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Realistic or Modern 𝑻𝑯𝑬 𝑪𝑨𝑳𝑳𝑰𝑵𝑮 — 𝐢𝐧 𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫



cheers for spring; for life; for a growing soul




flying dutchman; main deck





Like some great sea beast, the Flying Dutchman broke through the water’s surface with a mighty splash. The tattered and waterlogged outer appearance was a sight to behold in the broad daylight. The sun showcasing the ghastly green and brown in all its ghastly glory. The grew were no different, still clothed in what they had sunken into the watery depths in, their appearance were void of life. It was a ghost ship in the simplest terms, run by those who had fallen victim to the deep. With more speed than what should have been possible for the ship, they hoisted their sails and took off. Below a creature from legend swam a few feet under, lurking for any dangers around.

Around the world, ports began to appear to those who had been given the way to find them. The Flying Dutchman was met with looks of awe and fondness, the crew welcoming their passengers aboard with helping hands, or in some cases, a helping hand. They traveled near and far, collecting more and more students for the journey to their destination.

Students filled the vessel, despite its appearance it had been kept up with it seemingly renewed. Students were free to roam the upper and top decks as they pleased.


His lips were pulled back into a vicious grin, though his bone white teeth held no sharp points, it helped all the likeness to that of a shark. It was a telling sign of his state of mind, a warning to alert those of danger to come. In the eyes of new students however, that smile was too blinding to be a warning sign. Before them stood a seasoned student. The sun brought his skin to life, casting a light over his head that had to signify his divinity. Already, they were pulled in by the glitz and glamour that seemed to await them. Each year it seemed to bring in even more weak-willed freshmen, so easily tricked and manipulated. They’d learn soon enough to steer clear of him, but for now he’d have his fun.

Ikenna wondered though, how long would it take for them to realize. Would anyone be kind enough to tell them any better? He thought back to the previous year, thinking of the altercation that had steered even more people away from him. He knew that there were people who believed that the school would be a better place without him. They were sick of the trouble he caused, of the schemes he came up with. But what was to be done? He was only a legacy after all. It was a card that he didn’t mind using to his advantage, to worm his way out of trouble.

Would he be able to do the same this time around however? He remembered the fight vividly, a fond memory that he kept close heart. That night in the Whispering Woods, stone-like fists meeting flesh as the woods went silent, had the creature within been watching? Were they as blood-thirsty as he had been in the moment? Either way he had left him there after he was finished, body beaten and broken until someone was able to find him. Assuming that someone had stumbled across him that was. It didn’t really give it too much thought, because he was positive that a word wouldn’t be said.

Realizing that he had paused, the legacy looked down at the students. He gazed at them from his place against the taffrail. His voice was a purr when he spoke again, urging them to trust his words. “It’s true I’m afraid. When we reach a certain point, a sea monster will emerge from the water and with its tentacles, it’ll slowly wrap itself around the ship, searching for students to take, so that they can join this ship’s crew as undead sailors.” His voice was sincere and the freshmen ate his words up. Ikenna laughed inwardly at their freightened faces.

nine lives


valeria isayeva

the flying dutchman main deck


Valeria was flying. Well, in a way. The Flying Dutchman was flying, and Valeria was on board it, and she figured that was close enough. Valeria couldn’t say she particularly liked the ship; the crew, dead faced and waterlogged clothes creeped her out a little bit, the ship itself carrying an aura of death that laid beyond her ability for appreciation. Still, it was massive, and proud, and she loved being aboard, being a part of something magical and beyond any mortal realm.The sun was shining in a bright blue sky and in a way, Valeria was flying.

A rush had gone through her the first time she’d stepped onto the ship, like her whole body had formed into something new. Like it had forbidden the human child inside her still to step on board, only allowing a wholly divine blooded woman. Even before she’d seen Mythos itself, the ship cemented the truth of her vision, welcoming her into the world. It allowed her to fly. This year was a little different; she’d been eagerly anticipating its arrival, counting down days. Every summer day had only one purpose; to bring her closer to returning, and to make her return stronger. She’d been training, learning daily, the words of the friends or sparring partners she’d made echoing through her. And once again, Valeria was on board the ship both so drastically alien to her, and so wholly hers.

Mythos Academy was Valeria’s home, in every sense of the word. She belonged there, the way she told herself over and over she hadn’t ever anywhere else. Another year meant, at the very least, another chance to prove that. She was well aware of who others thought she was; the arguments she entered into, the looks from demigods she still made certain of that. She was also, however, well aware of who she was; seen in the eyes of the few she trusted, felt in the adrenaline rush with each swing of her staff. Her fingers itched for a mission, and her feet bounced her up and down impatiently as she held onto the ship’s railing, wind rushing through blonde hair.

A crowd of freshmen had gathered on the deck opposite her, wide-eyed, excited. It wasn’t so long that had been her, inexperienced and new to the world, and yet still, something about their cluelessness irked at her, like she wanted to pull her staff off of her back and beat it out of them. Unfortunately, she knew that wouldn’t quite be allowed, even by Mythos’ relaxed stance on combat, so hopefully they’d stay well out of her way until the world toughened up for them. Stepping forwards to see what they were all so fixated on, Valeria’s lips turned up into a smile as she saw the figure in the center of the crowd.

“... join this ship’s crew as undead sailors.” Ikenna finished his address with the flair she now recognized on him, a center of attention he easily deserved. The freshmen’s fearful gasps were not quite enough to scratch at that itch of hers, but they were a bit of a start, some measly satisfaction nonetheless. Besides. It was damn good to see him.

Valeria walked forwards, snapping at a freshman or two to get out of her way. Perhaps still scared from their newly discovered information, they were quick to oblige, and she almost enjoyed the frightened whispers exchanged between them.

Ikenna wasn’t the only proof that the student body of Mythos wasn’t all bad, but he’d been perhaps the first of it to Valeria. He was one of the only people she’d ever in her life looked up to. It cemented in the rift she felt between the demigods and the legacies. Valeria had been surprised to see it at first; were they not all born of gods and power, what did a generation difference matter? But it was there, in looks and small comments. Watching the natural command Ikenna had over the freshmen, still too new to be aware of the status, she knew how firmly unfair it was.

“School year hasn’t even started yet and already causing trouble,”
Valeria’s tone to him was light, almost amused, but she shot an angry glare at the freshmen glancing their way,
“I’m glad to see it. Think this year’s going to be any more fun than the last?”

♡coded by uxie♡

search & destroy.

  • mood

    "A new kind of life, a new kind of hope,"

Terran said, lowly, with a smile on his face. He stepped back and looked at the man who spoke on whether or not the sea monster would consume the new class of freshman below. The man wasn't lying about the existence of the kraken though. The ghastly crewmates spoke of a the terror below with devotion, as it was as much part of the sea as they were.

'We speak truth, young Prince...The Kraken serves to protect, not devastate. Fear not it's graceful plunders beneath you, O' Prince of the Underworld." Terran smirked at the skeletal minions, calling him by the same title as the spirits that would speak with him. He was the only son of Persephone, Queen of the Underworld. The title had it's perks sometimes, but he never addressed himself as such.

As the vessel sped on the water with a seemingly unending gale pushing it's sails, Terran kept his eyes on the two that spoke quietly to one another. They had a different glow about them. Everyone here had an aura but you could tell the dilution between demigods and legacies. The concierge that appeared only hours after his vision gave him many details on the matter, as if Terran had never taken a mythology course in Jr. High. He was a demigod, a more potent descendant of a god. Legacies were descendants of demigods...not that he would try to conceive a child to hand off the burden of godhood to. He took two steps toward the people who were staring down at their lot like sheep ready to be slaughtered.

"Aye, you there,"
he called out from the deck, his accent thick and delicious,
"When are we gonna get off this tug-boat?"
he asked, needing a cigarette and a Sprite like an addict.

Brain Stew

green day

♡coded by uxie♡
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amused > mildly annoyed


flying dutchman; main deck



valeria ( ravensunset ravensunset ) terran ( orpheus. orpheus. )



Ikenna was well above what someone would consider average height. He towered over most of the people he came across. It was something that he loved using to advantage. It was even better when he intimidated others, looming over them as his bulk seemed to block out the sun, bathing them in a cold shadow. Though in this case he was using it as a way to seem like a protective figure to the little freshmen around him, someone that they could look to for guidance. But a glance above their heads had been pausing momentarily. His mouth fixed itself into a smirk that was notably less vicious than the smile he’d given the freshmen.

Valeria Isayeva, a woman who always seemed to have some type of storm brewing behind her dark brown eyes, proving that she was indeed of her grandfather’s blood. Like him, she was also made from war and a hunger to prove that she was a different breed of her own. The sight of her was a welcomed one. A sense of pride filled him as the freshmen parted for her out of fear. Valeria had commanded their attention, she seemed so sure of herself while she approached. Ikenna had taught her well. His eyes trailed over her, his gaze intent but holding no disrespect. Finally, he met her eyes.

“Trouble? Nooo, I’m just preparing the little ones for what’s to come.” Ikenna was absolutely trying to keep the lie going just for the hell of it. “You better go ahead and prepare. Who knows when the beast will show up to come after you all.” It didn’t take anymore prompting to get them to leave, between the threat of the monster and the threat of the woman who’d just arrived, they were intent on finding somewhere safe. And with them out of the way, Ikenna gave all of his attention on Valeria.

“Honestly? Something’s telling me that this year will be one to remember. Don’t ask me why, it’s just a gut feeling.” Ikenna shrugged his shoulders. He looked her over once again. “And speaking of guts…it looks like you’ve been working real hard to slay some monsters over the break. It’s about time you caught up.” It was clear that he was taunting her, though his tone wasn’t too malicious.

It was then that Ikenna heard another voice, accented, unwelcomed. His gaze cut to where it had come from, his lip curling as he gazed at the demigod. In his mind, the word was spat like poison on the tongue. Ikenna knew him as a pest, a stubborn man who seemed to take an interest in Ikenna, for whatever reason. He wasn't all too eager to find out why. The smirk was wiped from his face and he crossed his arms over his chest. He didn’t like how he’d addressed them. “If you really want to get off that bad, I can help you with that.” Ikenna glanced at the pretty blue water below. “It’s a long way down but you’ll be fine…probably.”

nine lives



  • mood

    apprehensive, excited.

