The Cards of the Gods


Aki of Hearts ♡
(Appearance Picture)






Appearance Notes:

Personality: (Must be at least two paragraphs)

Country: (Where are you from?


Partner: (Add Later)

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Name: Alynna Yukishima

Age: 16

Gender: Female

Height: 5'5

Weight: 116lbs

Appearance Notes: None

Personality: Alynna led a sheltered life and lacked the proper social skills she needed to make friends, often observing the ones around her rather than interacting with them. While she may not be shy, people tend to assume so due to her lack of participation in conversations. Truth be told, she really does enjoy others' companies, she just doesn't know how to deal with them. For her, speaking to a person is like walking through a field of land mines, one wrong move and 'BOOM', you've offended them for eternity. When she does speak with anyone, she tends to come off as eccentric, as she never thinks before she speaks, and sometimes her words are just a jumble of random riff-raff. And yes, it confuses people. That's why she finds it easier to hide in the shadows and just, well, watch. Shadows and darkness are like a shield to her, it allows her to see everything as it is, but no one could see her, therefore no one could judge her. It was lonely, but it was safe.

But being hidden in the shadows and often going unnoticed have their perks too. For one, she's grown really perceptive, and has a way of catching things no one else notices. She can uncover your secrets just by watching you. It was kind of creepy (even by her standards) but it was extremely useful, and it was the closest she could come to knowing her classmates, and the people around her. When she isn't sketching or reading, she can be found daydreaming, often staring at the moon and the night beyond, wondering if there's anyone else like her, or if she'll ever learn how to be like everyone else.Though hidden behind her wary and conservative front, there's another side to her. One that's compassionate and fiercely loyal. She will not stand for watching anyone be knocked down or suffer, and will do anything to keep the ones she care about out of harm's way.

Country: England

History/Bio: Alynna's father is the proud owner of Yukishima Industries, and was at the mere age of 25 when he took over the company from her grandfather. Not long after that, he set off to England to start off a branch for the company. That was when he met Marie, a young tailor who worked in her parents' shop. He fell madly in love with her then and there. He courted her for about two years, until she finally agreed to marry him. After their marriage, and he decided to settle down in England to look after the branch while his brothers looked after the head-quarters in Japan. A few years later, Alynna was born. She was born into a household of wealth and comfort, always having more than she needed. Her father feared that she might be kidnapped for ransom, and kept her inside the house for years, never letting her venture out of the gates, he even hired a tutor to teach her all she needed to know. However, she yearned for something more- friendship. So when she finally tuned twelve, she begged her parents to let her attend a boarding school which she assured her father she would be safe. Her father was totally against it, but her mother took her side. She insisted that every child should have proper social interaction. After much bantering, her father reluctantly agreed. Upon arriving at the school, she was filled with excitement. However, she soon realized she lacked the proper social skills, and the more she felt like she was messing up, the more withdrawn she became.

Some people took advantage of that and made fun of everything she did, the way she spoke, the way she dressed. Everything. She transferred shortly after a year. When she arrived at her new school, she just learned to stay away from everyone else. And those who tried to make friends with her would leave shortly after they tried talking to her. It's not that she didn't try, she really did. She just..didn't know how. And most people weren't patient enough to put up with that. Therefore, she learned how to blend in with the shadows, to merely watch and observe. That was pretty much how her life went, silent, unnoticed, normal (in a way). That is, until the day she found a card...

Partner: Ybelleus

Other: Cards of Fate
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b4660a6b6583ee13ad48c328aad83c50.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10585" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.b4660a6b6583ee13ad48c328aad83c50.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Alexander Candor (Alex)

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Height: 6'1"

Weight: 165lbs

Appearance Notes: He has a tattoo of a wing on his right shoulder

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.04da5901510b35fb4e738bff2601193c.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10584" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.04da5901510b35fb4e738bff2601193c.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Personality: Alex is an absolute mess at times. He s very intelligent, but doesn't really like to show off, and really doesn't like being complimented on things. He will accept them graciously but they make him a little uncomfortable. Alex is also very analytical. He has doesn't just believe things right off the bat, you have to prove them to him.

He's also hyperactive and has some trouble staying forcused on one thing at a time. Because of this he often multitasks, switching between things. He will often do three papers in one night because he cannot focus on just the one at a time, so he alternates every couple of paragraphs. He's sporadic and will often do things for seemingly no reason, but he actually just thinks things through rather quickly.

Country: He was born and lived in the UK, specifically Wales, until about a year ago, when he came to america for college.

History/Bio: Alex was born on December 9th, 2018. Four years into the freeze created by Nuanen. His parents were afraid to even let him into the world, because they had already lost two children before him and did not want to suffer another loss like that. Alex had a different idea though. He came out fighting. But something was wrong. His body temperature was well above the average, especially in such cold temperatures. The doctors were worried and kept him in the hospital for close to a year before they finally let him go. It seemed his higher than average body temperature of 102 degrees, give or take a degree, was just his natural body temperature.

As a few more years passed, it was made clear that Alex was also a very bright kid. In kindergarden he had the reading level of a third grader and could figure out basic math problems. By the time he reached middle school he was well above his classmates academically, and was bumped up a year near the end, starting highschool early.

But once again he quickly surpassed his classmates, and it was decided that he would skip his sophomore year and simply recieve private tutoring to catch up with some of the things he missed. As a fourteen year old junior he was the youngest, and was finally being challenged properly. He still maintained a 3.9 or better GPA for the next two year of highschool.

Then, just last year, he went to America to attend Harvard. He was unsure what field he would go into, but he was quickly led to something that blew his mind. And that was when he began his studies to become a nuclear engineer. In his free time though, he studed the ice and snow that seemed to be ever present. His parents had told him of a time before all of the ice, not long before he was born. So he studied the snow and found something odd that he spoke to his friends about.

The snow seemed to be perfectly symetrical. All of the snow was the same shape and size, and the ice was frozen in an almost perfect honeycomb structure down at the microscopic level. That was when he began, with the help of his friend, trying to determine the cause. And that is also when he found the card.

Partner: Ignir, God of Fire

Other: He enjoys martial arts and listening to music, and he has slight ADHD

(And because my own ADD mind seems to skip over things, this is a little late and out of place, but "Card of Fate"<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.0fed3db8233b7d52d57c00916671d9a1.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10583" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/image.jpg.0fed3db8233b7d52d57c00916671d9a1.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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Your character Alynna Yukishima has been partnered with Ybelleus, God of the night. Hooray! :3


Your character Alexander Candor has been partnered with Ignir, God of fire! Huzzah! :D  

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Aoshiki.full.308819.jpg.1c270a78776d85ade9837b5467387b37.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10595" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Aoshiki.full.308819.jpg.1c270a78776d85ade9837b5467387b37.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>


Aki Kurosawa








145 lbs

Appearance Notes:

Has a birthmark on his hand and a scar on his left leg.


Aki can be described in a few words. Friendly, outgoing, and optimistic.

