⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

Beau's ears fell at what she said. It hurt but he understood why she did this. His ears went back to normal at the hearing of Ikki's name, "She told me to take it easy and not push myself. She's an amazing Zeta; and I'll do as you ask. Do you know where Dru is? I want to thank him for helping me yesterday," When he mentioned the Beta he seemed to change from looking nervous to most wolves to looking infatuated with him. Beau was unaware how easy it was to read him.
Dipping her head in thanks as the alpha turned to answer another, Crow turned and made her way to the camp's threshold. Autumn smells different here, she reflected as she padded out between the golden trees. Already, her nose was alight with smells, some familiar, others new, others bringing memories back with them. The wind was calm, broken by the forest but leaves still swirled orange and brown like late-season butterflies. Once clear of the camp, she picked up the pace to a bounding gait, covering ground quickly. She couldn't help but give a small bark of excitement as she broke into a sprint for a few yards before coming to an abrupt halt, swaying slightly on her paws. Crow sat on the fallen leaves and stared up at the glowing canopy, breathing a long sigh. "If they could see me now... I wonder what they'd think," she wondered aloud. "And they'd ask me what it's like, starting at the bottom of the pack. What's it like down from the mountains?" The greyish closed her eyes, shaking her head. "It's strange. There are more leaves, the snow seems to be later in the year. The new pack is nice, so I've seen, but it's a refreshing start. It would be nice to rise through the ranks but as an outsider, I shouldn't be expecting nearly as much." Stretching before lying on her belly, head on the damp autumn leaves, Crow chuckled. "The crow's flown down from the mountains... who'd have thought."
Caeldori couldn't help but to stare in horror at the sight in front of her. Royce with a huge injury on his neck, lies dead and a huge bear standing by the fallen member's lifless body. The adolescent really wanted to jump into action right along side Phaethon but she knew it was unwise. 'I wanna do something but I can't! Why couldn't I be older, why did no one notice his disappearance! Why didn't I notice his disappearance, I want to be Beta but yet I let this happen...' All these questions ran through the pup's head as her usaul troublemaking confidence was deteriorating. 

The rest of the struggle was a blur to Caeldori and she finally snapped out of her trance when she heard Kaga call her by a new nickname. The adolescent nodded and slowly began following her fellow pup. "Royce..." Was all she could manage out as she stared with sadness in her eyes at his lifeless body. Somehow, Caeldori felt this was her fault in some way and her emotions showed by the way her tail drooped and her ears were as laid back as they could go. [COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)] @Chaos Follows @Chaotic Pastel[/COLOR]

Ikki's ears twitch in the direction of her calling and she was very surprised to hear her name in such an urgent matter. "What is it this time?" She muttered under her breath and quickly made her way out of the Medicine Den to the souce of the shout. When she made it to Phaethon and the pups, Ikki let out a gasp as she stared at the lifeless body in front of her. "T-this can't be!" She said and pressed her paw all over Royce's body to find some sort of signs for life but there was none. The Zeta slowly removed her paw from the deceased and let it relax on the ground. "He's gone..." 

Paethon gritted his teeth against the pain of his new injuries. He knew he needed medical attention though he wanted to be sure the pups were okay, despite them staying out of the fight. He turned to the pups, swaying a bit too much as he did so. "Are you two okay? Did it hurt either of you?.." He knew the answers were no but he was lightheaded and everything began to feel like a blur. "Caeldori, Kaga, I need you to tell Leila what happened." He felt weak as he turned back to the Zeta, "Ikki I need to get patched up.." Paethon hated that he had to ask for help, but it was better than death.



"Physically okay." Caeldori responded to the superior looking at the ground. She's seen death before with the Rouge pack she was with. Heck, some even died in front of her when they were attacked but none of that hurt her like Royce's death. Her old pack was just a survival technique, this pack was her family. 