Many would consider Cecilia to be cold as ice; her demeanor was always sharp, calculated. But aboard the Flying Dutchman's deck, the woman soaked in the sunlight and let its warmth sink in. There was no greater feeling, in her opinion. The first time she had boarded the ship, a twinge of fear struck her heart as she stepped into the unknown, surrounded by death and divinity. But death was a part of her, a power imbued into her fingertips. The undead crew of the ship, the water warped wood underneath the palm of her hand, it was all a reassurance. Her first semester hadn't been a dream - the port reappeared to her once more, and Cecilia was returning to her throne at Mythos.

Summer hadn't ended fast enough. The sun was still warm upon the earth, but aboard the ship, the cool breeze as they sailed along hinted at the cold grasp of autumn to come. The wind ran its hands through her hair and the folds of her skirt, yet the woman walked across the deck without a hair out of place. For such a sunny day, Cecilia was like her own aphotic zone, a shadow along the hull of the deck as frightened freshman believed Ikenna's words and tried to avoid the waterlogged sailors of the deep. She watched as he had his fun scaring the fresh meat nearly to death, and couldn't help but let out an amused chuckle at the sight. Sure, the two didn't get along, but she had to admit that the man had his moments. Cat-like eyes narrowed at the arrival of a certain blonde legacy, and her Cheshire's grin only widened at the sight of Valeria. That woman was lightning walking, and Cecilia held her in similar regard as Ikenna. Powerful (for a legacy, said a small voice in her head), commanding, deserving of respect. But she wouldn't give her the time of day, either.

Once the group of new students scattered, Cecilia looked down and reached into her clutch purse to grab a cigarette. Poised between painted lips, she was about to light it before a stray freshman bumped shoulders with her as they hurried by. Amusement gone from her face, Cecilia narrowed her eyes at them and waved a hand, nails long and painted black.
"Watch where you're going, or I'll turn you into a little guppie for the kraken's lunch."
She snapped, and turned to light her cigarette without missing a beat.

Ah, it felt good to be heading home.


purity ring

♡coded by uxie♡

  • have more than you show,

    but speak less than you know.


legacy of thoth

Many students considered the summer pause a comfortable return to their normal lives. There was a normalcy that so much of them missed, for reasons that Reuben could never comprehend. An entire world of the supernatural was hiding next door and he’d be damned taking time off from exploring it. Years in the past, Reuben could have never imagined himself living side by side with the fraction mortal bastards of deities from urban legend. To be one of those godly offspring. In his time at Mythos Academy, Reuben had slain beasts, casted spells out of fairy tales, and found that purpose was finally thrust upon him. For him, his life was Mythos whatever baggage that came with it. Returning to New York in all its bleak, mundane glory was a painful pause to what Reuben considered his real life. An errand necessary to maintain the facade of a university student studying abroad. It didn’t help that his family still watched him with the same eyes as his younger, explosive days. Like a bloke stepping home from rehab.

Around Reuben, it was as if they were wading over broken glasses. Ever so careful, ever so distant. Each of them harbouring vulgar thoughts concerning the son they only ever saw two months out of the year, for the past four years. All but one, really. His younger, and most darling sister Rosemary. Timid, but outspoken around the right class of people. She always made these trips worth the while, and after the clock struck on her eighteenth birthday that summer, Reuben discovered that Rose was a legacy such as him. The one sibling he loved and adored would be accompanying him on the Flying Dutchman back to Mythos. To say that Reuben was excited for the things to come would be an understatement.

“Don’t mind the waves,” Reuben’s tone was one of a man that came with experience. As if he’d felt every rock of the ship and heard every last squeak of its floorboards before. It was soft, and his expression was nothing short of reassuring. Save for the sliding of their chess board with the Flying Dutchman’s motions, everything would be alright. Rosemary’s heart slowed at the tone of his voice, he could feel it. A rosy pink colour blossomed in her full cheeks and Reuben couldn’t help but smile at his younger sister. Reuben was a legacy usually moved to the upper deck of the Flying Dutchman. He loved watching how the dark waves bathed the hull of the ship, and the warmth of that golden orb in the sky's radiation over his skin. But for some people, including his younger sister, it sometimes made them wary. She just wasn't used to it yet, and with time, walking the Dutchman's deck would be as automatic as breathing. For her though, any kind of adjustment to his schedule was possible. “You’re going to be fine, Rose. It’s not the Escalade but I promise the Dutchman’ll get us to campus in one piece. Why don’t you just focus on your next move? I’m tearing you apart, love.”

A mischievous smirk danced on the lips of his otherwise introverted sister. A thick brow piqued up in interest as Rose spoke. “Or I could just magic it all away, Ruby, because that’s totally possible now.” Reuben leaned forwards onto his elbows on the wooden table, eyes narrowed, daring her. She took him up on his bluff, that tiny rascal. Wisps of violet mystical energy were beckoned only by a thought from Rosemary until they twisted and twirled around her wrist. There was a brilliant purple glow that was reflected in the proud eyes of Reuben as he watched his sister in anticipation. Eventually, Rosemary’s raw power found the tip of her index finger where she directed it at the board. The pieces exploded into the air and clattered onto the floor, and just when Rosemary threatened an embarrassed expression at his gaze, he chuckled. She laughed too.

"I have a feeling you'll adjust to the Academy just fine."

She was going to be so much better than him, Reuben could already feel it. She had all the potential to be greater than he ever was. Rosemary could certainly take care of herself but Reuben would take that pressure off of her. Holding her gaze for just a second too long, Reuben swore to himself then, to protect that goofy smile of hers if it was the last thing that he did. He hadn’t loved anybody more.

Leaning down from his seat, Reuben joined as Rosemary gathered the misplaced pieces of the chess game. The pawn had always been Reuben’s preferred piece on the board. Ever underlooked, and yet capable of transforming into something completely different once they reached the end of the board. If used correctly, the pawn could be all required to spur the most calamitous turnaround.

He thumbed at that final pawn, and noticed a darkness creeping onto the floor from behind him. Mythos made you a soldier just as much as it did a scholar. It was sometimes difficult to let one’s guard down. On a note not quite as light-hearted, Reuben had also made a couple of enemies in his time here. While his reputation remained that of the resident humanitarian, there remained those that tried to poke holes in his stories. Remnant of necessary decisions made when his hand had been forced.

Reuben had grown observant from experiences earned battling the most devastating creatures and turning it off had to be more of a conscious action nowadays. Noticing a shadow behind him could be anything. Of course, with the continued laughter of reuniting friends below deck, he was sure that there was no real threat. Best-case scenario, just an old friend looking to greet him, Reuben decided. No matter the case, friend or foe, Reuben would welcome them in his tone most inviting. Rosemary would not see the filthy side of him even if it were an unwelcome figure poised behind him.

Reuben sat straight up and turned to see whoever was coming. His left cheek rose in a closed smirk, he always favored the left side. Dark brown eyes artlessly absorbed the image of the other face.

“If you’re looking to join, I suggest you dole it out against me. This one’s got plenty of unresolved issues,” Reuben teased with his usual expressive character and articulate voice that was simply created for seamless conversation. He was a talker, and was pretty good at that. He cupped his mouth against the ears of Rosemary, but whispered audibly enough for her to hear his words too. “One too many losses at my hand does that to you, innit?”

♡coded by uxie♡
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Legacy of Dionysus

The heat of sun burned through Juniper’s eyelids as they leaned against the aging wood of The Flying Dutchman. Their sunglasses? Somewhere in their luggage. Or under their bed in their tiny flat, to lay forgotten until Juniper returns. They always forgot to do a last check when leaving home, and though their bag is always full of random supplies for the day, something’s always missing.

Their hand shielded their eyes as they bravely opened to the light, their other hand absently searching their purse for a lighter to ignite the cigarette dangling from their mouth. The handful of eager freshies on either side of Juniper glanced quickly at their frustrated grunts as the lighter continued to elude their fingertips.

The Flying Dutchman creaked as it dipped suddenly to the portside, causing Juniper to bump into an unknown classmate.
"Sorry - Boats, you know?"
The freshman was unamused, so Juniper just straightened themself out, returning to their search.

It was only their second year at the academy, so it was fair that the idea of a giant magic ship gliding through the oceans still made their head spin. There may be no getting used to the idea of a crew of undead sailors, or a kraken in the depths below.

A kraken? The Kraken?

The discovery of their missing lighter pushed that question away for another time, Juniper’s face bright with glee.
“I found it!”
they said as they nudged the student beside them. This time less flustered, as they smiled and took their group of friends elsewhere. Their mood, aided for a moment by the sudden wave of joy Juniper felt.

Something to keep in check this year: Accidentally affecting people with their emotions.

They should have worked harder, but this summer set Juniper back on the very little work they had done with their powers. A letter from the academy strongly advised them to, in Juniper’s own words, get their shit together. The avoidant approach from last year may not help them slide through as easily as before.

As they raised the lighter to the tip of their cigarette, something caught their eye closer to the edge of the ship. Their favourite person at the academy, Terran was engaged in conversation with Juniper’s least favourite person on campus, Ikenna. The vile man stood with his arms crossed, attempting to intimidate and possibly succeeding. Though, their bestie was liable to do something stupid before they hit Leon Bay, so Juniper pushed themself off the wall to join Terran.

they smiled to their friend, offering their half full pack of smokes to Terran.
“You’re not trying to get in a fight on day one are you?”
Juniper lit his cigarette before lighting their own, taking the long drag they’d been waiting for since they sailed away. Through the haze of smoke, Juniper recognized the blonde standing near Ikenna. Valeria? Whoever she was, she seemed like she was cut from the same (albeit less intense) cloth as Ikenna.

They took another drag, and Juniper popped their chin towards Ikenna.
“Didn’t anyone teach you to use your words, not your fists?”

♡coded by uxie♡

search & destroy.

  • mood

    "A new kind of life, a new kind of hope,"

Terran would never smear his reputation within the first week of even going to school. But, this guy's very gaze made his skin crawl. After two days of being on board, Terran was determined to be the sun to shine on the crack of Ikenna's ass. He was gonna make the man like him, if only out of spite. Just as he was going to reply to the wise-cracking legacy Juniper--or just Juni to him--came to save the day. Who knew he had a personal superhero?