He's always fun and loves to joke around. He's that boy in school who was the class joker but no one hates him because he makes everyone laugh. Aki always had that certain charm and no one could stay mad at him.

No one knows the reason why, but he has always been optimistic. Nothing has ever gotten him mad or upset. He views the world as something great and there is always good in it. He sees the good in everyone. Aki is usually a pacifist but when things get rough he'll step in but only as a last resort. He'd rather solve any problem peacefully and without violence.

Aki was born when the snow had already covered the ground. It was a pain to walk around but his family could survive through it. School somehow still existed, even if ever so slightly. He was smart for a boy his age and quick to react. His greatest wish is for peace to be spread across the world forever.




Aki is the only son of the large Kurosawa family. He never knew his father. Aki's father had very poor mental health and eventually went mad, killing himself before Aki was born. So Aki was brought up by his mother and three sisters who were all older than him. Being the only boy, you'd think it would be weird growing up but it wasn't for Aki. He just listened to everything they said and a lot of his personality comes from his family.

You can say he is a bit more in touch with his feminine side as he is a good charmer and usually talks to girls because he can't understand boys.

As he was growing up, he learned something different from each of his family members.

The youngest sister, Nami who was 15 when he was born, taught him how to cook and taught him patience. When he was little, he'd sit down in the kitchen and watch his sister bake food and would occasionally help her. He would get frustrated a lot when his cooking didn't turn out well. Nami would just pat his head and told him to do it again. Soon she was joking and laughing with him, making him forget his anger. Aki asked her why she never got angry when she messed up. Nami told him that she had patience. She believed in her abilities that she can cook right. She just needed to wait for the write time. Aki took that message from her and he started to practice it himself, learning how to be patient with everything.

His second youngest sister, Vera who was 17 when he was born, taught him how to see the good in everyone. Aki would take walks with Vera in the morning. Usually he got tired and she would carry him around on her shoulders. There were a lot of homeless people hanging around. They'd hoot and shout at her but she would just smile at them. She would even give them some food from time to time. All they did was snatch the food and try to make a grab for her as well but always failed as she was trained in martial arts. This made Aki scared a lot, due to him having a front row seat on Vera's shoulders. He would ask why she would do that. She responded to him telling him that if she was in that position, she would want someone to give her food to. She helped others because she saw the good in them. Vera knew that one day that good will come out and being kind to that person will help that happen. Aki since then has followed Vera's ways and sees the good in everyone. He even helps feed the homeless who are now very grateful to Vera.

Aki's oldest sister, Nelii who was 19 when he was born, taught him to trust others and make friends. Nelii was always outgoing and would make many friends. Aki was scared by most of them as they never looked good to him. He asked her why she made friends with strangers. She told him that she made friends but she likes to. Strong friends that will one day help you in your greatest need. That's why Aki makes friends whenever he can. He wants to be able to help them and have them help him.

Then his mother. She taught him the most important thing. Love. She taught him by being his mother. That's how Aki learned how to love.




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"Kol, kol, kol..."


Eduard Khil








122 lbs

Appearance Notes:

-His eyes are a bright gray, almost blue.

-He dresses mainly in warm coats and jackets

-On his left hand he is missing his pinky finger

-He has a psychosomatic limp


Eduard is a fairly friendly and open guy. He enjoys conversing with those around him and introducing and presenting himself in a pleasing and formal manner. First impressions, in his opinion, count for a lot more than you'd think, and he prides himself on staying at the top of his game. He also loves to joke and break into song on occasion. For a boy his age, it would seem reasonable that he was born into a high society for his manners to be so proper. At times though, he's quite antisocial and really just prefers to be by himself and alone.

Other than being friendly, Eduard makes himself out to be a very optimistic person. However, this stems from his egoism. His ego is large enough that it can keep him going all on its own, through ice and fire. And if provoked or angered enough he'll stoop to making condescending jokes or jabs, unlike his usual lighthearted and goofy remarks. But despite this he isn't terribly stuck up; you can just find his personality a little distasteful at times.

Eduard comes from a hearty stock and firm people, so likewise his will and endurance (minus what his ego contributes) are fairly strong. He copes with pain very well, usually making it look like nothing, but never helps himself much by just shrugging it off. His defiance often gets the better of him, for he doesn't take kindly to help either. Basically, he'll do it himself, or not at all.

Due to some traumatic experiences in his life, Eduard doesn't let go of things or people easily. He can break his cool and become frantic at times, even drive himself mad. It's not because he wants them for his own, but because he can't bear to see them go. Scenes from his past life flash before his eyes, and soon he traps himself once more within his own regret. It takes him a long while to snap out of it, and that's partly why he tries not to make many friends.




For now, a mystery...



-He carries with him and plays a Hurdy Gurdy

-Likes to sing, and does so quite often

-Enjoys the color gold

-Generally eats very, very little

-Walks with an ivory cane

-Cards of Fate

@Nico, @Akihito

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Maya Alden









Appearance Notes:

She stands at 5''4 with silver hair that almost seems white that reaches her shoulders with a layered design. Her skin is pale but not a shade that one could consider her sickly. She has large, light blue eyes with thick lashes but one is covered with a black eye patch with a rose design upon its front. She is usually garbed in clothes that are either black, teal, blue or red. Under the eye patch the eye is dulled and the skin is scarred around the edges, reaching over the eyelid. She wears gloves constantly and blue nail polish is something always seen.


Maya is sweet girl with a naive personality. She is generally quite happy most of the time but it is often concealed due to the shy nature she holds. With average intelligence, a easily manipulated attention span and a compassionate nature, Maya is one who easily forgives and is easy to embarrass. With little confidence in herself and her quiet nature she can easily be ignored even if she tries to stand out in the slightest way or even voice her opinions. She can easily be called a 'Scaredy cat' as most of the time she reacts fearfully to things such as bugs, needles, confrontation and a few more.

However, there is also the Alter present. She is a near opposite being to Maya to compensate for the many weaknesses the girl provides. Confident and calculative, The Alter personality is a person of plans and trickery. She holds little to none remorse and is easy to anger. Able to enter argument, battle or even confrontation easily she will embrace it and even enjoy it. There are few people or things that effect her. Of course, the alter has her weaknesses. Cute things always seem to make the alter swoon in delight and she has a horrible hatred for rats.




Maya Alden was born on the 9th of December sixteen years ago. As the first child of Talia and Clayton she was celebrated as the bussiness couple had given birth to a heir of their combined family and businesses. While not the strongest within England they were quite high up and so to them the birth of the girl who would take their position and power was a huge deal, one that was overly celebrated till a few years later.

Being born into such a family the girl was eventually kidnapped for ransom as many of her position were. The girl was taken easily from the side of her caretaker when she was around the age of six, dragged off to await the money her kidnappers so desperately desired. So, the girl was forced to wait and wait and to her it seemed as if time went on for ages but it was not long before the money was paid and she was returned. Her kidnappers court and she herself had begun to take on self defense, mostly fencing and sword techniques to her mothers strange delight.

