⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)

Paethon watched the pups jump around each other and listened to their conversation. He thought about talking to Lelia, perhaps he could convince her to take Caeldori under her wing. He would approach her on the matter later on. The wolf decided to walk up to the two young omegas, "Hello pups. Kaga, how would you like to learn to hunt rabbit?" He said in an excited tone. He never had the chance to train anyone, but the idea of it began to thrill him.


@Chaotic Pastel
Ikki chewed on the root while her ears completely flatten. She felt bad for the Omega, it was quite rare for a wolf to love another that is the same-sex as themselves. Knowing whether Dru is another with the rare feelings was a tough call and not only that but he's the Beta of the pack it won't be surprising if he had high expectations for a mate.

The Zeta pondered over what advice to give Dru as she spat out the root once it was a pulp. Ikki stuck her paw into the pulp and began rubbing it gently onto Beau's wounds. "Well, I would say you never know what'll happen until you try but that doesn't seem to be enough." She began talking as she worked. "Beau, this is a problem only you can fix. I have no problem helping you along the way friend but you have to get over your fear yourself. Once you've done that, then declaring your love to Dru will be as easy as mouse." (I didn't wanna say pie so that's the best I got) @MuffinRPs

Caeldori gave Kaga a nod, liking the choices he had made. She finished her meal and started licking the bone before gnawing on it like her fellow pup. "I must admit a Delta would be the best due to the lack of them but either choice you make I know you'll do an amazing job  and serve great purposes." The pup complemented, looking up at Kaga. Caeldori had to admit she was impressed, Kaga's choice was a very good and thought out one.

Her tail wagged happily at Kaga's compliment, relived to hear that someone thinks she'd make a good Beta. "Thanks Kaga, That really means a lot to me!" She said in a chiper tone. When Phaethon approached them, Caeldori stopped wagging her tail and gave him her best mature face like she did with anyone who holds a high position. Granted, she will only listen to Leila but she'll still show some kind of respect to Lead Roles. When the Lead Delta offer to teach them how to hunt a rabbit, Caeldori's mature facade quickly dispersed to an excited pup. "Yes, I would love to learn!" She said, unable to hide the excitement in her voice and her frantic tail wagging. @Chaotic Pastel @Chaos Follows
Beau ate the dandelions and thought about what the Zeta said. She was right. Only he could fix this and tell him. He needed more time. He swallowed the plants and shuddered. Dandelions were the worst. They tasted horrible and were the worst things to eat in Beau's opinion, "Gross; and maybe I will grow the courage to walk up to the Beta and tell him but I don't know."



Fenris was once again drawing in the dirt when he saw Arthrn step into the clearing. He turned away from his time-wasting task, and limped towards his friend. "I almost thought I'd have to come and wake you up!" He joked. Although he gave his fellow Epsilon a hard time, he didn't mind waiting. It gave him time to plan, something that would help when they did indeed get started.


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Victoria Bradley @RomanticDaffodil ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Leila stared down at the unfamiliar wolf, despite the far too familiar scent set deep within his fur when she sniffed at him. It had to be… She thought to herself, her fur standing up on ends at the memory. The Alpha shook her fur out to ease the tension in her muscles, as she turned her head to the side to sniff at the air and make sure[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] they[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] weren’t nearby; Luckily, they were not. Leila could feel the pain from her bandaged wound surging through her body, and her claws dug deep into the dirt to resist showing any sign of pain. The old scars on her neck were visible, as well as the sharp tooth pierced through her right ear, and she looked back down towards the rogue, her icy blue eyes shone in the twilight of the forest.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]“I know where you’re from…” She murmured to him, and drew in a deep breath that was soon released in a deeper sigh, her eyes drawing shut in thought before they reopened, “If it is a pack you request, then a pack you shall reside in. For the meantime, you are to be a temporary Omega until the Full Moon. You have until then to impress me for a role of your choice.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]The black she-wolf paused for a moment, glancing back to Rosebark and softening her expression, then nodding her head to her. “Come, we’ll show our new arrival to the clearing.” She spoke softly, looking back to their new arrival and nodding, “You may call me Leila.” With that, she led the way to the clearing.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Chaos Follows @Aero ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Kaga felt relieved to know that someone felt he made a good decision, and silently sighed in relief as he finally managed to make a crack in the bone. His golden eyes widened as his tail sped up in wagging, before he spotted Phaethon approaching them and quickly pushed the bone aside as he stood to attention as though he were already a Delta serving under his superior. [/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]As the offer was set out, Kaga’s pup-like self was broken out as well as he yipped with excitement and jumped up in glee. “Can you teach us?! Please, Phaethon?!” Kaga asked in a tone that was too childish to even recall how ‘mature’ he may have looked previously. The pup’s tail wagged just as Caeldori’s did, not only excited to be taught by Phaethon, but to be trained with another pup! Even though it was just morning, Kaga already felt that the day ahead would be amazing.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Drumonkey ][/SIZE]

