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Fantasy The Coming Darkness - Weapons of Fate *WIP*


Closer to Isanity

** UPDATED 9.23.2015 **

Thread Completion

This roleplay was inspired by several anime shows as well as it's own series' additions.

Weapons of Fate is an addition to an ongoing roleplay series: "The Coming Darkness".


Original Artwork: ?TOKIYA SAKBA???????? [pixiv]

Edited by:

"The war between religion and science has always existed within the real world as well as the fictional. It's a battle as old as war itself over the path of the human race. One side believes that the brain is humanity's key to evolution, and it is behind layers of steel and technology that we will survive any oncoming threat. The other half believes that it is the soul that co-exists with faith that will protect us; a natural direction that doesn't allow us to play god, and doesn't lose sight of what we are at the core: Mortal."

Weapons of Fate takes place a year after the events of The Coming Darkness, and before The Coming Darkness 2. Humanity is on the brink of evolution from magic, an energy that existed within our very bodies since the beginning of man. We learned to harness and use magic's dangerous existence to our benefit, whether that be aiding ourselves directly, or the world we live in. As we learned to read, write, and calculate, we also began to meditate and heal with magic. Magical schools began to form alongside religious schools. It became an optional subject in our classes for those that were able.

However, healing wasn't magic's only property. It undid creation just as well as it created. The first magical war conducted between humanity had revealed the existence of a realm called the Gaze, a world where passed spirits resided for an eternity. With many lives taken between both sides of said war, the Gaze was quickly filled and realized to be a place not yet ready for our world to accept. A council made up of influential people from warring countries was formed, and a vow was made for humanity to never again use magic in war. To help balance the seemingly limitless power of magic, seven powerful mages from the war banded together to form the Guardians of Magic, and for thousands of years, they have kept humanity - both living and dead - from undoing it's own existence with magic.

Fast forward to the modern age, where magic has been a stable boon for hundreds of years. People cast telekinetic links between friends and family just as often they used cellphones for the same thing. At this point, the Gaze and the Guardians were nothing but a myth, a legend and reminder that magic wasn't to be used for ill deeds, similarly to the devil, hell and evil itself. Coming up on the events of TCD, an artifact was rumored to be discovered within castle Aurora, a fortress used in the ancient magical war. The artifact 'Aurora' was said to be the origin of power for dark magic itself. A group of magicians was sent to investigate, only to find a sinister plot in motion by the hands of Darkness, one of the seven members of the Guardians of Magic. With his old age, his area of expertise eventually overcame him, convincing him to defect from the original Guardians. This discovery sent the group of magicians on a dangerous journey to not only stop Darkness from achieving his grand scheme of tainting the world in corruption, but step up to replace the original Guardians of Magic in a new generation.

Weapons of Fate takes place a year after Darkness was killed by the newly appointed Guardians, and focuses on humanity's newfound struggle to rid the world completely of Magic, or to defend it.

2014. The roleplay begins approximately a year after the end of the first TCD, within Whiterun, Japan. Darkness had been defeated within the Gaze. Because the final battle was taken in a realm completely different than Earth's, humanity remained clueless to the major events of TCD. Magic is still a major factor in billions of lives, and is generally unaffected by what has happened. Most new characters will be involved with a engineering and software company called GRID, whom is largely known for increasingly impressive technological inventions over the years. Many of today's electronics, ranging from cellphones to police equipment are corely from GRID and it's manufacturers. The company's ambition for money and status will undoubtedly be the spearhead for wiping magic off of the Earth.

Some important characters within the roleplay will work for said company or will be brought into it by other means. Either method will end up becoming GRID's sword and shield, a secretive unit of people armed with next generation technology and tasked with eliminating magic from the shadows. The augments and genetic experiments given to said people will allow them to go head-to-head against mages of many classes.

Weapons of Fate runs on uncommon features that differs from your standard roleplay. All of these key features hopefully aim to keep new as well as returning roleplayers interested and invested within the story from start to finish.

So what is Weapons of Fate's plot anyway?

It's been said many times. The plot of the roleplay is filled with each and every character's own agendas and story, all leading up to the core goal: Remove magic or protect it. The pacing of Weapons of Fate will act very similarly to a telltale game with it's episodic structure (The Wolf Among Us, The Walking Dead Game, etc) in that each episode is focused on a particular character or group of characters solving problems or investigating mysteries. Episodes are dynamic, starting with the end result of your character's entry roleplay combined with others (To be discussed later). From that point on, the episodes are crafted based off of the decisions and consequences of the previous showing.

