair that hardly passes his forehead and ends at the base of his skull. A small lump is present under where the head meets the neck, a remnant of constant brain growth. Light stubble marks his lower mandible. Although he is aged, he physically appears to be just over a young adult by mortal standards.

His right forearm, from elbow to wrist, is laced with pure black curves and archs. They appear to be tattoos, never ending swirls with no definite start and end. Pockets of skin are between each line, as the curves are thinly made. They are not natural, evident by his clean left forearm.

Personality: Sesler's persona is defined by his past. The dominant Trini thinking and unemotion is a keystone in his outward personality. Cold, logical, and without regard for the effects wrought upon others. One of the Trini-Mortal hybrids, Sesler does not have the capabilities of a pure Trini, plagued by fits of indecision as his mind is cluttered with emotions and thoughts unknown to him. This slip of feeling is likely the reason why Sesler left his people entirely, separating himself from their strict regime. Math is a key aspect of his thinking process, calculating figures in a sense beyond contemporary mathematics. Trini are graced with an advanced memory, capable of remembering details from years ago and able to recap many items of interest from a room. The political regime of the Trini home world has honed their innate ability to guess moves of the opposition several turns ahead. All of this couples into the intricate thought process of Sesler.

Sesler is prone to mental fits, as earlier mentioned. These are scarcely externally expressed, and only ravage for seconds. He entails slight mortal emotion, capable of understanding and seeing the emotions in mortals. Expressing them, however, is rare. It is possible to count on one hand the amount of times he has smiled. An introvert, Sesler can be directly unsocial and bar himself from others for days at a time. Arrogance or overconfidence is alien to him. Bravado is a sensation he had never felt. Aggression is something he shall never show and pure cynicalism can be grounds for a proper description.

Bio: Born in a common breeding program, Sesler was the responding variable in an experiment between mortal and Trini genetics. Tested during his first twelve years, he was originally one of four others identical to him. They had long passed, their reasons unknown but to those that were involved. The Trini trained him in the application of mathematics to the real world and swordplay, tying the two together. The next eight years were a mix of off world skills, teaching lore and about the other colonies. This was coupled with hand-to-hand courses. All of this was to make him a pioneer, in a sense, of the other colonies. His primary goal was to integrate into the mortal society and conduct a thorough study of their social circles. However, the Trini regime never truly appealed to Sesler'ther. A decade of planning would eventually commence, leaving him stranded and distant from those who employ him, as intended. Now, he acts as a vagabond, drifting without outward purpose, and yet ever devising himself a proper plan, to find a place among those he was meant to study.

Alex Helms


Age: 17

Race: Human/Vessel

*Little explanation on vessel: A demon resides in his body. When Alex dies, the demon will take it over. On the other hand, Alex has the power to cast the demon out. There fore they mutually work together to obtain each others goal and have a very close relationship.*

Personality: Quiet and Reserved. Doesn't trust easy, willing to make allies but not friends. Demon is honest and pushes him to do more.

Back Story: Born an orphan, Alex was thrown on the street. Malnourished and sick, he almost died. Luckily a man and woman found him and brought him to there home, healed him and fed him. He felt so happy at his new home. But suddenly, as soon as he made full recovery, everything went bad. they started beating him, torturing him, molesting him, and performed many many dark rituals. Finally, they decided to do a sacrifice. They need his heart, but before they could cut into his chest, black hands came from his body, grabbing the knife and killing the evil couple. Getting up shell-shocked, he ran from the house and never looked back.

Weapons: Two Swords and (very rarely) his Demon Companion.

Powers: Black fire, given to him by his demon. He can only conjure a small amount, either in his hand or on his swords. The fire can eat through most things, but it's slower the tougher the material. Other than that he is a normal human.

Some might find this op, but I've tried to make it as fair as possible. He is young and inexperienced. He can only fight with himself, his demon can't actually attack for him. And finally, he only has the physical capibilties of a normal human.

If this isn't good or you want me to change it, just let me know. Great idea for an rp though. I like it.


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