"Well, thank ya, cher."
he said, sweetly, as he lit the cigarette. They were working their way up to being Terran's favorite person(as if they weren't already). That's what two days of no cell service or internet would do to two passengers who only met a day ago. Juni already knew all of Terran's secrets...including the fact that he wove the remains of his baby blanket into a keychain. No one was gonna take his nonkie away from him.

"Come on, slugger,
he said, lightly pulling them away from the jaws of war,
"I don't wanna scrape you off the ground just yet."
He walked them off while resisting the urge to shoot the birdie off at them. He stopped next to the raven-haired beauty with legs for days. She was smoking a cigarette too, so he leaned on some railing and looked at Juni.

Is it gonna be like that with everyone? Or is being loud and angry a set of attractive traits ova here?"
he asked, pausing to blow rings of smoke from his pink lips.

Brain Stew

green day

♡coded by uxie♡
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hikari nishino

the flying dutchman main deck


Hikari had been partial to the undead crew of the Flying Dutchmen ever since she saw them one year ago. She had always kinda found an interest in the undead crew with their dead expressions and perpetually waterlogged clothing, but then she had always been fond of the peculiar spooky subjects, and anyone who knew her well knew how much she adored Halloween. The undead crew and the whole Flying Dutchman ship reminded her of a certain pirate movie she had seen and enjoyed and she honestly felt that this was so much better than that movie had ever been.

Experiencing something on your own in real life always beats watching things play out in a movie after all. The ship was massive and she loved being aboard once more, and proud of being able to be a part of something magical and beyond the realm of mortals. It was a great sunny day and a fantastic start of another school year filled with mischief. The daughter of Raijin, the Japanese master of thunder, lightning and storms also has a connection to Yomi, the Land of Dead, which could be possibly why she felt a certain interest in the undead crew of the Flying Dutchman.

With a godly father that was more of a trickster than a malevolent figure, she figured that was where she had inherited her mischievous and playful nature from. However, unlike most children or descendants of similar deities, her gentle yet energetic and upbeat voice is stark contrast to her peers. Hikari’s gaze soon found itself on one classic example, a certain blonde woman she strangely found herself in company with. The woman was with a taller individual whom she recognised as Ikenna, although she hadn’t really got a chance to befriend the taller man.

“Why look who I’ve found! I’ve been finding myself genuinely missing your moody self.”
Hikari’s comments floated as she approached with a playful tone. She didn’t tend to usually associate herself with moody or gloomy people, but strangely enough the two girls found themselves hitting it off with one another right away.

♡coded by uxie♡


  • mood

    wowow! a ship! the sea! dead skeletons! monster- AAAHHHHHHHH

“Wow! This is really really strange!” He had never expected he would be in a ship full of undead people (and some living people too). Up until now, it felt like a fever dream that still hasn’t ended. It has only been a few days since he received what he eventually learns to be a vision. If he was perfectly honest, Jaime still didn’t really understand what it had meant to have a godly parent or what it entailed.

He only went since he had nowhere better to go. On his way there, he ended up losing more money than he had expected and he was too far to turn back. Jaime had no choice but to push through. If there was something that he had noticed was different since he met the woman claiming to be his mother was that he was starting to see strange things more frequently. It reminded him of the time when Uncle Joey had offered him a pot of brownies the first time and he ended up eating a bit too much that he started seeing things. Only this time, Jaime was pretty sure he hadn’t eaten anything similar or eaten much at all. But he was still seeing things.

The male looked a lot smaller compared to his peers, the baggy clothes on his body made his already malnourished body him appear even smaller. The hunger he felt in his stomach wasn’t enough to discourage him from exploring the Flying Dutchman. He hasn't had a lot of experience in being in a boat, especially not in one as big as this. When the crew welcomed him, he wasn’t able to notice but there had been a sense of fear that shot through them. Completely unaware that he was wrapped in a similar aura of the Goddess that helped bring forth their demise left a lingering fear imprinted into their soul.

A deep breath of the ocean air fills his lungs. Jaime had enough sightseeing of the vessel, for now. It had been a good time that he stopped when he did. Otherwise, he would have never heard one of the older students sharing stories with those who were probably in the same year as him.

Sea monster! Oh wowowow, now that had him all curious. What would the sea monster look like? He couldn’t help but wonder. The guy mentioned tentacles so maybe it would be something like a giant squid? But how big exactly was it going to be? Is it bigger than the ship? He was too focused on that particular detail that he had forgotten the rest of the older male’s words. Jaime hadn’t kept in mind the part that spelled imminent doom and the likelihood of ending up joining the crew as an undead sailor. Although, that would still be pretty cool for him that he might not really mind.

Jaime started leaning his head over the rails of the ship, trying to find even a silhouette of the so-called monster. “Mmmm..” he groaned from not being able to see anything but the depth of the ocean that couldn't be comprehend. He leaned his body a bit further, completely unaware how far his upper body was leaning over the ship's rails at that point. The knapsack he had been carrying, was propelled by gravity pushing the weight of the items inside to the direction of the water. The sudden added weight and a moment of carelessness was all it had to take for him to slip. At that moment the world was suddenly turned upside down and the saltiness of the sea grew all the more pronounced to his senses.

It was then he knew, he screwed up “Fuck.

cry for love


♡coded by uxie♡

valeria isayeva

the flying dutchman main deck

Ikenna, Terran, Juniper, Hikari

With barely a sentence, Ikenna made the crowd around them vaporize. Most of them were scared still, she could tell, clinging to his command. Part of her had always been envious of the way he could hold a crowd, the natural leader with seemingly no effort to it. Just like that, however, he’d turned his attention towards her.

The comment given was difficult to describe as kind, and Valeria had expected nothing different. She straightened her shoulders back further, catching the undertones of his words. Before she could fire a snarky response at him, however, her train of thought was broken by a loud, accented voice.

A demigod. Valeria’s eyes narrowed, and that feeling was back in her fingers, begging her to allow them to take a punch. It would be worth it, too; she vaguely recognized the face, though unable to quite put a name to it, she knew how satisfying it’d be to wipe that expression off of it. Ikenna replied faster than she could, suggesting he step off the ship if he wanted to leave so badly, when a blue headed figure made their way over as well.

“What, scared of a couple fists?”
Valeria shot back at them, the words barely making their way from her lips when the demigod, seeming content with his newly earned cigarette, pulled them away. She watched them make their way to a railing, and turned back to face Ikenna, the annoyance clear in her narrowed eyes and scowl.

“Smart of them to leave us alone,”
She muttered. Valeria had always been a confident woman; she had no doubts about taking on a smug demigod and blue haired smoker, and this was doubly true with Ikenna by her side. Much as she would have retorted to his comment if given the chance, Valeria knew the truth behind it. She was good, but he was a trained warrior, and she was playing catch-up. She had every intent, of course, to do exactly that someday,
“Though I know you’d like a fight as much as I do right now. A memorable year would be… Well, if that means any excitement, I’m certainly hoping for it.”

With the words, Valeria leaned back on the deck next to the other legacy. There was a moment, just then, with the freshmen scattering at his command, demigods pulling away from the prospect of a fight, that it felt like the two of them were in command of the ship. The illusion faded quickly, of course, leaving Valeria with an aching feeling of desire, wanting to claw and beat her way to feeling it in earnest.

Again, however, they were barely given the chance to converse, another face approaching the pair. This time, however, a familiar one. Hikari was one of the few people at the school whose energy matched Valeria’s own; though with a brightness and cheer to it opposed to Valeria’s storminess. The two had been placed on a team together partway through the previous year, and she wasn’t so bad for a demigod, seeming to not care about the supposed status rift between them. Besides, Hikari’s powers drew in all of Valeria’s attention. The crackling lightning that should too be in Valeria’s blood, the magic she wielded Valeria desperately wanted, though she wouldn’t admit it.

“Good to see some things are the same,”
Valeria raised her eyebrows, looking from Hikari to Ikenna briefly,
“Did you replenish that up-beat attitude over–”

Valeria’s words were cut off by a flash of motion seen from the corner of her eye, and she turned her head just in time to see someone fall from the rails.

Finally, a bit of fun.

“Not causing trouble, huh?”
She gave Ikenna a nudge, her previous teasing smile beginning to reappear.

♡coded by uxie♡
dino kaczkowski
legacy of morana
the flying dutchman

althea miyabi miyabi
He isn't happy to be back. He isn't sad about it either - and that's what has been the matter with him for months and will be the matter for days following.

The mess of emotions that stalk Dino on the days leading up to their arrival back on Mythos are more complicated than the Gordian knot and even more so for somebody so unused to them. He'll think, for a moment, that he has made some sense of them - only for the logic to slip out of his grasp again. Water through fingers. Anxiety and anger and relief and expectation took their place by Dino's side, taking to his bed and couch and kitchen table. They'll be there in the mirror, when he eats. When he goes out or walks by a river. And even now, with his feet steady on the wooden planks of the ship and with his luggage hanging off his arm, Dino can't decide exactly how he feels. His whole summer led up to this; he'd call Althea. He'd call Valeria. Visit them, go back. Walk through the house of his mom, avoid her dull gaze. And really, this was a relief in one way.

He might not talk, but the chatter of humanity (or is it only a parody of it) is an easy background noise without having to think too hard. There is some sense of freedom in Mythos, some almost-ease of nerves. Here, he doesn't feel like a dog cornered, having to think five steps ahead - he can just be and have that be good enough. There are friends here, small as that number may be. There's people who don't like him either and that's something, too. But it isn't oppressive. Never.

It just doesn't seem like a world he is meant to be in, at times.

Snobs are everywhere. That's a fact you can't escape, especially not in a place filled with children of the divine. A world so far-away from the everyday life of a simple human, with kids chose parents have moved mountains or stars or oceans. So often the students here forget they're still half human. That they will die like the rest and to full-blooded divinity, they're still so breakable; something grand dirtied by mortal blood. They're just as petty as the rest of humanity and don't even acknowledge it. Dino can handle the dirty looks, the off-hand comments; but sometimes he wishes he could take the legacy in him as if it were physical, to pack it up in a little box and throw it at their faces for them to keep. They're ash returning to ashes just as him, and Dino never was a person to curl up in defeat. They think they're better than him and perhaps, they are.

