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Fantasy The Blue Rose - Official RP



My friend Avari had a method for posting, and I found it was very successful at keeping the flow of things. Basically, there is a DAY and NIGHT post. Each player is required to post one of each during the designated time periods (you can choose to opt out of them, meaning your character won't be active during that period). I will always post something that clarifies when DAY and NIGHT begin so you don't need to worry about that. Once everyone has posted their official DAY, we will move on to night. Once everyone posts their official NIGHT, we will move on to day. And so on.

What's the purpose of day/night posting? It keeps things flowing by allowing everyone the ability to take control of story progress, it ensures that people don't get ahead of one another timeline-wise, and it makes it simpler for people to become MIA in-character. If you ever need to take a break or skip, it's easier to skip over your character for that day/night!

This may sound confusing, but I promise it's not as difficult as it may sound. Once you start writing, everything will make sense! Just note that you will have plenty of time to post!

Please include your character's location (especially if we aren't all at the same place) and name if possible.​
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[div class=header]Welcome to Blue Roses (Iunius 9, 146) - DAY 1[/div][div class=maintext]Barely two days have passed since the conclusion of the Knight Exams. The city of Clarmont is still bustling with life from travelers far and wide that attended the exams as either testee or spectator. Some of the guilds gained new members while some did not. The new guild, Blue Roses, is welcoming its first members into the creaky walls and dusty rooms of its headquarters. Its location is secluded, found at the easternmost corner of Clarmont where city wall meets the woods. It was previously a boarding home that was abandoned after going bankrupt. Afterwards, it became a greenhouse of sorts so multiple species of flowers can be found growing in and around the building.

None really. There are no quests yet. Discuss relations, if any. Build your character and get comfortable with him or her!
This is all about YOU and your character's narrative. (:​
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Tobin Han
location: Parlor
mentions: ---
interactions: Open
∞ Morning
Two days had already passed since the conclusion of the Knight Exams. Tobin had secretly hoped that his skills caught the eye of the Shadowclouds guild master, and for a moment he was positive he did. Unfortunately, another person that had an innate ability with shadows, like him, was chosen instead. It left the male bitter the entirety of the Exams, since he'd performed on one of the earlier days rather than later. The expression he wore was initially emotionless and cold, but things were slightly better now. Getting into Shadowclouds wasn't his true goal anyways. He merely wanted to gain a Knight's License so he had more freedom with where he could go and what he could do. He was even going to say "no" when he was offered a spot in Blue Roses, but he ended up accepting since he had no where else to go.

Having moved in the night before, he hadn't met anyone yet. Maybe it was ill-timing or it could've been that he was the only member. Of course, I would be. Tobin thought to himself as he subconsciously smashed an egg into pieces against the mixing bowl. Cursing slightly to himself, the ash blonde began cleaning up the minor mess he'd made before returning to the simple, yet hearty breakfast before him. After a few minutes, a plate of scrambled eggs, bread, and peach jam was set nicely on dining table, or meeting table, or whatever it was supposed to be. He was still confused on the layout of the building.

As he tore a piece of bread from the loaf and dipped it into the jam, the quiet sound of creaky boards filled his ears. In an instant, a small dagger emerged from his wrist and to his hand before flying across the room with a swoosh and puncturing the wall.

"What. In. The. Hell." A man said. He didn't seemed fazed anymore than he seemed annoyed with his crossed arms. Frowning, the guild master let out a deep sigh. "This is what I get for showing the newbie around." Squinting at Tobin and glancing at the plate of breakfast, Kline huffed. "Toby, you're on housewarming duty now. It's too early for this shit and I'm tired."

"It's Tobin, sir."

"Yeah, whatever. Show the newbie around!" Kline was already walking away, waving his hand behind him without a care in the world. Tobin felt himself let out a small sigh, clenching his fist slightly before turning his attention to the person standing by the entryway. A few seconds of awkward silence passed before the blonde realized he needed to speak up first.

"Do you... want breakfast?" Tobin asked, sounding almost unsure of himself.

Day Post: Complete​
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Suomi Ebril

The Parlor
Clarmont, Kingdom of Zuiya

Interacted: Tobin ( koala koala )
Mentioned: N/A

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Metallic jingles followed the creature's path, with her elongated lance in tow, as she made her way towards the vine-covered residence, of which had resided near the end of Clarmont's outer walls. A secluded location, far from the access of local commerce and crowds. Her journey grew quieter, as the quiet corner of the city was left untouched for most. Only a few scattered abodes and shacks that would be out of sight as soon as one spots the Blue Rose's supposed headquarters. The lancer's long march was overall quite pleasant, far away from the noises and business. Within her, resided a certain anxiety, unexpectedly expecting a reprieve or perhaps some minor details to be on her way.

Before long, the lancer had finally arrived at her destination. The building that towered before her was all but pretty. But that was what the young adventurer had signed up for. Even so, she was initially repulsed by its poorly-tended state. Some of the wooden beams were as rotten as a politician's smile, while the rampant weed and vines embellished the front door. Grasping tightly onto her parchment paper of transfer orders, the woman had little hopes for her appointed Guild, but all-the-while determined to present herself properly. Inhaling deeply, the lancer's gauntlets followed suit with the courtesy of the wooden door.

Before she could fashion for herself the words in her thoughts, she was met by a blonde figure, whose dark attires were apparent to her eyes of his counterpart. Another figure could be seen dragging himself towards his room. It was evident in itself that he was not keen on having guests, and from the looks of his slouched stance, his needs had resided in the realm of dreams. When offered breakfast, the lancer simply declined with a hand gesture, all the while keeping a straight face. Following him back towards the kitchen isles, the girl was taken aback by the spacious environment around her, despite the building's outdoor's dereliction. Although the place could use some renovation, the aroma of sandalwood and recently conjured breakfast were enough to settle her thoughts. Sliding the parchment of her identity across the table, the girl was most eager to be acquainted with the man having breakfast. The paper noted her name 'Suomi Ebril'.

"Suomi Libr-... Ebril, Lancer, at your service. This is the Blue Rose's headquarters, correct? Will you indulge me with a name to address yourself?" she inquired, while standing amidst the room with her lance in hand.

An anagram of her birth's sake, Suomi's last name was rearranged to dissuade and perhaps absolve her company of questions pertaining to her origins. After all, the girl was less keen on being singled-out for her birth as a noble. That was the whole reason for her transfer to the Blue Rose in the first place. Twirling with her silver-gray hair, the lancer shot a few glance at the man, studying his nonchalant approach. It was fair to say that Suomi has yet to acquaint herself with how commoners acted. She was used to being pestered for small-talks and hefty conversation in court. While this was an abrupt change of pace, it was a welcoming one.

Day Activity: Completed

[div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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Varimal growled softly as he trudged into the main living area of the thing. Whatever this HQ was it sucked. Common rooms and mere trashy rooms. Ugh, he was spoiled coming from a higher middle class family, but for the love, he had signed up for the Knights. Even if this was the crappiest of the Orders, he had expected something better. Var had already dropped his stuff off in his room and arranged a bit. Since he had seen no roommate forthcoming, he had decided to make his way into the common area. He was slightly slouched showing his non-caring attitude. He walked in just as the girl gave her introduction to the other order Knight. Ugh she was a noble. Well what did he expect? Probably some flushed out second child who had failed to make the cut... like him.

"You know, noble, Ebril, who ever you are. Since, you are forced to work with us you might as well be who you are, a noble. Shed it if you wish but don't fake it." He lazily tipped his hat, "Varimal at your service, if Varimal is to long for your noble tongue Var will do." He also nodded at the other man who had just prepared himself breakfast and sauntered over snitching a piece of the bread and some jam. "Good day, I'll take that offer of breakfast."

Varimal settled himself into a chair and slouch into it, a dangerous glint in his eyes. "Welcome to the best of the worst!"

Ringo Sanguina

Day post
Interaction: open
Moving In

Pippi watched silently as Ringo dismantled their small hut, a hut in the border of the wood that they use to live these past several months. Pippi likes it here, he could play in the woods all he wanted and nobody would ever be bothered by him, but he also understand that this hut was supposed to be their temporary house until they get a better one.

Ringo always wanted the 'city life', something that Pippin didn't really understand but he fully support. Anything that makes Ringo happy would make him happy too. They tried renting some room in the middle of the city before, but it's either too expensive or they didn't allow 'pet' around. How rude, Pippi is not a pet!

Again and again, they keep coming back to the hut. Until recently they passed a test and got accepted into knight something. Ringo was excited to join the knight something. She said the knight something was adored among the people of Zuiya, so becoming one of the member will make our path to city life easier. Also, there's no pet restriction.

