⟅The Borealis Wolf Pack⟆ (OPEN FOR NEW MEMBERS)


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The sun had shown itself over the Eastern mountains, and as usual the Alpha of the Borealis had awoken before so. As usual, she patrolled the territory and strengthened the scent of her own land to warn any potential threats of the land they were entering. Leila would soon return before her pack woke, and stretched herself out in order to relax herself from the tension in her muscles; As an Alpha, Leila's instincts picked up from the Executioners would automatically kick in when she was patrolling her territory - She couldn't risk any violent rogues stepping onto her turf and harming her pack.

Crystal eyes sparkled as she watched the sun rise over the mountains, and she stood atop the Alpha's Rock that overlooked the clearing. She laid near the edge of the large stone, head rested atop her paws as her steady gaze watched over the clearing below her.

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Ikki woke up not to long after her Alpha returned to the pack. The brown female wolf stretched out her fore paws and smacked her mouth after a giant yawn. "Another great morning." She mumbled to herself and walked out of her den to see who else was awake which wasn't many. This didn't surprise Ikki the slightest since the sun just came out not too long ago. The wolf made her way to the healers den to check supply and take account of what's needed.

"Hmm, we seem good with herbs but running low with berries for some medicines." She whispered to herself using her paw to move around the supplies.

Arthrn let out a sigh when the sun came up. Instead of getting up, he just turned on his other side letting his back block the sunlight coming into his den. 'Ah much better.' He thought to himself with a small smile if wolfs could smile. Arthrn let out one last yawn before falling back to sleep.

Caeldori was up around the same time as Ikki was, just a bit earlier. She stretched out on her bed and shook off some dirt from yesterday when she was rough housing with others around her age. Once she was done, Caeldori made her way out of her den, careful not to wake her caretaker. She walked around the area, making sure everyone was alright and not injured as if she was already Beta. "Seems like everyone is a go." She said to herself and glanced up at Alpha's Rock to see if she could spot Leila.
Leila spotted the first few wolves exiting their dens, and perked her black ears at the distant sound of wolves howling. Her gaze hardened further, and a low growl rumbled the back of her throat; luckily, they sounded nowhere near familiar to the pack she once belonged to. An advantage to her position upon the stone was the ability to hear what was further off, and spot any distant threats.

The Alpha then climbed down the rock with ease, and safely landed on all four paws with a shake of her fur. At that moment, she had spotted the small white wolf near the rock, and she nodded with a content expression. "Good morning to you, young Caeldori."
(Bumping for new members and reminding @Lost and @MuffinRPs that they haven't posted yet [if you're busy, take your time], and @moustachepanda I have yet to see any clarification in your character..)
Beau woke up at a reasonable time. He never liked waking up this early as wolves would take a while to get up meaning he would be noticeable. He walked out of the den and towards Alpha Rock. He liked to sit near there as he could be protected. Not many wolves thought much of him as he was an Omega. He sat down by Alpha Rock, just out of eye range of Leila. She could probably hear him though as he wasn't light footed.
Caeldori straighten up her posture when Leila walked over and greeted her. "Oh, um hello Leila. I was just finishing up my morning check. Everyone is doing okay my leader." She said with a stern voice. "How has your morning been? Everything okay outside the territory? Are you well?" The pup asked so many questions trying to do more to help out. @Chaotic Pastel
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Fenris growled as he swiped his paw at an especially erratic mouse. The pesky creature had been hiding in his den for over two moons, and try as he might, he could not catch it. He realized that it would have been less troublesome to ask a swifter pack member to kill the vermin, but he was too proud to admit that he needed help. And so the mouse would continue to live in his den, at least until he eventually got the drop on the little thing.

After numerous back and forth exchanges, Fenris decided to leave the mouse's demise for later. He clumsily got to his feet, and headed out into the cool morning air. It was refreshing compared to the stuffy interior of his den. Looking around, he decided to settle down next to Beau the Omega.

"Morning Beau."

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@Aero ]

The black wolf looked down at the pup and gave a soft expression; She could easily see the ambition in her eyes, and Leila gradually grew to admire that in a pup so young. It was rare to see it nowadays, and Leila was even prouder to lead a pack with a young one so headstrong. Her blue eyes flickered about to see the newly awakened wolves, before glancing back down to the pup.

"You know, you don't have to address me so respectfully.." She said with a warm chuckle, taking a seat on the ground as she continued looking down Caeldori, "It has been fine, thank you. It looks like our territory is yet to be intruded upon..." Leila leaned in, glancing around before whispering softly, "But between you and I, I heard the howl of a strange wolf from afar atop the Alpha's Rock." She leaned back and stood again. "But I'm sure we'll be just alright."