However, this event led to one trigger to the current state of her family appeared. Upon her return, Maya began to show some strange habits, changes in her natural actions, words and tones. She was perceived as forgetful, often loosing track of time and headaches became a more common thing to her life.

At this point she was diagnosed with DID.

It never took a huge toll upon her life, mostly since the alter only switched when her emotions would rile up and in effect her pulse would drastically increase. So, for a long time it wasn't something that was a huge deal. Maya lived contently with her younger sisters Elissa for many years. Of course it didn't last.

Emotions are a powerful thing. Fear, anger, irritation and disgust at some point all built up and it broke form the confines Maya held them in. Then, the Alter switched and from that point Maya herself no recollection of the events, what had happened while she was not the person in control.

When she awoke she remembered nothing but there was one thing she doesn't understand, nor has she asked her sister about. Her eye. Blinded and scarred upon her eye she was forced to hide it, to hide the revolting site hidden under the thin material for good. From this point her relationship with Elissa began to deteriorate.

The snow fell and encased the lands to the shock of some people but to her she could only be curious to why. So, she began to try to figure out why but Maya herself was not the brightest spark unlike her alter who seemed to absorb any brains she had before and eventually fell prey to her bad feeling. She took more interest in fencing and other sword based styles in case something would happen. Her bad feeling was proved correct a week or two after she began to up her training.

She found the card.


Esisc and Esol - Gods of twins


-Multiple Personality Disorder

-Likes fencing and swords.

-Enjoys Art and Music

-Likes to read.

Cards of Fate

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(omgomgomgomg I'm in love with this plot line)


Name: Zax Payley

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'7

Weight: 120

Appearance Notes:

Personality: Zax is a very sadistic type of lass. She enjoys watching people in pain and isn't afraid to show it. She'll laugh when you're screaming out of pain, and giggle when you're angry at her. She espicially loves laughing in situations where tensions are high. Life is a big joke to her and she never takes anything seriously. You'll always find her with a smile on her face, even when harming someone. She never acts her age, she's manly childish most of the time and maturity isn't a word in her dictionary. When you somehow manage to get her annoyed or angry be ready for her to lash out. She will not stop lashing out at you till she's satisfied that you learned your 'lesson', or if you're dead.

She's very energetic, and it seems this girl runs on everlasting batteries. She'll talk you're ear off unless you tell her to stop. She's really cute if you ignore her bad traits. She tends to try not to get close to anyone; she has major trust issues although she tries not to to show it. She's very intelligent, although you would never guess by the way she acts. She isn't a very mean person, she's more crude if anything.

Country: America

History/Bio: Zax was born into a very violent environment as a child. Both her parents, George and Elly were top class murders, they mostly did it for sport. Both of them seemed normal to the human eye, both seemed like the typical all american married couple - you would never guess how messed up in the head these two were. In the day, the two of them would live there life normally. Elly would stay home and watch over baby Zax and George would go to work at his mechanics shop. But at night, they lived completely differently. Elly would get one of the neighbors to watch Zax at night, and then the couple would go on their weekly 'hunting' spree. The two of them would randomly steal any car they found, they then would shot down any unsuspecting person walking by themselves in the middle of the night. George would drive and Elly would shoot, and sometimes they switched rolls. Elly mostly shot because it helped her release some of her thoughts and tension she had bottled up inside of her. Most of the time, they would leave the car and handle the person a bit more violently.

Unluckily for Zax, she was raised by these people up until she was 12. They taught her inhumane things while growing up. Things such as, where is this best artery to cut on the human body, and to always make the person suffer if you have a particular target. She was home schooled, and learned more survival tactics then actual school related work. By the age of ten Zax had to be the most violent person you could come across, but she was taught by her parents how to hide her violent tendencies. At 12, her parents were finally arrested when someone actually caught them trying to harm someone. They were sentenced to death. She was then put into foster care until she turned 18. She left that place happily, finding it way to boring, and then left onto a journey on the rode and that was when she found her card.

Partner: Kilgore

Other: She always carries around a gun in a holster that belonged to her mother. She also loves sweets!

Card of fate
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Name: Raphael Adachi

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10

Weight: 160lbs

Appearance Notes: None


Raphael is possibly one of the sharpest minds in his class. He works hard, he urges his peers on, is a model student, etc. However, those only manifest on very rare occasions. Specifically, when his inborn laziness does not get the better of him. If there is one thing that is always on his mind, it's that things should be easy in life. His inherent laziness coupled with his stock cleverness makes for a boy who would isn't ashamed of cutting corners and finding the most efficient way through any problem. His motto revolves around working smart than working hard, a double edged blade for those who have other plans for him but could never account in his sheer ingenuity and unorthodox nature.

As an abstract example, Everyone in the group is pushing a clay cube forward, they are having difficulty in moving the cube. Raph, on the other hand, would form that clay cube into clay sphere and give it the occasional push toward it's destination. The clay hardens en route to the destination only to find out that the planner wanted the clay cubes to be hardened by the time it gets there so the creation of a tower is made possible. They get furious at Raph for not following program only to be answered by Raph taking his Clay sphere to the top of the tower and setting it there as an ornament.

As a result of his inherent laziness, he puts a lot of stock on pragmatism. If it works then he didn't need to modify it, if it works but it's difficult then it needs a lot of modification so it can be easier. That belief in pragmatism reflects even on his clothing choices, a simple jacket with cargo pants is better than any other outfit. The jacket keeps him warm in the eternal winter while the cargo pants and its numerous pockets hold whatever it is he needed to bring along, eliminating the need for a bag in the first place.

On the social aspect of his life, he is a very outspoken person who rarely ever filters his thoughts. It usually gets him into trouble and he sees that trouble as simply a challenge or obstacle that he need to overcome, usually through underhanded means. If no one was looking then he wasn't above shoplifting. If he is caught then he'd just admit to the crime, a result of his near transparent personality. Most would say he's unshakable, the truth is, he doesn't care about anything at all, if it didn't further his own interests. Nothing more nor less, he is simply looking out for himself without a care for the world around him. Compassion has no room for one who simply looks out for himself and for those he cares about, which were few and far between. Any positive effect that comes from his method to life was simply a bonus.

He keeps a positive attitude at most times. It was there to make his siblings feel better and was usually there when he had to find some efficient way across a problem. He needs to keep happy because happy usually equated to warm and that would possibly be the closest he'll ever get to feeling warm without the use of a heater or similar items.

Country: Japan


Raphael was born in the southern isles of Kyushu, to a Chilean mother and Japanese father. His parents had migrated to Japan way before the Ice Age began. It was all news and warning about Global warming and then the Earth and possibly Hell freezes over in the blink of an eye. He was the eldest child with two other siblings. Growing up in the cold was harsh at first, but his body soon adapted to it. His parents may not have been exactly a well off couple but they had enough to purchase and maintain several heaters throughout their small home. So growing up was relatively warm. Everyday he'd listen to stories from his father about the summers that happened before the Ice Age, white sand, crystal clear waters and a very warm atmosphere. Warm, a concept that was partially foreign to Raphael, warmth only over came from heaters and other humans, the air itself was thick with a wintry bite all day all year round. It got worse in the nights.