"Let's go, Pippi!" The girl's enthusiasm was contagious. The wolf pup ran alongside her as they made their way into this so called HQ. When they finally arrived at the building, Pippi could felt Ringo's enthusiasm dwindling until she stopped completely in front of the building.

It was quite a run down building for something that should be adored by the general people, even Pippi could said that. He understood why the girl was frozen on her spot with a blank stare now, she might wanted to scream something. Pippi was happy with the place though, it was secluded and so close to the woods. This building was basically just a bigger hut! Perfect! Pippi took a brief time to mark the building with his scent while Ringo still frozen in front of the door. She finally snapped back into reality after a good two minutes.

She opened the door and they both peeked inside, the interior needs work but quite nice. She could spot a creaky floor, a hole in the wall and some cracks on the ceiling that might gave rainwater a way in. Ringo was disappointed that the place wasn't the luxurious place she dreamed it to be, yes. But she could imagine the place was actually a decent one if they could fix it.

She entered the building, the pleasant smell of someone's food remined her that they both hadn't eat any breakfast. Their stomach growled in a shameless rhythm. There's breads and some other foods on the kitchen counter, she pointed at the food and asked unsurely to no one in particular, since she didn't know who owns the place among the people in this room.

"Is this free?"
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Suomi Ebril

The Parlor
Clarmont, Kingdom of Zuiya

Interacted: Varimal ( Blitzer Blitzer ), Ringo/Pipi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )
Mentioned: N/A

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Suomi felt Varimal's daggered words, as he accommodated himself within the confines of his chair, having given his introduction. The lancer felt uneasy at the behest of his nonchalant attitude. A dereliction that she must settle with, lest she find herself a victim of belittlement. Scrutinizing his attires and demeanor, Suomi concluded that she was indeed a little of an oddball out of the whole group. While had her initial disdains for the man, it brought her a subtle sense of relief that he only called her as a noble, discerning her heritage as a Libre. It was only fair, given her formal choice of words. But no matter how much she sugar-coated it, it did not bode well for her inner pride. Putting up a straight face, the girl let loose her lance - of which would idle in the air, as she waltzed pass those at the table.

"A pleasure to meet your honest-spoken self, Varimal. Although I must say, some people do certainly put me to shame when it comes to faking." Suomi remarked sharply, as she leaned back against the nearby counter. Under her words, were implications of Varimal's presence within the Blue Rose, despite the options of joining the other more-endowed guilds. After all, they all have their share of troubles to end up here in the first place. While unnecessary, Suomi wanted to assert her stance. Shooting a sharp glance his way, the lancer's crimson eyes were filled with petty contempt.

Before long, a short figure in red would let herself into the Parlor, accompanied by her canine companion. Suomi sat quietly, as she observed the faces of the gathering company around her. When the girl in red spoke of refreshments, Suomi's gauntlet flowed through her hair softly.

"Courtesy of the Guild, I presume. Say..." the lancer commented, gratifying the red-hooded girl's intentions, as she made her way towards the pup.

"... does he have a name?" she continued, extending her hand out towards the wolf, while striking a curious gaze at the furry creature.

Day Activity: Completed

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Ringo Sanguina
Day post
Interaction: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59
Bread and Fruit

When one of the girl in the room said that the foods on the table was from the guild for them, that's all the excuse Ringo needs to start wolfing down the foods. She went with the fruits first, the sweet juicy food was always a luxury back in her tribe. They live in the coldest region in the continent so the only fruit that could grow there was a big meaty white fruit called Paru, it's very hard to cultivate and those wild Yeeti keep stealing the fruit whenever the chance arise.

Among the piles of bread and fruits she found a few sausages. Pippi would like this one.

"His name is Pippi." Ringo said replied to the girl as she threw a sausage to her wolf. Pippi caught the sausage with impressive midair spin, he do likes to show off every once in a while. "And I'm Ringo."

Ringo kept munching on the fruits as she watched Pippi played a bit with his food before eating it. She noticed the girl was approaching Pippi with hesitant extended hand.

"Go on. You can give him a pat. He don't bite, most of the time."

Direwolf is a much stronger and smarter species of wolf, originated from the Far North. Ringo's elder once told her that direwolf was able to learn a bit of shapeshifting magic to boost their survivability in the wild. Some of them able to shift into an even bigger wolf, tackling even tougher prey. But some of them choose to transform into their smaller form, allowing them to hide easily and caught their prey off guard with their innocent look. Then the ancestor of her tribe started domesticating them to help with the hunts, guess what kind of direwolf that they prefer to domesticate?
Tobin Han
location: Parlor
mentions: Varimal
interactions: Suomi Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 , Ringo Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
∞ Morning
When the silver-haired woman spoke, he mentally noted two things. The first was her name, of course. She’d stuttered a bit, but perhaps it was due to meeting a new person. Tobin himself wasn’t a very social person and introducing himself to others was common practice that only become common to him a couple years ago. The second thing he noted was the way she spoke. It sounded posh in nature and he suspected she was a noble. No one lesser born spoke that way, and it made him somewhat curious as to how far up she was exactly.

“Tobin Han.” The male stared simply, he wanted to add that he didn’t associate with the Han Clan. However, saying that might insinuate that he was so he chose to keep silent. Even his expression remained somewhat nonchalant until their new guild member emerged in the parlor.

Varimal... The name left a nasty feeling in the back of his mind, but the ash blonde chose to ignore it. People like him were common in his clan so he was more than used to such attitude. The only thing that really irritated him was when the guy took a slice of his bread and homemade jam without asking.

It wasn’t long before someone new arrived... and with a dire wolf at that. Tobin had never seen one before. He’d only heard stories from his father and he’d seen a fur rug of one laying in the older man’s office. Probably not something to talk about... Tobin thought as he took a bite of bread and jam.

“I actually purchased everything.” Robin mentioned bluntly before he realized he might’ve sounded rude. “... but you’re free to indulge yourself.” It was only the first day and he was already sounding like an ass.

Of course...
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Raimi Charlotte
The Parlor

Somewhat nervous, clutching in her right hand the acceptance letter to the new guild that she'd received the day before when she'd been wrapping up her market stall to head back to her inn, Rae emerged from a lesser traveled backstreet of the city of Claremont into a wider road bordering the city's east wall and leading to the open gate. The forest was visible just outside the city's Eastern gate and normally Raimi might look out at it, longing to go for a hunt, but today her attention was elsewhere. She stopped off the side of the street, out of the way of passersby, and looked instead at a relatively big, somewhat rundown looking wooden structure with multiple floors a little aside from all the other houses and buildings in this quarter of the city. The guild hall for the Blue Roses. It must be a mistake, she thought to herself. After the crazy stunt I pulled? It has to be. The way she humiliated that stuck-up noble jackass during the test, the way all the officials were so angry with her afterward, she would've thought the king would send the city jailer to meet her if anything, or maybe even the headsman, but definitely not a messenger with an acceptance letter into an actual knight's guild. It was crazy. Raimi was only visiting the city to sell her family's crops and wares. She was supposed to leave for home tomorrow. She couldn't be a knight! She signed up to take the test, true, but she was never supposed to actually pass the darn thing.

It was fine, though, she figured. She'd just pop on in and see the guildmaster. He'd realize someone made a mistake when he saw her--some kind of clerical error, she was certain--she'd thank him for his time, and she'd be back off to her inn so she could get a good night's sleep and be ready to head home tomorrow. Simple. If it was so simple, though, why did she feel so nervous now that she was here and looking at the place? What was there to be nervous about? Suppressing her doubts, Rae took a deep breath and moved to walk in the guild house's front door. Given the building's outward appearance of neglect, she had expected the inside to be run down and neglected as well, but to her pleasant surprise, Rae found the place quite homey, with a bar and several comfortable chairs, tables and booths strewn throughout the room, a well-lit interior and a spacious common room. It was a little dusty and she could see places where repairs or cleaning was needed, sure, but it was no worse than the barn back on the farm. It was a little cleaner even than some of the inns in seedier parts of the sprawling capital city, she thought.

As she stepped inside and let the door close behind her, Raimi studied the room's occupants. The most notable figure was a girl in red about Rae's height stuffing her face full of food at one of the tables in the center of the room, barely stopping to make occasional conversation. Sitting at the same table were two men and a woman. The woman sat straight backed with what seemed an almost painfully rigid posture. She had a regal bearing and an air of command about her, like a general ready to take command of the troops, or perhaps a queen on her throne. Rae would have thought her the guildmaster if she did not know from her letter that the guildmaster was a man named Kline Lufeld. The man seated across from her was dark haired and he carried some nasty looking weapons on his back and at his side, including a firearm. Was it Rae's imagination, or did the man seem to be almost glaring at the queenly woman out of the corner of his eye as he picked at the food in front of him with notably less vigor than the small girl? The other fellow in the room stayed a small distance away from the table and his eyes seemed to glance furtively about the room before locking themselves on the floor. He looked as anxious as Rae felt, hanging back and apparently trying to melt into the wall he was leaning on before anyone noticed him.