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Beau sat up straight, "Good Morning Fenris." He spoke quietly, "L-Looks to be a sunny day," Even though some wolves would argue against it, Beau didn't believe he was worth much and that no one really loved or cared about him. He stayed out of the way and didn't talk to anyone for this reason.

Caeldori followed her leader's eyes to the wolves who awaken. They weren't doing anything out the ordinary, so the young pup sat down and looked back at Leila awaiting further information. While Leila was still lookin at the wolves, Caeldori took the time to admire the Alpha. Her eyes filled with awestruck like every time she looked at Leila. 'I'm going to be like her someday. I'm going to make her proud, I just know it!'

Caeldori averted her gaze when Leila looked back at her, hoping she wasn't caught staring. "I'm sorry Leila. I'll try to be less formal." She said her eyes still averted. Once she got her composer back, Caeldori made eye contact once again with her leader as she listened to what was happening. The young pup was surprised when her leader leaned down and whispered about the howl she heard.

Caeldori had to contain her excitement. She really wanted to howl for joy that her leader was telling her secret information. Instead she remain calm and serious, but her tail wagged like crazy. "Alright Leila if you think it's fine I won't go hunting for this wolf. Not until you give me the word." @Chaotic Pastel
"Yeah. It certainly would be a good day to go hunting." He smiled longingly for a few seconds, then shifted his expression into a scowl. "Anyways, I was wondering if you've seen Arthrn. We've got work to do." He wanted to get started early, and he knew things would progress much quicker with his fellow Epsilon's help. Albeit he was rather lazy, Arthrn was very skilled at making dens. Fenris admired his talent, if only a little.

His ears perked up,"N-No, I haven't. He might still be asleep. I'll tell you if I see him." Beau layed down and blinked his big blue eyes.


@Aero ]

Leila noted the sparkle in the pup's eye and thought to herself how much potential she had to lead in a higher role one of these days, she thought to herself how long she would have to keep the pup waiting until she was old enough to take in such responsibility. Not only would she have to make sure the pup had what it takes, but considering Caeldori's particularly rebellious nature towards the rest of the pack Leila wasn't sure if the pack would welcome her into the role so easily. She gently shook her head, thinking that there would be more time to consider it on a later date.

With a gentle nudge of her paw to the white pup's shoulder, Leila chuckled quietly, "You don't have to worry about hunting down any wolves, that's a job for me and the Selsas if they get too close.." Her posture straightened as she glanced about again to be sure there were no nearby intruders, then sighed in relief. "Thankfully, I haven't caught the scent of a rogue or pack."

Alaska was already up guarding the other sleeping, it was her time to watch tonight and she's happy to say there was no possible threats tonight. She bowed her head as the Alpha returned and then looked up at the sky as the sun rise was making the dark sky turn into a light blue colour. Alaska was pretty excited for today's hunt as she built up quite an appetite last night by watching all the bunnies hop by and not being able to catch them.
"Thanks, I owe you one." He turned around and started heading in the the direction of Arthrn's den. It wasn't that he hadn't considered that Arthrn would be in his den, he just hoped he could avoid it. As an Epsilon, he found it rude to intrude on such a personal space if avoidable. But alas, it wasn't as if he had much of a choice. He limped up to the entrance, and stuck his head in. "Arthrn, get up before I have to come in there; we have work to do."

When Edon woke up he came out of his den and saw Alaska already guarding.

"Hm, now where is Caeldori?" He thought while he was looking at Alaska.

He found the young Caeldori speaking with Leila. "Good morning. Any news today?" He said as he came up to them.

@Chaotic Pastel
Arthrn let out a small huff when his sleep was disturbed once more by a familiar voice. "Arthrn's not here right now. He'll be back in the afternoon." The lazy Epsilon replied to Fenris and rolled over once again to get comfortable. He knew this wasn't going to make his fellow Epsilon to leave, but it gave him an extra minute or two to keep his eyes close and pretend like he was sleep. @Lost

Caeldori let out a small quiet whine when Leila made her statement. The small pup wanted to hunt, she wanted to go out with her and the Selsas like she always dreamed of doing. For a minute, she thought about sneaking out with them once there was any sign of trouble. 'No, even if I did succeed in getting past the old fart Leila and the others will just send me back.'

With that thought in her head, Caeldori let out a small huff and looked at the paw on her shoulder. "Well, I guess it is a good thing that there is no danger lurking." She said and turned her attention to her leader with a small smile. Not too long after she finished, Edon or as she liked to call him the old fart came up and spoke to Leila. @Chaotic Pastel @ShadowOwl0123
Fenris rolled his eyes. "Funny, I got the same response yesterday." He dragged himself the rest of the way into the den. Sure enough, Arthrn was where Beau suggested he'd be. Fenris made a mental note to thank the Omega again. He padded over to Arthrn, and nudged him hard in the back. "Get up already. I'd prefer not to work alone again today."