Being the oldest child, he had to shoulder a lot of responsibilities coupled with guiding his siblings in the middle of a harsh Ice Age. Life was hard and that was what taught Raph to learn how to work smart instead of hard. Scrutinize and identify what would make this certain challenge easier to accomplish. There isn't really much to Raph's background other than hardship and bone-chilling cold and the fact that he needed to watch over his siblings and family. He was no one remarkable just another soul looking to make life easier for the one's he loves.

Partner: Usere

*I'm not entirely sure of the quality of my CS so yeah....>.> <.<*
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For your character Zax Payley, she has been partnered with Kilgore, the God of Chaos.


For your character Maya Alden, she has been partnered with Esisc & Esol, Gods of Twins and Replication


For your character Raphael Adichi, he has been partnered with Usere, Goddess of Trickery and Magic

name: Julietta Bellamy

gender: Female

age: 16

height: 5'5''

weight: 117

appearance notes: a natural blonde, she often dyes her hair flamboyant colors.

country: France


Julietta overall is haughty. She knows how to get what she wants, and she usually gets it. Her haughty nature drives away other females her age, so she is often by herself. Even though she is alone most of the time she prefers the company of others. She did so-so in school but was excellent in English and literature. The lower classmen looked up to her and often went to her for help, but were driven away by her sarcasm. When flustered, she will throw in her native french to a conversation, accidently mixing french and English.

She is also extremely creative, this deriving from her interest in fashion and the arts. She considers herself a fashionista and spends her free time studying fashions from around the world, her favorites being American and Japanese styles. She sketches different clothing designs, blending her favorite styles together. Her avid study in this field has made her a creative thinker, allowing her to solve out of the box situations that others would have a hard time thinking through logically.


Her mother was a drug addict, so Julietta was taken away from her after birth. She grew up with her aunt Florance in Pairs afterwards. Her aunt married into a wealthy corporation that manufactured toys for children, and inherited it all after her husband died in a car crash. Florance was never able to have children of her own, so she spoiled Julietta rotten. She got everything she wanted, wether she asked for it or not.

Julietta started studying fashion and the arts after being taken to the nutcracker ballet at the age of five. She fell in love with the costume designs and fluidity of the pointe dancers. After years of self studying, she persuaded her aunt to allow her to study abroad in America. She was allowed of course, and was then sent to New York City to study Fashion. After landing and getting out of the airport, She found her card buried in the snow not far from her awaiting taxi.

partner: Maerike, goddess of water


Cards of fate

( I hope this is ok. I can make any adjustments is needed )
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Kana.DKD.full.710481.jpg.21a4916937630670e107e5079c4272d9.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10667" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/Kana.DKD.full.710481.jpg.21a4916937630670e107e5079c4272d9.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Elissa Alden

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 115lbs

Appearance Notes: Elissa stnds at a mere 5'2", being looked down upon by mostly everyone. He silver hair reaches her lower back, and her amber eyes are definitely what people notice about her first. She appears to be very dainty, and so delicate that a simple touch would hurt her. Her expressions are soft, and her movements are breezy.

Personality: Elissa has always been an incredibly sweet person...but she's also a slight pushover. She doesn't want to hurt anyone's feelings, and apologizes to everyone for everything. She often changes her own opinions to suit the situation better. She's shy, but not a complete loner. She's very soft spoken, and tends to mumble. It drives people crazy. She enjoys reading more than anything, and isn't a very atheltic person. She's most of the protectee, rather than the protector. She was procted very well by her parents, and she grew accustomed to being under their thumb. She was okay with it, as long as she was safe.

Elissa is also a coward. She's scared of the dark, bugs, loud noises, etc. She's not difficult to scare, but if you do scare her, she will cry. And she will make you feel guilty.

Country: England

History/Bio: Ellisa was born fourteen years ago, the second-born of Talia and Clayton Alden. Since her parents were so high up on the corporate ladder, Elissa of course grew up in a wealthy environment. Apparently, she was the happiest girl there ever was, always bringing joy to other with her never-ending grin. She hadn't a care in the world...

When she was four, and her sister Maya was six, they were just starting to form a sisterly relationship...and then, Maya was taken away.

While she was gone, Maya didn't really know what was going on. All she saw was that her parents were leaking from the eyes, and that they never let her out of their sight. They grew very attatched to Elissa in that time...they didn't want to lose her. They ended up giving Elissa fencing lessons, and though she wasn't very good with it, she was able to manage fairly well. And though fencing wasn't her best skill...darts were. Every aspect able darts, she just understood. She learned how to mix and create natural toxins, and was able to throw the dipped darts with amazing precision. Since she was just a child, she loved darts.

When Maya returned, Elissa was overjoyed., of course...but she wasn't sure how to feel. At first, Elissa was skeptical of approaching her sister...

"Why did you leave?"

The girls were alone in the dining room when Elissa spoke to Maya again for the first time since her return. The tiny girl stood, on hand clutching a beat up teddy bear and the other over her cheek. She didn't know why Maya was gone...and for so long, too.

Suddenly, Maya's hands were enclosed around the small girl's throat. She didn't even get a reply, her sister was silent with nothing but the expression of absolute fury on her face. She was making short growling noises between her teeth...her hands! They tightened...she couldn't breathe. She couldn't scream. But she could grab the fork that laid on the table.

The next thing Elissa knew, the fork had stabbed right into the eye of her sister.

Since then, Elissa kept as far away from Maya as she could. She wouldn't eat with her, wouldn't talk to her, wouldn't be left alone with her. Elissa started becoming a shy, distant person. She didn't want to be with her family.

Ther was nothing more she wanted than to be safe.

Partner: (Add Later)

Other: Shmur. Cards of Fate



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Name: Minna Nemiharu

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'2"

Weight: 112 lbs

Appearance Notes:

Minna's sweet and innocent appearance is what makes her stand out. Her long red hair, sitting about half way down her back is usually complimented by random strangers as she walks the streets. Her eyes accent the color, being a soft and pink shade. She often wears frilly dresses, and loves the intricate nature of lace. Often she appears to be "done up" as if she were going to a ball or party of some sorts, but in reality this is simply how she enjoys dressing. Her hair is usually pulled into two small pigtails at the top, the rest of her hair cascading down her back. She sometimes pulls all of her hair into pigtails and curls ringlets into them.


Minna is a fairly loud spoken young girl, who loves sticking her nose in other people's business. She has been called nosy by many people in her fourteen years. It's not that she necessarily cares about the information she's butting into, but more so that she enjoys bringing attention to herself, and thus can usually direct just about any conversation toward herself. She does, however, care for others, regardless of her ability to act otherwise. She simply doesn't always know the correct way to show that she cares.