The pup snapped back to attention when she heard Phaethon speak. She nodded her head slowyly at his request and looked over at Kaga. "Lets go." Caeldori spoke and ran toward Leila's direction. @Chaotic Pastel

Ikki blinked and tore her eyes away from Royce. "Oh dear! I'm sorry Phaethon." She exclaimed and walked over to his side. "Lean on me, you are in no condition to walk without support." Ikki ordered and looked around at the area. "Nashoba, Qira, Faolan! We have work to do!" @ShadowOwl0123 @Ellieroan @Victoria Bradley

Nashoba was startled awake when she heard Ikki calling her name. Jumping up onto her feet and shaking out her fur, the young she-wolf bounded outside to see what the commotion was about. She was surprised when she saw Ikki outside with an injured Phaethon. Nashoba rushed over, supporting the older wolf on his other side.


"What can I do?" she asked Ikki.


Faolan blinked her eyes awake from her nap. She stretched her legs and arched her back before standing tall. Faolan shook out her fur and trotted from the dens and to the Zeta area. Her ears perked up when she heard her name, her brows furrowing together in a frown. Faolan picked up the pace and trotted faster, seeing Ikki with an injured Phaethon leaning on her. "What happened?! What do you need me to do?" The multi-colored wolf looked to Ikki, concern in her eyes.

Crow decided her time among the forest was done and lowered her head, heading back toward the camp. At a nice, even trot, she realized she'd gone further than she intended and the trip back took even longer with her getting lost a few times. Every so often, the wolf would come to a halt and run her paw over her nose, shaking her head. "All the smells of the woods... no idea how forest wolves stay focused. It's so much to take in all the time." She flicked her ears as she approached the camp entrance. Ducking inside, the salt-and-pepper shewolf made her way to her den, quietly staying away from the action. As she ran her claws through the dirt at the edge of her den, Crow allowed her mind to wander, imagining the cold, crisp mountain air and the faces of her long-gone pack. 
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Chaos Follows @Aero @MuffinRPs ][/SIZE]

Leila looked down upon Beau as he spoke, her head lifted high to show her dominance as she observed his mannerism; Her eyes narrowed slightly as she noticed how he had acted. She never had any issues with wolves of the same genders liking each other, though she did have an issue with him being an Omega. Leila sighed deeply, shaking her fur out and shaking her head, "No, last I saw him he had left the clearing with our new arrival. Aura, I believe was her name. Like I said, you are to not leave the clearing, nor do you have my permission to do so. If I catch you disobeying my orders once more, I will not hesitate to give you a harsher punishment. Now-" Her eyes widened as she smelled the blood in the air, even more so as she turned towards Phaethon, the pups, and Royce's dead body.


No.. No, no.. She thought, feeling her heart sink at the idea of losing a pack member. "Stay on the clearing." She commanded the Omega with a huff, before rushing off to the commotion with a small whimper in the back of her throat. "Phaethon, are you alright?!" She asked, her voice losing its usual calmness as the fear was evident in her tone for her best friend's safety. The Alpha allowed Ikki to handle it as she looked down to Royce's dead body, her ears pressing back against her head with her head lowering. "We'll have a burial prepared for him tonight.." She murmured, eyes flickering towards the pups approaching her as she forced a sad yet gentle smile. "Pups.. What is it, young ones?" She asked softly, gently rubbing her muzzle against both pups' heads in a soothing manner, trying to avert their attention from their deceased packmate.


