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Fantasy The Charred Phoenix "look the city just calls us that now..."


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Roleplay Availability
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My Interest Check
The Charred Phoenix is a party of adventurers, remembered as legends around the lands of Hardal and further. A team that survived thick and thin, all members unknowingly walked a path fate twisted them into. Though they didn't start out as a household name. The would be legends got their name and title of heroes in the city of Swallguud. Saving the city and beyond from a powerful necromancy cult. (This would be the first arc of the group RP)
After saving the city of Swallguud from the necrotic scurge...
It seems to be the Slayers of the Charred Phoenix constantly get tied up in world ending plots.

Let's talk about the party your free to make characters as you like but I've some roles you could take and expand on.

The Bard, the Jack of all trades casting magic via music. Be it performing for a crowd or in the heat of battle the bard has the skills to distract, destroy or support.
The Rogue, this is the sneak thief and quiet assassin rolled into one. Dexterous hands swift feet and a cunning mind. From chests, doors and necks the rogue can open anything given no one sees them.
The Cleric,
A holy person, the pious one of the group. Blessed by the god (of their choosing) they are able to heal injuries and smite evil with radiant light.
The Artificer,
A creative sort using intelligence and materials to smith weapons and tools. A Alchemist mixed with a blacksmith who favours firearms and traps.
The Warrior,
A barbarian of a fighter and loyal soldier. Ferocious towards enemies but protective of their allies. Relying on strength and big weapons to cleave problems apart.
The Archer,
Accuracy beyond amazing with a bow, quick and nimble to avoid melee confrontation. The scout of the party who deals with threats at a distance.
The Druid,
One with the elements and nature, able to commune with flora and fauna aswell as shapeshift into beasts.
Some of these characters would have met before forming the party at Swallguud. I was thinking three pairs making a party of six out of necessity for jobs before falling into the necromancy plot.
Up to the players if characters are related/share backstory or just friends they met prior to the rp starting. This is a world of magic and monsters inspired from Dnd and various flavours of fiction.

Hoping for players able to post two paragraphs or more once a week. If you have questions ask them here. Aside from the first arc facing the necromancy cult and the dreaded Charred Phoenix the group will be named after... the campaign has at least five different world ending plots that will happen somewhat in succession and possibly be tied to your characters backstories.

I'll make a cs and ooc page if this check gets a auidence. Might make a discord server for ooc purposes if people prefer that.
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I think I'll do Cleric.
I could give this a try
Cs page is up and I will make a ooc and my own cs tomorrow. If you have any questions about the rp or cs let me know and I'll answer them when I see them.
To help the process I'll mention a tad about each role/class. Again you can expand/change to your liking provided they fill the needed role.

The Bard is potentially capable of performing most magical spells and techniques, its just they do so by playing a instrument and rhyming in tune.
While versatile Bards can fall short in terms of raw magical power in battle.
for example the cleric can just conjure a beam of holy energy, whilst the bard has to literally play a instrument with a suitable rhyme.
"beam of light and thunder, leave this stab happy fool asunder!"
"Magical door this tune is a key, succumb to the rhythm and open for me!"

The Rogue is stealthy and quick with a blade, you are free to expand on this and make more unique so long as it stays within the lines of "Sneaky"

the Cleric is mainly healing and using radiant light in battle, though depending on the god they worship you get a bonus or two. I have three gods to pick from but you can make up your own.
God of light/the sun and war, Solaore.
Goddess of the moon, beauty and love, Halaluna.
The newest god, Shenanigans. The god of deception, hunting, chaos and mortal pleasures. A human who rose to godhood via deceiving higher beings.

The Artificer is the type to bring revolvers and grenades to a sword fight. One of the more dangerous and deadly of the party provided they have prep time, materials and ammunition...

The Warrior and Archer are fairly straightforward. Though im happy for some creative freedom here, maybe the warrior is a 8ft reptilian who relies on their hard scale like armor and beast strength to run around like the hulk with two axes. Maybe the Archer has wings and is capable of high speed flight thanks to a potion...

The Druid by endgame will control the elements like the avatar and be able to transform into a variety of creatures. Though like avatar aang the druid is still learning. Otherwise alot of the encounters would get obliterated.

Like I said above your backstory can come into play later on so feel free to pm me some ideas you might be toying with. Everyone can have a chance to have protagonist syndrome.
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NeonFlow NeonFlow I posted my CS,not sure if I'll add in an image to represent its appearance yet. Let me know if it fits.

Probably time for us to set up an OOC thread.

lillymity lillymity if you're taking the Druid and are having trouble conceptualizing your character,let me know and I'll pare back Titania somewhat so you have more space to work with.

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