Minna does a fairly good job at getting people to see things her way. She can be quite childish, and often puppy dog pouts others into submission. She can be manipulating, and will often use people to achieve goals, feeling sorry for it afterwords just about every time. This mostly is from spending the majority of her years alone, apart from the years her parents were still alive. She does not like to discuss her background, where she came from, or her parents, and will change the subject just about every time anything like that is brought up.

Country: USA


Minna came from a wealthy family, her mother and father both sharing their love for her through exquisite clothes, fancy shoes, and fine food. Sadly, however, her happiness in youth was short lived. Her parents were viciously murdered before her eyes when she was only 4. Being so young, she does not remember what exactly the reason was behind their sudden demise, but the orphanage who took her in were told the situation. Apparently they had gotten mixed up in with some gangsters, in an attempt to add more unneeded money to their already overflowing bank accounts. The thugs had, in turn, broken into their home one evening, stolen all of their bank account information, and proceeded to finish the job. The only thing Minna does remember, is being under her bed, her mother having come running in in the middle of the night and telling her to get underneath and keep quiet. Minna had just gotten under the bed when she heard the door to her room slam open, gunshots immediately following. The shooters immediately left, not even realizing she was there. The image of her mothers face covered in blood and slumped over on the floor against her bed was ingrained into her mind at that moment.

Minna's life changed drastically after the incident. She did not talk until about a year after the incident. She was placed in an orphanage, where she had nothing but the heart shaped locket she had been wearing around her neck the night of the attack, that held a picture of her mother on one side and father on the other. The gangsters had messed the place up so bad, there hadn't been anything really to salvage besides her dresses, but she was not allowed to wear them often at the orphanage, because the other children didn't have anything close to that nice of clothing, not to mention it was usually too cold to wear them anyways. Once every few months, the orphanage would decide they needed some sort of money for keeping her there and feeding her. They would go into her room and take any one of her dresses to sell off in town the next day. She would wake up and they would feed her some story about how it got messed up in the wash and they had to throw it away.

Minna stayed in the orphanage until she was fourteen, growing loud and obnoxious the older she got. Although she lived at the orphanage, most of her time was spent wandering around town, which was only a short ways away. Reimir it was called. It had a pretty small population, but there were always people bustling about, and there was even a small playground. Hanging out here one day, she was just sitting up at the top of one of the slides, looking down and thinking to herself. She noticed something glistening, sticking half way out of the snow. She slid down, picking up a single card, looking around, and then sticking it in her pocket and walking back to the orphanage.

Partner: (Add Later)

Other: Cards of Fate
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180 lbs

Appearance Notes:



Weiss enjoys making other people miserable. He’s good at manipulation and has no problems taking advantage of others for personal gain. He values other peoples’ perception of him. He can be charming at first, but he’s actually terrible with personal relationships and tends to push others away. He’s not willing to make sacrifices for the benefit of others. Respects the spectrum. Condescending to nearly everyone. He is quick to shoot someone down for something they say. He has a cruel sense of humor and a snippy attitude. He also has a bad temper when he gets angry he turns cruel and wont hesitate to kill you.

Weiss is a bit of a mamas boy that is his weaker side. He will do anything for his mother. She tells him jump, he asks how high. He loves his mother and treats him like a queen.







Card of Fate

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Name: Jansen Olivier Burgess

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Height: 5’11”

Weight: 155 lbs

Appearance Notes: Black hair, gray eyes.


Jansen is mischievous, and has a good sense of humor, although it can sometimes be dry and sarcastic. He is very playful, although sometimes maliciously so, as he enjoys having a laugh at the expense of others. Jansen often enjoys causing problems for other people and he gets a real kick out of watching problems unfold. He is generally cheerful, and hates taking anything too seriously. He also has a stellar memory, and is very observant and dexterous.

However, at the same time, despite being playful and mischievous and seemingly petty, he is actually an extremely clever guy. He has an ability to “catalog” his emotions. He is extremely fluid in “adopting” an emotion, and can act sweet if he wants to be; he can be the perfect angel if he wants to be, or he can be absolutely ruthless if he allows himself to be. Therefore, Jansen is a very secretive and manipulative individual, who’s an excellent liar. You can never tell what exactly he’s thinking, yet he seems to know all your secrets anyway.

So while he may appear to be nice, confident and somewhat alluring, he’s actually a very difficult person to get along with or get to know. He has the tendency to shut other people out, and then he shuts himself down. He hides behind his words and his smiles and his playful mischief.

But none of it means anything.

He only lets people see what he wants them to see.

As a result, despite his feelings and his past; he puts on an iron wall of charisma.

Country: He was born in Belgium, his mom was Dutch, and his dad was English. He lived in Brussels most of his life, but went on a University exchange to New York City.

History/Bio: Jansen is the master of hiding and playing pretend. He hides his feelings, he hides his love, and he hides his fear. But most of all, he’s the best at pretending everything is alright, when it really isn’t. He creates a mirage of family, when he knows he doesn’t have one.

By the time Jansen was born; his family had already given more than their fair share to death.

His would-have-been older sister, Claire, drowned in an icy lake before her second birthday.

Then, when Jansen was being born, there were major complications. They could not get to a hospital in time, due to blizzards and power outages in the middle of winter, after the freeze had begun. His mother, Helena, died from excessive blood loss in the backseat of their car.

The only family member Jansen has ever known is his dad, Chris. And for seventeen years of his life, Jansen got used to living with a person who wasn’t really alive. Just sad. Just depressed. It became a routine, it became familiar, and it became his life.

Every night, Jansen lay out bottles of Valium and Prozac beside his father’s bedside.

And every morning, when Jansen woke up to his father’s cries, it became his alarm clock.

His father worked day and night as a Computer hardware engineer.

When he came home, he slept.

And he left in the morning before Jansen was downstairs.

Jansen basically lived by himself, except he also lived with the knowledge that he was unwanted.

At seventeen, Jansen moved out, he went to Katholieke Universiteit Leuven for school on a scholarship, and then went on an exchange to an America to NYU.

He doesn't dwell on his family anymore,

and doesn't care anymore.

The past is the past.

That was his life, until he found the card.

Partner: ?

Other: Jansen speaks Dutch, English, French, and German fluently.

Cards of Fate
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Name: Ryanne Callaghan

Age: 18

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 125lbs

Appearance: see picture. Provided by Google images

Personality: She is very high-spirited. Even though she's small she knows how to protect herself. She doesn't talk a whole lot but when she does, her tone is rich with anger and attitude. She has no friends but what would you expect when you were born and raised on the streets. But for those who manage to get past her hard exterior will find she has a big heart, it's just heavily guarded. She is also very witty, cunning, and intelligent even though she had never been to school. She also ha a very good sense of humor even though it's at other's misfortunes. She is rebellious and rude to those of authority and doesn't take being bossed around well. Her playful side is really only seen by the stray animals that liter the streets. One can catch her playing tag with a puppy or hide-and-seek with rats. Ryanne is an excellent liar which has gotten her out of many nights in jail.

