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Fandom The Complete Hogwarts Experience


Next Door Hottie
Edit: YOU DO NOT NEED TO BE A HP FAN TO ENJOY THIS. Seriously, if you just want a nice magic boarding school experience, join now!

So I'm planning on making this a hugeeee slice of life RP. It will be based in Hogwarts, of course, after Voldermort is defeated. You can RP as anything you like. A prof? Cool. A student? Cool. A dark wizard on the rise? Cool. The entire castle will be yours to explore, and you can make up different and cool rooms as you go! There will be homework! There will be books! (Like actual, real, readable books) There will be classes, although if you want to skip them, sure. But there will be detention! Wanna start a dueling club? Cool. As I said, in this RP you will get the THE COMPLTETE HOGWARTS EXPERIENCE. Make friends, go on adventures, sneak into hogsmeade, play the kids of cannon characters! I don't care! Just make this feel as much like Hogwarts as it humanly possible.
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I finally got my acceptance letter! :D. *packs a suitcase and calls for a trolley* 
I think what happens is we create a topic for each of our characters


Role: (Student, prof, anything from the universe which can be found at Hogwarts. If you're new to this then PM me please)



If student, year:

If prof, subject taught:

If other, occupation:

If not 1st year, house:

If not 1st year, wand:

If not 1st year, pet:

Parents: (can be cannon characters from The Cursed Child, but remember, this is after Harry left Hogwarts)


Which are at Hogwarts:

If not cannon, pureblood, half-blood or muggle born:

We'll be starting in diagon alley, and you guys can pm me your cs

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