And yet, Dino refuses to be convenient. It's one of the reasons him and Valeria get on so well.

Salt sung with every caress of the wind, bringing with it dying warmth and excited bustle of freshmen; still wide-eyed and a bit afraid, unsure of their own place on the boat and the world with it. The harsh glare of the sun was unrelenting against Dino's squinted eyes, a slight creak under him as he stepped on the main deck; a few familiar faces gathered already, their voices rising up in the air. They seemed to be involved in their own troubles, with Ikenna in the middle of it. Of course. What else is new. A head of dirty blonde hair bobbed into sight, a face so thunderous it would make the skies themselves reconsider - darkly knitted brows and familiar anger. Val. A trace of a genuine smile flickered to the tired man's face, a far cry from the usual distrust that lurks behind his eyes. His hand raises into a friendly wave, unsure if she saw it or not. He'll talk to her when he gets the chance; there are still words to exchange, memories yet to be told.

But for now, somebody else waits for him.

There, away from the all-seeing eyes of gods and the wandering gazes of half ones. The weight in the depths of his jacket burns like an unread letter as he walks, pulling it out when he was sure nobody would see; a small box, faux-velvet and blue like the depths of the ocean calling below. Dino flicks it open, only slightly - the necklace inside shone to life like the gold itself was alive, shifting in the glare of day.

It's cheesy. Distressing, even. Something from a dreaded Wattpad story that would make a person want to lose their ability to read. But Dino doesn't claim to be able to avoid being embarrassing.

A gift, for Althea.

That was snatched out of his hand before he could even blink -

and ended up in the furry paw of a monkey, sitting on the railing and watching him with big, eyes of darkness - and far too smugness than should be possible for an animal. No. No, it couldn't be.


His archnemesis. The enemy Dino has been fighting against for two years, standing there like it owned the place and getting it's grubby hands all over the box. Asshole.

''Oh, fuck you.'' Dino snatched for it, failed. Tried again, with Pandan jumping out of reach at the last second. ''Give me that!'' How the fuck does a monkey manage to ooze pure malice? And why does Althea insist on keeping it around? The demon from hell in a disguise of an animal jumped around, keeping the box out of reach - and with no patience left to spare on the little monster, Dino grabbed it with all the wrath of somebody who has been forced to tolerate Pandan for far too long and has finally snapped.

A small gasp behind him startled him out of his determination to show the monkey some fucking reality, turning around. A short, mously-haired freshman looked at him as if Dino had just commited a murder and she the sole witness to see the blood drip down his hands. He dropped Pandan sheepishly, but it was too late - she shot him a dirty look as she passed, the clearest sign of somebody who doesn't know this damn monkey. The accident when Pandan gave a girl a bald spot still haunts the halls of Mythos.

''You're lucky I'm against animal abuse.'' Pandan just looked at him. All... evil and stuff. ''Fucking asshole.''

The monkey just bounced off to - wherever it goes when it's not terrorizing the local student body. Probably to hell. Dino glared after it, hands sinking into his empty pockets - it will give it back, sooner or later, after it gets tired of carrying it around. Letting out a sigh that spoke of stress undefeated, he walked to where she waited.

Hair black like the night, drifting lightly in the wind; a figure so familiar standing against the endless blue stretching into forever. One he'd recognise anywhere.

''Boo!'' He grabs Althea by the shoulder, expression open and happy like it rarely ever is. Something far too genuine came to life in the man's eyes, a grin widening across his face without him asking it to. ''There you are.''

They keep in contact, obviously. But it is a far different thing to meet back here, where it is more obvious than ever what lies at stake. It is another thing for family to not approve. It is another thing entirely when family is something that could devour the world as you know it. Outside of Mythos there is danger; but never as much as here, where a thousand eyes follow your every move.

He stops by her then, the breeze slight and warm. Squeezes the shoulder in greeting.

''I got you something, but your monkey took it.'' He will get his revenge. He will. ''Now I'm pretty sure the freshmen think I beat up animals for fun. Please help.''

coded by natasha.

Mylo Garrick

  • mood

    tired, uneasy

Mylo Garrick faced the sea, and he felt his own blood churn and swell beneath his skin like the current of salt water before him. His pulse roared in his ears, and as he let his fingers curl around his opposite wrist, he counted his heartbeats that throbbed between the sets of waves until it became impossible to discern the difference between the rhythm of his veins and that of the ocean.

This is where Mylo had spent his summer, with salt caught in his pores and sand buried beneath his fingernails. It had been his first summer outside of Los Angeles, far from his childhood home and the city that he’d grown up in. And yet, he’d spent it the same way he always had: inhaling nicotine and spitting out venom, his bruises blooming and fading all the same in spite of the sun that painted his skin in darkening shades.

Mylo laid his hand at his side where he sat, his palm pressed flat into the sand. He flexed his fingers, picking up a handful of the grains. He raised his fist and rested his forearm on his knee, watching as the crystals of sand spilled out between his fingers as though he were holding an hourglass.

His summer had run out, and today was the day that marked the return of the next school year, something that Mylo had felt creeping up behind him closer and closer as the months had gone by. He hadn’t been looking forward to his sophomore year, which was something he chalked up to simply the dread of classes and training.

In truth, stepping back on campus for Mylo meant stepping back into the ring. The flood of godly students would return, and he’d be faced with another year of kicking and clawing to keep his head above them, hands curled into fists because, unlike those with divine powers and gifts, they always seemed to be empty.

Mylo wiped the last few grains of sand from his palm onto the pant leg of his jeans, letting a long, deep breath out through his nose. He squinted out at the horizon, his eyes narrowing as the sun glared back at him. It was there, in the distance, that the ship would appear, and the school year would officially begin.

The legacy swirled his tongue around in his mouth as though he were searching his teeth for blood. The breeze that rolled off the distant waves found him, tousling his hair and cooling his skin. That same wind, Mylo knew, would soon guide the Flying Dutchman home.

Before he could convince himself to sink into the sand and stay there forever, he rolled himself onto his feet, cringing as his limbs and muscles reintroduced themselves with a sharp ache. Once upright, he stood still for a moment, steadying himself. He pushed his hands into the front pockets of his jeans, fishing around for his lighter and pack of cigarettes. He produced them both and placed a cigarette between his lips, lighting it with expert hands.

It wasn’t a long way to the dock where the ship would end its voyage, but Mylo was in no hurry. His feet would leave prints as he walked, the tracks long and deep as though he were dragging something heavy behind him. Once he was gone, the sand would settle back into place like he’d never been there at all, and his figure would disappear in a trail of smoke and ash.

my own summer (shove it)


♡coded by uxie♡


slightly annoyed


flying dutchman; main deck



valeria ( ravensunset ravensunset ) hikkari ( CosmicComet CosmicComet )



They were coming from seemingly out of nowhere, sticking their noses into a conversation that they had no place in. Ikenna ran a hand over his waves, his stare was intense while he watched their retreating forms. After a moment he shook his head, smirk returning to his face. It was bold of the blue haired legacy to challenge him when they barely knew how to pick up a sword the right way, and could barely manage to properly control their power like some freshman. They weren’t really worth his time.

Ikenna had noticed yet another person approaching them as he voiced his agreement. The year would definitely be something to remember, he’d make sure of that. When the person finally approached her looked her over with an almost bored look on his face, clearly uninterested in what he was seeing. Ikenna had no idea who she was but from the looks of it she was familiar with Valeria. He stayed silent while she spoke, not looking to meet someone new at the moment.

Instead, he focused on Valeria just as she nudged him, He turned his head in the direction of where she was looking. “Now, you know damn well that it wasn’t me. But if it was, it would have definitely been that fucker from before falling over the rails. He had some fucking nerve no? Speaking to me like I’m a crew member. He’s the same year as us, he a fucking idea of how long it takes to get to Mythos. Maybe they aren’t as smart as you said.”

nine lives


abril sanchez.

  • mood

    excited and a little worried

Summer was really coming to an end. From this point, the year would soon burn into autumn and then freeze into winter--the cold, bleak winter that crept up on Abril every year like a curse. The winter that made the plants beg for mercy, loud and unrelenting in her head.

However, with the deck of the Flying Dutchman beneath her feet and the last petals of summer warmth still falling around her, Abril had a feeling that this year would be different. Now, she would be at Mythos. She was no stranger to moving: her presence was transient as spring in every place that she had ever lived. It was sad, but it also protected her from so many things that come with staying in one place for long, especially attachments. She knew how much attachments could hurt when broken--like roots being ripped from heavy, black soil.

But Mythos wasn't like most places. Its soil wasn't like most soils. From what her mother told her in her vision, Abril felt like it was a place where she could really belong. She could bloom there, settling her roots comfortably and not worrying about any harsh winds unearthing them. This was the place where she would spend her next winter and (she hoped) stand strong through it. There would be people here who could teach her how to manage her powers and how to provide comfort to the plants without bearing the weight of their suffering. All those years spent feeling lost and alone, feeling wrong, feeling cursed, feeling like she had no idea who she was meant to be--they would end now. A newer season was on the horizon, and its sun would burn away all the gloom and solitude of the previous seasons.

It really did take this long... But I'm here now. The water below her moved rhythmically, seeming to promise peace for the future. She really wanted to believe it. She held an orchid in her hand, twirling it around thoughtfully. In her luggage was the magic blossom that had been a gift from her mother. Although it was virtually indestructible, her father had helped her to pack it away safely. Using her powers, Abril had kept the orchid in her hand alive for several days after it was supposed to die. It seemed to smile at her as she twirled it between her fingers.

Abril was pulled out of her deep thought by loud chatter. Turning from her spot at the railing where she had been gazing out of the water, she saw a crowd of other freshmen seeming to scatter from where a group of intimidating older students was gathering: a tall boy and two girls who gave the impression that the air around them was filled with lightning. A few of the freshmen made their way past Abril, and she gave them warm smiles. Being in a place where she didn't know anyone might've been intimidating if it hadn't been the story of her life. She turned her attention back to the group of older students. Her mother had informed her that she had an older sibling already at Mythos. She gave Abril a name and physical description, and now it was up to the daughter of Persephone to identify him. The prospect of having an older brother quite delighted her--she just hoped that he would feel the same way about her.

