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Realistic or Modern The City will Never be the Same - OOC

Sounds like an interesting beginning. He could possibly be spotted, and featured on the news I'm thinking. Probably somewhere near Renae's( D duegxybus ) school, getting the attention of her and of course that would bring in Evan in some aspect as well. Lewis ( CosmicBoii CosmicBoii ) seems to be basically locked away, suggestions for dealing with/working around that are needed. Possibly someone living nearby the sighting of Isaac may have been frightened/worried that he was some villain planning to attack the school, and bought Braiden's (Me) services to "soothe" his suspicions.

This is just something I threw together in like five minutes while taking a break from homework. There are probably an obvious issue or two, but thought it would be a good way to start off the discussion. Shog Shog
Sounds like an interesting beginning. He could possibly be spotted, and featured on the news I'm thinking. Probably somewhere near Renae's( D duegxybus ) school, getting the attention of her and of course that would bring in Evan in some aspect as well. Lewis ( CosmicBoii CosmicBoii ) seems to be basically locked away, suggestions for dealing with/working around that are needed. Possibly someone living nearby the sighting of Isaac may have been frightened/worried that he was some villain planning to attack the school, and bought Braiden's (Me) services to "soothe" his suspicions.

This is just something I threw together in like five minutes while taking a break from homework. There are probably an obvious issue or two, but thought it would be a good way to start off the discussion. Shog Shog
I can go along with something like that. I'm going to get a first post up soon.

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