Aura was, needless to say, surprised by their surroundings. Her blue eyes grew wide as she slowly padded along the clearing, before seating herself near some flowers. The she-wolf sat awestruck for a moment, before laying down among the flowers to inhale their heavenly aromas, her eyes sliding shut as a small smile crept onto her muzzle. “Y’know, I always knew you liked exploring new places, but who knew you’d find an amazing place like this?”


Rising up to her paws again, she giggled and walked towards him to playfully smack his side with her tail. Aura grinned and tilted her head as she laid by him and nuzzled her muzzle into the grass, “You never changed, huh Dru?” She asked softly, sky blue eyes glancing over to him with an endearing look. Crush or not, he would always be her best friend no matter what the circumstances, and she was just happy to have seen him alive and well.

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Dru looked at her with a sad look, that isn't true. Ever since the storm I struggle with more things. When I feel fear my muscles lock up, sometimes in the night my heart skips a beat and my body locks up thay is when I go on a run to clear my head. Only Leila knows about it because I don't want to appear weak, plus there doesn't seem to be a cure for it so all I can do is hope it doesn't come and try to avoid fear. That storm did something to me that caused me to loose my family especially my brother who I still haven't found." Dru rolled onto his stomach then put his head into his paws "I've changed quite a bit since childhood just not enough for my best friend to notice." Dru chuckled weakly as he looked at her.
Crow backed away from the entrance to the clearing as Leila and the new wolf came through, dipping her head to the alpha as she passed before retreating back to her den. Being new to the pack, the smells of pine and stone from her time in the mountains still clung faintly to her pelt, though it was masked by the current autumn must of fallen leaves in the air. Eyes glowing with curiosity, she watched the new omega casually.

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Drumonkey ][/SIZE]

Aura gave him a sympathetic expression, and gently nuzzled his head in a comforting manner. “I understand, Dru… The storm changed me too,” The she-wolf paused, unsure if she should continue. She didn’t want to hurt him even more than she probably already has. “We’ve both changed in some ways, I guess…” She murmured, forcing out a bitter laugh. “I lost my family because of that storm too; Dad, my siblings… Then, before I knew it, Mom was taken away from me too.”


The she-wolf’s ears went back, a low whimper leaving her as she sat up and lightly pawed at his head gently. “But hey, we have each other. Isn’t that what matters?” Aura’s tail wagged slightly, though her ears were still pressed back. “We can get through this together, and I’m here to help!”
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Dru listened to his friend speak and then one of his ears perked up at her comment about getting through it together and after a few moments of silence he finally huffed out "you have a point." 

Dru looked at her clearly appraising her  before he said "I'm glad I've run into you after all this time. I forgot how great you were. You're going to make some wolf very happy." Dru then stood and shook himself to remove the sadness. "Let's go back and see how Leila wants you put to work." @Chaotic Pastel

[ @Drumonkey ]


Aura playfully nudged him as she nodded and walked towards the wall of vines, "Just as you'll make some she-wolf happy.." The she-wolf giggled softly, "Alright, let's go then." She said in a gentle tone, trotting out and shaking her own fur out. She yawned as she thought back to what Dru had said, you're going to make some wolf very happy... The she-wolf's ears pressed back in embarrassment, before she snapped out of it and sighed softly as she waited for Dru to follow her. She was unsure of what to think about her friend, whether she wanted to think of him romantically or platonically; Either way, the strange feeling she hadn't felt for any other wolf was undeniable, but that didn't mean she couldn't ignore having a crush on her puphood friend. All Aura could do was wait until Dru showed some sign of feeling the same way, and if it never came then she would continue to support him through thick and thin.


