The Coming Darkness

Aria looked at the papers currently in her hands reading the black words neatly written. Her classes seemed to be reasonable. She also read how she was to be in the mental class and where to find the dormitories where she would be staying. Aria`s house wasn't anywhere near the school.

As the teacher spoke she listened with earnest and followed him towards the dormitories, her scarf billowing out slightly behind her. Silently, Aria thought how nice it would be if she could make a friend or two while staying here at the dorms. She smiled a bit and thought about the days ahead.

The lady at the receptionist desk was a bit mean, quickly tossing Aria her card and mumbling what room and floor her dorm was before she could ask anything. Aria took this as some form of disgust.

'Will all the adults be like her?' She thought gloomily. Her head hung low as she walked down the hall passing many chattering students. Eventually she arrived at her room and waited at the door to see if roommate would show up, If she had any of course. She didn't ask the receptionist. She was too depressed at the moment to remember. 'What happens now?'
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"Oh yes, and two more things before I leave you all to your business - One, this dormitory is split in half, the left side of the building is for males and only males, while the right side is for females. We've got a strict rule, where nobody can cross into the other side unless it's for an emergency. Two, part of the dorm is flooded due to a recent accident, so some of you will have to take up a roommate or two. The desk clerk should inform you on what to do, now if you'll excuse me."

At this, the girl's heart dropped. A roommate? This was....unexpected. An actual bump her in otherwise perfect procedures. The interference caused by this new-found information was unbearably intense. It was unbelievably believable. Dawn did not expect everything to perform flawlessly at first, yet a setback like this was simply infuriating. She did not reveal her growing agitation, only clenching her fists within their hidden corners underneath her arms as to release some physical tension. Once more, the female looked down at the schedule while she awaited her pending doom at the front desk. "You will have to bunk with one other student due to our minor setbacks with the flooding." Dawn gave as small, tilt of her head in notification as she took the slip of paper, not bothering to speak. She bit down on her tongue, irritatingly glancing at the record. Those who had been around her now spread further, hurriedly rushing to take themselves into the new living arrangements. The female could not help but marvel at how quickly lack of awareness could spread through this population of teenagers, practically young adults.

Dawn’s boots furthered their eerie silence as she lingered away from the crowd, already heading to the dorms. When she walked, it was as though she was instead gracefully gliding over the floor, like a phantom. Whoever her “roommate” was, they best know how to remain out of her way. She refused to provide any form of toleration for a nosy, gossipy female who did not understand the term “privacy”. Again, this now was not about social anxiety, or even just about her plans, but instead about the fact that she did not trust others around her, and she certainly did not trust herself around others. This was a dangerous disposition the girl would have been perfectly pleased had she not been forced into an enduring state within it. As she walked, taking in the scenery before her, Dawn couldn’t help but notice the male from earlier as she passed. Casually averting her gaze to the other male, one who partook in the activity of having an actual familiar perched beside him, her chest swelled with a learning anticipation. So many beings participating allowed excellent opportunity for research, as well as risk. Two sides of the same coin, each side highly improbable as it is probable. But why were so many of these eyes trapped within the depths of her mind? Dawn furrowed her brows, now finding herself facing the entrance to the proper dormitory. Her small bag of “personal items” (actually, they were and meager gathering between books, papers, and pens. To the uninquisitive eye, these were simply school supplies. Of course, these mere items happened to be much more) had already been transported here. Her current self-assigment was to only remove all recording or detection devices from the premises and replace them with a false signal censor, then go “explore” the remainder of the school. This was it, and by the Lord this person best be one intelligent enough to be ignorant.
She'd arrived just moments after everyone got pushed into the dorm buildings, and was rather confused.."It seems that I was misinformed of where to meet..."

Rosalie looked around the empty school area that she was in, a finger to her lips in thought, "I suppose I'll just...look for someone or something...." Her brows furrowed as she glanced about, only to find no one. The female took a few hesitant steps to her left, then to her right, walking in a circle until she nearly kissed a wall. "Oh my!" the girl stumbled back, then straightened herself, catching sight of the dormitory building as she did, "Perhaps..they are in there?"