Rae gave a start when the girl said something she couldn't hear, stopped eating and threw a piece of food in the air, where it was snatched immediately by a small pup. Raimi blinked. No, not a pup, she thought, taking a closer look. That was a dang wolf cub! Raimi was suddenly wary and her hand unconsciously reached for her belt knife; wolves were usually not dangerous to humans in the wild, preferring to avoid people if they could, but it was not unknown back in her village for a pack to wander too close to the farm and steal some livestock in the night or hunt the surrounding forest to near depletion. She'd had to go out multiple times with hunting parties made up of the other villagers and lead a pack or two away from the village if they could, or, if not...well, she didn't like it, but they had to do what they had to to survive, and sometimes that meant it was either their crops and livestock or the wolf packs. Rae kept a wary eye on the little cub. Wolves were not usually dangerous, given distance, but close up, they could be killers, even a small cub like this one. Besides that, Rae didn't know what, but she sensed something...off...about this wolf. Something different from other wolves she'd encountered. What was this girl doing with a wolf of any kind, though? They were wild animals, cub or no, and you didn't just tame a wolf like it was a regular hound. She was either very brave or very foolish, this one.

Well, it didn't change what she needed to do here. Find the guildmaster. Tell him she wouldn't be a knight. Head back to the inn to pack up her stuff. Keeping a wary eye on the wolf and a safe distance from it, Raimi approached the table.

"'Scuse me," Rae interjected politely into their conversation with a bright smile. "Any of y'all know where I can find the guild master around here?" She looked questioningly at the two men in particular, thinking one of them might be Kline Lufeld.

Interaction: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Blitzer Blitzer koala koala
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Suomi Ebril

The Parlor
Clarmont, Kingdom of Zuiya

Interacted: Raimi ( MagicPenguin MagicPenguin )
Mentioned: Tobin ( koala koala ), Ringo/Pippi ( Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread )

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The lancer eyed Tobin, as he gave his name, alongside his statement of responsibility for the refreshments before them. The rumors that she have heard before stumbling in was all true to its core. A company of derelict personnel, with their carefree attitude to boot. What would the Guildmaster make of all this? Their unruliness must be addressed sooner or later, Suomi thought to herself. While she did not show it, the upright lancer's impression of the Blue Rose was spiraling downwards with every second. Having spent most of her life associating with the higher ends of society, this was the first time she had seen an endless vault of faults. But to each their own, she too, had her reasons for being here. Adhering to her coarse upcoming as a lancer, this was something she had to bear with for the time being.

"Your contributions will not go unnoticed, Tobin. I will see to it that you are endowed with recognition." she said to Tobin, before turning towards the girl in red.

Suomi's gauntlets opened up like a bloomed flower, at the behest of Ringo's remarks. The prior's delicate fingers met Pippi's lower jaw, where she would proceed to curl them back and forth, curating the wolf briefly before commencing her other hand to feel his fur. Running both her hands down his head, and then scratching behind his ears. Despite her stern and collected face, it was clear that Suomi was indulging herself with petting Pippi.

"Judging from your attires, I presume you and Pippi are from the North, correct? I would very much like to inquire upon your knowledge, given the time, Ringo." Suomi asked, having taken into sight of Ringo's apparels and her wolf companion.

Before long, another figure have made stumbled into the fray, donning a bow and drab-green cloak. It was fair to say she was a ranger, given her equipment and attires. Her crimson eyes studied the girl's, and from it, there was a certain sense of anxiety. Upon the archer's inquiries of the Guildmaster, Suomi diverted her attention, scanning the room briefly before thinking to herself. None of them were fit as a Guildmaster, she thought. While they certainly have their own distinctive aura, none of it were deemed noteworthy in Suomi's eyes as the one in charge of the Blue Rose. There was a certain condescending sentiment within her, but it was fair to say that it was natural for the lancer to perceive the situation as such.

"Indeed, much to my curiosity. I have yet to see our Guildmaster as well. Perhaps Mr. Lufeld of his name, as I recall correctly, will present himself shortly. In the meantime, why don't you fashion yourself a seat and introduce yourself?" Suomi commented, as she leaned back against the wall, idling by her hovering lance.

Day Activity: Completed

[class=fyuriwrapper] width:100%; background: url('https://i.imgur.com/3eb54bE.png'); /*https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/damask-seamless-pattern-element-classical-luxury-old-fashioned-damask-ornament_4328331.htm*/ [/class] [class=main] max-width:900px; margin:auto;background: rgb(255, 255, 255); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 100%); [/class] [class=charaname] position:relative; z-index:10; font-family:'Bilbo Swash Caps', cursive; font-size:40px; text-align:center; color:#000; letter-spacing:2px; font-style: italic; bold; line-height:20px; [/class] [class=smheader] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; width:100%; text-align:left; [/class] [class=smimg] display: flex; width:19px; height:50px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=smheadtxt] display: flex; flex:1; align-items: center; font-family:'Eagle Lake', cursive; font-size:25px; padding-left:5px; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class name=imagecontainer] overflow:hidden; /*code inspired by @glucose guardian */ position:relative; z-index:5; width: 300px; height: 358px; background: #FFF url(https://i.imgur.com/dvaS4kN.png) no-repeat center center; /*https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/black-baroque-elements-vector-set_3853705.htm*/ background-size: 300px auto; margin:0 auto [/class] [class name=mainimage] display : flex; /*code inspired by @glucose guardian */ align-items : center; height: 100%; width: 100%; pointer-events: none; mix-blend-mode: screen; [/class] [class=text] padding:10px; box-sizing:border-box; color:#000; font-family:'Noto Sans', Verdana; font-size:14px; text-align:justify; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] opacity:0.5; font-size:10px; [/class] [/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
Tobin Han
location: Parlor
mentions: --
interactions: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Blitzer Blitzer Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread MagicPenguin MagicPenguin
∞ Morning
Tobin didn't want to acknowledge the woman clad in green observing him, but he did. There was suddenly so many people in a setting that was rather personal and he was quite unsure how to handle it. While there were many missions in the past that required him to go undercover in public, none were like so. He never had to give his real name or ensure that he made a good first impression. It wasn't an act nor an assassination. It was real life and that meant the ash blonde had to maintain a certain facade that was true to himself but not enough to scare others away.

Thankfully, he didn't need to be the first to speak up as Suomi took the liberty of doing so. Both women mentioned the Guildmaster, and Tobin couldn't help but scrunch his nose though he was sure to try and do that without being noticed. Kline Lufeld was definitely a character even though the two had only spoken for less than an hour total. The male could get a good understanding of the older man's personality, however, and it was surely on the more difficult side.

After introducing himself once again but choosing to leave out his surname, Tobin told the group that he would retrieve Mr. Lufeld. This was not because he had any special privileges, but due to being given the job of "housewarmer." If not for his early arrival, someone else would have been tasked with the current burden he carried.

After a few moments, Tobin reappeared unconventionally. He emerged from a shadow that was owned by the woman in green, grabbing the knife that had stuck into the wall earlier. "Excuse me," he said quietly as he lifted his foot from the dark spot in the ground and placed the knife back into the dispenser around one of his wrists. "The Guildmaster wi-"

"Huh? I heard someone wanted to talk to me. This better be a good enough reason to take me away from my work." A tall man stepped into the parlor. His blonde hair was unruly at the top while thin, long braids trailed behind him. Cream-colored horns stuck out on either side of his head and what looked like discolored skin lined his neck and chest. He wore a lazy, yet devilish grin as he eyed the crowd in disbelief. "I can't believe people came. I thought the rumors would have scared the lot of you away, except a few of you strange ones, of course." The last comment seemed to be directed towards Tobin, causing Tobin to wince slightly at the remark.

As Kline observed the crowd, he paused a second longer on Suomi. He studied her, almost thoughtfully and with slight curiosity in his eyes, but his gaze and expression swiftly returned to a neutral one. The man stopped to look at every person besides Tobin, mapping their faces in his head. It was almost like he was making certain notes of them for later.

Probably looking at our prana. Thought Tobin as he leaned against a wall, arms crossed and ignoring the quiet grumbling coming from his stomach.