Though, before Abril could do more looking, she saw movement out of the corner of her eye, farther down the rail. Someone was falling over! Abril, realizing that she was closest and would be able to provide assistance the quickest, dashed over to the person tipping over the edge in what seemed to be slow motion. She quickly grabbed hold of him where she could find a grip and pulled back. However, she wasn't quite strong enough and felt her hands slipping.

Abril cast a quick glance at the orchid, now pressed between her palm and the boy she was trying to pull. Help me out, please! On cue, the orchid's stem began to swell and lengthen. It grew rapidly, twisting around Abril's hand and twisting back around to grip onto the boy. With the extra strength provided by the flower acting as a rope, Abril was able to give one hardy pull. Before she knew it, she had fallen on her butt with a thud and the boy was in front of her, now safely back on the ship.

Abril got up and gave a small smile to the vine-like orchid still wrapped around her hand. She then turned her smile to the person she had saved and held out her orchid-bound hand to him. "Whew! That was pretty close, huh? Are you good?" She gestured toward herself with her other hand. "I'm Abril! I'm new here." Looking at him, she ventured to think that he may also be a freshman but didn't want to assume. "And you?"

lucky girl


♡coded by uxie♡
Last edited:


Flying Dutchman


Shrouded in darkness, hot breath seeped into the air; stars lined the sky, kissing the clouds, and the moonlight held Althea in its grip. Her back lay flat against the tree, thick wood, a few splinters, leaves caught in her hair—there was disaster in the midst. As voices hushed, so did the sound of the forest behind the grand cathedral; it was bitterly quiet, so much so that she could hear her own heartbeat. Blood rushed through her veins, leaving her hot, the sweat on her palms making the blade in her hands slip with every passing moment. And in the glimmer of the light, just beyond the shadows, and in the reflection of metal, was a beast that was only known in stories told by family.

Its tongue lay long and sharp, body contorted, hair black as night and longer than the rivers. Claws dug deep into the soil and what followed was the rush of a body far bigger than hers. It moved quickly, almost serpentine, the eyes could pierce through one's soul, yet looked dark and hollow.

Isa. Dalawa. Tatlo.

It was like the speed of light, how swift her movements were, but the blade had barely broken flesh. Dark droplets of dark green blood fell to the soil, absorbing into the surface, accompanying the sound of screeching laughter. The creature was taunting her, almost beckoning a break in demeanor as Althea felt her knees wobble. She wanted to shrivel up, put her hands over her ears, pray that her mother and grandmother would help her, but it was too late for that—Althea needed to finish what she started.

If she did nothing, death would paint the small village.

The body froze on the steps of the Cathedral as the bells tolled, an odd time in the night--however, suiting for ambiance. As if that was important. There was a ghastly gurgle met with warm, damp air and moonlight; in silence, Althea held her blade close. There was the single moment that split between life and death, one with little hesitation; she stood her ground, wincing in pain but swallowing it back.


Leaving wasn't easy, but coming back was harder. While the salted air hit her skin and the sun ghosted over her flesh, Althea looked towards the ocean and all of its glory; beating against the wave was more light, bright enough to blind, but beautiful enough to keep your eyes glued. She was lost in thought, hand holding onto her belly, feeling the scar from her mission, how the skin protruded and still stung—the memory of a messy encounter.

Home was no longer home, with discovery came the uncovering of truths shrouded under the guise of stories; what formerly were the littered streets filled with children and bustling life became barren and empty, the onslaught of treachery laying in the shadows. And despite wanting to see home as what it once was, she could not.

Her thoughts were filled with how her home was threatened, not by the elements, but by monsters; they were filled with seeing her friends again, seeing Dino’s face—she’d missed it. To hold and be held, to share more moments, even if they were in private; surely it hurt, the fact that their relationship had to be hidden, and maybe she’d convinced herself too hard that it had to be hidden.

“Pandan, NO,” her monkey, clad in a bright purple hoodie, ran off to who knows where. Screeching, pulling away from her grips as she fought on to keep him under control, but of course, a monkey wouldn’t be so easily tamed. For a second he looked back, flashing an expression of confidence, something he’d always done since day one, and what followed was a middle finger paired with a stuck out tongue; that little shit hung around humans and demigods far too much—he must’ve believed he was one of them, or at the very least, at the same level as such. “You fucker, come back!”

Althea mulls over the thought of returning Pandan to where she found him, but their bond was too tightly linked. That and, she’d spent a bit too much money on clothing so he’d run around with some decency. As much as she wanted to chase after him, she couldn’t, never wanting to leave her post in fear that if she left, Dino would show and think she’d have bailed.

Her gaze turns from the sea to the sky, that of which was covered in, well, a sea of clouds; she wanted to touch them, and for once she couldn’t blame Bakunawa for his actions -- the sky was a beautiful thing, much like him she wanted to the touch the heavens just as badly. The people, so vibrant around her, almost took her attention away; yet she persisted.

Her bout of admiration wasn't over yet, nor was the onslaught of thoughts that littered her mind with every rock of the Flying Dutchman.

From chatters turned radio silence, Althea blocking out the sound as she stared onward. It was an awkward sight to behold, with the slight slouch in her bearing and baggy clothing one could mistake her for an overgrown middle school boy, had it not been for the long locks that cascaded down her back.

Her trance was broken by a slight nudge in her side, unintentional but annoying nonetheless.

“Please watch where you’re-- oh,” Althea’s eyes met with empty sockets and bone, an undead pirate crewmember that, unfortunately, made her at a loss for words, even if she’d had her fair share of encounters with them. “No, no. Sorry. Matey? I’ll just… move, slowly -- yes, I'm just. I'm doing that,” and that she did, quite a ways away even. Far enough to put a sufficient amount of space between them. There was only the hope that she hadn’t offended, which shouldn’t have mattered but the forced good in her made it so.

Dark brown eyes couldn’t look at the crew any longer, it was too awkward to, and she could feel the resentment that resonated from their bones and into her figure. But the awkward silence was broken, a Boo from out of nowhere, had she been more alert, maybe then she wouldn’t have reacted the way that she did. She lept, tossing her arms up, one leg pulling itself against her body, a chill running up her spine.

It began to settle in, the familiar face, kind eyes, the warmth; the fearful expression twisted into one of happiness—maybe even overjoy. “You scared the shit outta me!” She snorted, excitement making its attempts to be contained, but it couldn’t. This feeling, one that tugged at her heart, her heart leaping into her throat and fireworks constantly at the forefront, was a feeling that she’d bottled up over the break for far too long. Strong arms go to wrap around him, pulling the man into a far-too-tight hug, “it’s fine, I’ll probably find it in his backpack.”

Her mouth pulled back into pursed lips, “I mean. They probably think the same thing with me, you know that little asshole tried taking my eyebrow this morning? I woke up with him staring down at me, hand on my brow, the other over my mouth.” She recounted the moment, shivering and bringing a hand to her left brow, a few hairs plucked from its place, slightly noticeable but not bad enough for others to point it out completely. “I missed you. Uh, Oh!” A small hand reached for the pocket inside of her jacket, pulling out a small charm wrapped in parchment paper and twine, “I got you something. It’s good luck—cheesy, I know but. I dunno. I thought about you.”

♡coded by uxie♡


Son of Ryūjin



apathetic, tired.




the Flying Dutchman, main deck.


Cecilia, Juniper and Terran.

Johan was no stranger to the sea. It moved through him, soaked his very being and filled his lungs. In comparison to his peers, his eyes were nothing like the blessed heavens. They were more like the ocean. Wide and wavering – holding this inner contention. Clashing and warring with the tides at the shoreline. It was almost ironic. The boy who almost drowned and died is the demigod son of a sea deity. Laughable really.

Whether it was through his lineage or through events flickering like pages of a book throughout his entire head, the call of the sea was strong. And as the Flying Dutchman sailed Johan never felt more in his element. He remembered his first time on the vessel. He met the experience with caution and a tiny bit of anger simmering in his heart, actively hating the idea of being a demigod. Actually no, that was wrong. He didn’t hate being a demigod – he hated the fact that apparently, you’re not considered a deadbeat father if you’re a giant fucking sea serpent.

He didn’t want to care about any of this. Lineage, bloodlines, yadda, yadda. Sure, he was hotwiring and racing illegal street cars for a living. Maybe selling the odd substance here and there (if he wasn’t ingesting it in the first place). Was it the most practical living? No, of course not. To him, however, it still beat having to play nice with a bunch of pansies with a boner for mythology. Yet fate had different plans and collided him headfirst into Mythos.

There were many familiar faces across the main deck of the flying dutchman. But his eyes landed on and stuck to three figures, initially one. Cecilia Montgomery (refreshingly intimidating the new cohort), Juniper Bell and Terran Bigsby. He knew the first two, Juniper and Cecilia, but Terran was an outlier for him. And as he made his way over to them, he couldn’t quite put his finger on why.

” Johan said with a nod, approaching her in a casual manner, as his hands tucked into his pockets. He flashed a quick smile to Juniper, with an eyebrow raised in suggestion. You didn’t have to be a genius to know what that expression meant. It meant Johan wanted trouble. And Juniper, sweet Juniper, they were always one of the people he liked getting in trouble with. “

I was wondering where my favourite chain smokers were, only to learn Lady Montgomery was threatening freshmen. How charming.
” He spoke with a cock of his head and a grin. Amusement clearly laced his voice – light and airy in tone. “
They’re probably telling their cohort about the embodiment of the grinch as we speak.

He leaned against the railing of the dutchman, eyes lowering down to the vast expanse of the sea, acknowledging the calling of his true nature. The sea always had always treated Johan well. He once even pondered on just staying on the dutchman at one point; thinking of all the adventures he could go on. All the time he could spend in a setting he felt more alive than ever in.

I trust the summer treated you well?
” he asked with a raise of his eyebrow before turning to Cecilia. It was strange, many would associate the woman with darkness and shadow. Yet she wore sunlight beautifully and as it draped her shoulders, her face and her hair, Johan was evermore certain that Cecilia was indeed captivating. Mesmeric magic poured from the tips of Hecate’s fingers down to Earth.