Rosalie headed into the dormitory, reading off the card that the lady had given her, while keeping the luggage that she'd been carrying with her close by her person. However, in front of the room that was inscribe on the card was another female; green haired, with a rather miffed expression on her face. Rosalie's eyebrows arched, not expecting the surprise, "Hello," she spoke, a cautious tone to her voice, "Who are you?"
Enzo returned the handshake and Jacen nodded toward the boy with the journal, who preferred to be addressed as Voli. He looked to the unoccupied bed at the side of the room and sat his bag down, pulling out a sleek black laptop and opening it up. Might as well get things started off right...doesn't look like either of them has a computer with them, or at least not on hand..time for me to play the nice guy."By the way guys...if you ever need a laptop to use in case yours is broken or something, I've got a spare in the car. Relatively new, so it'll be able to run whatever software you need it to." Jacen adjusted his glasses and gave a quick thumbs-up gesture before going back to his computer.

If they get anything, I can easily fix it...and if they're douches, I can easily fuck it up. I can always get another one from dad's office when the old inventory is done.
Silver's face brightened up a bit at the question. "Ah, Whiterun, Japan. This is a school called Sorcerer's. It's for, um.. Special kids, I guess you could say.." Silver's eyes wandered down to her side, where her hands fidgeted with the hilt of one of her twin swords, concealed nicely under her skirt. Luckily for her, they weren't very long, so they were easy to carry around unnoticed. She just had to keep her skirt at a certain length.

Her mind snapped back into reality, and she realized she still needed to find her dorm. "Ah, um.. Do you need to see the nurse?.. I'm sure they'll treat you." Since, y'know, he was a kid and all. At least she thought he was. She wasn't really too sure. Still, she felt the need to help him. He seemed so lonely, it was just sad.

"Er, I'm Silver, by the way.." she commented, offering the boy a soft smile.
Zack looked a little surprised. "J-Japan? The last place I remember the name of was somewhere in Europe, how'd I get this far...?" He snapped back to reality and looked into Silver's eyes. "Sorry..Nice to meet you Silver, I'm-I'm..." He hesitated as though his name brought back bad memories. "Zack, my name's Zack" He kicked the ground in embarassment and sadly mumbled, "Sorry..."

He shook the thought off his mind and tried to push himself to be a little more social. "So...You said this is a school for 'special' kids, right?"
Europe? Well, that certainly was quite far away from Japan... Silver shuttered at the thought of what remained for her in Europe.. She didn't particularly enjoy thinking about it, so she brushed that thought quickly out of her mind. Zack was a nice name. But why was he apologizing? The poor kid certainly seemed to be having trouble with this. She motioned for him to follow, figuring she could take him to the nurse before heading to her dorm. Looking at her map quickly, she found where they were, and then where the nurse was, which luckily wasn't too far away.

As he asked a question, she felt bad for him. He didn't need to push himself, she didn't mind silence. However, she nodded at his question. "Magic users... I don't suppose you use magic, do you?" The chance was slim, but seeing as he ended up here, he might be a magic user of some sort. Better to know about these sorts of things, anyways.
"Uh...I'm not so sure if I'd call it 'magic'...But...I suppose it always could be, right?" He followed her, still dragging his sword and still takng quiet steps. "Uh...Where are we going exactly...?" He didn't want to be rude or imply that he didn't trust her. He absolutely trusted her, Zack was just too afraid that everyone might be judging him completel on what he said, so he wanted to be careful just in case. None the less, he was curious as to where he was being led to.
The sounds of many rushed footsteps filled the halls of the nearly empty school. Boone and his most trusted staff were moving to the security room, which was on the first floor, right beside the library. Inside the security room would be what you'd expect: Several monitors, a console, even a server block which acted as a database for all the student's information. There was already a security guard sitting at the monitors. He looked back at the door just as Boone and his staff entered.

"What's the situation? Have they got anything new?" Boone asked, with an anxious tone. "Team Radeon sent us a message with a video attached. We can't open it without your approval." The security guard replied firmly. The tension in the air made the silence more noticeable than usual, but soon enough, Boone broke it, saying "Play it."