Lycaon didn't believe he'd ever been happier than he was right then. He'd gotten what he wanted. He had a pack. He had a home. He could have a life. Not that any of the females in this pack would ever look twice at a scarred rogue with emotional damage and far too many enemies. And he didn't blame them. Why would a female, especially one who wanted to a mother, mate with an ex-rogue who's very existence put her and her pups in danger? Lycaon sneezed and scratched behind his ear before beginning to follow behind them.


He watched Leila as they walked. He'd seen a lot of beautiful female wolves, but Lycaon knew he'd never seen anything like her. She was strong, and brave, and intelligent. And she was beautiful. She stood tall, with confidence, and wasn't afraid  to attack on behalf of her pack. But she had shown him compassion. She had shown him that she was a True Alpha. A wolf of confidence and strength, but also of compassion and kindness. She had seen his scars, known the terrors from which he'd come, and she made the decision to give him a chance. He didn't even care if he stayed an Omega. It didn't matter anymore. He already had everything he'd hoped for. 


Following Leila and her white-furred companion, Lycaon kept his head down, his eyes cast only on the ground beneath his paws. He wasn't quite ready to deal with the entire pack yet. He wanted to find the rest of the adult omegas and pass out. 




[SIZE=14.6667px]Leila trotted upon the clearing as they stepped foot onto it, and the Alpha began showing their new arrival around the clearing and telling him the laws of the pack, as well as how everything was to be handled, “The main law of the pack is to not harm any wolf without reason, pack or non-pack, otherwise you would have to face the Trial of Leads in which the leading roles of the pack are to judge you and give your punishment where it is due -- With consent from me, of course. Also for the meantime, no wolf is to leave the clearing without my permission. It’s dangerous, we’re having our strongest wolves plan in taking down a bear.” Shaking her fur out, Leila turned towards the Alpha’s Rock. “No one is to step paw onto the Alpha’s Rock without my consent, no matter what.”[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]After showing the former rogue the important areas such as the water in their clearing, the Alpha’s Rock, and her den as well as Dru’s den, she showed him to the other dens. “Each wolf gets their own Den, that’s why we have Epsilons who build new ones and repair broken ones.” Leila refused to group wolves together based on their roles in the pack, as she could recall having to sleep with other pups when she was a part of the Executioners -- It made her feel like a number, rather than an individual. The last thing she would want to do is place that upon other wolves. Luckily, Arthrn and Fenris were quite the diligent duo, though she knew that they needed more Epsilons -- They were running low on them at this point.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]Leila approached at a den and sniffed at it to make sure it wasn’t marked as someone’s den yet, and nodded before glancing back towards their newcomer. “This will be your den,” The Alpha sat back, nodding her head to the male, “I hope to see your skills sometime so we may appoint you to a role in the pack; We’re a growing pack, and need packmates who can do more than lie about in the sun while the rest of us work… Please, do your best to contribute and acquire a role.” Sure, they only had two actual Omegas, Beau and Lakota, but those two didn’t even try. Leila was fine with Lakota, but she wanted the former Selsa to redeem himself -- In which he didn’t seem to try anymore, while Beau… She had nothing to say as for him, he just didn’t try from the moment he'd stepped foot into her territory. With the episode that had occurred the previous day, Leila would chastise Ikki for worrying over an Omega, a pack member who doesn’t even contribute, but she understood that Ikki didn’t want to lose any wolf under her watch. She was to be Lead Zeta by the full moon, after all, so Leila would leave it alone for now.[/SIZE]


Paethon smiled lightly at the two. He only planned to bring Kaga but he was more than happy to bring Caeldori along, he hoped though that the pup would not give him an attitude. He was aware that she had an ear mostly for Leila. "Alright you two!" You could began to hear his excitement, he had never done anything such as teaching pups before. "Lets just alert Leila before we head off.." Paethon turned to see the Alpha leading a new, heavily scarred wolf to a den. He motioned for the pups to follow him as he began to approach Leila. "He doesn't seem threatening, but lets keep an eye out." The Lead Delta thought to himself. 