"Okay, which one of you wanted to talk again?" Kline spoke again, his voice clearer and less groggy.
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Raimi Charlotte
The Parlor

With a grin, Rae acknowledged the knightly woman's invitation to sit and, stepping still warily around the wolf pup lounging calmly on its heels at the woman's booted feet in hopes of receiving either more petting or more table scraps, plopped herself down in an empty chair at the table. Well, wild animal or no, the creature seemed well-behaved--maybe the girl really had tamed him, unbelievable as it was. Still, she intended to take no chances with it.

She helped herself to a piece of sausage on the table; she'd eaten at the inn before she came, but since someone was nice enough to cook, who was she to turn down free food? "Name's Raimi," she said, introducing herself, her green eyes bright and her smile wide. "I'm from a small farming village a couple days to the East. I'm in town for a few weeks to buy and sell goods for the season to come. Kind of a long story, but one thing led to another, and I ended up signed up to take the knight exam." She shook her head wonderingly as she went on. "Don't ask me how I ended up passing, though. I think it must be some kind of mistake or somethin'. I'm here to sort it out before I head back home tomorrow." She chewed on her sausage as she spoke.

Abruptly, Rae realized her familiar tone and slack posture might be taken amiss by this stern-seeming woman. She wasn't used to talking to knights or nobles, but she knew they could be real prickly about how people spoke to them when they wanted to be. "Er," she hastily added, ceasing her chewing. "I mean. Sir. Er. No. Uh, Milady?" Rae glanced away, cheeks coloring, hoping she didn't seem as much an ignorant country bumpkin as she suddenly felt.

Rae had considered just not showing up when she'd received the acceptance letter yesterday. After all, she didn't have to explain herself or her reasons to anyone; it wasn't like they'd have hunted her down for deserting a guild she hadn't even joined yet, right? But in the end, her curiosity got the better of her and she decided to decline in person. After all, how could she pass up a chance to see and speak with real knights in person? And see what kind of grand palace knights must live in? She'd half expected some sort of castle or perhaps a massive, fortified fortress. The only knights she'd ever seen herself were the ones patrolling the city markets during the day, and those rank and file guardsmen from the castle were a far cry from the supposedly illustrious members of guilds like Divine Trinity or the White Tigers or, her personal favorites, the Midnight Rangers. Stories about those guilds were known throughout the country. Tales of their daring, legendary exploits and grand adventures throughout the ages were known to men and women even in sleepy little villages like the one she grew up in. She couldn't be a knight herself, but how could she have passed up the chance to actually meet with men and women straight out of stories like those?

She supposed she shouldn't have been surprised that the Blue Roses seemed such a ragtag bunch of misfits given the somewhat unflattering rumors she'd heard about the new guild. Nor should she be surprised they were housed not in a grand palace like in stories, but in a derelict building on the outskirts of the city proper, away from all the other guildhouses. The only one of them who seemed like the kind of knight you heard about in stories was the woman with the lance, decked out in armor with a stern face and a noble bearing. The others just seemed like...people. Very eccentric, maybe, she mused with an amused glance at the wolf cub--but regular people all the same, most of them apparently around her own age.

"If you don't mind my sayin' so, ma'am," she addressed the lancer, "you seem a bit out of place here." She was the only one in armor, the only one who dressed and carried herself like Rae would expect a knight to based on the stories. "How is it you ended up here instead of in one of the other guilds?" She almost said one of the "real" guilds, but stopped herself in time. Wouldn't do to insult any of these other fine folks when she'd only just met them. "Er, I mean, if it, uh...if it pleases you...milady?

Before the woman had a chance to answer, Rae jumped in astonishment when the blonde boy in black who'd seemed so uncomfortable earlier just...materialized...next to her with a knife in his hand! "Woah!" she exclaimed, suddenly on her feet, her hand flying to the hilt of her own belt knife. She'd gotten up so quickly she almost stepped on the wolf cub she'd been so careful to keep a safe distance from, though she barely missed it and it didn't seem to notice in any case. Either way, she spared hardly a thought for the cub at that moment. If this flaming pervert thought he could sneak up on her from behind and cop a feel for free, he had another bloody thing coming! She wasn't sure if the outrage she felt was because he'd tried something so underhanded, or merely just because he'd actually managed to get so close to her without her noticing. He actually sneaked up on her! The gall of him!

"Hey, pal! Too close," she growled.

She glared at him, teeth gritted tightly, her emerald eyes like augurs. How in the seven hells had he managed to surprise her? She was always aware of her surroundings--a vital skill for a hunter--and she was sure he hadn't been there a second ago. She would've bet her Pa's farm on it. No one sneaked up on her! It was like the man just teleported! No one is that quiet, she thought almost enviously. Are they? Then again, he was supposed to be a knight. Who knew what they were capable of?

The next minute, another fellow wandered in calling himself the guildmaster. This one looked as run down as the exterior of the building he was supposedly in charge of. He seemed as irritated as a bear with a sore tooth that he'd been bothered. She looked at him in disbelief and confusion. He couldn't really be the guildmaster, could he? He looked more like Old Man McFarley after a night hitting the whisky with her Pa back home than the distinguished leader of an illustrious guild, even a guild with such a poor reputation as this one. In a surly voice, he asked who'd wanted to speak with him.

Gripping her braid with both hands in tight fists, Rae spared one more warning glare for the sneaky pervert--she still couldn't believe he'd actually gotten so close to her!--and stepped carefully away from both him and the wolf cub, who seemed as calm as if he hadn't even noticed he'd almost been stepped on--he still appeared to be waiting for more attention from the regal woman. Rae consciously moderated her irritation before speaking, though she wasn't sure how successfully she managed to keep the agitation out of her voice.

"That's me, sir," she replied, aiming to sound polite. "Raimi Charlotte." She let go of her braid to fish her acceptance letter out of her pocket. "I got this yesterday at market from some fancy looking dandy down from the castle. Now, I'm real flattered you thought to send it to me, and more than grateful for the opportunity--'specially after what happened at the test--" she looked at him questioningly as she said this, as if silently asking if he really had meant to send it to her or if it was just a mistake after all. "--but I'm only visiting Claremont to sell the family's goods. I gotta get home to the farm tomorrow. I can't stay to join your guild. I'm real sorry for the trouble, sir."

Interacting: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread koala koala
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Ringo Sanguina


"Sure thing!" Ringo replied to Stern girl's inquiry about her birthplace. She didn't really want to discuss her life in the damned place but if its only general knowledge then its fine.

After the fifth person joined the room became quite lively, Ringo could imagine this building packed with even more strange people. She did a brief whistle and Pippi jumped from the floor to her lap.

"Let's look for your meal later, boy." She actually considered hunting for Pippi's meal now since it might took some considerable time but when the bread boy went to call the guildmaster in her curiousity got the better of her.

She was a bit surprised when the guildmaster appeared in front of them, he smelled like alcohol! Though the green cloak girl, Raimi, looks even more surprised when the bread boy emerged from her shadow it's hillarious.

Raimi then disclosed about her real intention of coming here was to sell her family's goods or something. This statement was confusing for Ringo, since she thought all people of Zuiya adore knight and want to become one, and also, the test was very competitive. With a confused look she asked the green-cloaked girl.

"Huhh?? You don't like knight? Or becoming a knight?"

MagicPenguin MagicPenguin
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Suomi Ebril

The Parlor
Clarmont, Kingdom of Zuiya

Interacted: Raimi ( MagicPenguin MagicPenguin ), Kline ( koala koala )
Mentioned: N/A

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The Lancer shot a stern glance at Rae, with her crimson eyes as sharp as a needle upon being called out of place. While her stern posture was nothing short of an indifferent response, Suomi's glare had a certain condescending look to it, as if she was looking down upon an insect to be crushed. Being the prideful creature that she was, Suomi disregarded the country girl's words, abiding by the truths that she had said. Indeed, where everyone else around her were of humble origins, the lancer stood out like a red poppy amidst a green field. The very reason of her being here was to humble those that deemed her cause to be fallible. Suomi believed in the cause of those wanting to do their bits. In her eyes, a thousand soldiers with heart were more worthy than a heartless legend. As thus, she had chosen to dwell in the silence of her woes. What ticked her off the most was being called milady, especially when the lancer had wanted to get by as those around her - spared of their status.

"Those in power are consumed with narrow visions for the future. Despite how you may perceive me, I chose to be here. My cause is not of recognition, but to humble those that see with their eyes, and not their heart. And... Suomi will suffice. Please spare me of the conforming addresses." Suomi said. Ironically, she was one to speak as a noble.