With a push of a button, all of the monitors displayed the video in sync. The view was being shifted around at the beginning, but it leveled out to show a group of men with rifles and glowing staffs. "Is this thing on?" Said the man holding the camera. Again, the view shifted around a few times before the man found a suitable angle for the camera, then, he backed away from it, showing several people on the ground in front of the camera. Boone recognized the people on the floor as Team Radeon, a group of highly experienced magicians, and students of Sorcerers. Their bodies were beaten and bloody. Some of them were even missing limbs. One of them, a male, seemed to still be breathing, but he laid on his side, not facing the camera.

"Do you see this shit, Boone? You getting this?" taunted the same man who set up the camera. He kicked the member of Team Radeon who was still alive, and as a response, the male coughed up blood. "This is what happens when you stick your nose into matters you don't understand. This guy - these people, they were sent here, to scout us out." He scoffed at the thought and shook his head. "I'm guessing this is their little recon camera, huh? No matter. You fucked up your last chance, Boone. We're coming for you next, you hear?"

Suddenly, the video was stopped. Boone released his finger from the 'stop' button and sighed. "Headmaster..." "Do we have any more teams ready?" Boone asked. "None at the moment, we had just gotten a new group of students..." The room fell silent again for a moment. "Sir, I don't think we should keep sending students on these suicide missions. Team Radeon was one of our best teams-" "-We don't have a choice, if we don't do anything, they'll raid the school, and take the rings. The least we can do is send out another two or three teams in an effort to stop them. If that doesn't do it, then... then Sorcerers is finished. Speed up the teams program, I want at least three teams ready by tomorrow."

Meanwhile, Kenji had no choice but to be impressed by Jacen's readiness. He already had a laptop that Enzo could borrow. "We'll take that now, if you don't mind." Kenji nodded towards Enzo as if to shoo him off to retrieve it. The black haired male could only huff in frustration. He knew Kenji would hog the computer and use it to browse 4chan and youtube. It was if he couldn't live without trolling somebody. Quite the familiar.

"Jacen, where's your car?"
Not quite magic, hmm? Now Silver was even more curious. But, she refrained from asking. He was wondering where he was leading her, which of course was to be expected. He knew nothing about her. Surely if the positions were switched, she would be suspicious too. She glanced back at him, smiling again.

"The nurse. I figured you could use a few band-aids." Or maybe it would just put her conscious at ease, she couldn't really tell why she was doing it at this point. Either way, they were almost there. If he were to protest, she might have to leave him so she could put her stuff away in her dorm, then maybe come back. She did wonder who she'd be sharing a room with, but figured it wouldn't be too big of a deal. She could handle anyone.
Zack looked confused. "Why the nurse? I'm fine, I haven't faught one of them in over a week." He suddenly realized what he just said and quickly covered his mouth with his free arm. Indeed, there was nothing wrong with his right arm. Still, fighting was always a concrning subject. Especially when mixed in somewhere with the word "them". Zack recognised this and hung his head in shame. I'm useless... he thought. I just really can't talk to people...
Silver paused, raising her eyebrow at Zack. "Them?" She didn't really want to ask, but she couldn't help it at this point. "...You don't look fine..." Feeling the chill run down her spine again, she almost cringed. Alright, alright, she'd move, but she wanted to finish talking with Zack, too.

Letting out a sigh, Silver pointed towards the door leading to the nurse's office. "Go on, I'll be back soon. I have to do something quickly." She did want to finish talking with him, and she hoped he wouldn't run off before she got back. "I promise, I'll be back.." Nodding towards the door once more, she turned to walk towards her dorm room quickly. Once she arrived, she quickly set her things on the bed, wondering where her roommate might be. Maybe she had already came and left? But Silver didn't see any things around besides her own. She shrugged and sat on the bed, pulling out her swords for a quick rub down. She must take care of her swords before anything else.
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Bella watched the events in front of her unfold as the headmaster dismissed himself after informing them that they would have roommates due to a flooding issue, not that she minded. She waited for most of the students to move through the line before she approached the desk clerk. Without bother to look up the woman grabbed a key-card with a random number on it, extending it towards Bella.