"Leila, I'm taking Caeldori and Kaga to hunt rabbit. It seems they are both interested in the role of Delta." He explained to Leila when he reached her. "Just letting you know before we head out. No point to give you anymore stress."

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Dru watched his friend begin to leave when he felt a familiar tingling sensation up his spine. Ever since the storm he had felt  a tingling in his spine right before he felt the compulsion to do something. At first he had tried to resist the compulsions however he found out that bad things happened when he resisted. Usually when he complied with them he got small little pleasantries and sometimes avoided danger completely. 

Dru looked around the clearing and began to gather flowers, and it didn't take long to aquire a suitable amount of flowers. Dru walked up to Aura and bumped her playfully before setting the flowers down before her and sitting back on his haunches. Dru was thinking of something silly to say but when he opened his mouth something else came out instead "Aura I think I like you too." @Chaotic Pastel
Crow stepped out of her den and walked into the camp hub, looking around for the alpha. Her muscles itched to get out of camp, run fast enough to turn up leaves in her wake, maybe find a cliff to climb to remind herself of her old days. The salt-and-pepper she-wolf found herself padding in the direction of the alpha as Leila was the was the only scent she could distinguish from the others. Crow walked up  to the alpha and dipped her head. "Alpha?"

@Chaotic Pastel
[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Chaos Follows @Moolock @Victoria Bradley @RomanticDaffodil ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Glancing over to Phaethon and the two pups, Leila felt a sense of joy knowing that he was breaking through his shell some; She’d always looked up to him as a big brother of sorts, and it made her feel at ease knowing he wouldn’t be completely alone. There was hope for his reputation in the pack, besides having a background with the Alpha and being one of their more intimidating members; He could bond with the pups, and maybe some day find a lovely she-wolf to settle down with. She could only hope, “Alright, Phaethon. Kaga, Caeldori, don’t give him such a hard time, alright?” The Alpha chuckled softly as she called out after the pups, “He may be your superior one day…” It was also a relief knowing that someone would be teaching Caeldori alongside her; Sure, Leila felt a bit jealous, but she felt motherly towards the pup. Who wouldn’t when a pup so young looked up to you? Maybe the pups could soften Phaethon up some, just as they had for her… Not that she would openly rush up to a rogue and nuzzle them, that is.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]She noticed Crow approaching her, and turned to her with a gentler expression; Leila felt that the she-wolf didn’t have any ill will against her or her pack, and for the meantime Leila would trust her instincts. She knew better than to judge a wolf by its cover. “Yes, Crow?” The ALpha responded, before chuckling lightly and shaking her fur out with a light shake of her head, “And don’t worry about formality, you are one of us now… Feel free to call me Leila.” The onyx she-wolf responded, sitting back and glancing to the rogue and Rosebark before looking back to Crow.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Chaos Follows @Aero ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Kaga yipped with joy as Phaethon trode over to their Alpha, and he turned to Caeldori with his tail wagging frantically, “C’mon, Caeldori!” He called out cheerfully, bounding after Phaethon until he stopped and stared down at the ground. The elder wolf’s paw prints made an imprint on the ground as he walked, and Kaga stretched his own paws out in an attempt to walk in the bigger prints, despite his paws barely covering half of the prints.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.6667px]He watched Leila speak to Phaethon, and bowed his head to her in respect as they passed and stood by Phaethon with his posture tall. He wanted to show her that he was ready; Kaga was ready to take on a hunt with Phaethon and Caeldori, he knew that he would show his true potential if it was the last thing he did. He would make sure of it![/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Drumonkey ][/SIZE]

As Aura was awaiting her friend’s return, she stared off, deep in thought and barely noticing him approach as he bumped into her in a playful manner; Clearly she was shocked, but relieved to know that it was her puphood friend returning with… Flowers? The she-wolf was, needless to say, confused by the gesture. However, before she could open her mouth to voice her confusion, Dru had spoken again and had caught her off-guard all over, despite being focused this time; Her eyes grew wide, and she could feel heat rush up to her muzzle as she swallowed timidly.


