Confidence is Everything
Name: <your character's name>
Gender: <your character's gender>
Age: <your character's age>
Orientation(straight, bi, gay, etc): <your character's romantic orientation>
Appearance: <your character's appearance, picture preferred>
Personality: <your character's personality>
Backstory (if Any): <your character's backstory, if you want to divulge some info>
Class: <your character's class>
Class Description:
Please describe here what your class' powers and perks are. If there are any bodily or wardrobe changes, include those here too. Stay within the realm of accepted powerlevel (between street and small building is the max).
Accepted characters:
Gaius Steerherder (OP)
Vincent Jason ( Potatodude_12 )
Alex Blekright ( IncognitoSheep )
Lukas Smithson ( Selee-01 )
Name: <your character's name>
Gender: <your character's gender>
Age: <your character's age>
Orientation(straight, bi, gay, etc): <your character's romantic orientation>
Appearance: <your character's appearance, picture preferred>
Personality: <your character's personality>
Backstory (if Any): <your character's backstory, if you want to divulge some info>
Class: <your character's class>
Class Description:
Please describe here what your class' powers and perks are. If there are any bodily or wardrobe changes, include those here too. Stay within the realm of accepted powerlevel (between street and small building is the max).
Accepted characters:
Gaius Steerherder (OP)
Vincent Jason ( Potatodude_12 )
Alex Blekright ( IncognitoSheep )
Lukas Smithson ( Selee-01 )
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