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Chaos Follows @Aero ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Kaga followed after Caeldori as she ran after Leila, his own ears pressed back against his head as he watched her mourn over Royce's body. She really cares a lot about the pack... He thought sadly, slowing his pace to a halt as they neared her. He accepted the nuzzle, and returned it as a pup would to its mother as he eyes Phaethon sadly. The male looked badly wounded, and he sniffled as he turned away from the scene, hoping that it wasn't the end for Phaethon either.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Drumonkey ][/SIZE]

Aura smiled shyly as her ears pressed back against her head, clearing her throat nervously as she glanced away from him. She was unsure of what to say, her paws shifting nervously as she eyed him anxiously. "I-I'm sorry I never told you until now.. I was scared you wouldn't like me, and laugh at me.." Her head turned away as she laid down on the ground, resting her head between her paws. She was still unsure of Dru really liked her, or if he was only saying so just to spare her feelings. Her gaze hardened as she looked up to him boldly, "Please, d-don't spare my feelings.. I can take it if you don't like me."
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Dru nudged her with his nose then said "then you should be prepared since I like you. Gosh were you this thick when we were kids?" Dru asked with a lopsided grin. Dru realized that little by little he had carefully developed feelings for his friend and while they weren't as strong as his friends they had room to geow.

Paethon leaned on Ikki, "Royce was attacked by a bear, female.. I tried to save him.. It's dead now." He answered to Leila's question. He appreciated seeing her trying to comfort the pups. "We should send a pair of Selsas or Deltas out to collect the bear.. I'd say about 30 boulders worth of meat."


(Chaotic Pastel will be creating a terminology page to explain such things as weight, height, etc.)


He looked down at Royce. He knew Royce was never fond of him, but he was family. Paethon never would have wished this on him. He sighed and with sadness in his voice said, "He should be honored at the Full Moon. Now, if you'd please help me to your healing den, Ikki." With his ripped, bloody snout he motioned in the direction, knowing he wouldn't make it very far if he had to walk it alone. The pain was creeping up on him. As the last of his adrenaline faded away, he could feel the cuts on his back and snout.


Beau watched Leila run off. Something was wrong but he shouldn't worry. It wasn't his business. He needed to follow rules now otherwise something much worse could happen. He sat down and his mind wondered straight to Dru.

Leila had mentioned a new she-wolf called Aura. She was with Dru and they'd been together for an unknown time. He wanted to meet her himself...just to make sure she was a good wolf; not because she was around Dru. That would be crazy.

The small wolf shook it off; they were probably just friends and didn't like each other like that, 'A big if' he thought and stared up at the sky before sighing. This would be fine. It would all work out.
Ikki listened to every word of Phaethon's story while the other Zetas appeared to help. Once the male wolf was done speaking, the fluffy she-wolf nodded to his request and began giving orders. "Faolan, I need you to go to the den and get things ready. We'll need cobwebs, comfrey, dock, and a dandelion." Ikki barked to the Zeta and looked over at Nashoba who supported Phaethon's other side. "You heard the Lead Delta, let's get him to the den." @Chaos Follows @Ellieroan @Victoria Bradley

Caeldori did feel a tiny bit better when Leila tried to comfort her with a motherly nuzzle. The white pup returned the nuzzle to her superior and looked up to the Alpha with sadness in her eyes. "Royce is gone...I feel responsible. If only I checked up on everyone! This may have not happen." The adolescent spoke in a hoarse voice, she felt worse as each word came out her mouth. @Chaotic Pastel

As soon as Qira heard her name, she went to the Zetas den with Ikki and the others.

She was very worried because she didn't want anyone else to die.

She wiped her tears away and kept going.

"Ikki, what do i have to do?" She said as she turned head, looking at Ikki.



Still looking at the wolf's lifeless eyes, North grabbed the ground with her paw.

"We were going to be perfect... We were going to be perfect!" She yelled across the entire clearing.

"Why did you leave me!? Why!?" She tried to calm herself down but she kept yelling at the dead wolf.

She barked and whined and howled on and on until she finally silenced.

On her own, she grabbed the bear with her teeth and dragged it to the prey den.

She didn't want to, but she knew it would be the best for her pack.

She went back to Royce and with her paws and a pair of sticks she tried to dig a hole ground.

She kept digging but the hole was too small.

"I probably should hand that job over to the epsilons."

She kept on mourning beside the corpse.





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