♡coded by uxie♡


Daughter of Eris







the Flying Dutchman, main deck.




Marisol felt out of place. Her cheeks burned a hot summer red as she closed in on herself, reclining into her own personal corner on the ships main deck. She felt so out of place and as she watched people from all over the world smile and hug each other as friends do, freshman create new lasting memories with friends from all over, she couldn’t help but feel like she was watching from the outside. Box seats to an affair that still feels foreign to her. You would think that after having attended mythos for a year, she would have people to call friends. And she does! Or at least, she thinks so. She isn’t too sure about what other people feel about her. Maybe they find her burdensome? That’s always an opinion.

An opinion that’s been voiced to her many times.

She pursed her lips and her face fell into a frown with her not really realising that she was doing so. Inhale, wait and then exhale. She just needed more of a can-do attitude really. Think positive, steps to attract good karma and – oh what bullshit. She was going to throw up in a second if her heart didn’t stop beating so fast and her palms were warming to the temperature of her face. Now, what to do about the circumstances she found herself in.

She promised she would be more proactive in her relationships, seek out active friendships with different people or at least try to sustain the minimal relationships she already has. So, as her eyes scanned the entire deck, she tried to pick out the person who she would be able to converse with. And she finally found them. Him. Reuben.

She dug deep into her bag to find a tincture she had prepared. It was a glass bottle with a sticky note attached to it reading ‘for strength’. She remembered a tradition she began in her first year, making different types of foods and leaving it in a hot basket at the legatum dorm. Again, with a sticky note attached to it. It started off as just giving away baked goods to the legatum dorm as a whole, but then she learned about Reuben and remembers seeing him already working on his fitness in early hours. So, she started to cater towards something he would perhaps like.

Reuben worked hard, that much was certain.

She felt awkward knowing that she was a complete waste of a demigod when her abilities could have easily gone to someone like Reuben. He could have probably stretched them way further than she could. Still though, with a little bit of courage, she slowly began to approach the other. Noticing him standing with someone else until he called her out. If she wasn’t red before she was probably flaming now.

If you’re looking to join, I suggest you dole it out against me. This one’s got plenty of unresolved issues.

She froze. What the hell was she supposed to say to that? She wasn’t quick or witty. She certainly wasn’t humorous either.

I- erm…
” she paused, looking in her hands at the glass bottle before looking back up. The sunlight getting slightly into her eyes as she squinted to focus in on him. “
I thought that rather than handing you disposable cups, maybe we can be a bit eco-friendlier this time?

Okay, well now she felt dumb. Maybe he was talking about something important.

She came closer and showed him the bottle anyway. She chose not to mention the accidents and minor burns sustained at the glassblowing workshop when she made the bottle. Was that too much?

I’ve already filled it with a herbal remedy. It has guarana, ashwagandha and sage. But if you don’t want to drink it, that’s also completely fine! I just thought it looked prettier with something inside it.

She stretched out her hand and attempted to at least put it near him so that he could at least take it from her. But for a split second the world became bleary and in the seconds it took for her to clear up her line of vision, she realised that she placed the bottle in front of Reuben’s company and not Reuben.

Sorry… Just a little tired, I had to set off pretty early…
”. Now why the in the hell did she say that? Making it sound like she took the first uber in the early hours to get to the flying dutchman.

♡coded by uxie♡
ooc: Let me know if the orange is too bright or hard to read!


Legacy of Dionysus

“What, scared of a couple fists?”

There it was. That uncomfortable and overwhelming feeling of opposing emotions. Juniper’s playful taunting morphed into challenging frustration. Meeting the blonde’s eyes for a moment felt like a brain zap, rippling defiance down their spine, calming only when Terran’s hand gently nudged Juniper’s back as he shepherded them away from the furious duo. If Valeria gave Juniper a brain zap, the departing glance they gave to Ikenna gave them a migraine.
"Come on, slugger, I don't wanna scrape you off the ground just yet."

Making friends didn’t come easily for Juniper, so it was surprising to find such a companion in Terran. It wasn’t long after they had boarded The Flying Dutchman that the pair were sharing Juniper’s fresh pack of smokes in the salty ocean mist. In no time at all, secrets flowed over drinks below deck, as if they were long time companions.

Terran had an easy charm with most everyone. He had been on the ship for two days, and made connections with more people than Juniper had all last year. They didn’t hate their newly expanded social group, like Cecilia, a fellow sophomore. Not unlike Juniper, with a more prickly exterior, but fairly good company. They hadn’t spoken much last year, only a handful of moments smoking, or passing by in the hallway.

Maybe Terran was exactly what Juniper needed to not feel so alone among their egotistic classmates; A friend and an ice breaker, all in one.

“Is it gonna be like that with everyone? Or is being loud and angry a set of attractive traits ova here?"

Juniper laughed, their exhalation of smoke cutting through Terran’s smoke rings.
“You’d think so, wouldn’t you?”
It seemed most, or at least the most aggressive, of the students at Mythos Academy had a chip on their shoulder. Juniper didn’t see the point. There were enough warheads and Zeus kids to flaunt their power, they didn’t need Juniper to fumble around and make a mess. They were content to honour their gifts with artistic pursuits.

“All in all, it’s not that strange at Mythos,”
they laughed, as across the deck of the ship Dino Kaczkowski faced down a purple sweater wearing Pandan, Althea’s monkey. Not much surprised them anymore.
“I’m sure every magical ship with a kraken to protect it has a monkey on board.”
Which reminded them.
“Hey - Is it a kraken, or The Kraken?”

A commotion down the railing interrupted the conversation. A freshman had leaned too far over the railing, no doubt in an attempt to catch a glimpse of the sea monster below. A shock of fear rippled through the students on board as the wiry boy’s legs tipped to the sky, before another freshman grabbed on to save him. She seemed to form vines from her hands as she pulled him back over the rail. Juniper breathed a sigh of relief, seemingly with most of the ships passengers before the general rumble of the crowd took up again.

“See -”
Juniper took a deep drag of their cigarette and shrugged.
“Normal stuff.”

“Cecilia. Juniper. I was wondering where my favourite chain smokers were, only to learn Lady Montgomery was threatening freshmen. How charming.”

They offered their dwindling supply of cigarettes to Johan as he approached, flashing that ‘Let’s get in trouble’ smile. One of the few friends Juniper could name, Johan was armed with a smile, and a fresh supply of chaos. Not to mention a carousel of treats to enhance their adventures.

“I trust the summer treated you well?”

Nothing special, maybe even bland. If they didn’t have friends at Mythos, they certainly didn’t have many friends in London. Juniper’s days consisted of waking up, coffee and a scone at the cafe on the way to the shop, sewing all day, and then home for a frozen meal, and sleep. Once in a while they would go for a walk, observing strangers in public. Only when their head wasn’t aching from the whirring of machines, and general emotional whiplash from the busy streets. The days where it was easier to breathe.

They didn’t want to talk about home. There wasn’t much to talk about.

Juniper stamped out the butt of their cigarette with their boot and gently nudged it between two planks on the deck. A new cigarette was already pulled from the pack, five slim white sticks remained.
“Someone owes me a pack when we get to the island.”
Juniper flicked the lighter, pointing their attention to Terran playfully.

♡coded by uxie♡
by bad ending.
Summer. A dead thing dying.

No longer the cicadas sing and no longer do the stone pines rustle, sending shadows playing across your skin. June. July. August. With each month the heat swells and then dies, like any living thing - quietly, it makes it's own grave and funeral and Aleks didn't even notice until the days started to chill. It was warm, still, but nothing compared to the terrible temperatures raging in Dalmatia, burning Aleks' hair to a lighter shade and scorched, brown earth burning his bare feet. He saw a fire, there; his grandmother had pointed it out to him when they stood on the edge of a jagged, bleached white rock. 'There, mali,' She said in her low, worn voice, pointing a weathered finger towards it. 'That's how this place cleans itself.' A blazing trail of red, devouring dry bushes and blackening the white rocks. Nobody stopped it. Not yet.

A part of nature, the people who live by the seaside say. As long as it doesn't grow insatiable, they will let it consume.

For that is how birth begins, is it not? Death is both the creator and the midwife. He does not think of his own mother when he hears this, but of everybody else's. Abril, knees on the soil at the greenhouse - her mother might only leave, but is that not a death in itself? Dino, the distant glances they've exchanged and frowns they hide (they're supposed to hate each other, he thinks. Spring never tolerates winter and vice versa. They somehow have an unspoken agreement not to) - what is it about divine mothers and dying and rebirthing? Is it just another process of cleansing?

He thinks about decomposition and nurse logs. There's a metaphor in there somewhere, probably.

If summer is the death, Mythos is the other part of the cycle - with it comes autumn. With it comes destiny. It is much easier to pretend to look for purpose here, where home doesn't feel like an empty house. So much knowledge stored in the walls of this place and so many more missions lined up. The word of monsters never stops and neither does the bustle of humanity. Aleks is excited to be back, to learn more about this world of theirs and about the divinity coursing through them - to become better than he was last year. Friends is a foreign concept to somebody like him, who stutters through every interaction and finds no hidden meaning in the words of others; but he does have a few, and he would like to see them again.

And as every year, he would stand by the side of the main deck, awkward and quiet and blinking, in one hand a small succulent and his other hand tucked in his pocket like it wasn't sure it belonged there, either - he made an artform out of looking as out of place as possible, even here where he has been for years. Laurie, they named the little plant. How they came up with the name he can't remember, but it was a project born from a bored, chilly spring day turned a tradition. They'd swap the succulent every so often, watching it grow and flower before going to slumber. If Abril can talk to it too, he has yet to ask; he's not sure he wants to know if Laurie is secretly an asshole of a plant. He quite likes it - he's the one who decorated it's tiny pot with a red ribbon to drift in the wind.

As every year, it was currently safe and well by the side, protected by an exasperated looking student. Aleks gave it to her, as with every other time.

As every year, Aleks would take a deep breath, look up -

and then proceeded to push Angelo the second he saw him.