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[ @omgcaro

@ShadowOwl0123 @Aero @Drumonkey ]

Leila noticed how more and more wolves were awakening and being up and about on the territory, and as she saw Alaska passing her, Leila gave her a nod in acknowledgment with a small smile. "Good morning, Alaska. I have an order for you once I finish here, if you don't mind." She said in a friendly yet strict tone, she knew she would have to see her Beta about this as well. There was much to be done, she thought, before bowing her head in respect to Edon with a gentle smile. One benefit to Iotas, in Leila's opinion, was that their experience and knowledge of the past gained Leila's respect in a heartbeat. She respected them, and was happy to have their respect. "Good morning, Edon. Nothing too important yet, I'm afraid.. However, from atop the Rock, I did spot a few gray clouds in the distance. We might expect some rain later on in the day, so I may need to discuss with the Epsilons soon about setting something atop the dens so everyone is kept dry... That's about it."

Glancing down to the pup, she gently lifted a paw and gave Caeldori an affectionate rub on her head. She liked the pup, and thought of her as one of her own at times since the Iotas mostly cared for her; Leila didn't hesitate to care for the pup, herself. With a reassuring smile, she spoke again, "I'll let you know when I need your help, though... Alright, Caeldori?"

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Dru had woken up a little before the daend and had quietly padded put and began running. Dru liked to keep fit just in case something happened plus he felt like his mind was clear and there was nothing to hold him back when he ran. As the sun slowly began to rise and he found less and less places to blend in he turned back towards the pack. Dru still felt fairly new to the pack but it was a welcome change of pace from being alone and having to worry about everything on your own. Dru noticed Liela going around talking to some of the others who were out and about however Dru opted for a less social action and sat in a place so that Liela could see him if she needed him yet. @Chaotic Pastel
Beau noticed a familiar Beta sitting down about 30 feet away from him. He sighed and walked over to the black wolf, "G-Good morning Dru," He stuttered and mentally slapped himself for doing so in front of the Beta. It was true that the Omega had the tiniest crush on the wolf. Sure, every species had homosexual animals but the white wolf was ashamed his crush was a Beta. Of all wolves it had to be the Beta.
MuffinRPs said:
Beau noticed a familiar Beta sitting down about 30 feet away from him. He sighed and walked over to the black wolf, "G-Good morning Dru," He stuttered and mentally slapped himself for doing so in front of the Beta. It was true that the Omega had the tiniest crush on the wolf. Sure, every species had homosexual animals but the white wolf was ashamed his crush was a Beta. Of all wolves it had to be the Beta.
Dru looked at Beau and smiled lightly "Good morning Beau.... it is Beau right? I am doing my best with names and I hope I didn't get yours wrong." Dru had respect for each of the wolves in this pack and he sensed that while Beau had respect for him Dru couldn't help hut wonder if that was all it was.
Drumonkey said:
Dru looked at Beau and smiled lightly "Good morning Beau.... it is Beau right? I am doing my best with names and I hope I didn't get yours wrong." Dru had respect for each of the wolves in this pack and he sensed that while Beau had respect for him Dru couldn't help hut wonder if that was all it was.
"Y-Yes it's Beau. I'm the Omega." He layed down on his stomach and gazed at Dru with his big soft blue eyes, "And I understand if you mess up names." His ears perked up and his claws dug into the ground slightly.
Arthrn let a small muffled growl and slowly stood up after being rudely awakened. With another huge yawn and a big stretch, the wolf shook the dirt off his fur. He blinked a few times, then turned to Fenris with a frown. "It's also funny that I recived the same rude awakening yesterday." He replied with a snarky tone and then a small sigh. "So what are we working on today? Did Leila give us any instructions? If not, I would prefer to go visit Ikki for a small while. J-just to see if she needs anything, of course." @Lost

Caeldori listened to the Alpha explain the same thing she told to her, except for the rain part. The pup's tail began to wag for when there's rain, there is mud and boy did Caeldori like playing in the mud. Yes, mud was one of the few things that even the mature Caeldori couldn't resists messing around in.

Her happy thoughts about mud were disturbed when Leila placed her paw on Caeldori's head giving it a nice rub. Caeldori's tail wagged faster at the feel of her Alpha's affection and she gave Leila a nod. "Yes my leader! I will not let you down!" She said in her most serious voice. @Chaotic Pastel @ShadowOwl0123

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