A flurry of emotions gathered within the she-wolf, unsure as to how she should react. Was he just joking? Did he mean something else? Her mouth had opened to speak, though it took her a while to finally find her voice again. “D-Dru…” She stuttered, pawing at the ground nervously. “I-I do like you, and I think it’s sweet that you gave me these flowers, but… A-Are you sure?” She asked, her voice reaching a nervous whimper as she took a hesitant step towards him. “I don’t want you to waste time on something as pointless as me…” She murmured, ears flattening against her head sadly.



Lycaon listened intently to each word he said. He stored her rules and a map of the territory in his brain so he'd remember. He could feel the eyes of several different wolves raking over him as they judged him. He was new and foreign to them, after all. Judging by the shifting scents, there were several different opinions of him. Some thought he was dangerous and wanted him gone, some thought he looked like a lost puppy, and others were torn between acceptance because of the look of his scars and rejection for the possibility that he was a threat. 


When Leila walked away from Lycaon and the white wolf, he took a moment to look over the pack. His pack. And he smiled--as much as a wolf can smile. This was the first time in a long time he hadn't woken up to cold, or danger. The first time he hadn't woken up to pain, hadn't woken up to fighting to survive. His only hope now was that the wolves who were still skeptical of him would accept him and that, maybe, one day, he might find a mate and start a family. He knew both were highly unlikely at this point. Especially since he knew his instinct to protect himself was still his mindset and he'd probably scare some wolves with the way he acted for awhile. His plan was to just keep to himself. He couldn't jeopardize a life here if he wasn't interacting with the others.


When Leila turned and met his eyes for just a single second, he caught a glimpse of the young, kind-hearted pup still inside her. His eyes flashed with the single good memory he recalled from his life. He'd been a newborn pup, barely six weeks old, and his father had taken him out to meet the other pups. He remembered the energy they'd had. The happiness he'd felt as he played with them. The kindness that emanated from them. But most of all, he remembered the innocence. Those pups, including himself, had been oblivious to the evil in the world. When the pack had been attacked, he'd watched every one of those pups be torn apart. He'd watched his parents, his sisters, die. Every. Single. Member of his pack, murdered. He'd never forget it.


He turned away from Leila, not wanting someone so strong to see the weakness and the pain inside him. He bolted into his den, laying down in the very back, pressed against the wall with his tail curled around him. And as he lay there, endless pictures of his pack's senseless slaughter streaming like a movie behind his eyes, Lycaon allowed himself to feel. He allowed himself to be weak.


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Crow opened her mouth to reply to the last statement, then shut it with an inward sigh. That's going to take a forever and a half to get used to. Remembering her itching claws, she instead asked, "Are there any... patrols? I'm not sure what you'd call them- erm... hunting parties?" She shifted some, scrambling through all the terms she'd heard other packs in the area use back in the mountains. "I'd like to be out and about, get a feel for the territory as well as do something productive for the pack," she explained, also deciding it would take forever and a half for her to get used to talking to another wolf again. Her bumbling tongue annoyed her, especially when talking to her now-superior. 

@Chaotic Pastel
Dru was shocked because he had clearly hit a nerve and one or two deep seare issues. Dru cleared his throat then tapped his childhood friend on the nose before saying in a stern tone "cut out that nonsense. You live you breathe and you make others happy of course you matter. Time spent with you isn't a waste it's been a refreshing experience." Dru wasn't entirely sure why she thought that way about herself or how long he had liked her but he did know he was willing to follow his instincts. 

Dru then stood and moved a little closet to her "come on now would I say something like that without meaning it?" Dru searched her face for a sign that he was getting though to her. @Chaotic Pastel
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Paethon turned to the pups "alright, lets head out." he walked into the woods, trusting the pups to be mature enough to not stray from his path. He slowed down once he caught the scent of an animal so that the pups could catch up. "Come, there's something around here. It's large so stay close and behind me." 