History/Bio: Her parents were poor and he was sort of an accident. Luckily, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, teyes keep her. She was raised on the streets, learning how to lie, steal, and cheat. As she got older and more skilled, he petite size became a great asset in her thieving life.

When she was 14 she spent the night in jail for stealing a wedding ring off of a woman's hand. She was 'performing' a magic show in which she makes a rat disappear. While everyone looks around for the rat, she swipes wallets, jewels, and watches. They held her for two nights but couldn't keep her for lack of evidence.

Her father died the winter after she turned 15. After he passed her mother left her while she was sleeping. After her mom left she went out of control. Her aggressive outlook skyrocketed and anyone in her path was robbed blind.

Ryanne continued her dishonest life moving around Dublin, until she happened upon a card. This card was unlike any card she had ever seen, and she knew that this was going to be the most exciting birthday she'd ever had.<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/animepunkgirl.jpg.b7d722de60401812d93264e5b1b7ff82.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="10814" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2013_12/animepunkgirl.jpg.b7d722de60401812d93264e5b1b7ff82.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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KayleighBee said:
Name: Ryanne Callaghan
Age: 21

Gender: Female

Height: 5'0"

Weight: 125lbs

Appearance: see picture. Provided by Google images

Personality: She is very high-spirited. Even though she's small she knows how to protect herself. She doesn't talk a whole lot but when she does, her tone is rich with anger and attitude. She has no friends but what would you expect when you were born and raised on the streets. But for those who manage to get past her hard exterior will find she has a big heart, it's just heavily guarded. She is also very witty, cunning, and intelligent even though she had never been to school.

History/Bio: Her parents were poor and he was sort of an accident. Luckily, or unfortunately, depending on how you look at it, teyes keep her. She was raised on the streets, learning how to lie, steal, and cheat. As she got older and more skilled, he petite size became a great asset in her thieving life.

Her father died the winter after she turned 18. After he passed her mother left her while she was sleeping. Ryanne continued her dishonest life moving around Dublin, until she happened upon a card. This card was unlike any card she had ever seen, and she knew that this was going to be the most exciting birthday she'd ever had.
If you can, add more History and Personality.

Also I need you to review the rules once again :)

Name: Josh Fisher

Age: 16

Gender: Male

Height: 5'10"

Weight: 147lbs

Appearance Notes: Josh has blue eyes

Personality: If someone was asked to describe Josh some of the first words to come to mind would be energetic, friendly and a computer whiz. Josh is a very friendly person towards almost everyone and loves meeting new people as well as goofing around with his friends and having fun. Josh also knows a computer like the back of his hand and his love for them comes from his dads fascination of them. He spends a large amount of time on them, whether it be playing games, looking at social network sites, forums or just browsing the Internet. Josh also loves other technology as well like game consoles and smartphones (which he would never not have with him).

He is a very energetic guy who can never sit still and can't not be doing something. Josh keeps himself busy by doing various activities on his phone, computer, games consoles and if he is really that bored, homework . But his parents found out when he was younger and even more hyper active that hone he was given headphones and a music player that he was calmed, even if it was a loud and fast song Josh's mind would quickly wander and he would become oblivious to the world around him.

Country: America

History/Bio: Josh was lucky enough to be born into an average loving family. There was no drama nor was there an serious illnesses or anything of the like that effected them. His family consisted of himself, his dad James, his mother Kate and his older sister Emma. Josh's father James was a computer engineer and his mum was a stay at home mum. His dad was high up in his company. The main project he was a part of throughout Josh's childhood was to build machines that could help with ice age that covered the earth. When Josh's dad explained his job to him he told him about what it would be like if they could advance these machines enough to the point were earth would be normal again. He told Josh they wouldn't need 8 radiators in one room and that there would be hot summers were Josh could go to the beach and go into the ocean and swim with his friends. This sparked his interest in technology and helping his dad fix the state earth was in.

In school Josh done Okay. He could never concentrate very long in classes because of how hyper he was, sitting and writing was something he could only do for so long before he wanted to do something else. (he did do well in P.E though) Even when allowed to listen to music it would result in Josh losing concentration and he would end up staring into space. Towards the end of school Josh made plans as to what college to go to and possibly get a scholarship.

That was until he found the card

Partner: Kxutom

Other: Cards of fate

@Akihito Finished
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Appearance Notes:

Average height with medium length blonde hair, fair skin, and wide ocean blue eyes, fringed with long dark eye lashes.


Assertive and outspoken - she is driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, she usually excels at public speaking. She values knowledge and competence, and usually has little patience with inefficiency or disorganization. Virtues is a natural born leader. She lives in a world of possibilities where she can see all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and she wants to be the ones responsible for surmounting them. She has a drive for leadership, which is well-served by her quickness to grasp complexities, her ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and her quick and decisive judgements. She is a "take charge" kind of person. Virues is very job -focused, and fits into the harsh world quite naturally. She is constantly scanning her environment for potential problems which she can turn into solutions. She generally sees things from a long-range perspective, and is usually successful at identifying plans to turn problems around. Virtues is usually successful in the world, because she is so driven by leadership. She is tireless in her efforts on the job, and driven to visualize where an organization is headed. For these reasons, she is a natural leader. There is not much room for error in the world of Virtues. She dislikes to see mistakes repeated, and has no patience with inefficiency. She may become quite harsh when her patience is tried in these respects, because she is not naturally tuned in to people's feelings, and more than likely doesn't believe that she should tailor his judgements in consideration for peoples feelings. Virtues has difficulty seeing things from outside her own perspective. Unlike other people, Virtues naturally has little patience with people who do not see things the same way as her. Virtues needs to consciously work on recognizing the value of other people's opinions, as well as the value of being sensitive towards people's feelings. In the absence of this awareness, Virtues will be a forceful, intimidating and an overbearing individual. In her personal world, it can make some her overbearing as a wife or parent.

Virtues has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for her as a force towards achieving her goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement, which she will do well to avoid. Virtues is a very forceful, decisive individual. She makes decisions quickly, and is quick to verbalize her opinions and decisions to the rest of the world. Virtues may make decisions too hastily, without understanding all of the issues and possible solutions. On the other hand, Virtues may have difficulty applying logic to her insights, and may often make poor decisions. In that case, she may have brilliant ideas and insight into situations, but she may have little skill at determining how to. Her actions may be inconsistent. She may become dictatorial and abrasive - intrusively giving orders and direction without a sound reason for doing so, and without consideration for the people involved. Although Virtues is not naturally tuned into other people's feelings, she frequently has very strong sentimental streaks. Often these sentiments are very powerful to her, although she will likely hide it from general knowledge, believing the feelings to be a weakness. Because the world of feelings and values is not where Virtues naturally functions, she may sometimes make value judgments and hold onto submerged emotions which are ill-founded, and will cause her problems - sometimes rather serious problems. Virtues loves to interact with others. As an Extrovert, she is energized and stimulated primarily externally. There's nothing more enjoyable and satisfying to Virtues than having a lively, challenging conversation. She especially respects people who are able to stand up to her, and argue persuasively for their point of view. There aren't too many people who will do so, however, because Virtues is a very forceful and dynamic presence who has a tremendous amount of self-confidence and excellent verbal communication skills. Even the most confident individuals may experience moments of self-doubt when debating a point with her. She is likely to place much emphasis on her kids(if she ever had some) being well-educated and structured, to desire a congenial and devoted relationship with her husband. With her family, Virtues needs to be in charge as much as she does in her tasks. Virtues is likely best paired with someone who has a strong self-image, who is also a Thinking type. Because Virtues is primarily focused on her job, she may have a problem with being constantly absent from her family, physically or mentally. Virtues has many gifts which make it possible forher to have a great deal of personal power, if she doesn't forget to remain balanced in her life. She is assertive, innovative, long-range thinker with an excellent ability to translate theories and possibilities into solid plans of action. Virtues is usually tremendously forceful personalities, and has the tools to accomplish whatever goals she sets out for.