Bella looked at her for a moment before she took it, quickly turning to gain her bearings. Eventually she found her way to her room and there stood a young girl. A young child? I wonder if she's my roommate. Poor girl must be nervous surrounded by all of these strange people. She thought to herself putting on a lovely smile as she approached. "Well hello there sweetheart, is this your room as well." Bella said, her voice gentle yet bubbly as she came to a stop a couple of feet away from the young girl.

Bella bent forward bringing her self closer to girls level as she extended her right hand towards her. "My name's Bella, what's yours love?"
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"Bu-I..." Zack didn't have the time to say anything else, the girl was gone before he could find the right words. He sighed sadly and looked at the ground, mumbling to himself. "I knew I was no good at talking..." For some reason, part of Zack had him believe that it was his antisocial actions that scared the girl off, even though he tried to remember that that couldn't be it

He looked back at the doors to the nurse's office. I feel fine...healthy people shouldn't go see the nurse if they're not fine...won't I get in trouble if I go in there like that? But...what if that girl would think that i didn't trust her If i didn't go in??? What if she didn't want to be my friend because of that??? Oh no... Zack's self-concsiousness got the better of him, so he gingerly went up and knocked on the door to the Nurse's Office.
Vaughan finally stepped off of the wall he was leaning on when he saw the Headmaster and his staff all walking together in a group towards one of the restricted areas of the school. Thoughts raced across the young man's mind as he went back the the courtyard and sat on a bench. Eager students walked all around him, wanting to know more about the school. All Vaughan could think about was what was actually happening within the school, if there was a problem. He closed his eyes and controlled his breathing. This act helped him concentrate on deep thought. Ok, let's go over all that's happened. I have witnessed the acceptance of the largest class of students. My fellow classmates, the, uh "prestigious" ones were all on missions. None have come back yet and it's been weeks.

Vaughan opened his eyes again when he heard himself say his last statement. He pulled out his cell phone and called a couple of friends that were out on missions. After some time calling everyone, Vaughan's heart started to beat faster. Adrenaline pushed his blood to his brain. School was to start tomorrow, and it seems as though none of his friends were back. Maybe they're just doing extra training, that's it. Vaughan thought to himself. He knew that wasn't the case. The ice magician was no stranger to being on one of these teams. He had been on a couple missions during his stay at the academy, but when the headmaster offered him a position in leading one of the parties, he profoundly refused. He told the headmaster he wasn't confident in his magical powers yet, but that was far from the truth. Inside he wasn't confident enough that he could adequately lead his team.

Most of the missions he had been on were recon missions and nothing ever went drastically wrong, but for some reason Vaughan knew the moment he took a leading position, all hell would break lose. Vaughan shook his head. I'm just thinking nonsense. Everything is fine. The headmaster is just stressed from all the paper work he most do, and the teams sent out are just running late. Vaughn slouched back on the park bench. He just needed to relax.
Dawn's face did not display any surprise as she turned around, though a single, inquisitive eyebrow was raised. A young female, blue-haired with skin almost as pale as her own. Her eyes burned with affirmation and intelligence as she observed the girl, taking note of her simple yet elegant physical accessories. Most likely hailing from a wealthy upbringing, this female displayed a certain....petite politeness about her. With her hand still on the door-knob, the girl responded in a cool, collective voice, revealing no emotion other then a slight edge of an indistinguishable vocal expression .

"Ah....hello. Naturally, I am your roommate, in all obviousness.


Dawn's optical affectations have always been far more expressive then she had desired (especially in her business, which required a very little amount of emotional display) as now despite her tone, revealed an odd intellectual fascination, gleaming brightly in their own unique vibrancy. She lowered her eyebrow.