Before long, a tall blonde man had materialized barely within Suomi's peripheral line of sight. She eyed the man, studying his worn visage that was well-adorned with aromas of alcohol that lingered in the air. Is this the Blue Rose's guildmaster? Suomi's blank eyes narrowed, as if disgusted by the unruly presence of the man. As time went on, Suomi's ideals would dwindle by the seconds. She turned over to Rae, before lifting her voice.

"As for you, country girl. Do you truly intend to abandon the cause, without so much as a fight in you? ...I suppose it can't be helped, since you are nothing short of a derelict." the lancer sighed, this time with a subtle commanding tone beneath her voice, as if trying to dissuade Rae from going home. However, Suomi's prickling and somewhat condescending words were more so of a challenge to question the archer's ideals, as the lancer deemed it. In her eyes, those who are ready to jump the ship is nothing short of a coward.

"You must be Mr. Lufeld. I am Suomi Ebril, at the behest of the Knight Exams transfer orders. Perhaps it would do us well if you would shed some light on the subject of the Blue Rose's objectives? And perchance... rid us of our inquiries, lest some of us presume the position of abandoning ship without a second thought." Suomi addressed Kline, as she glared at Rae with her fiery crimson eyes.

Day Activity: Completed

[class=fyuriwrapper] width:100%; background: url('https://i.imgur.com/3eb54bE.png'); /*https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/damask-seamless-pattern-element-classical-luxury-old-fashioned-damask-ornament_4328331.htm*/ [/class] [class=main] max-width:900px; margin:auto;background: rgb(255, 255, 255); background: -moz-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%, rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%, rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 100%); background: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 100%); background: linear-gradient(to bottom, rgba(255,255,255,1) 0%,rgba(255,255,255,1) 50%,rgba(255,255,255,0.7) 100%); [/class] [class=charaname] position:relative; z-index:10; font-family:'Bilbo Swash Caps', cursive; font-size:40px; text-align:center; color:#000; letter-spacing:2px; font-style: italic; bold; line-height:20px; [/class] [class=smheader] display: flex; flex-wrap: wrap; width:100%; text-align:left; [/class] [class=smimg] display: flex; width:19px; height:50px; pointer-events:none; [/class] [class=smheadtxt] display: flex; flex:1; align-items: center; font-family:'Eagle Lake', cursive; font-size:25px; padding-left:5px; overflow:hidden; [/class] [class name=imagecontainer] overflow:hidden; /*code inspired by @glucose guardian */ position:relative; z-index:5; width: 300px; height: 358px; background: #FFF url(https://i.imgur.com/dvaS4kN.png) no-repeat center center; /*https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/black-baroque-elements-vector-set_3853705.htm*/ background-size: 300px auto; margin:0 auto [/class] [class name=mainimage] display : flex; /*code inspired by @glucose guardian */ align-items : center; height: 100%; width: 100%; pointer-events: none; mix-blend-mode: screen; [/class] [class=text] padding:10px; box-sizing:border-box; color:#000; font-family:'Noto Sans', Verdana; font-size:14px; text-align:justify; [/class] [class=fyuricredit] opacity:0.5; font-size:10px; [/class] [/div][/div][/div][div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
Raimi Charlotte

Rather than shrink beneath Suomi's intimidating gaze, Rae stepped right up to her and met the woman glare for glare. She had been trying to be polite, but if this arrogant jerk was going to look down on her like that knight in the market or that pompous noble at the test, Raimi wasn't just going to sit back and take it because she didn't grow up in a fancy castle. She shouldn't have been surprised, she thought angrily; all these highborn types were the same: condescending, entitled know-it-alls who walked all over the common folk and then just expected them to bow, scrape, and kiss their asses for the privilege of being stepped on. Well, not Raimi Charlotte, no sir!

"Listen here, Lady, " she spat venemously at Suomi, putting her finger in the taller woman's face and craning her neck upward to look her in the eye. "I don't care if you're a knight, a queen, a shoemaker, or a bloody beggar. I'm a person just like you and you don't get to talk down to me like that just because you were born with a silver spoon in your mouth. I was being polite and I expect a civil word for a civil word, y'hear?"

She huffed and took a quick step back, satisfied she'd said her piece. "And for your information," she finished indignantly, "I am NOT a derelict. I've never licked anything but food my entire life!"

Finished with her royal bloody highness, Raimi turned decisively away from her with a derisive sniff and toward the girl with the wolf in her lap. It was amazing, Rae thought, the way it sat so calmly for her. She didn't think wolves were supposed to do that. She'd never seen anything like it. She was tempted to reach out and pet him he was so docile, but she didn't quite trust it enough for that just yet.

"It isn't that I don't like knights or don't want to be one, exactly," she answered the girl far more gently than she'd spoken to Suomi. "It's just that I have a family to go home to. They need me. Without the meat I bring home from hunting, they'd have a hard time getting on. Plus, I sell our goods in the city and bring home the money, and buy supplies when we need it..." Her father could do all that, as he had before Rae was born, but he was getting on in years and they all relied on her to do her part for the family. Her siblings either had other duties or were too young yet to take on hers. "I can't just abandon them to go off chasing pipe dreams of adventure and fame." Much as she might like to if the choice were her own. She HAD thought about it of course, especially since receiving acceptance yesterday. She'd hardly been able to sleep last night for all the fantasizing. A girl could dream, after all--going out, seeing the world, protecting innocents and punishing evildoers like a hero out of some old legend. In her secret heart of hearts she wished she COULD stay and make it all happen, but...her family would always come first. "Besides, " she went on, as much to herself as to the girl and her wolf, "I think I'd miss them all too much if I just up and left suddenly, and they'd miss me."

"So you see," she said a little more harshly, ostensibly still speaking to the girl and her wolf but looking hard at Suomi again as she did, "I'm not just abandoning your precious 'cause' for no reason. I'm choosing NOT to abandon something more important." Stupid jerk, talking down to Rae like she was a servant or a soldier without knowing anything about her at all. Ugh! Typical noble.

"Anyway," she said, turning back to Kline, who was watching the whole exchange with an unreadable expression. Or was that just the face of nausea from a queasy morning after belly? "Like I said, I can't stay. I have to bring home the money from market and the stuff I didn't sell, and the horse and cart I came to town with too. So, thanks for the opportunity and sorry for the trouble, but if there's nothing else, I'll be on my way." She stepped away from the girl and the wolf with a friendly smile for her and the man with the gun and another glare for the pervert and Her Royal Presumptuousness. She began to move slowly toward the door. She wanted to be gone before her secret hope that somehow she could stay and be a knight without abandoning her family at the same time tempted her too far for her to have the strength to resist it any longer.

Interacting: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread koala koala

Mentioned: Blitzer Blitzer
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Suomi Ebril

The Parlor
Clarmont, Kingdom of Zuiya

Interacted: Raimi ( MagicPenguin MagicPenguin )
Mentioned: N/A

[/div][div class=text]

Rae's words rang throughout Suomi's head. The nerve of this simple country girl, to let off her mind like so. It was brash, and unrefined. The lancer clenched her teeth, as her brows sharpened. One could almost hear an audible click from the girl. Raimi was the embodiment of most things that Suomi despised. She was driven by emotions, without regards for those that were present before her. The way that the archer had stood up defiantly against Suomi only made the latter felt more inclined to relieve Raimi of her post. While she was not one to deter a person from their cause, perhaps it was best that Raimi should be left to her own device. A part of Suomi would gladly see to the departure of such an insolent creature. But she looked on, as Raimi turned her backs on the lancer.

"BELAY THOSE STEPS, COUNTRY GIRL!" Suomi shouted, as she paced herself towards the Raimi. Her cold, yet reprimanding eyes peered into the latter's.

"Take a look around you, Raimi. Whatever the reason may be, some of us are far from home..." Suomi said, softer this time.

While the lancer hated to admit it, Raimi was not to blame for being a caring creature. Such is the norms of what separates them from beasts. The stinging sensation upon her heart was all but pleasant. If anything, Suomi would consider Raimi's leave a good riddance. But within the lancer's heart, resided a certain unspoken sentiment that she herself has yet to decipher. Suomi detested this light and fleeting call, but had given into it, and went out of her way to step forward.

"... you may go as you please, but dwell on this. What would you do if you had the opportunity to safeguard all that you hold dear? We're all here for a reason, and with it... our sacrifices to be far from home. To each their own, Raimi. I settled with being here to absolve the shrewd eyes of those that look down on others. But one can only go so far. True strength requires faith. Faith in your kins, and faith in your cause." Suomi sighed heavily as she eyed the distant land, with her gauntlets curled up to form a pair of firm fists.

"I'm not asking you to abandon your folks, Raimi. But, sometimes, to protect those you love, one have to partake on an arduous and distant journey. Forsake my beliefs if you will, but please know that you're not the only one obligated in your endeavors..."

