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The C.C.D. (1x1 Raviael/SetoTakashi)

He looks at the girl in awe thinking to himself about some stupid line like "hey girl how you doing" obviously hes not going to say that because it would be one of the dumbest and most embarrassing things he has ever done especially with his friend right next to him even though they would all presume he was joking so instead he just leaves it at. Well hello there.
"hello~... you people look kinda weird. Sorry if that was a bit blunt." she said casually as she picked up some gold pieces the wisp had dropped neither of them had tried to obtain. "Also, I keep this because I picked it up first."
I saw it I just don't care much about the little gold because apparently I have some sort of tie to this game so I have about 50k doesn't really sound like allot though -___- but sure whatever finders keepers. hes beginning to change his opinions on this woman
"A game?" she scoffed at his words. "Total sadist, phsychotic or what?" she mumbled as she stood back up and eyed the both of them intently, the girl with him still not saying anything. "Hard to be one of those people with a girl that freaks out over wisps though~ so are you using her as bait or what"
I WOULD NEVER THAT IS SO UNETHICAL he coughs as he regains his cool anyway the thought of using my own friend as bait is completely ridiculous.
"friend zoned~" she chuckled, not taking much seriously. "But really...I don't even see a weapon equipped. Are you two asking for suicide? Well, you seem like your a mage but not so much your friend."

"oh...welll" she finally spoke, pondering about that very thought.
Hmmm...ok then he walks over to the girl very slowly everyone probably expecting some sort of line when he gets on his hands and knees begging BE OUR GUIDE PLEASE!
Well we are obviously new to this game world place thing so we need a guide someone has to show us how to be a true player after all especially with what you've seen us do so pleaaase. He gives her puppy dog eyes.
"What in the hell do you mean by game world and players...." she asked, looking at him like he was insane.
"dude....its not like aliens exist. how could you not know?" she asked, looking at him as if he were from the freak show in a circus.
look look i came from another world like an inter-dimensional universe so im confused and she flips shit over a wisp. He's genuinely pissed off but tries not to make it show.

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