"Dawn, Dawn Tremor. But better yet, who are


As she stared at the girl, the girl she would be sharing her living quarters with for the semester, the green-haired female pushed open the door. Her gloved fingers slipped from the metallic front, falling to a seemingly natural position in her pockets. While she awaited an answer from the apparently frail human being, her sights still secretly locked on her even as she moved, Dawn stepped inside. Immediately she was met by simplistic arrangements, as vague and metal as the door itself. Her duffel bag lay aimlessly atop a fairly insignificant looking bed. Her instant reaction was to not check her things, but to instead remove her hands from the comfort of her pockets and trail them along the smooth lining of the wall. Then she stopped. The girl's next movements were hardly spectacular. Dawn's body sent out flowing and undetectable forms of her energy. Interference signals that would permanently sever any wireless/wired data feeds, and replace the information with a calm glow of indifference. Nobody could encounter any abnormalities unless she choice for them to do see. But nothing about


changed. Even in the process that didn't take more then a second, her body and mind pertained to no alteration. Once again, undetectable.

Dawn faced the girl again, her large eyes staring directly into the blue orbs of the other. She needed to get this over with quickly. There were things to do, processes to complete, plans to fulfill, and a building to destroy. As "Zero's" forces lay waiting for command, she had to finalize the last blueprints for tomorrow's big show.

And quite a show it will be.
Zack stood at the front of the nurse's office, expecting the worse. He wasn't sick or hurt, he knew that. He was sure he'd get in trouble for it. Come to think of it, he didn't even go to this school. Wouldn't that mean he'd be in serious trouble? He started to shake a little. I didn't think this through...

Soon enough, one of the nurses came to answer the door. She was quite a bit taller than Zack and she had to look down at him, but she did it with a charming smile. "What's wrong sweety-"

Zack had a panick attack before the nurse could properly finish. "I'M FINE! There's nothing wrong with me, I'm sorry for bothering you, please don't yell at me!" Zack shut his eyes as a bead of sweat rolled down his forehead. I'm so useless, I can't even talk to the nurse without freaking out...

The nurse blinked, clearly confused. For the first time, she actually asked a 'student' this question: "Uh...Are you ok?"

Zack gripped his arm a little tighter and hung his head again in shame. "Yeah..." he whispered. "I guess I'm ok..." Without saying another word, he turned and slowly walked away, leaving a highly confused school nurse in the doorway to her office.
"It's right out in the parking lot, mind coming with me? I may need a hand with bringing some stuff in. I'm guessing your friend here needs it too." Jacen said motioning to the small companion who seemed to dismiss Enzo to fetch the laptop. He stood up and walked to the entrance, opening the door but not moving. "After you, Enzo."

I'm not sure what "he" is...some sort of anthro-pet? Micro-android? I'll look it up later...wonder if it has a name.

((Yeah, unfortunately you did.

:P ))
Called Boone, who had just emerged from the school. He had a worried expression that only worsened when he saw how Vaughan looked. Boone figured he had caught on with what had happened to Team Radeon, or at the very least, knew something was wrong. He took a seat on the bench with the student. His hands cupped each other as he spoke.

"I guess I should inform you of what's going on." He stopped for a second to gather his thoughts together and plan out the best way to explain the situation. The birds chipping in the distance helped ease the tension in his mind. "The scouting mission I sent Team Radeon on was a failure. Things were much bigger than I had anticipated. The terrorists - they..." It became increasingly difficult to tell him that his friends were dead. "They went to new extremes. They killed Team Radeon."

Meanwhile, Enzo had just finished listening to Jacen. He was still amazed at the fact that he had his own car at that age. He must be pretty rich... He figured, keeping a mental note of that. His larger friend held open the door leading out of the dorm, to which Enzo grinned, but just as he made his way out, he stopped and turned back to look at Volitaire. "We'll be back, Voli!" He waved at his other new found friend, who was a little odd, but it didn't bother him much.
The young man covered his face with his hands. He let his elbows sit on his knees as he leaned his body over. Vaughan carefully listened to what the Headmaster had to say. What he feared the worst had come true. Please, God. No no no no no... He could not believe what he just heard come out of his mentor's mouth. Emotions of regret, pain, anger, confusion all flushed in and out of Vaughan. For what seemed to be an hour, only a couple of minutes passed. Boone and Vaughan had only sat down together for a few minutes, when the young man finally spoke up. “Let me lead a team to where they were... I beg you.” Vaughan turned and looked the Headmaster straight in his eyes. Both of his hands were clenched in a tight fist, shaking. Slowly ice began to move up from the center of his fist, and soon a whole layer of ice covered both of Vaughan's arms. The angry in the young man over-filled within his body. Memories of his friends flocked in the back of Vaughan's mind as he stared at the Headmaster's eyes. Vaughan's eyes began to turn into an errie blue, and then the iris' became clear. He was never one to have his emotions out of control, but at this particular moment. Vaughan wanted to jump out of the bench and let out a shout of anger, but he knew that would cause unwanted attention. It took all of his will power to suppress his violent thoughts.
Volitaire only looked to the corner of his sockets at Enzo and Jacen as they left to retrieve something from the larger males vehicle. He didn't bother to reply to Enzo seeing how they were taking their leave and didn't feel like saying goodbye to a closing door. Thinking about it, that sounds very disappointing. He shook his head and returned to his journal, writing a new log about his day so far.