(Yay! The color for the mobile version is back!)

Ikki spat the root pulp onto a leaf near her left paw. She began dipping her paw in it and rubbing it gently onto Beau's wounds. The Zeta's ears perked up a little hearing the Omega say that he may get the courge to ask Dru one day. "Well Beau, if you ever need a wingwolf I'm your gal! I'm always here if you just wanna talk." She offered and wiped her paw on the ground to get the remaining pulp off. "Well, you're all set. Be careful and don't push yourself too much, both physically and mentally." @MuffinRPs

"Oh ha ha Fernis." Arthrn replied his tail wagging playfully. "I can never sleep in when there is work to do. Trust me, I tried." He said with a chuckle and stretched out. The Epsilon did really wish he was able to sleep in like usual, but working is just too much fun for Arthrn. "So, you ready to start?" @Lost

Caeldori yipped happily and followed after Kaga as he took off afrer Phaethon. The adolescent watched as her fellow pup follow in Phaethon's paw prints her tail couldn't help but to wag. 'Yeah I feel you Kaga.' Caeldori thought to herself seeing how Kaga's relationship with Phaethon resembles hers with Leila. 

The adolescent stood next to Kaga and bowed right after her fellow pup did. She put on her best mature face and awaited Leila's decision. When the alpha did give them permission to go out and hunt with Phaethon, Caeldori yipped happily. "Thank you Leila! I promise to watch the two closely and make sure their safe!" She was so excited she didn't hear the part of Phaethon possibly being their leader and ran after Kaga and Phaethon. 

Once at the border, Caeldori froze for a moment before stepping out into the woods. It was her first time doing so and she had a feeling it will not be her last. 'This is so exciting!' She thought and crept behind Phaethon trying not to make a sound. The adolescent's ears perked up when the Lead Delta said there was something large around and looked around cautiously. @Chaotic Pastel @Chaos Follows
Beau hopped off of the table, "Thank you Ikki and I will. I better go apologise to Leila for causing such a hassle. See you later," he walked out of the Healing Den and began his search for the Alpha.

He spotted her with her back turned towards him. He swallowed his nerves and walked up to her, "L-Leila, I-I just want to apologise for causing a hassle. I feel terrible about it. I'm sorry," He hoped she would forgive him.


@Chaotic Pastel

Paethon silently parted some shrubs and watched as a bear tore into Royce's throat. The Lead Delta jumped onto the back of the possible adolescent bear, clawing at her eyes. He bounced off, away from the pups, barking ferociously to attract it. It swung its large paw at Paethon, striking him across his snout despite his own attempts to avoid it. He knew he had to defend the pups. The bear could smell his blood trickling into his fur. Paethon lunged at the bear, it staggered backwards. The wolf slashed and dug into the belly of the beast. It fell to the ground, grunting in overwhelming pain. Paethon had not noticed many cuts in his own skin from where the bear had tried to pull him away, his adrenaline had always been what saved him. He pushed the bear's head to the side, exposing her neck, and in a bloody mess, copied what she had done to Royce.

He looked over to the pups, "We need to go back to the clearing." Paethon threw Royce over his shoulders and through all the pain, carried him back to the clearing. He had no idea his fellow pack-mate was already dead. He hoped the pups where still behind him in case he failed. "Help!" He called out, his pain shown in his voice as his adrenaline began to wear off. "Royce needs help!" Paethon dropped the dead wolf, staggering away. "Ikki! Someone!" It dawned on him as he looked down at Royce, that it was too late.


