The Cards of the Gods

Oh yeah, do we get to know some of our god(dess)s' personalities, or do we just make it up as we go?
[QUOTE="Emperor Shadow IV]Who was my character paired with?

Sorry brethren! I've been busy and I've neglected you! :c

Your character is paired with Maerike, goddess of water.
(Appearance Picture) It doesn't allow me to post a photo... It's my profile picture, if that's allowed

Name: Emmet

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 5,6

Weight: 101 lbs

Appearance Notes:

Personality: Emmet is the typical kid that everyone avoids. Why is that? He is deaf. He can't hear anyone, and everyone thinks he is just ignorant. But he is actually quite attentive, and can make out what the person is saying by their movements, expression, and gender. Another thing is the fact that he is mute. He can't talk, which is a double beat down for him. People think he is anti social, but he does sign language, which no one understands. This leads him to be "quiet", "ignorant", and "rude".

On the fact that he is "rude", he doesn't know your talking to him unless you tap him or do anything to get his attention. People believe he is rude because he is quiet and ignorant, but he wants them to understand that he isn't like that at all.

Country: South Korea

History/Bio: Emmet was born in a normal hospital, but he was actually supposed to be aborted. His family believed he could survive, and he was born with many syndroms and disabilities. In his child years, he had to learn sign language, and his family did as well, in order to communicate with him. He grew up with no friends, and cried himself to sleep, but with only tears. He wonder why he is born this way, and wants to be normal.

Partner: (Add Later)

Other: Cards of Fate
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-7_9-4-3.jpeg.9c2501b01b21b109c462bbaee8bddc9f.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12999" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-7_9-4-3.jpeg.9c2501b01b21b109c462bbaee8bddc9f.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



Farra Rei








110 pounds

Appearance Notes:

Has a long scar over her left eye; it's like a line, not a lumpy mass.


Farra is curious, talkative, versatile and mentally active. Her mind can bounce around from one topic to another with great ease, making Farra the champion of party chatter and lighthearted social encounters. Others will think that Farra are fun to be with, but her ability to change with the winds can also lead others to see Farra as shallow.

Farra's motto might be "A rolling stone gathers no moss." She are the eternally youthful child, no matter her chronological age. A razor-sharp wit can have you verbally dueling with the very best of opponents, who moments later are your best of friends. As she flies through life, you might have to remind her; don't forget to take time to smell the flowers.



History/Bio: Farra's childhood was not a great one. She was born into the lower class, her parents both factory workers; this left her to care for her four little brothers and little sisters with no help from her older brother. One day when she was 14, her mother came home in tears. When she asked what happened, her mother simply commented that there had been a terrible accident and that her father was never coming home. It took Farra a few days to understand; her father was dead. This fact struck her profoundly-- Farra blamed herself for not helping out, not allowing her father or mother to stay at home. Angry with herself, Farra cut her hair, burned her girl-styled clothing, and took a few of her older brother's clothes. Stuffing her bag, Farra ran away from her home at age 15. She managed to pass herself off as a boy, and worked in the slums of London, sending all money to her family. At age 16, her secret was exposed- she was a teenage girl. In rage, Farra's boss not only fired her, but beat her with a pipe, cut her face, and 'enslaved' her. Her former employer now was her owner, as he had illegally gotten her placed into his custody as 'Lilly Aria.' She was required to do all of the domestic chores, along with tutoring and babysitting his three bratty children. On her 17th birthday, the family received a parcel, with the name "Farra Rei" written on it in sloppy handwriting. Inside the parcel was a letter, fifty thousand euros, and a strange card. The letter, this time in different handwriting, read the following;

'Hello, Farra. I've heard about your truly awful predicament. I'll be sending over some friends of mine in a month; that's the soonest they can come. Very busy, these officials. Well, I'll see you in a few weeks, my dear!'

In fear and
excitement, Farra kept the parcel hidden away in her room for a few weeks. One month exactly from her birthday, there was a loud knocking at the door at 6 AM. Hidden away from sight, Farra watched as a large group of police officers arrested her former employer and his wife. These officers then came over to Farra and one stepped out from the back- her uncle Vinnie. He had managed to take custody of her, and brought his co-workers to her prison, rescuing her. How he knew what had happened to her, Farra didn't know. It was as if by magic. Her uncle claimed that he didn't put that weird card on there, though. Farra wondered what it was.


(Add later)


-Doesn't know where her family is-

- Has occasional flash-backs to the abuse she used to take from that family-

-Cards of Fate-

I apologize about the History, it was rather long.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-7_8-16-57.jpeg.7d08939bdf1be5e272995e11c5a60949.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="12998" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2014_02/upload_2014-2-7_8-16-57.jpeg.7d08939bdf1be5e272995e11c5a60949.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>



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