As idealistic as she could be, Suomi had hoped that Raimi would reconsider. A foolish hope, but a strong one. Ever since her departure from Versa, Suomi had slowly crafted her own thoughts. As she spent her time in Clarmont, everything that she once perceived to be trivial, was slowly becoming the very thing that enabled her sense of self-respect. In addition with her noble birth, it slowly became a compound of mixed intrigues. Where she despised a troublemaker, Suomi had also reasoned with herself the cause and creation of a troublemaker. Everything and everyone were a part of this inevitable cycle. When Raimi expressed her yearning for home to reunite with her family, it struck Suomi that there was nothing more precious than home.

The lancer reflected upon these thoughts and found her speech to be somewhat in contrast of her perception of Raimi, but nevertheless, had given her all. Suomi was pressed by a certain uneasiness to just simply let Raimi go. No. It had seemed all too easy to discern those around her in the palace. In a place as diverse as this, one could only go by what their hearts tell them to. The Knight's Exam was not simply something that one can just apply for the sake of it. It was a commitment. To Suomi, as it is now presented before her, it was no longer an observation, but an obligation - to see Raimi's conviction be unveiled.

"... I comprehend your contempt for my voiced thoughts. If you had a chance to put a noble like me to shame and come home as a knight, will you do it, country girl? Will you acknowledge my sincere thoughts, and linger for another day?" Suomi concluded, with an offer of challenge to Raimi, as she reached out her hands and grasped the archer's firmly. While the lancer had retained a certain sense of pride to not say it out loud, her earnest gesture of reconciliation with the country girl had resided within her widened, glimmering eyes.

Day Activity: Completed

[div class=fyuricredit]code/design by @Fyuri[/div]
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Varimal sighed at the rising conflict and the barbs that were being thrown out. Illogical emotion blinded decisions with no far sight or understanding of the running of the world beyond their sight. He had his own reasons, the harshness that was thrown at him by the Lancer meant nothing to him. No one had to understand him nor did he care for any one to understand him let him be the wild card if need be. Divine mandate, he chuckled to himself softly as the barbs flew about and people got more and more hurt and initial dislikes built. Kline, that man interested him though. A level of wariness surrounded him and this gave him a sense that he was of course very dangerous. Varimal said nothing as he finished his bread and stood walking over. "Morning Kline, pleasure to be in the miss match of knights," He softly chuckled. "No matter, what it means to be here."

He then turned to Raimi. "For the love of all that is good, stop showing off your lack of understanding. The money you will make here makes what you used to get pale in-comparison. Do you truly understand what it means to be a knight at least one of this ilk?" Out of his pocket he took a gold coin and tossed it into the air. "I would give it to you, but I know you are way too prideful anyway to accept anything from any one right? The same as a darned noble, just a pride in yourself." He snorted.

"And for the love, Noble Lady Suomi, there are plenty of people I'm sure there are other skilled people willing to step up to the task... for honor, or gold, probably gold. Don't give me this crap about honor and need. When the world burns, Raimi can discover what it means to be a knight and honorable when everything lies dead at her feet. Pardon my harshness, noble lady." He said with a slight sneer on the word noble. "And both of you remember there are plenty of people without good homes, or even homes."

For a moment, he started to sigh but caught himself and pushed his cloak back daring them to say more.

Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 MagicPenguin MagicPenguin
Kline Lufeld - NPC
Kline had whipped out a pipe and some point and had begun smoking it in front of the small crowd. He listened to everyone speak carefully, acknowledging them with a nod and quiet gruff whenever appropriate. Their attitudes ticked him off, but he remained nonchalant and neutral until the end. A few minutes of vocal conflict passed before the man had finally had enough and he slammed the palm of his rough hand onto the wooden table, small cracks erupting from the place of impact. The aura in the parlor changed almost immediately as his eyes when from lazy to serious. His prana was almost engulfing the place, the air becoming thick and heavy, as if his prana were the pull of gravity.

"Miss Raimi, I understand your concerns. I'm sure many people in knighthood can understand your predicament. Varimal here," Kline nodded towards the dark-haired male, "brings up a valid point. Knights take home large amounts of riel and more than you can possibly get from trading in the markets." Taking a deep breath while shutting his eyes, the prana in the air seemed to dissipate and the atmosphere became normal once again. After a few seconds, he began to discuss quests that were on their way and how she could test them out and see where she falls. "While you're on the quest, I will personally send riel to your family so they can sustain themselves until your return." He grumbled slightly as he scratched his chin and head, something he did quite often. "I'm just disappointed. I saw great potential in you. Perhaps I should have chosen that burly fellow like the other guild masters suggested."

MagicPenguin MagicPenguin Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread Blitzer Blitzer
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[div class=Heading]MYESHA KHALIL
[/div][div class=Container][div class=Textbox][div class=Text]Myesha made her way along the eastern wall of the city of Clarmont. In a hidden pocket (she had plenty of those) were three letters she’d received following the Knight Exams. The first was a letter of invitation from Para Noblesse. The second was a letter of invitation from the Blue Roses. The third was an apology from Para Noblesse telling her “Oops, wrong person!” So she really only received one viable letter following the Knight Exams.

There were already rumors flying around about how Blue Roses was a mercy guild for bad knights and the guildmaster was a big ol’ loaf; Myesha did her best to stop those from clouding her judgement. Her mother always told her to “Hear everything, say nothing, and learn what’s true and what isn’t.” Of course, a bad reputation would be to Myesha detriment as a Knight. But if she got along with her fellow guild members, then all would be worth it in the end.

The young girl spotted the headquarters of the Blue Roses- a rinky dinky little place that seemed to look like it needed some renovation. Around the building were flowers of various kinds, adding to the building’s run-down look in a pleasant way. Myesha stared for a moment at the vines running along the front door before opening it up just in time to hear: “BELAY THOSE STEPS, COUNTRY GIRL!”

It was in that moment that Myesha realized the true gravity of her choice to come here. The girl carefully closed the door, pushing prana around to make sure she was absolutely silent. She looked over at where all the action was: there stood the woman who’d just been yelling, armed with a rather attractive lance. She spoke softly to a short acher girl. Myesha listened to their conversation, but found it a little confusing without context. And- well, Myesha didn’t want to assume too much. Assumptions were the start of sin.

In the surrounding area was a girl and her puppy, a shadow-manipulator with cat eyes, slouching man, and a man who seemed rather disheveled. The slouching man- he said something that seemed a little arrogant, but Myesha couldn’t be sure. Then the disheveled slammed his hand on a table. Myesha felt waves of prana from him; she felt it safe to assume then that he was the guildmaster.

Myesha took out her invitation, the paper making incredibly loud crackling sounds, similar to the crack of lightning. The girl’s eyes widened in surprise. She didn’t even bother looking up; she had a feeling people’s eyes would turn to her. Fuck.

Myesha made her way along the eastern wall of the city of Clarmont. In a hidden pocket (she had plenty of those) were three letters she’d received following the Knight Exams. The first was a letter of invitation from Para Noblesse. The second was a letter of invitation from the Blue Roses. The third was an apology from Para Noblesse telling her “Oops, wrong person!” So she really only received one viable letter following the Knight Exams.

There were already rumors flying around about how Blue Roses was a mercy guild for bad knights and the guildmaster was a big ol’ loaf; Myesha did her best to stop those from clouding her judgement. Her mother always told her to “Hear everything, say nothing, and learn what’s true and what isn’t.” Of course, a bad reputation would be to Myesha detriment as a Knight. But if she got along with her fellow guild members, then all would be worth it in the end.

The young girl spotted the headquarters of the Blue Roses- a rinky dinky little place that seemed to look like it needed some renovation. Around the building were flowers of various kinds, adding to the building’s run-down look in a pleasant way. Myesha stared for a moment at the vines running along the front door before opening it up just in time to hear: “BELAY THOSE STEPS, COUNTRY GIRL!”

It was in that moment that Myesha realized the true gravity of her choice to come here. The girl carefully closed the door, pushing prana around to make sure she was absolutely silent. She looked over at where all the action was: there stood the woman who’d just been yelling, armed with a rather attractive lance. She spoke softly to a short acher girl. Myesha listened to their conversation, but found it a little confusing without context. And- well, Myesha didn’t want to assume too much. Assumptions were the start of sin.

In the surrounding area was a girl and her puppy, a shadow-manipulator with cat eyes, slouching man, and a man who seemed rather disheveled. The slouching man- he said something that seemed a little arrogant, but Myesha couldn’t be sure. Then the disheveled slammed his hand on a table. Myesha felt waves of prana from him; she felt it safe to assume then that he was the guildmaster.