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[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Victoria Bradley @Moolock @MuffinRPs ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Watching as Lyacon retired to his den, she allowed him to do so without protest; Having been a rogue herself, she guessed that he must have been tired from his journey. She knew that she sure as hell was relieved to finally lay herself down within a den and shut her eyes, to dream once again instead of wake with nightmares. Sure, they occurred on occasion, but they weren’t as severe as the ones before. She’d gotten over the Executioners, and had to focus on the present: Her pack. She turned to Crow and listened to her request, nodding lightly to show that she was indeed listening with interest. This wolf is going to make it to the leading roles one of these days, she thought with satisfaction. However, she would pay him a visit later; Leila wanted to know more about this new rogue.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]“Don’t worry, I understand what you mean.” She commented with a light chuckle, her tail wagging slightly to show her happiness at the magic word she spoke; Productive. Dipping her head lightly in a show of respect, she responded again, “Well, I wouldn’t mind allowing you to wander the territory. There’s much to see, believe me. But please, watch out for any potential threats, and if you see any, do report them directly to me.” Her voice turned gentle as she gave Crow a softer expression, already beginning to see the rogue as a part of their growing ‘family’, “I look forward to seeing which role in the pack would suit you by the Full Moon.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Leila glanced to Beau as he spoke to her, still looking back to Crow to make sure that the she-wolf heard everything the needed to hear, and gazed down upon the Omega with a higher posture and colder blue eyes. Although intimidating, her stance seemed almost like a mother scolding her own child for getting in danger, “I accept your apology, but what you had done yesterday was utterly inexcusable. You may be an Omega, but you are to [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]never [/SIZE][SIZE=14.666666666666666px]go above my word. The point of that law is to keep everyone safe, and you caused a frenzy because you disobeyed me. I forgive you, yes, but crime doesn’t go without punishment.” The she-wolf huffed, shaking her fur out to maintain her composure. “Until then, you are to remain upon the clearing ground no matter what the reason may be. You are quite literally grounded.” Her voice relaxed afterwards, before she sat again and sighed. “Now, what did Ikki say about your wounds?” She asked, her eyes showing slight concern behind the strict overtone.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Chaos Follows @Aero ][/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]Kaga was more than happy to follow after Phaethon, bounding alone print after print with his tail held high, its wagging never ceasing. He glanced to Caeldori, noticing how she acted with Leila as he resisted the urge to chuckle. His fellow pups were interesting, and he didn’t mind it. He didn’t have many playmates when he lived as a rogue with his parents, so the whole idea of friendship was still a foreign thought to the pup. Nevertheless, he embraced it. After all, Kaga was never one to turn down a new experience.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]The sudden bout of action struck fear into the pup, recalling the moment he’d lost his parents. For a moment, he stood there, golden eyes wide and clearly recalling a memory that seemed too recent, yet was so distant. His tail, once happily wagging in a show of exuberance, drooped and watched in horror as he hoped that the last wolf he could ever think of as anywhere near a father could possibly die. He glanced to Caeldori, and made a daring move to stand in front of her protectively. It wasn’t because he believed she couldn’t fight for herself, but the fact that he was one of the more larger pups and felt the need to place his life before his pack. He was ready to fight for Phaethon’s sake, but just as he’d readied himself to jump in, the bear was limp and lifeless. She was dead.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.666666666666666px]As soon as Phaethon instructed them to return to the clearing, Kaga jumped up and nudged Caeldori gently. “C’mon, ‘Dori… We gotta tell Leila what happened.” He said, accidentally creating some sort of nickname for the smaller pup.[/SIZE]


[SIZE=14.666666666666666px][ @Drumonkey ][/SIZE]

Aura’s eyes widened again at what Dru had said, and her tail tucked between her legs, fearing the future. What he said had touched her heart, possibly a bit more than it should have; There was a pang in her chest, and another flurry of strange, mixed emotions for the situation. However, one stood clear. What if he stops liking me…? She thought, then drew in a breath. There was only one thing to do, and she knew that if she pretended to not hear what she had just heard, she may never have the chance to say it again.

She shyly licked his muzzle as a sign of affection. “I-I like you, Dru.. I've k-kinda had a crush on you since we were pups…” She mumbled, glancing away timidly as her ears pressed back against her head. Aura feared her worst case scenarios, but hoped for the best.
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Dru couldn't help but smile at her sign of affection and fear in her eyes. She threw him for a little bit of a loop when she said she liked him when they were pup's but Dru nuzzled her before saying "well as I'm sure you can attest I wasn't the brightest as a pup and with my brother.... I wasn't really focused on much more than my brother and you. Now however my eyes have been opened and I see what it is that makes others act so silly." @Chaotic Pastel

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