Country: (Where are you from?



Virtues grew up in England as an only child, her parents were very wealth, and were often at work, leaving little time for their daughter. She spent her days alone, in the mansion, gazing out the window, watching the neighbouring kids play, never joining them herself. Being in a rich family meant she got what she asked for and rarely took no for an answer. She depended on herself for most of her life, home schools up until high school where she attended a private school for the rich. She just graduated, top of her class.

Partner: (Add Later)

Other: I don't think there is anything else to add... 

Other: Cards of Fate
AngelSariel said:











Appearance Notes:

Average height with medium length blonde hair, fair skin, and wide ocean blue eyes, fringed with long dark eye lashes.


Assertive and outspoken - she is driven to lead. Excellent ability to understand difficult organizational problems and create solid solutions. Intelligent and well-informed, she usually excels at public speaking. She values knowledge and competence, and usually has little patience with inefficiency or disorganization. Virtues is a natural born leader. She lives in a world of possibilities where she can see all sorts challenges to be surmounted, and she wants to be the ones responsible for surmounting them. She has a drive for leadership, which is well-served by her quickness to grasp complexities, her ability to absorb a large amount of impersonal information, and her quick and decisive judgements. She is a "take charge" kind of person. Virues is very job -focused, and fits into the harsh world quite naturally. She is constantly scanning her environment for potential problems which she can turn into solutions. She generally sees things from a long-range perspective, and is usually successful at identifying plans to turn problems around. Virtues is usually successful in the world, because she is so driven by leadership. She is tireless in her efforts on the job, and driven to visualize where an organization is headed. For these reasons, she is a natural leader. There is not much room for error in the world of Virtues. She dislikes to see mistakes repeated, and has no patience with inefficiency. She may become quite harsh when her patience is tried in these respects, because she is not naturally tuned in to people's feelings, and more than likely doesn't believe that she should tailor his judgements in consideration for peoples feelings. Virtues has difficulty seeing things from outside her own perspective. Unlike other people, Virtues naturally has little patience with people who do not see things the same way as her. Virtues needs to consciously work on recognizing the value of other people's opinions, as well as the value of being sensitive towards people's feelings. In the absence of this awareness, Virtues will be a forceful, intimidating and an overbearing individual. In her personal world, it can make some her overbearing as a wife or parent.

Virtues has a tremendous amount of personal power and presence which will work for her as a force towards achieving her goals. However, this personal power is also an agent of alienation and self-aggrandizement, which she will do well to avoid. Virtues is a very forceful, decisive individual. She makes decisions quickly, and is quick to verbalize her opinions and decisions to the rest of the world. Virtues may make decisions too hastily, without understanding all of the issues and possible solutions. On the other hand, Virtues may have difficulty applying logic to her insights, and may often make poor decisions. In that case, she may have brilliant ideas and insight into situations, but she may have little skill at determining how to. Her actions may be inconsistent. She may become dictatorial and abrasive - intrusively giving orders and direction without a sound reason for doing so, and without consideration for the people involved. Although Virtues is not naturally tuned into other people's feelings, she frequently has very strong sentimental streaks. Often these sentiments are very powerful to her, although she will likely hide it from general knowledge, believing the feelings to be a weakness. Because the world of feelings and values is not where Virtues naturally functions, she may sometimes make value judgments and hold onto submerged emotions which are ill-founded, and will cause her problems - sometimes rather serious problems. Virtues loves to interact with others. As an Extrovert, she is energized and stimulated primarily externally. There's nothing more enjoyable and satisfying to Virtues than having a lively, challenging conversation. She especially respects people who are able to stand up to her, and argue persuasively for their point of view. There aren't too many people who will do so, however, because Virtues is a very forceful and dynamic presence who has a tremendous amount of self-confidence and excellent verbal communication skills. Even the most confident individuals may experience moments of self-doubt when debating a point with her. She is likely to place much emphasis on her kids(if she ever had some) being well-educated and structured, to desire a congenial and devoted relationship with her husband. With her family, Virtues needs to be in charge as much as she does in her tasks. Virtues is likely best paired with someone who has a strong self-image, who is also a Thinking type. Because Virtues is primarily focused on her job, she may have a problem with being constantly absent from her family, physically or mentally. Virtues has many gifts which make it possible forher to have a great deal of personal power, if she doesn't forget to remain balanced in her life. She is assertive, innovative, long-range thinker with an excellent ability to translate theories and possibilities into solid plans of action. Virtues is usually tremendously forceful personalities, and has the tools to accomplish whatever goals she sets out for.

Country: (Where are you from?



Virtues grew up in England as an only child, her parents were very wealth, and were often at work, leaving little time for their daughter. She spent her days alone, in the mansion, gazing out the window, watching the neighbouring kids play, never joining them herself. Being in a rich family meant she got what she asked for and rarely took no for an answer. She depended on herself for most of her life, home schools up until high school where she attended a private school for the rich. She just graduated, top of her class.

Partner: (Add Later)

Other: I don't think there is anything else to add... 

Other: Cards of Fate
Awesome awesome character!

I would say work a bit more on the History but your personality makes up for it! xD

ACCEPTED! I will work on partnering you with a god/goddess!
Sorry guys, I won't be back until the 26th, the power got knocked out, and my phone battery is running out.

|Cards of Fate|



"Hm? My name? It's Christopher Alden.

Make sure to remember that because...Oh well, you will find out~."


"Aren't you asking odd questions now? I'm eighteen though."


"I'm obviously a male."


"Last I checked I was around 5''8"


"I weigh around 146lb"

Appearance Notes:

Christopher is fairly tall and slim. He is not one that relies upon brute force but instead uses the mind. His appearance is fairly neat as he works hard to have some manners by being presentable. His dark green hair is smoothed back as its length will normally get into his eye sight and becomes a distraction. Christopher has green eyes that will appear with the addition of yellow in the daylight. Its quite the odd sight to see and he uses that to scare people off or at least repel people who he doesn't want to waste his time with. A smirk is normally upon his feature above any other.