Myesha took out her invitation, the paper making incredibly loud crackling sounds, similar to the crack of lightning. The girl’s eyes widened in surprise. She didn’t even bother looking up; she had a feeling people’s eyes would turn to her. Fuck.
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[class=bg] padding: 50px 0; width: 100%; background-image: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/nxxh8as88lz0nrx/00.Lines.png'); background-color: #f6f6f6; font-size: initial; [/class] [class=right] position: relative; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0 auto; padding: 50px; width: 100%; max-width: 850px; background: #ffffff; border: 1px solid #e3e3e3; [/class] [class=basicimagewrap] position: relative; width: 100%; height: 350px; [/class] [class=focuswrap2] position: absolute; width: 100%; height: 350px; [/class] [class=leftfocus2] float: left; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; margin-left: 1px; width: 50px; height: 350px; [/class] [class=rightfocus2] float: right; display: flex; flex-direction: column; justify-content: space-between; margin-right: 1px; width: 50px; height: 350px; [/class] [class=focuscolumn2] width: 50px; height: 50px; [/class] [class=basicimage] display: inline-block; margin: 25px; width: calc(100% - 50px); height: 300px; background: url('https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/s/xarm8fsjzo9cd9y/LeciaIC.jpg') no-repeat 40% 50%; background-size: 700px 300px; [/class] [class=header] width: 100%; font-family: 'Playfair Display', serif; font-weight: bold; text-transform: lowercase; font-variant-caps: normal; font-size: 2.1em; line-height: 80%; color: #444444; text-align: center; [/class] [class=subheader] margin-top: 4px; width: 100%; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-weight: normal; text-transform: uppercase; font-size: .7em; line-height: 80%; color: #999999; text-align: center; [/class] [class=box] box-sizing: border-box; margin-top: 50px; padding: 25px 20px; width: 100%; border: 1px solid #e3e3e3; font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif; font-size: .9em; line-height: 125%; color: #444444; text-align: justify; [/class] [div class=bg] [div class=right] [div class=contentwrap] [div class=basicimagewrap] [div class=focuswrap2] [div class=leftfocus2] [div class=focuscolumn2]
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[div class=header] lecia blanchett;
[div class=subheader] Location: Guild Hall Parlor [/div] [/div] [div class=basicsR] [div class=box] The Blue Rose. A neatly trimmed fingernail carefully traced the words printed on the stiff parchment of her acceptance letter. Currently, the not-quite-human girl was sitting within a quaint little coffee shop situated in a vague corner of East Clarmont. Though the store’s traffic was less than negligible, resultant of its poor location, her grandmother had mentioned enjoying a drink or two here on several occasions. The rich aroma of the coffee percolating on the counter ascertained her grandmother’s claims. Naturally, of course. Her grandmother was never wrong.

Within another half of a moment’s time, a freshly brewed cup of coffee was slid under the scope of Lecia’s verdant eyes. It was then that the barista took note of the letter she was studying for the nth time.

“Ah, ye a knight, missus?” the tall man asked with a heavy accent.

“Yes, starting from just two days ago.” Lecia smiled whilst gently blowing at the steam rising from her cup. In the meantime, she subtly scrutinized the man’s speech and features. Was he a foreigner? It would explain why the beans he used possessed a peculiar, though pleasant, scent.

As she studied the man, however, the expression drawn upon his rough visage morphed into a meaningful squint. Lecia only shrugged with a knowing laugh. “My grandmother told me not to judge a book by its cover.” Though she did not pay much heed to the various rumors milling about the city, her to-be guild’s rather poor reputation was notorious enough to reach the young dragonling’s ears. Nevertheless, seeing is believing, and she’d script her opinions with her own eyes.

At least, those were her thoughts then. Upon finally laying her concerned gaze upon the guild’s creaky facade, the silverette’s surefootedness faltered a step. Touching the worn door handle tentatively, she wondered, is this just how guilds are like?

Naturally, she wasn’t referring to the state of the building. She didn’t expect a guild with low funding to spoil its members rotten with lavish establishments. Besides, her grandmother had kicked her out to camp out in various harsh environments. All in the name of training, of course. Needless to say, Lecia was used to living in poor conditions despite her grandmother’s fair bit of wealth. This much wasn’t enough to make her so much as sneeze.

No, it was the people inside that made her wary of making her entrance. Though a woman with a hooded jacket had already headed in while Lecia stood there, the dragonling exhibited no intentions on following suit. Shouts, insults, reprimands, and a hearty dose of sarcasm were picked up by her keen hearing. Rather than a commencement ceremony or a warm welcome at the very least, it sounded more like a war. Where was Lilina when she needed her? Perhaps she shouldn’t have excitedly arrived without waiting for her friend cum rival to accompany her.

Lecia shook her head. Her grandmother must have infected her with some weird disease. It wasn’t like her to think too deeply upon complicated topics. Her role was simply to march onwards to the beat of her own drum.

With the spark of amusement back in her gem-like eyes, Lecia strode forward with renewed confidence. This time, she opened the door, gently as one of her nature could—she wouldn’t want her very first official paycheck to go towards a broken door—and in complete and utter disregard for the tension in the room, she gave a languid but cheerful wave to the folks assembled inside.

“Lecia Blanchett, reporting in! And jobs here tend to pay well, so I think it’s best to think simply and just do what you wish. I’m sure guilds aren’t cruel enough to not hand out vacations, either.” Making her entrance and saying her piece, her verdant eyes flit from the girl in green to an arrogant and angry looking blonde (perhaps the guild master?). Her tail swayed slowly from side to side as she awaited a response. Hopefully she hadn’t been too nosy. It was simply sad to see someone depart before getting to know them, though that was as far as the extent of her care towards a stranger could go. [/div] [/div] [/div]
tags: MagicPenguin MagicPenguin || mentions: Pyosimros Pyosimros
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Tobin Han
location: Parlor
mentions: Kline, Raimi, Varimal, Suomi, Ringo
interactions: Lecia Nano Nano , Myesha doneanddusted doneanddusted
∞ Morning
To say Tobin didn't feel the menacing glares coming from the woman in green would have been a lie. It made him mildly uncomfortable as he leaned against the wall, pretending he didn't notice her looking at him at all. All he could think about was what he did to deserve such looks of disgust. It made the shadows on his neck and jaw shift with discomfort. Had they encountered each other before? Did his family offend her in any way? Although curious about the distaste in her eyes, he was more curious about why she didn't want to take part in the guild or even hold a knight's license. Was she an idiot? Even Tobin understood the privilege and power that came with the opportunity.

Without even realizing, he scoffed and Kline had shot him a look that was difficult to translate. Tobin shifted his gaze away.

For a moment it was difficult to breath. One second, Tobin had his eyes closed as he listened to everyone's nonsense and the next, he found his hand to his throat. The male looked frantically at the guild master, whose prana had momentarily taken control of the air within the building. He'd never felt such power before except once long ago when his father had gotten so angry that it left a young Tobin crippled for weeks. A slight sensation of fear flooded his chest as he thought to himself, Is this the power of a guild master?

Thankfully, the sensation passed as soon as it had arrived. The ash blonde could once again breathe normally and he attempted to return his attention to the topic at hand. Varimal, Suomi, and Ringo seemed displeased with Raimi's stance and Tobin would have gladly piped in if not for his general disregard for drama. Truthfully, he didn't care much whether or not this person remained. One less person in the guild meant one less person he had to work with and more money for him anyways.

Two figures soon appeared, whom Tobin assumed to be their other guild mates. He wondered how many people were invited to the Blue Roses as he eyed everyone carefully, nodding at Lecia before his attention stopped at a woman wearing an eyepatch. Tobin looked at the invitation in her hands and to the single brown eye that reeked anxiety.
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Raimi Charlotte

Rae looked puzzled at Suomi. Safeguarding all she held dear? The only thing she wanted to safeguard was her family and her village, and how could she do that if she was here instead of home? Absolve shrewd eyes that look down on others? What did that even mean? Faith in her kin? Of course she had faith in her kin, but what did that have to do with anything? What nonsense was this crazy lady spouting at her? It made no sense! Still, even if Rae didn't really understand all the high-minded ideals the woman was throwing at her, she could sense the passion behind her words and the authenticity behind her plea. She could stay for one day, surely? Just one day? Her family wouldn't miss her too much in such a short time, and maybe she could even go on a quest and see what the knight life was really like...Abruptly, she shook her head as if to shake the crazy hopes and dreams out of it. No. If she gave into her temptations now, one day could easily turn into three, and then a week, and then a month and then...she had to leave now, while she still had the strength of will. She had to get back to her parents and siblings.