Now; a scandalized freshman might be horrified at this display of violence, look around with wide eyes for the nearest authority figure. Fights were not a good sign, obviously - especially not one such as this, with the two men slapping and kicking and punching like their life depends on it. Curses raised in the air, insults so colorful they'd make the devil blush folowing right after. But for anybody who knew the two for even a minute would recognise it as almost a tradition in itself. Angelo hates Aleks. Aleks hates Angelo. They have to fight at least once per day in the presence of everybody, or else it's just not a normal day. It would raise more concern had they not thrown at least one insulting word at each other - a bad omen for things to come.

Maybe in Angelo's defense, he hasn't done anything. Yet. He simply looked a bit too smug for Aleks' liking and that was reason enough when you really don't like somebody.

(It seems out of character, for somebody as quiet and gentle as Aleks - and really, it is. He doesn't hate people and nobody brings the arguments to him. Angelo seems to be the only exception to his, as he is the exception for a lot of things.)

''Fuck you!'' The words rang high and loud, paired with a heated face and expression tense. ''That's why you're bald!'' A kick followed, paired with a punch, paired with - it's hard to set one fight apart from the millions they've had, but it doesn't make it any less filled with anger and mocking laughter (more on Angelo's end, because he's a fucking asshole).

One might ask; why do these two hate each other again?

Were somebody to ask that Aleks, he'd simply say Angelo started it at their very first year here - what he started, he can't quite recall, but they've hated each other since. A strange kinship in knowing somebody has hated you for years, and will continue to hate you until you grow too old to hate. A cycle, again.

How a skeleton can look annoyed is a question you can't really answer. But the nearest of them to the chaos certainly managed it.

outfit: bonk
mood: you will feel my wrath
interaction: abril (mentions) blue-jay blue-jay , angelo (fighting) miyabi miyabi


  • have more than you show,

    but speak less than you know.


legacy of thoth

A warm sensation of relief swept over Reuben once the face, ever so familiar, settled into view. Marisol. It took a moment for her to gather her thoughts, but upon the gentle sail of the Flying Dutchman, Reuben was flush with time. His eyes were patient in their anticipation, matching her kind countenance though he was so sure they could never truly be as compassionate as hers. “Take your time,” they whispered. Marisol’s soul had always been one ripe with benevolence, he didn’t need the abilities of Thoth’s judgment to know that. Although they’d only been acquainted for just over a year, Marisol proved over and over again to be a genuinely considerate friend, ever present in his surprisingly frequent times of need. For that, he admired her, and was glad that she was one of the first old friends that he’d run into on the ship.

His smile twitched, but only for a moment, as Marisol introduced something entirely new to their conversation. He was caught off guard, but Reuben was eerily proficient at adapting like a snake poised and ready to parry. There were things he liked and disliked about his ability to seamlessly converse, but in that moment, he simply adjusted himself in his seat and stretched the corner of his smirk a bit.

“Eco-friendly…” Reuben quietly repeated Marisol’s words with a watchful eye. She had the reins of things and he allowed her to guide him wherever she wished. Dark brown orbs moved from their matched gaze and followed them to where she’d newly settled her own sight path. It was a gift for him. The first thing that he noticed were the miniscule imperfections in the cup’s finish, as if fashioned specially by hand rather than fabricated uniformly in a factory line. It gave the glass aspects unique to it, and it only. He hadn't realized how much he had missed Marisol until then, and the thoughtful effort she always put into things. It reminded him of why he couldn’t help but wade in her orbit, if only a sprinkle of her kindness could seep into him, he would be made.

As Marisol spoke, a further inspection of the glass revealed blended bits of ashwagandha and sage that floated within the tropical-looking guarana tea. It was bright and orange “A perfect touch to a perfect gift,” Reuben agreed gratefully. But it was quickly made clear that Marisol’s efforts were not without their bothersome drawbacks on her body. She was tired and the effects may have even been enhanced by seasickness. Rosemary, silent through Marisol’s pleasant introduction, accepted the glass while Reuben stepped to her side.

“Got the early bird uber to the Dutchman, I reckon?” Reuben teased. He hoped the joke could lighten the mood. Sometimes Marisol could burden herself not only physically but mentally too. The type to keep on helping the other guy, blinded from the fact that the “other guy” just might be her. He didn’t want her to think that this was a chore for him. With hand at her hip, and the other one of the free chairs at their table, Reuben tucked her in at their table. “No need to apologize, it does that to you sometimes but you’ll be okay.”

Reuben returned to his seat, but not without doing his own due diligence on his dear friend. Leaning forward in his seat, Reuben investigated the extent of Marisol’s though most of his observations were superficial. A delicate hand was gliding over her visage. For a moment it massaged the fluffy dark bags beneath her innocent eyes. He could feel her look whilst he got to work. “Is she alright, Ruby?” Rosemary’s voice chimed from her side of the table but it only fell on Reuben’s deaf and focused ears. Although nothing too serious, he would like to see her to the infirmary once they arrived at the school. Anything to rid her quiet glow of the pale fog over her skin caused by fatigue.

“The FBI interrogator over there’s my little sister. Rosemary.” Reuben said matter-of-factly. His index finger spared a final stroke over Marisol’s freckles, he chuckled a little, before turning to sights onto the sister in question. “And I reckon this is mine?” He grinned and pulled the container of tea over to himself and Mari’s side of the table, ultimately stopping it short of himself and landing before the gift-giver.

“I don’t think I’m generous enough to let you keep the glass after you’re done but I’d feel a lot better if you had some tea? Your body’s crying out for it, I’ve just checked. ”

Reuben reclined into the seat of the wooden chair, almost calm as he continued to analyze Marisol. She was smaller and more fragile than he’d remembered. Clearly tasking herself with all too much over the break and now with this gift. Beneath the pads of his fingers her skin had felt thin, like wet paper. As if the closest ne’er do well could crumple her freckles and toss her with the same ease it took to trash a sheet of paper. When it came to the abused weak, nothing about helping them made Reuben uneasy. The mangled sight of broken legs twisted when a comrade had fallen the wrong way in woods or the considerable amount of blood he was forced to see sometimes because of his proficiency in medics- they were all requirements of the role he desperately wished to fulfill.

It was times like this that made him feel like the man he desired to be. The opportunity to care, look after, and protect. There was pride in tending for the meek that he felt overruled the shame of some of his past. But when it came to somebody that touched his heart like Marisol- somebody he was so deeply indebted to? It infuriated him to see her hurt. The gift be damned for forcing him to contain himself like an agitated soda can.

The glass was nice but had she even considered the things he’d have done if she was badly injured? If pushing herself too far had spurred more calamitous repercussions? If he hadn’t been here to catch her at her lowest? She needed to be watched and protected and so Reuben made a mental note of having to keep his tabs when it came to Marisol.

Tense, his index finger danced over his lips while he watched her. “You look skinnier, the baggy clothing does little to hide it. You’ve got bruises on your wrist and bags that annoy me to look at." Not because they smeared her appearance but the painful effects he knew she now had to endure. "This wasn’t the first time, yeah? That you've tripped up so epically like that?” His voice was slightly quieter, less enthused, though the air of concern was true in his words, Reuben was being serious.

“Ruby!” Rosemary again. He didn’t quite care to respond. He was disturbed and didn’t have the time to calculate the most nonthreatening chain of words.

♡coded by uxie♡

search & destroy.

  • mood

    radiating curiosity and a bit of grief

"Someone owes me a pack of cigarettes when we get to the island," Terran heard Juni chirp as they offered Johan a cigarette from their pack. He admired their charitability in light of the fact that their lot was heading to a island of ultimate seclusion. Were there any stores on this refuge? A J.C. Posideon's, if you will? Terraqn sighed, leaned back and let the winds whip through his hair.

"By the way, Juni, it's The Kraken,"
he replied to her earlier question, smiling again. His heart was filled with the most euphoric feeling. Nevermind his grandmother's passing or the fact that his father lied about everything. He'd keep those thoughts down, deep within him. This mysterious destiny had completely enraptured his thoughts. Terran let his gaze drop and then he saw it again. The flowing something...in the corner of his eye. The smell of lilies and sunlight. He could never see her, but She was always there in glimpses.

Then it would fade, as it always did. Terran's breath hitched, then released. He took another drag of his cigarette. He held the urge to cry within. See, he was well liked and charming but underneath the smiles and gestures of kindness there was a hole. A vast emptiness would sometimes rear around. He needed something, but he didn't know exactly where to find it. Sure, he had friends, like Juni...but would they disappear like everyone who ever loved him?

Was this a curse?

A maleficent curse to deliver everyone he cares about to the underworld? He shook his head to dissipate the intangible worry. He instead turned his attention to the demigod beside them. He could feel the air bend around her, as if surrendering to her dominance. Johan said something to her while Terran was dragged down through his thoughts.

Um..hey. I'm Terran,"
he introduced to the woman.
"Son of Persephone...or Kore to some...And now I'm rambling."
He admitted, offering a hand shake while looking at everyone through this eyelashes.

Brain Stew

green day

♡coded by uxie♡
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Nina's summer had been a fruitful one. When not at Mythos, she played cello full-time throughout California. To please her father and keep face, she mainly played at high-end events: weddings for celebrities, parties thrown by socialites, dinners hosted by investors. Outside of these events, she competed in as many music competitions as she could, most of them specifically for the classically trained. She took first place in nearly all of them--the ones she didn't win were ones in which she won a lower level but forfeited the upper level due to schedule conflicts. She couldn't say that she was intrigued by or even liked any of the people she interacted with over the course of the last two months, especially when comparing them to the colorful people she encountered at Mythos. She didn't say it often, but she quite liked returning. Her friends, her enemies... Reuben... everyone here made her life a bit more interesting.

"We're finally going back, Xinyu. For the third time." At one end of the deck of the Flying Dutchman, Nina stood, a white parasol in her right hand and the Moon Rabbit curled up in her left arm. Xinyu wasn't too large for Nina to hold but still large enough to make it a little awkward. However, she had a habit of just hopping into her master's arms and getting comfortable, resting her fuzzy head in the crook of Nina's elbow. For now, Nina was content to let the rabbit rest in her clutches. Her mass of luggage sat next to her: several suitcases, boxes of trophies, a bag for Xinyu's stuff, and a large, expensive cello case.