His personality is normally considered twisted. What is a social norm is considered far to boring, to strange to ever be and so he challenges them behind a mask. Christopher acts more often than not with perfect manners and will constantly try and appear as a perfect gentleman. This act is only a way for the Alden family member to find amusement in the masses of people he considers useless. Those not apart of his plan are simply..unnecessary.

Now, by no chance does Christopher a 'controlling' person. He simply lets nature play its course with him only influencing the participants in this world. Despite the belief that he was a atrocious human being, he has his good parts. He cares much for his family and those who have gained his respect. This does not change the fact he places fear within those he uses temporarily, to make sure their dangerous features will not come back to harm others. However, the fact he uses fear to his advantage to protect
some people is unknown and he keeps it that way.


"I am from England, the whole Alden family is."


At the start of his life, eighteen years ago, Christopher was in no means a social person. In fact, he was incredibly shy while at a young age that he was often seen hidden behind his mother, small hands clutching at her in hopes for the interaction to end. Innocent and naive, Christopher often avoided other people in general. The question was why. Even at a young age, he found himself observing people in depth, a skill that was not believed to be grasped by one of such a young age but he did. Of course, with his shy personality at the time and lack of experience everything was just odd.

However, as he grew older he began to understand more and more and of course it became a great addition to his arsenal to be able to take things simply from observation Years passed and he began to use what he learned publicly and it was always used against those who tried to induce fear and corruption to his family and its name. Being quite well known, the family always had rivals and that meant people would go to extremes to bring them down to take the place they held in Society. So, as a member of the Alden family, Christopher never allowed this.

There are always dirty secrets involved with families like these and the Alden's had theirs secrets. Being the inquisitive man he was, he began to dwell upon what was hidden behind the curtains by his family and began to dig for the answer that he eventually yearned for. By fourteen he had found it. The family he praised and desired to work so diligently for, his own family, were corrupted to the core themselves. Self absorbed in their own fame they were not feeling any remorse on everyone they knocked down and there was a lot of people they did. Families, broken. People in shambles and others barely scraping by all due to the Alden's actions behind public view.

Behind everyone's view.

Christopher could and would not lie at this point. What he had discovered was not an entire shock to him but it was still something his mind did not entirely wish to believe. His family were powerful and they used that to create fear. Yet, his two cousins never knew of this and that was something he wished to keep the same. Those two became his desire, his resolution and his strengh as he aimed to assist them and keep them both safe but the event between them did not make his job any easier. No, in fact he was quite irritated by the two siblings distance but he could do nothing.

By the age of Eighteen, the boy was using the same method as his family to get his ways. Still, even at this point in time he was not the biggest fan of others company and so he remained in the background of things, waiting and watching. It didn't take him that long to find the 'card' but being the person he was, he remained unable to believe such a thing. Eventually though, he began to believe in this
"Damned truth" and reluctantly he accepted it.




"You want to know more? Ha! Fine, I will tell you."

"I have two cousins, Enjoy reading and chess, I love rice above all other foods and

I enjoy watching foolish people squirm. Oh! In addition I like fish. They

are a calming sight to watch...However, if you speak of this I will make

sure to appear in your nightmares. Understand?"

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Wendy Bach

Age: 14

Gender: Female

Height: 5'1"

Weight: 101lbs.

Appearance Notes: Wendy has fair skin and dark brown hair that ends right below her shoulders. It's curly and often gets on her nerves. Her eyes are big and brown, and she has dimples she's often complimented on by her friends.

Personality: Though she is young, Wendy has a big heart. She loves life and tries to make the most out of it. She's known to be an "adorable sweetheart" though she doesn't really appreciate it. She hates being called adorable since she's in that awkward stage of growing up and maturing. Nice and caring are two words that describe her - she always puts other people in front of herself. She never means to, but it's just who she is.

On the inside of her though, Wendy is battling herself, literally. Her brain tells her to go one way, while her heart tells her to go another. She secretly hates who she is and wishes she was more like her older sister. Her older sister is beautiful inside and out, while she's just considered "adorable." Every morning she wakes up she just wishes she was different, prettier - older even. She might love life, but for her, it seems life just wants to make hers suck, to put it simply. You see, five months ago, Wendy was diagnosed with leukemia. And with the way the world is going on today, she might not have much time left.

Country: Wendy was born and raised in California, United States.

History/Bio: Wendy was born on January 1, the first baby of her year actually seeing that she was born at 12:01AM. She's one of five children - the youngest to be exact. She actually is called a "miracle child." Her parents believed she was going to be stillborn, seeing that she never kicked while in her mother's womb. Even after she was born, she was silent. Then, her parents believed she was mute for the first week of her life. Then, suddenly, she cried and didn't stop crying for two week. Now, Wendy looks back at it as a her way of making up for being so silent for so long.

Wendy then grew up as a relatively healthy and normal kid. But then she had to turn nine. At the age of nine, Wendy almost died because of mucus building up in her lungs. She had pneumonia, a bad case of it to be exact. The doctors actually thought she was going to die for the longest time. Her parents even started to plan a funeral for their youngest child when she miraculously started to respond to treatment. It was then did her parents really call her their "miracle child" because she really was becoming a miracle. She escaped death at only nine.

She stayed in the hospital another two months after first responding to treatment and was finally released on January 1, her tenth birthday. Not long after she was released, tragedy struck her again, this time in a completely different way. Only a few weeks passed since she was released when her oldest brother was killed. He was a Marine, and Wendy knew his life was always going to be on the line. But, it still devastated her. During her time of depression, her father suddenly became violent, blaming everyone in their family for the death of his oldest son. He started to beat her mother and raped her older sister, Mary. He was then took to trial and was convicted. She never saw him again.

By then, Wendy started to question her nickname of being a "miracle child." Yes, she might of survived death, but it seemed every time she survived someone else in her family died. Her brother was killed, and her sister Mary killed herself not long after their father was convicted. She even left a note for each of the family members. Wendy has yet to read hers... At first there were five children, but by the time Wendy turned twelve, they were down to only three.

Their family moved into a smaller apartment in northern California on her twelve birthday. There, her and her family were determined to start over. But it seemed Bach family wasn't that lucky. Her only brother left enlisted in the army when he turned eighteen, leaving his mother and sisters shocked. Wendy couldn't believe he would just leave him like he did, and for two years, she was even in denial of him being gone. She convinced herself he was at college, not off fighting somewhere. To this day, Wendy believes her brother is at college, and she clings to the hope of him visiting them one day.

Five months ago, Wendy was rushed to the hospital because of unknown lump on her throat and a constant nose bleed. It was then she was told she had leukemia and needed immediate treatment. Her family couldn't afford it, and the hospital didn't have the equipment to help her. The family decided to move them to New York where they
did have the medical help Wendy needed, but because of the cold and snow, there wasn't any way to fly there. So, they left Wendy's older sister back in California to finish college and took a train to closest destination they could get to New York. They did this until they had to rent a car. Finally, now, Wendy is New York where she will hopefully be getting help soon.

Partner: Asusone, the Goddess of Music

Other: Cards of Fate



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