"I have no idea what you're talking about," Rae muttered to Suomi. "But what do you even care anyway?" she asked her. "You don't even know me. Why you want me to stay so bad, huh? You can find another archer easy if you wanted."

Raimi took some offense at the gunslinger's claim that she lacked understanding--really, why was everyone so dang rude here? Rae was being nice! Nice, dammit!--but she forgot about being angry instantly when the glitter of the gold coin he sent flipping through the air caught her eye. She licked her lips and looked hungrily at it as it landed back in his outstretched palm. She almost reached up to grab it--how many provisions, how many tools, how much animal feed could that much gold provide?--before the fellow kindly reminded her she was too prideful to accept his charity.

"Well," she fumbled her words, "of course I am. Naturally." She still licked her lips and looked at that gold coin with hunger in her eyes though. She scanned the room again, re-appraising each individual sitting about. Were all these people just as loaded with riel as the gunslinger was? She suddenly wished she'd brought her cart with her here this morning. She would've had near exclusive access to a handful of wealthy knights, merchants, and nobles with more riel than they knew what to do with. She cursed her lack of foresight.

What if she had an extra day or two, though? She could head back to the inn and grab the horse and cart, then have nothing but time to wear these people down and sell everything she hadn't managed to get rid of at market throughout the week. That was to say nothing of whatever money she could make doing actual jobs for the guild in the meantime, something both the gunslinger and Mr. Lufeld claimed would make her more money than what she made selling at market. So absorbed in her plotting was she, Rae hardly even noticed the suffocating air that suddenly preceded the guildmaster's words and seemed to disappear in the blink of an eye, but she had heard him reiterate what the gunslinger had said about making more money than selling goods. She found that idea farfetched at best, of course, but if they were even half right, it still might make it worth the extra time in the city to pad out her earnings for the year.

It was foolproof. With a mischievous glitter (and perhaps a few riel symbols) sparkling in her green eyes, she nearly snickered to herself.

"Y'know, Miss Ebril, Mr. Lufeld," she favored the alcoholic guildmaster and the stern lancer with a bright smile, "You really make some fine points there. You've convinced me. I'll give it another day or two before I decide. I'm sure my folks can survive without me just a few days. I'll get my horse and cart and bring them back here a bit later to stay the night. Just a couple nights, mind! I can't delay any longer than that. Say, Mr. Gunslinger," she abruptly changed gears. "You look like a man who could use a nice new coat. I got some great wolfskin cloaks in my cart back at the inn, made by my older sister, the best you'll find anywhere in Zuiya and the cheapest too! Very warm! Don't get caught in the cold this winter, buddy! Howsabout you put that gold coin to good use, huh?"

The saleswoman in Raimi immediately went to work feeling out the room, trying to determine who had coin and who would be susceptible to a little bit of persuasion. She hardly noticed the girl with the eyepatch slip in at first, though that didn't stop her from trying to sell her on the idea of a nice scarf or a new hooded cloak when she did see her. She didn't even spare the pervert her scrutiny; his earlier attempt to feel her up was momentarily forgotten when she wondered whether she could sell him on the fine qualities of a brand new belt knife courtesy of her village's smith.

When Lecia Blanchett stepped in, Rae was taken aback. The woman had horns and wings and a bloody tail! Between her and the girl with the wolf-cub, this guild had no shortage of weird characters. Hopefully all as rich as the gunslinger, though.

"Woah," she exclaimed with wonder. "Nice wings, girl. Don't think I have a wolfskin cloak that'll fit you, but maybe you'd be interested in some baked goods, homecooked with love and affection by my own younger sister?" Raimi'd have to get back to her inn as soon as possible to retrieve her horse and cart, she reflected. The longer she didn't have her merchandise to actually hand to people, the more money she was losing!

Interacting: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 koala koala Blitzer Blitzer doneanddusted doneanddusted Nano Nano

Mentioned: Spoiled Bread Spoiled Bread
Within a small, cozy coffee shop there sat a blonde holding her acceptance letter in one hand and resting her head on the other. She sat herself near the corner of the establishment, the seat was adjacent to a small window of which she peered through. Where is she? the girl wondered in mild annoyance. Her and Lecia were meant to meet within the coffee shop before arriving to the guild together, however she was nowhere to be seen. Truthfully Lilina had arrived roughly fifteen minutes late—a result of a poorly timed nap, however it was unlike of her dragonling friend to skip out on a hang out.

She stared into the streets in front of her, her eyes darting back and forth from person to person, though there wasn't one individual that had shared Lecia's distinct appearance. Biting the bottom of her lip, her eyes began to narrow. "Maybe I'm blind," Lilina murmured to herself. Perhaps her friend was somewhere amongst the crowd and she simply couldn't see her. It was the only possible scenario she had considered at this moment, disregarding another scenario in which Lecia had simply went on ahead.

"Are ya gonna order something?" a tall man behind the counter questioned Lilina.

"A-Ah!" Lilina's head suddenly jerked towards the man's direction. "Yep, I'll order right now," she smiled, standing up from her seat and making her way towards the man.

Rather than looking towards Lilina herself, the man seemed to be more focused on the letter in her hand. The girl took notice of this, giving the barista a look of minor confusion. Is he looking to steal it? she thought. Perhaps the man believed that if he stole the letter and presented it to the guild, he'd be granted acceptance. However, these worries were ushered away as he began to speak.

"S'that an acceptance letter there?" he questioned, gesturing towards it.

"Yes," she responded, a slight tone of caution in her voice.

"Ah, there was a girl that came in earlier with one as well. Big tail, wings—"

"SO SHE WAS HERE!!!" Lilina blurted out for all of the shop to hear. The man seemed to slightly jump at the sudden outburst, causing Lilina to immediately over her mouth, her cheeks glowing with a tinge of pink.

Following a few deep breaths, Lilina was neutral once more. Her hand fell back to her side and she turned around, jogging towards the door. "I've gotta go, I'll be back maybe later!" she called as she began to make her way into the street. If she ran fast enough, she'd possibly catch up to her dragonling friend and rival.


In front of the guild's headquarters Lilina stood there, bent over panting. Her gaze was directed towards the floor, more focused on regaining her stamina than mentally preparing herself before she entered the building. Though, even from the outside, she knew the guild was perhaps not as she had expected. Her breaths beginning to calm, she began to consider the noises coming from within the building. They were loud and perhaps aggressive, opposed to the civilized, possibly quiet sounds Lilina had expected. Nevertheless, as she straightened her posture, she pushed the door open.

Taking a few steps inside, she immediately took notice to her friend engaging in a conversation with whom Lilina could only assume was a fellow guild member. Making her way towards her in a jog, she simply gave her a tap on the shoulder and a quick wave. After this greeting, she began to scan the room. Seeing all the people gathered, Lilina could currently only think one thing:

What now?
Interactions - Nano Nano
Aikato Sikarrius
Interactions: Pilgrim59 Pilgrim59 doneanddusted doneanddusted
Mentions: koala koala Nano Nano
98A571BF-2300-4CB6-882A-E5D80C95E935.jpeg Standing before the old, decrepit building that was the Blue Roses headquarters, the blue haired simpleton nodded to himself with confidence as he looked upon the sorry sight. "This is it," he said for thirty-seventh consecutive time today. "This is the one." After a long and largely unintended tour of Clarmont, a day's worth of confusion and walking into the wrong places, he was absolutely certain this time.

The city of Clarmont had proven to be an unforgiving maze for the young man, who struggled even to find the knight exams. With bittersweet joy, he recounted his days in the city, of not knowing how to open doors (kicking them down was surprisingly not the answer), of sleeping in the streets until a kind stranger assisted 'the young lady' in finding an inn, and of the knight exam itself.

In truth, he never would've ventured to Clarmont if not for the task given by his father and mentor, to become a knight. Rather than a career, it was simply meant to serve as an extension of his training. When he asked why he should be a knight rather than a day, his father had smacked him, and so he asked no further.

Undeterred by the derelict state of the building, he walked with brisk steps to the entrance, briefly pausing at the door before he opened it with a huff of pride. No longer would doors hold him back.

Once inside, he took a moment to brush off his guts-of-my-enemy pink dress, then made a beeline to the food already set upon the table, grabbing an orange with his dainty hands. After taking several bites of the unpeeled fruit, he turned to the others with realization dawning on his face.

"Hoi, fellow humans, and horny humans, and scaly humans." Having nonchalantly greeted the individuals in the room, he fell deep into thought. "This here don't happen to be the blue flowers place, do it?" he asked, looking at the noble and eyepatch in particular, as both sported blues.

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