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Fantasy The City of Iroloth


New Member
Iroloth is the capital city of Foren, a spiraling palace towering in the center. Atop the palace is a famous bridge, two thousand feet in the air arcing between the two tallest towers of the palace.
Unfortunately, the city is not all shining glory. It is divided into several districts, the lower ones not being of great value. The Rat District is ruled by various gangs and criminals, the houses run down and broken. The guards have been ordered to avoid this district. The Workers' District is vast, populated my middle-low class civilians. Next is the Merchants' District, filled with markets and populated by upper-middle-class civilians. Finally, the Nobles' District, where the rich and the powerful dwell. The palace is in the center of this district, where the Ithen family resides. Almost every noble family in Foren has a manor in the Nobles' District, but not all of them frequent said manors.

-Characters in Iroloth should roleplay in this topic-.

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