Between episodes exist breaks, ranging from a few days to possibly even two weeks. This allows GMs to review the choices the characters made and integrate them into the next episode, as well as gives the roleplayers time to relax and build anticipation for what happens next.

How exactly would you be able to include most (if not all) characters within the main story?

It's simple. You decide whether or not your character is 'main character' material through our priority system. During character signups, roleplayers will be given an option to mark their character as a 'main character', 'supporting character', or a 'recurring character'. Each episode will have it's own main characters and supporting characters. Recurring characters post optionally, unless their name is included in the list of required characters for said episode. This system eliminates the 'left out' feeling that many roleplayers get during the mid-point of any roleplay and keeps everyone on the same page.

Okay, so what about combat? How do we roleplay fighting scenes and have both parties agree to a win/lose fairly?

I'll be the first to admit that I love winning, and would pull sneaky, last minute changes that would give my character an edge, if not an instant win. Thankfully I'm past that stage, but that doesn't mean other people aren't, which is why we have someone called a 'Combat Master'. When a fight scene begins, the two opposing sides are pulled into a private chat via RPN or Skype with a Combat Master. The two sides conduct a 1x1 (or however many people are involved) roleplay fight while the Combat Master oversees each move and judges fairly. The Combat Master keeps each character's skills in mind during the fight, so if one character suddenly finds out that they have saiyan blood coursing through their veins just before they lose, the CM can stop and prevent the character from pulling a last minute save that goes against physics and logical reasoning. At the end of the fight, the CM combines the fight into one compact message (or in parts, depending on the length) and posts it in the roleplay.

The character acceptance process isn't the same for every character in Weapons of Fate. This is due to our priority system in character sheets. I personally believe that in roleplays, people have trouble keeping interest in the plot because of their characters not having a good enough reason to stick around or fight for whatever cause. This in itself is awkward for GMs to 'force' characters into plot just for the sake of including them. To avoid this, characters marked with the 'Main character' priority will be pulled into a 1x1 acting as that character's 'prequel' to Weapons of Fate. Note that depending on the GM that calls you into a private PM or skype, your 1x1 may be more of a test run than a prequel. Another thing to note is that your character's history could heavily influence the 1x1 depending on the GM. The 1x1 itself could take between a day to a week at the most to complete.

Character sheets can be done in any style of your choosing, including the ability to add on additional information like a 'favorite foods' list, however please keep in mind that you need to be able to include the bare minimum of character sheets. A list below.

Character sheet necessities

[Optional picture of character, can be replaced with an accurate text description, and it can be drawn yourself.]

Character role:

Main character
Supporting character
Recurring character



History: [This helps with bringing your character into Weapons of Fate properly]

Please note that character roles do more than simply state how often your character has the chance to appear in the roleplay. Keep in mind that main characters will be expected to post almost daily, and that even they are not promised every episode to post in. If you have school, work, or both, consider making your character recurring, or, if you can find free time, a supporting character. Roles can be switched even after making your character.

Weapons of Fate is governed by many different rules. We expect you to have common sense when roleplaying here, even when certain rules aren't written here (Like the RPN forum rules).

  1. Do not rush people to finish an episode faster. Roleplay depends on a good plot, and a rushed plot defeats the purpose of roleplay.
  2. Make sure that you keep your character sheet nice and comprehensible. Just because the necessities look bare-bones, doesn't mean your character sheet can.
  3. Be aware that your character can die at any time, for any reason. If that happens, don't give anyone attitude because of it.
  4. Do not metagame.
  5. Do not force your character into important situations. If he/she is not involved in the episode's plot, it's for a reason.
  6. Do not post in an episode that doesn't list your character's name in it. (Ask a GM if you may. Recurring characters have a high chance of approval)
  7. Do not engage in a fight without using the current combat method. (See above)
  8. The GM's word is law here. Once something is said, it shall be.
  9. You are not required to know the first TCD's events in order to properly roleplay here, despite it being a 'pre-sequel'.
  10. Do your best to read all GM posts, even if it does not have anything to do with your character.

Thread Completion
Last edited by a moderator:
**UPDATED 9.23.2015

  • Finished character information
  • Added and finished the rules section (To be changed often)
  • Added an official Weapons of Fate image
**UPDATED 9.25.2015

  • Added and finished the setting, should be able to give people a slight idea for characters.

The character signup threads begin tomorrow!

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