Petting the rabbit, Nina asked quietly, "Do you think father misses me when I go away? He keeps my room tidy enough while I'm gone. If that means anything." The white rabbit looked up at Nina and the response palely luminesced in her little black eyes. Nina looked up from her companion and gazed out at the sea, eyes narrowed yet unfocused. "I suppose you're right. It's better not to dwell on things that are... out of my control. I should start planning for the upcoming year. I have assignments and missions to worry about. Bonds to forge." Xinyu squeaked excitedly.

A few freshmen had gathered in a small cluster and were looking over at Nina, whispering to each other. They were probably fascinated by the site of a girl talking to a rabbit, but Nina wasn't interested in their attention right now. Shifting to face them and tilting her parasol slightly, she gave them a withering look. Within a few moments, they speedily walked off.

Nina went back to talking to Xinyu: "There will be a Full Moon tonight, you know? It'll feel great for us. Mother will be pleased as well, with all the attention she's getting." The tone of the last phrase wandered somewhere between affectionate and derisive. "The Mid-Autumn Festival's about a month away. She'll be drowning in offerings then." Xinyu interrupted Nina's ramblings with a questioning squeak, and Nina got the gist without having to look into the rabbit's eyes. "Fine. I probably should've said my greetings by now anyway." Nina turned from the water and set Xinyu on the ground. Parasol in hand, she began walking around the deck, looking to speak to some of her classmates.

After a quick scan of the deck, Nina spotted some familiar faces. Thanks to her sharp memory, she knew the names and faces of most everyone who wasn't a freshman, even if her interactions with them had been limited thus far. She decided to take a walk below deck to see if she could scope out anyone else she knew. Eventually, she spotted one of her favorite people: Reuben. She quickly and visibly softened. He was many things to her: her intellectual match, her confidante, her trustworthy ally. He had been her romantic partner once, but they had made a mutual decision to set that aside. Friendship seemed much neater. Nina started walking over to him, but stopped for a second when she noticed two other people near him.

Nina was able to deduce from a few things she remembered Reuben telling her that one of the people was his sister, whom Nina was rather excited to meet. She identified the other girl as Marisol Reyes. Sophomore. Daughter of Eris. Nina hadn't spoken to her much, but she knew that she had a reputation for being a bit of a klutz. As Nina was eyeing Marisol, she heard a squeak come from below. She turned to face Xinyu and a question flashed in white light through the rabbit's eyes. Nina made a face and scoffed. "Don't be silly. Why would I?" When she turned her eyes back to Marisol, she found that Reuben was now conducting a very hands-on inspection of the girl. Nina looked down at Xinyu again, whose nose was twitching. "She looks sick! He's just being kind," she snapped. "You are so childish!"

Ignoring Nina, Xinyu hopped ahead in the direction of Reuben, Marisol, and Rosemary, and Nina followed, parasol leaning lightly on her shoulder. She caught wind of their conversation as she walked up ("...tripped up so epically like that?") and quickly figured that it was about Marisol's condition. Rearing her bright side like a full moon, Nina strolled up to the group, neatly positioning herself between the chairs of Reuben and Rosemary. Flashing a charming smile, she greeted them softly: "Reuben! I've missed you!" She turned slightly and nodded, still smiling. "Marisol." She then turned to Rosemary. "You must be Rosemary? I'm Nina. I've heard good things about you! It's a pleasure to meet you at last."

Xinyu emerged from behind Nina and, after affectionately rubbing against Reuben's leg, hopped past him over to Marisol. The rabbit rubbed her head against the girl's leg and looked up with shiny black eyes, asking to be petted. Nina's smile strained imperceptibly at this. She now had both of her hands softly on the shaft of the parasol, positioning it straighter and lower--this added a certain mildness to her demeanor.

Deciding to slip herself into the existing conversation, Nina scanned her mind for something relevant to contribute. "If I may suggest--I believe that some students in Magicae have a talent for mystical medicine," she said, eyes now warmly on Marisol. "Perhaps one of them could cast something to help you with your pallor?"

♡coded by uxie♡
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valeria isayeva

the flying dutchman main deck

Ikenna, Terran, Juniper, Hikari

“Hey, I didn’t say you pushed him. Just that maybe your sea-monster story encouraged him a little.”
Valeria watched as the freshman fell, though barely a second passed before a demigod’s quick reflexes wrapped him up in vines and pulled him back onto the deck.
“That was disappointing,”
She muttered under her breath. She wasn’t sure whether she was just saying it, hungry for some excitement, or whether she would actually like to see another kid drown; but clearly the chance to find out had been saved by some flashy display of powers. Not dwelling on the thought, Valeria turned to Ikenna’s other comment.

She could feel the annoyance pulsing off of him in waves, matching the rhythmic sway of the boat. Part of her liked it. Welcomed it, even. Half hidden compliments aside, it was his intensity that had drawn her to him, the anger, and in some ways, the frustrated twist of his lips was a more welcome sight than a smile would have been. Valeria’s fingers tightened around the rails, not noticing the small spark that jumped between her fingers and the metal. The sea breeze rushed through her hair. The sound of other conversations heightened around her, groups forming and meeting, only further causing the resentment inside her to spike. Maybe it would have been better had the pair stayed for a proper fight.

“I definitely would have liked to see that ‘other fucker’ take that fall. A year in and he still hasn't learned anything.”
Valeria didn’t bother keeping her voice down. She knew all the way to the other side of the ship would be too far to really hear, but she didn’t bother for Hikari’s sake either, despite knowing her to be upbeat and positive in a way that would hardly agree with the tone of their conversation.
“Between them and that,”
she tilted her head upwards slightly to point her chin at the demigod who’d just barely not fallen into the ocean,
“Demigods are going to knock themselves to the bottom of the food chain.”

♡coded by uxie♡


flying dutchman.

aleks (fighting)

“You will never be your father; you’re weak—a coward. Disgraceful,” a mother’s words are always hard to hear, especially when they are in criticism. He could feel her resentment, how Angelo, a man unextraordinary, would never be the man he is needed to be—or, rather, the man that he is wanted to be. A tall woman’s brows are scrunched in disgust, eyes filled with anger and disappointment, but as they turn to his brother, they are forgiving.

The favored, fortunate son and the nuisance.

He doesn’t protest, but only looks at the expression of his brother-–a young man indulging in compliments and glory, with no defense of his older brother. In fact, he allows for it to continue; it may be out of fear, but Angelo has convinced himself that it is out of selfishness. And that resentment has built up for years. The overflow of silence is subdued, but the clouds are never lifted. His head hangs, tired, wary, afraid to look up. A part of him waits for his father to speak up, yet the silence is deafening.

Upon hearing the footsteps parting, multiple of them, he looks back up-–sure that he is alone, eyes only gravitating towards the marble urn on the fireplace. On the front is his father’s name, Angelito Panganiban; out loud, it’s almost comical, how their names are so similar, yet the two are so different. Angelito, a man known for his steely courage and sacrifices, and Angelo, a man known for his weakness and chaos. In his silence, Angelo stares at the urn and it stares back at him, there is the urge to smash it to the ground—angry at this predisposed expectation of him, but the thought falters.

One of the few instances that he will sacrifice his ego, he accepts his fate that he will never be good enough; he hides this under false strength, with the hopes that he will break his own fate.


Closed eyes, parted lips, encompassed by chatter and the smell of the ocean. He squats with the sea at his fingertips, sunlight shining on brightly colored hair, cold water kissing skin as they turn red like with every pass of a ripple. Angelo was unsure—no, he still is—why he chose to come back despite being surrounded by extraordinary; bodies that were unlike his, gifted with talents and powers, while he sat idly with his intelligence-–blinding comparisons to his demigod counterparts despite their flaws. There is this thing, however, where he adamantly refuses to vocalize it—a form of weakness he would rather die and be buried with rather than confide in.

He stood for yet another moment’s silence, breathing in salted air, warmth peeling back the discomfort of the cold. Angelo’s eyes open, eyes dark like poison, darting in every direction as he takes in his surroundings. Optimistic freshmen, slightly terrified freshmen, upperclassmen thrown back into rotation whose faces are plastered with an all too familiar expression. The man raises a brow, runs a hand over his short hair, and pulls from a cigarette neatly tucked in an inside pocket; he dreaded it—coming back, but not because of his subconscious comparisons, but because of one person who has managed to sneak his pestful ways into the folds of his mind–there is no explanation to this: Angelo, someone who could not give a damn about any other person, always had an inkling of anger that abundantly pulled at his chest, a pinching feeling that he cannot get rid of.

It is safe to say that he is not a fan of Aleks, but there is no rhyme or reason; if anything, Angelo wondered it himself sometimes, even when in complete silence. The thought will pop up into his head, following that is the red-hot anger burning into his back and creeping its way into his face, cheeks slowly rush into the same hue as his fingers. Though he is not a hot-head, who knew that one person could do so much damage to the little inner peace that he had. And speak of the Devil; awkwardness and overall annoyance trapped in the body of a lanky man whose knees even invoke the slightest bit of violence within Angelo’s fists.

A man no longer confined to the corner of his eye, Angelo is met with a punch, a kick, and a whiny voice to pair. “Bald? Nah, you're about to come out this bitch bald, too,” he kept his cool, but only for a moment, rising from the ground as if tugged by wires. “Ugly ass, you look like an Urban Legend. Somebody come get this pasty ass Bigfoot Bitch outta my face,” despite the call to action, he throws back a punch, one strong and solid, more weight into than any other punch he’d dealt. It didn’t hurt, no, not in that moment; pain was shrouded by pure anger. But even with this anger is a laugh, one that may have leapt out to taunt Aleks some more, but Angelo didn’t fight to keep it in.

The smug expression on his face paired with blood at the corner of his lips, Angelo swipes it away and dusts off his [stolen] Vivienne Westwood jacket; there was one thing he hated more than Aleks, and that was dirt. He could feel eyes burn into the back of his head, a crowd slowly forming with their mouths agape—moreso the Freshmen than anyone else. To those familiar with them, this was a regular occurrence; a faceless voice is faint, but can still be heard, someone placing bets on who will win as Angelo studied Aleks and his movements.

What follows is a body throwing itself at the other man, arms steady but wild, face contorted into further anger; his fists fly, so do kicks, with little thought into whether or not they land. It was the type of blind rage that made him look feral, primitive, and unhinged.

♡coded by uxie♡

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