Today started off pretty hectically. The nuns woke me up early, the kids saw me off, and so did other towns members who has come to appreciate me. I almost wanted to shed a tear at all those who came to see me go... Leaving all those wonderful faces behind was the biggest decision I have ever made, but I promised I'd come back a full fledged Mage capable of keeping the town safe and teach the children as they grew up. I do hope this school gives me the knowledge I need to be able to teach those blessed children the birds & bees of magic... It is only my dream.

Volitaire had closed the half finished journal entry. He always preferred to write more as his day went along so everything is fresh in his mind. There was never a day where he had a incomplete journal entry. He had only started making daily logs of his day-to-day activities but a week ago by recommendation by one of the Nuns. Volitaire liked the idea, it said it would keep him writing and busy as well. It could also serve as a way to make sure to keep account for his time alive... A reason he has come up with himself. He was alone, and going to be alone for a little bit now. He moved his journal to the side and pulled a bigger book from his knapsack. It was his photo album of his time spent in the Orphanage. Most, if not all, of these pictures were taken by the Nuns and other Orphans as a keepsake. Soon so many were taken they needed a place to keep them, so Volitaire came up with the idea of a photo album and everyone loved the idea. Now that it has come for his time to leave they let him keep the photo album since it was his idea. He flipped it open, looking through its contents. He began relishing in all the memories these photos kept. Playing with the Orphans, practicing magic(Even casting his first spell!), being held by the Nuns when he was younger, meeting the townsfolk, pictures of the Great Park behind the Orphanage, the captivating wildlife, and much more. He often flipped through these photos to make sure he never forgets anything and to relive the past a little more. Relive the good parts at least. This was also another way to forget his horrible and corpse ridden childhood and years of loneliness. To his best he tried not to think about that while surveying these keepsakes but sometimes small and quick flashbacks would play through his mind. Haunting him and breaking his already frail heart. In stead of trying to think about it more he just kept flipping through the photos attempting to ignore those painful events.
"I will, Vaughan, that is the reason why i'm here. I know that deep down, you can master your ice magic for when the time is right." Bone could clearly feel the chilling air that starting to surround the area. Vaughan was more powerful than he thought, it only took a push to awaken the rest of it. "I'm giving you the command of Team Valor. It's a fresh team, clear of any members, but if you can devote your time today to find the necessary members, I can assure you that you'll avenge your fallen friends."

Boone could never think of himself as a fire-starter. He had regretted telling the boy of his friends' fates, but when the school is pushed against the wall with no teams to support against a possible raid, he had no choice but to take this path.
Zack exited the school and paced infront of it, still dragging his sword, still gripping his right arm. He didn't feel like going back inside after the incident with the nurse. However, he just didn't feel like leaving either. This was the first chance in weeks he had to actually make some friends. But...the way it was looking, he didn't think he was going to make many. I guess I'm just not special... Zack obviously didn't know how unique he actually was. Not only were his powers exceptionaly powerfull, but the secret in his veins made him extremely difficult to kill. Plus, any fourteen year old boy with silver hair walking around in a large jacket and dragging a sword on a blazing hot day was bound to be unique. It's just a good thing he wasn't crazy. he wasn't anyway.
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